A way out
Part 1 (Disgraced apple pie) Part 4 (A game of darts)
TW: mentions of kidnapping, panic attack
Hero taps their foot impatiently on the floor. They push the last crumb of their strawberry pie in their mouth and take a deep breath. It's their second piece, but who's counting? They could get a third. And maybe get a muffin for Sidekick. Hero knew they liked those. Their hand went to their pocket to feel the USB containing all the heroes' information. To their relief it was still there. They couldn’t imagine losing it, the Agency would burn them at a stake. The thought of giving the villains all that information made their stomach knot together. They could feel their heart beat in their chest. What the hell were they thinking? What if this is a trap and they just take the USB and Sidekick with them?
Hero doesn't have enough time to let their mind spiral as Villain and the Hero's Sidekick walk in. They stop at Hero's booth and look at them. There's the face Hero knew from all those late night pie dates. They weren’t really dates but given it was the only kind of social interaction Hero got in a long time outside of work, they liked to think of them that way. Villain let's Sidekick slide into the seat first and then sits next to them. “You got it?” Villain asks, only it doesn't sound like Villain. That's not the voice they spent hours with dissecting pies. “Yes,” Hero answers shakily. This still doesn't sit right with them. “Hand it over, and they're all yours,” Villain says, glancing over to Sidekick who is shivering in the corner. “Here.” Hero pulls the USB out of their pocket and places it on the table. Without saying a word Villain grabs it and stands up to leave.
“Hold on, Villain, wait!” Hero starts to say but Villain is already out the door. They wanted to run after them. Ask them why they were being so blunt. Ask them why the pie dates stopped. Ask them about what happened in the warehouse.
But they don’t. They don’t run after them and they don’t ask those questions. Instead, they look at the Sidekick who is staring at them expectantly. “Are you alright?” Hero asks them, not really sure what to do. Of course they’re not, they just spend the last three weeks in Supervillian’s claws. “It's okay,” Sidekick answers, still a bit shaky. “Can I go home now?”
“Yeah, of course,” Hero answers quickly, “The car is only a few minutes away.” They can’t even start to imagine what the poor kid went through. They make a mental note to make an appointment for them with the Agency’s therapist. Not that they are good at their job. Hero truly believes that the therapist is just the first person the Agency saw on the street and dragged them in. But hey, it’s better than nothing.
Hero escorts the Sidekick outside to the car. The moment they step out the diner’s door they can feel the cold winter air hit their face. Summer can’t come quick enough. While the Sidekick walks Hero can’t help but look at them. They don’t notice any limping but they do see a plethora of small cuts on their neck, face and hands. They have lost a little bit of weight, but not an alarming amount. “They feeded you?” Hero decides to ask. Sidekick nods slowly. “Villain came in a few times with a plate.”
“Villain? The one that dropped you off?”
“Yes, that one. I never really saw the others. Only Other Villain in the warehouse.” Sidekick answers, eyes fixed on the pavement. “Did Villain hurt you?” It’s hard to imagine that the same person who listened so carefully to Hero’s every word would hurt a kid like this. Villain would nod to their every word. Truly listen to them, give them what felt like a heartfelt response, hold their hand if what they were saying was becoming too much. They couldn't have hurt this teen, practically a child… Could they?
“They did.”
Something snapped. Hero felt something rise up in them. Their blood was starting to boil and they clenched their hands. Why? How?! How could this be the same person? Was it all an act? Of course it was. Villain never cared for them or their troubles. They just wanted information about the heroes and the Agency. They didn’t give one flying fuck about them.
They were so lost in their sudden rage that they almost missed Sidekick’s next sentence. “I don’t think they wanted to, though. They only did it when Supervillain asked them to.”
The puzzle pieces started to fall in place and all the anger faded. Then they remembered the things they chose to forget in their frustration. The empty look in those eyes when Villain returned to the diner that first night. The sadness in the warehouse while Other Villain was so ecstatic. The very blunt and short conversation in the diner just now. They had to talk to Villain.
“Hey Sidekick, you go to the car already. I have to do something first.” Hero says looking for alleys where Villain might have disappeared into. “Oh, okay. You're coming back right?” Sidekick picks nervously at their sweater that was o so nicely provided by the villains.
