8r14r-r0s3 · 6 days
Some people: MadoHomu is one-sided! Madoka doesn't feel the same way about Homura!
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8r14r-r0s3 · 8 days
“How’s your Mother’s Day going?”
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Great, thanks for askin
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8r14r-r0s3 · 9 days
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The witch of brambles, her nature is to grow tunnel visioned.
This witch can not stand to think of more than one thing at a time. She used to focus entirely on the grooming of her barrier’s garden, however recently she has grown disinterested of that and can think only of her prince. Why yes, her prince, how could one forget a prince. He shall surely come to rescue her from this abhorrent fate, she ought to make herself more appealing toward him, she must destroy all pesky visitors that may get in the way of her prince, her prince, her prince, all else can be disregarded, all that matters is her prince. However what this foolish witch can not understand is that her prince had died long ago. She had killed him, and all else can be disregarded.
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8r14r-r0s3 · 10 days
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New PMMM OC :3
Idk how this didn’t happen sooner, I’ve been a fan of this show for three years
Anyways, this is Azami Hanasato, here’s the basic overview
A new magical girl has appeared in Mitakihara. She has recently come into contact with an old friend, Mami Tomoe. The two have not spoken since the car accident, and while there is clearly tension, they have agreed to share the territory. She has spoken little to Mami’s new recruits, and has been largely uninvolved with the Quintet, as she has been far too busy with someone else to be social with others. Her wish was to find her soulmate, and he is all she has time for outside of witch hunting. Her weapon is a rose vine rapier and her magical abilities are to locate any object she sets her mind to and create rose vines to lash at her opponents. In terms of personality, she is sweet and thoughtful, but is rather withdrawn and has a thorny persona. She is also incredibly competitive; had Mami not been the magical girl possessing Mitakihara, it’s likely she would have started a viscous territory despute.
Workshopping what I’m gonna do with her (currently thinking just a couple of one page comics here and there), so stay tuned for that if your interest :p
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8r14r-r0s3 · 12 days
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(I’m definitely not stupid and didn’t misspell mabayu’s name in the poll no sir-)
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8r14r-r0s3 · 12 days
Dya ever wonder why Ophelia is a candle? Too fuckin bad, I’m about to tell you: it’s cause I think Kyoko is partially inspired by the little match girl.
Now I hear you dear reader, “what the fuck is the little match girl” and firstly I must say you are privileged to not have had your heart gutted from you watching the short film, however I am happy to summarize.
An impoverished little girl is huddled in an alley in the dead of winter with nothing but a box of matches she has failed to sell. She doesn’t go home, though wether she is orphaned or her father will beat her for failing to sell her matches varies based off the iteration. Never the less, cold and starving, she lights one of her matches and sees a beautiful feast and is warmed by the flame. Though swiftly the wind blows it out. So this continues, as one by one, she lights a match, sees a comforting vision, and the match is snuffed away. She then dies in the alley way.
Does that not sound like the story of Kyoko Sakura? An impoverished girl goes out to help her father, though what she does fails at pleasing him and thus can’t return to him lest she be harmed. So instead she indulges in fantasy after fantasy: living as a hero, living for her and her alone, and saving Sayaka Miki. One by one the flames are snuffed until she is left with nothing but the hope of a pleasant dream as she dies.
Also in terms of her powers, it’s notable that she had the abilities to create illusions, much like what the girl saw in the flames.
Doing a little more examination of Ophelia’s design, it’s noteworthy that she rides on a horse, as horse meat in Japanese is “Sakura.” Her riding on it could imply that she sees either her past life or her family as just a vessel that got her where she is, or perhaps that she thought she was destined to fail; just a lamb to the slaughter.
God for being my least favorite of the holy quintet, Kyoko is so fucking cool. Maybe meguca is just good actually and none of its characters are ba- oh right Kyubey, fuck Kyubey.
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8r14r-r0s3 · 12 days
Crack Madoka theory time
Mami is Gretel. Yes as in Hansel and Gretel.
Mami has a very European theme to her. She wields a weapon first made in Europe, she is blonde (a pretty European trait to posses), she has a whole thing around tea, the dance she does in her Rebellion transformation is based on Ice Skating which originated in southern Finland, and her standard unit Magia Record Transformation gives her a fashion design theme, where she rocks what I’d consider fairly standard modern clothing (which most of originated from Europe because imperialism).
“Oh but briar, sure she has a european theme, but like what the fuck does that have to do with Hansel and Gretel-“ shut the fuck up who told you that you were an adequate enough person to interrupt me while I’m ranting and raving about PMMM again. I don’t know if your familiar, but the names Hansel and Gretel are very European. So there is basis in assuming that Mami of all characters could be tied into a western fairytale. Okay okay okay I know I know, Sayaka is the little mermaid, Homura is Clara and the nutcracker, and Kyoko is Ophelia/the little match girl. And yes, dear viewer, you’d be right, but again, who the fuck told you you got to interrupt me, dick hole??? Now 3/4ths of those come from their witch theming, and if you know absolutely anything about Candeloro, you’d know that she’s just a fucking amalgamations of European things: Tea parties, decapitation, and a hostage taker. Candeloro is a lot of things, but a direct fairytale inspiration she is not.
So let me go over the similarities Mami shares with one Gretel Last-Name-Unknown. She’s an orphaned underaged girl (some of you fucks need to remember that second descriptor) who gets eaten by a witch who lives in a house made of sweets. Well yeah, those are the obvious, but what about the implications?
Gretel and Mami both play the roles of harbingers of what’s to come. Both sew metaphorical and literal breadcrumbs for what is ahead of them and what truly lies behind the fairytale. For Mami, this is her death and the truth behind being a magical girl. For Gretel, this is a bunch of bullshit I made up to sound cool. Mami and Gretel also play the role of a nurturing figure, as Gretel is the eldest of the siblings and Mami of the quin-sex-sept-oct-whofuckingknowsanymore-tet. Gretel and Mami also both die for their cardinal sin: gluttony. Gretel is too eager to escape her starvation and consumes the poor witches house, a misdeed that costs her life; Mami is too eager to escape her touch starvation and tries to convince two of the local lesbians to join her cult so she won’t die alone, and because of that, she’s dies in front of them. Gretel and Mami also both play the role of the fool, with both entering what is clearly a trap.
In conclusion, Mami is Gretel, and if you try to convince me otherwise I’m going to become Mami in that one timeline and shoot you all and then myself.
Thank you and I hope you have a very nice day :3
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8r14r-r0s3 · 25 days
Naked cuddling, fuck yeah >:3
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying đź‘€
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8r14r-r0s3 · 25 days
Pfp :3
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Tehe if you know where the lyrics are from ur cool
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8r14r-r0s3 · 1 month
Yo little update for like my 3 followers who don’t know me irl, new name, new pronouns, same dumbass. This blog was formerly known as justaharlot, don’t unfollow please-
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8r14r-r0s3 · 2 months
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Hey hi hello I’m not dead actually. I’ve arisen from the grave after 3 months with a whole new art style, please enjoy my dramatique little OC poster
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8r14r-r0s3 · 6 months
... I may have a problem
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Here's to getting into the top 0.1% next year.
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8r14r-r0s3 · 6 months
Reblog, click the picture, and prepare for battle.
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8r14r-r0s3 · 7 months
Okay. Okay okay okay okay. I wish I had a lot more to say but I’ve basically said all I know so I’m just gonna respond to a couple things you said. Unfortunately pmmm has been dethroned as my current hyper fixation, so my analysis probably won’t be as brainpoisoned quality as before
On the soul gem thing, I’m now going to rewrite history and say Mami’s color is gold because she presents herself as the archetypical magical girl. (Also uncertain how canon Madoka psp is, but if it’s fully canon, yes the guns are literally just fucking ribbons. Girlie pop has no weapon, just ribbon :(). Also side thing, Mami’s magic being the ability to manipulate ribbons into things she wants could be a reflection on her manipulative tendencies. She plays a facade in order to make the other girls fit the role she’s looking for, much like how she contorts her ribbons to suit her goals. (Note none of this is a diss. I love Mami to bits, we stan a morally grey queen. It makes me very sadge when I see fans either boiling her down to decapitations jokes, calling her stupid, or being gross and making her into a waifu).
Also it makes sense why no one else’s designs feature Sayaka’s blue. No one wants to end up like she did or echo her self destructive behaviors. She ends up as a witch in almost every timeline she becomes a magical girl and in all the others she dies before it can happen. Her influence on the group isn’t something to want to look up to or imitate, it’s a warning.
Homura and Kyoko are such interesting narrative foils and I wish we got to see them interact more in canon material. Like give me besties Homura and Kyoko. It feels like they barely talk despite being so similar.
I’d also say that homura could also have the most white on her because she’s the closest to the truth of what a magical girl is. Looking at the other girls designs, Homura and Sayaka probably have the most white on them. This is because the other girls aren’t privy to what a magical girl actually looks like in this world. Kyoko is distracted by her ideals of living for herself, killing witches and just trying to fucking survive the shitty hand she’s been dealt that she doesn’t have the energy, time, or morale to try to come to the true conclusion of what a magical girl means. Sure she knows the dangers and knows to be particular about your wish, but she doesn’t know the true exploitation from Kyubey and has even lost the “fairy tale” ideals associated with trying to be a kind of fictitious magical girl. Mami has more white but still not the most, because she’s knows very little about how kyubeys system works. She’s too busy trying to pretend to be a fictitious magical girl to keep herself going to the point where she doesn’t have the energy to retrospect to how being a magical girl works in this system. Madoka in the timelines where she becomes the mg we think of only knows what Mami tells her, and so only has about as much white as Mami has. This is why Madokami’s main color is white, she has redefined what it means to be a magical girl, surpassing everyone else. Meanwhile, Homura has the most knowledge to what being a magical girl actually means. She knows about becoming a witch. She knows about how shitty incubators are. She has seen the world end time and time again because of Gretchen. Whereas Sayaka becomes a symbol for what it means to be a magical girl under Kyubey. She makes a wish that seems perfect. She tries her hardest to fight witches and live up to her ideals. She ultimately self destructs and dies to become a twisted version of herself in every fucking timeline. Sayaka is the epitome of how corrupt the system is, Homura has the most knowledge of how corrupt the system is, and Madokami redefines the system to become slightly less corrupt.