“Yeah, I will,” Hero answers but they’re not really listening anymore. They have to find Villain.
Hero finds Villain in one of the dark alleys walking away towards god knows where. They stop running and have to lean against the wall from exhaustion. Damn, Villain was a fast walker. “Villain! Wait!” Hero yells out to the figure walking away once they get a bit of breath back. Villain turns around, their expression unreadable because of the darkness surrounding the dark alley. “What are you doing? Go home!” Villain yells back, turning around again. “Villain, hold on, please” Hero rushes over to Villain and grabs their arm to turn them around. “Why are you doing this? Why did you kidnap Sidekick?”
Villain huffs a laugh, “Are you seriously asking me that? I’m a Villain, honey. That’s kind of my schtick.” They tilt their head. “You didn’t truly think I would stop now that we’re friends, right?”
“No, obviously not. But my question is why? What are your goals?” If Hero’s suspicions were right, they’re going to have to be very careful. “Do you want my big, evil, monologue?” Villain smiles, “Well then, I'm sorry, but I'm not that type of villain.”
Hero decides to push Villain a bit further. “Why do you work for Supervillain?” Villain’s smile drops. Okay, maybe too big of a push. Well, they can’t back pedal now. “I know you don’t agree with them. Are they holding your family hostage? Blackmailing you?” Villain immediately pulls themselves out of the Hero’s grip. “No, they are not, and I highly suggest that you shut up about it.” Villain starts to walk away again but is stopped by Hero.
“Villain, I can help you. We can get your family back or whatever it is. Villain, please, let me help,” Hero begged Villain. They understand that accepting help is hard and scary, especially when they're going against Supervillain. But Hero has to try. They're a hero after all, right? They should help those in need.
“It's not my family, I don't have one. Now, go home,” Villain says with venom in their voice. Hero isn't giving up so easily. They have to help. They can't watch on the sidelines while Villain suffers. They just can't.
“Whatever it is, I can help,” Hero says with a soft voice, trying to calm down Villain. If they calmed down they might be able to think straight. Hero can help them then. It doesn't work.
“You can't!” Villain yells out. “You can't help. There's nothing you or I can do about it.”
“Villain, that's not true. There's always something we can do.” Hero keeps their voice calm. As much as they want to yell, get their message through in that stubborn head, they don't. It has no use to start yelling, that would freak out Villain even more. “There is nothing, absolutely nothing we can do. Believe me, I've tried,” Villain hisses.
“I'm here now, we can do it together,” Hero says, now holding Villain's hand and rubbing circles with their thumb. “You don't understand.” Villain shakes their head. “You don't understand what they'll do to me.”
“Come with me, then they can't hurt you anymore. You'll be safe with me.” The possibility that Supervillain was hurting Villain themselves hadn't crossed Hero's mind. They never really saw any injuries on Villain, but they did always wear long sleeves so they could have hidden them. It would make sense that Villain was scared because they didn't want to get hurt.
“You don't get it.” There are tears forming in Villain's eyes. “There's nothing I can do.”
“There is always a way to get out. Come with me, they can't get to you that way.” Hero is now practically hugging Villain's arm. It breaks Hero's heart to see Villain's tears stream down their face, creating wet streaks where they passed. They're going to make Supervillain pay for this. Villain starts to breath faster, their chest heaving heavily. Their eyes flicker around in panic. “No, there's nowhere I can go, they're everywhere. They follow me every second. There's nowhere where they can't get to me,” Villain blurted out, panicked. Hero guides them to the wall next to them for them to lean against. “Villain, listen to me. It's going to be okay. Take a deep breath in…” Villain and Hero take a deep breath in. “...and out…” they both, although one shakey, blow out. "Good. Let's do that again,” Hero says to Villain, who is still breathing heavily. Only this time it doesn't work. Villain keeps panicking.
Villain had to leave. Now. They had said too much and Supervillain knew. They always knew. They are in so. Much. Trouble. Staying longer here is going to end in an even bigger disaster. Villain feels Hero's hand on their shoulder to try and ground them but Villain can't hear them. They have to go back. Now. It keeps ringing in their head. Now. Get away, now. It's all becoming too much. They have to get away.
Before they know it, they've pushed Hero away. They hide themselves in a shadow and start running. Supervillain isn't even going to give them the pleasure of dying after this. They have to suffer for what they have done
Hi! Wow, this is a long one, I hope you guys don't mind. The poll isn't over yet, but it seems like most of you want some more parts of this series, so that's what I'll be doing! I'm having my first exam tomorrow, so I'm going to post a lot less for the coming two weeks.
(My asks are open if you want to ask for something for me to write or just about life, I don't really mind either.)
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Villain stumbles through a dark alley. They had barely escaped the police after their fight with Hero. Their ankle hurts. They probably sprained it during the fight. A few of their ribs hurt. Not broken, but certainly bruised. It's a relief that they don't have any deep wounds, but it's still going to be a painful night. There is not much they can do except sleep the injuries off. Damn it. They should've seen the Hero sooner. They might have saved themselves a few bruises.
All of a sudden they hear a sound behind them. They stop in their tracks. If it's one of those annoying ass reporters they're going to throw hands. Why now? Villain hates talking to reporters. They just want to go home. “Don't think I didn't hear you.” Villain says loudly, making sure whoever is behind them can hear them. “I'll give you 10 seconds to run.”
When they don't hear movement they turn around. Even then the stranger doesn't make a move. Villain sighs. If the reporter fainted, they're going to leave them to the rats.
They carefully walk forward to the dumpster the stranger is hiding behind. They peek behind it, expecting a scared reporter.
Only to find a child, maybe ten years old. “What the-?” Villain starts to say but gets interrupted by the child. “Canyoupleasesignmydrawing?” It comes out quickly and very high pitched. “Sorry?” The Villain answers taken aback by the sudden request. The Child takes a deep breath and asks again, now slower. “Can you please sign my drawing?” The Villain blinks a few times trying to process what the Child just said. Never, and they mean never, has someone asked Villain to sign anything. Let alone a child. Signing things was usually the Hero's job, and making fun of it the Villain's. There was so much they wanted to ask but the only word that came out was: “Why?”
“Because I think you're cool. And you helped my sibling.” Now that confused Villain even more.
“I think you have the wrong person. Hero went the other way, kid.” Villain says pointing to the direction Hero ran to. “You're Villain, right?”
“Then you're the right person.” The Child says offering their drawing and pen again. “I don't know who saved your sibling, but I can assure you, it wasn't me.” This kid knows what a villain is, right?
“No, no. You did,” The child said confidently. “You're the one. I saw your mask on the kitchen table.”
Okay, now Villain is absolutly confused. And a little freaked out. Where did they put their mask on a kitchen table?
“You helped them stop the bleeding! Sibling never let's me in the living room when they come home late, but I know they're always hurt. And you helped them, I am sure!”
Then it hit Villain. Two weeks ago Hero and Villain got into a really bad fight. Villain got a few bad cuts and bruises but Hero was seriously hurt. Against better judgement, Villain went to Hero's house to stitch their nemesis up. They had never noticed the child lurking from the kitchen.
“I think I understand now…” Villain starts slowly. “Yes, I helped your sibling. But we will fight more with each other then we help each other.”
“Oh…” the child's face drops in dissapointment. “They seemed so happy and relaxed when you left.” And Villain was back to confused. “Happy? After I left?” Why would their nemesis be happy after they helped them. “Yes, I haven't seen them like that in months,” The Child answers, a sliver of hope making it back onto the their face. “I was actually going to ask you to come have dinner with us, but if you don't want too that's fine.”
“No, It's alright. I'll come.” Villain had to figure out why their Hero was happy when they left.
Hi! It's a short one today, but hopefully still enjoyable. (And apperantly i have a thing with naming my snippets with emotions)
My requests are open if you want to ask for a snippet or something else!
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A game of darts
Part 1 ( Disgraced apple pie) Part 3 (A deal)
Villain turns the page of their book. They lean back against the couch in the living room and start reading the first sentence on the page. “Damn it!” the Villains’ Sidekick yells. “How can I lose again!” Other Villain laughs. “Maybe start by not challenging someone with perfect aim as a superpower.”