Also love your read on Junko and the ribbons. However it did give me the crushing reminder that Madoka is like the only person in this whole fucking franchise to have a stable, loving relationship with her still alive parents.
Every time i rewatch madomagi the ending becomes more and more soul crushingly tragic. Like when I first watched it (back when I still had light in my soul) I was like “yay happy ending! Kyubey got fucked, sayaka isn’t eternally suffering, and Mami and Kyoko are alive! Sucks that homura and Madoka are separated for now but eh.” And then the second (after I learned what a Rebellion was) I was like “… Homura never said she was fine with this. Like yeah Sayaka and Nagisa aren’t suffering as witches forever but it still sucks that they are dead. And it’s not like Kyoko and Mami will likely be alive much longer…”. And now it’s like “MADOKA HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF YOU ARE A MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL DONT BECOME GOD! I understand that your searching for purpose and want to improve the world but please for the love of you don’t become meguca!”
Their hair changes color??? That is so neat. No fucking clue what it means but that’s cool. If I had to guess, just from the stand point of a character artist, it might be a thing to make the designs either more cohesive or more visually interesting. I have hyperfixated on this show for so long and yet I have just found this out, I feel betrayed.
The conclusion to this post made me get the visual image of Homura cooking meth in her weird clock apartment and I need to curse others with this information as well.
Anyways, this concludes my 4th instance of postception. Please be aware that it will happen against, it’s a threat, a promise, and a blood oath. Very excited for Walpurgis no Kaiten, and still desperate to figure out how many fucking magical girls are a part of the Holy “Quintet”.
So I recently noticed something about Homura Akemi’s magical girl outfit that I’ve never seen anyone else mention. Probably because it’s honestly a bit of a stretch but I think it’s fun.
So in her magical girl design she has this weird chain of diamonds down her leggings (boots??? Both???) that always confused me because of how much it looked like Kyoko’s chains. It’s was then also realized that she and Mami are the only girls to have a ribbon neck tie and a bow at the back of their dress. And I tried to see if she had design aspects that aligned with Sayaka and Madoka, and I think sayaka’s is a little bit of a stretch, but they both wear a pleated skirt that is their theme color with a white trim at the end of it.
But I realized something fun when I got to thinking about madoka’s outfit and seeing if anything matched, and I realized that both she and Madoka have a hairstyle that comes in two and are tied with ribbons (Madoka has twin tails, Homura has twin braids). Homura later wears Madokas red ribbons after she becomes Madokami. And then I realized that Homura doesn’t have anything matching Madoka for most of the series. The only thing that tied her to Madoka she renounced to try to save her, and she only gets something that ties back to her after she failed.
Anyways again bit of a stretch but I think it’s fun :)
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8r14r-r0s3 · 7 months
If you ever want to know why it takes me months to post literally any art, it’s because project sekai has taken over my life
I spent 7 fucking hours of my life playing that game today. That is 7 hours I will never get back. That is 7 hours I should have spent studying for my test tommorow, but instead I played a funny rhythm game for 7 hours. I blame Mizuki for getting me invested!
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8r14r-r0s3 · 8 months
I’ve come to the conclusion I need to stop giving characters traits
Everytime I give a character a trait, it backfires and I do introspection and I start relating.
“Oh I think this characters a boykisser” ah shit that boyfriend shaped character I made to pair them with is lookin mighty fine
“Oh I think this character likes both” ah shit, I’m introspecting about my relationship with how I view people and realizing that women and assorted others are hot too actually
“Oh I think this character is a trans girl” ah shit, introspecting about my relationship with my gender, and coming to a soft “maybe?”
“Oh I think this character has ADHD” ah shit, after doing copious amounts of research to try to write them right, I relate to them so hard they feel like a self-insert.
“Oh i think this character is demiromantic” ah shit, I’m dissecting my relationship with sexual situations and coming to the conclusion that I don’t actually care that much
It has happened too many damn times. Why did I chose this path! Why must I hyper-fixate over my stupid fuckin blorbos that I know literally no one else cares about lmao.
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8r14r-r0s3 · 8 months
But what if i just…
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