“I'm not even using my power, Sidekick here is just horrible at darts.” Assassin answers, pulling their dart out of the board. “Bullshit. You are using your power.” Sidekick huffs as they sit down next to Villain on the couch. “Come on, I'll make it fair. One more game,” Assassin says as they pull Sidekick back out of the couch. “Okay, okay,” Sidekick sighs “And I'm winning this time.”
Assassin starts by throwing the first dart, conveniently landing it in the triple 20. And so does the second. And the third. “One hundred and eiightyyy.” Other Villain yells like the presenter of the dart games on TV. “Stop you using your power!” Sidekick argues with Assassin. “I'm not,” Assassin says as they plop down on the couch next to Villain. “What are you reading?” they say as they put their head on Villain's shoulder. Villain sighs. They should've stayed in their room. Way less distractions there. But then they remember what Supervillain said. ‘You have to socialize with your siblings.’ They weren't real siblings, but that's what Supervillain liked to call them. “A book on the history of vikings,” Villain answers. “Sounds interesting.” Assassin answers, snuggling closer to Villain.
“Ha! Suck it, Assassin!” Sidekick yells. Both Villain and Assassin look up at the board. They landed two darts in the triple 20 and one in the 20. “I still have more points” Assassin answers with a smug grin on their face. “Not for long!” they say letting themselves fall onto the couch, replacing Assassin who is getting ready to throw again. Villain really needed to find another reading spot. “It's not fair, Villain. They keep using their power.” Sidekick pouts next to them. It's moments like these where Villain notices how young they actually are.
Maybe they could lend Sidekick a hand. It's handy that the room is lit by a few lamps instead of the big light. Makes it easier to play with a shadow.
“How the hell?!” Assassin's last dart lands in the 1. “What did you do?” Assassin almost flies towards Sidekick. “I did nothing. Why are you so angry? People can miss sometimes…or were you using your power?” Sidekick answers smiling. Villain can't help but smile a little. “Oh, Villain, you absolute assh-”
They were stopped by the sound of laughter. And next a thud as Other Villain falls off their chair. “Oh, Assassin. You should see your face.” Other Villain's eyes begin to water. “Shut up,” Assassin says with venom in their voice. Oh, Assassin and their short fuse, Villain thinks. Right at that moment their phone vibrates.
‘Feed the hero Sidekick ’ appears on the screen. Right. Villain stands up to go to the basement. “Villain, don't leave me alone with Assassin. They're going to kill me,” Sidekick says, grabbing Villain's arm, slightly panicked. “You wanted help, now live with the consequences,” Villain says smiling. Assassin is never going to actually kill them, so Villain doesn't feel too bad leaving them.
They open the door to the basement, warm plate in hand. The Sidekick immediately crawls to the corner of the room. “We're done with that. I am just here to give you some food,” Villain says, trying to sound somewhat comforting. Unfortunately, the stone cold voice they had to learn themselves to speak with, comes out. They place the plate on the ground in front of the sidekick. The Sidekick, however, doesn't make a single move towards the food. “When am I going home?” Sidekick's voice sounds raspy and doesn't sound louder than a whisper. “In a couple of hours, just hang on a little longer,” Villain says. Hero's not going to be happy with them. What does it matter? They're just a hero…
“Okay…” Sidekick says shakingly. They drag the plate closer and start to eat. Villain sighs. They really hated this. Punch a hero? Sure. Kill an enemy? Fine. Torture a defenseless kid? No, that doesn't sit right with them. But every time they wanted to rebel, to fight the orders, Supervillain would push it out of their mind. They didn't want Supervillain to take control of them again. To make them do things they didn't want to do. Whenever Supervillain did take control, it was like they were a programmed robot. They were still there, but it wasn't them that was moving their body.
They despised it.
By the time they finished their train of thought, Sidekick had finished their meal. Without saying anything, they picked up the plate and went back upstairs, leaving the trembling Sidekick behind.
A few minutes later Villain puts the dirty plate in the soapy water. When they entered the kitchen to put the dirty plate away, they had noticed the pile of dishes. Having nothing better to do, they decided to wash them. They were only a few plates away from finishing when they felt two arms wrap around them from behind and hug them. “Assassin nearly murdered me with a pillow,” the villainous Sidekick mumbles into Villain's shoulder. Villain hums in response. They had a feeling Assassin would do something like that. “Did they eat?” Sidekick asks innocently like the young teenager they are. Again, Villain hums. “Do you mind if I stay here for a minute? I need a hug,” Villain can hear the Sidekick's muffled sniffs. They slowly turn around to face Sidekick. “Another nightmare?” Villain asks quietly. The Sidekick only nods and hugs the Villain even harder, letting the tears flow freely. Although they don't like to admit it, they have a soft spot for Sidekick. Ever since Sidekick was sent on their first mission, Villain has been their caretaker. Helping them through tough nights, giving them fighting tips, teaching them how to do basic stuff like washing their clothes…
“How about you go to your room already? I'll come in a minute.” Villain says to the now calmed down Sidekick. “O-okay,” Sidekick tries to say between the sobs. All they had to do now was finish the dishes and drop off the Hero's sidekick. They hope Hero won't make this too much of a hassle.
“Have you gone insane?!” Other Hero yells out in Hero's tiny office. “No, but it is the only way to get them back!” Hero answers, pulling the USB out of the computer. “And lower your voice.”
“You're about to give super secret information to THE supervillain. The Agency is going to literally kill you,” Other Hero says panicked. “Don't worry about that. I used some programs so they will never know it was me.” Hero says, trying to calm down Other Hero. “I hope they don't find out.” they respond, still not convinced. To them it seems stupid to give up such important information for a Sidekick. What Oher Hero doesn't know is that Hero is not just bringing back Sidekick, they also want to find out why Villain would do something so cruel while clearly being so against it.
Next part
Hi! Wow, it took me long to most part 4. I'm very sorry about that. My exams are starting soon so I'm probably going to post even less frequent ( didn't know that was even possible tbh.) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this part. It's a bit all over the place but it hopefully gives a little insight to the future parts.
(Also, every time i get a notification somebody commented, reposted or liked something, i get so excited. I am honestly suprised people like what i write.) (I'll stop ranting now)
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A deal
Part 1 (Disgraced apple pie) Part 2 (A work of art)
TW: Violence
Hero adjusts the earpiece in their ear. The annoying thing has a tendency to fall out during fights.
“Hero, can you hear me?”
Other Hero's voice sounds through the earpiece. “Yes, I can hear you.” Hero says with a nervous edge in their voice. These fights stress them out every time. Whoever said that it gets easier, has never been in a fight.
The Agency send Hero and their team to investigate an empty warehouse, on the edge of the city. There have been a few sightings of villains and henchmen walking in and out of the building. According to their surveillance team, there should be no one inside now. The perfect opportunity to know what those criminals are doing.
“Alright, there should be a hallway on your left side. Go through there. There should be a big storage room at the end.”
They hear Other Hero crackling through the earpiece. “Got it,” Hero answers, sneaking through the hallway. Sure enough, they can see an open door leading towards a big storage room. When they move towards the door, they hear a voice from inside.
“I'm telling you, Supervillain is going to reward us for this one. They're gonna see how much of an asset I am.” Other Villain's voice echoes through the room. Hero's hair on the back of their neck stands up straight. They don't like Other Villain. No one does. They might not be the most powerful one, but they have no regard for personal safety and will not stop at anything. That is what makes them dangerous.
“I'm gonna get my own lair or something. Something big is going to happen, mark my words,” Other Villain continues. Hero tries to inch closer but stops the moment they hear the other's voice. “For the third time today, shut up.” The cold voice is immediately recognised by Hero. Villain? What are they doing here? Supervillain only sends Villain if it's something serious.
“And for the third time, no. I do what I want. You're not-” Other Villain didn't get to finish that sentence. “Ouch, you motherf- ouch. Why would you punch me like that?” Other Villains hisses in pain. “I told you to shut up, didn't I?”
As Hero scoots closer, they can see behind the corner. Other Villain is walking around while Villain sits on some sort of crate. Both of them are suited up and ready for a fight. If this ends up in a fight, Hero is going to need a whole lot of backup.
All of a sudden, they can hear some muffled cries. As their eyes dart around the room to find the source, they can see a hunched over person bound to a chair. They may be sitting in a dark corner but Hero can easily distinguish the Sidekick's uniform. They quickly go a bit back in the hallway so there's a slimmer chance of being heard. “Other Hero?”
"Yes? Everything alright?”
Other Hero responds through the earpiece. “I think i just found the missing Sidekick from the Other team.”
"Oh, that's great. Are they okay?"
“I don't know, they´re being guarded by Villain and Other Villain.”
“I am calling back up. I will be back in a minute.”
Hero looks around the corner again only to see Other Villain gone. “Did your mother never tell you that it is rude to eavesdrop?” Hero's heart sank as they heard the voice behind them. They slowly turned around. “Hi~,” they say, looking like a deer in headlights. 
“If I were you, I'd run.” 
Hero didn't waste another second and bolted to the nearest exit. A bright flame flies next to them, hitting a nearby wall. Their earpiece flies out by the sudden movements. They don't dare to look back and keep running. They try to see the building’s lay-out in their mind.There is no way they can beat Other Villain on their own. If they go left on the next corner, there should be an exit close by. 
“If you want them to stay alive, I'd stop,” Villain says behind them. They stop dead in their tracks. They turn around to see the Sidekick held up in the air by shadows. “What do you want?” Hero asks, growing desperate seeing the sidekick panic in their shadow bonds. “A little favor.” Other Villain says, having caught up with them. “Like what?” What could they possibly ask for? “All the heroes' personal files would do the trick.” Other Villain smiles, standing with confidence next to the struggling Sidekick. “I can't do that…”
“Well, guess Villain here can have some more fun with Sidekick then.” With perfect timing the Sidekick starts to scream. “Stop, not again! Please!”
They look at Villain. How is this the same person that they talked to for hours in that diner? They looked at Villain's face to expect the same smug grin as Other Villain, or at least a glint of malicious pleasure in their eyes. They didn't find any. They see a sadness they can't quite explain. If they are so against doing this, then why are they doing it anyway?
“So?” Other Villain asks. “Fine, I'll do it. Give them over now,” Hero answers quickly. They were so gonna get in trouble for this. That's a problem for later. They first need to get Sidekick out of here and get them medical treatment. “I don't think so. You can have them back when we have the files. Sounds like a good deal, doesn't it?” Villain gives Other Villain an annoyed look. They stopped hurting Sidekick as soon as the Hero said ‘fine’. 
“Alright then,” Hero says reluctantly. “Where do I drop off?”
“You know where,” Villain answers the question. “In two days.”
“Done.” And with that Hero turned around to go look for their team. Villain has a lot of explaining to do next time.
What Hero doesn't see, is a figure appearing out of the shadows, well hidden by Villain's powers. “Good job, you two. Villain, how about you bring our little friend home? Other Villain and I still have some grocery shopping to do. I am giving you your reward by not pushing you into a crowd, which I know you hate.” The figure steps forward and caresses Villain's cheek. “What do we say then?”
“Thank you, Supervillain.”
Next part
Hi! Finally part 3 of this series! I did struggle with this part so I hope it lives up to your expectations. I hope that the next parts come a bit easier :).
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My own stories:
One offs:
Disgraced apple pie (part 1) A work of art (part 2) A deal (part 3) A game of darts (part 4) A way out (part 5)
Written with a prompt:
Snippet #1
My requests are open if you want to ask for something for me to write!
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“What? Come to gloat?” Villain says looking through the security glass, separating Hero and them. “I am not. I just came by to check on you.” Hero answers, walking closer to the glass. “So, how are you feeling?”
“Bored.” Villain says flatly. “And I am tired of these white walls.” Hero takes a closer look at Villain’s cell. A bed, a desk with a chair, a toilet and that’s about it. Everything looks sterile white like a hospital. No wonder the Villain is bored, they themself would lose their mind. “It could use some color.”
“Some? What it needs is an entire rainbow to vomit over this place to make it look somewhat appeasing.”
The Hero giggled. They missed the Villain's sense of humor. Ever since they got arrested, Hero has had to fight some lower ranked villains until a bigger one showes up. Those villains are boring. They are either way over the top, an absolute amateur, a bad impression of the joker or all three combined. “I am pretty bored myself, you know.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, does the new episode of ‘Love island’ not live up to your expectations? Must be really hard.” Villain says, the sarcasm dripping from their voice. “No, these other villains that they have me fighting are just too easy.”
“Careful now, Hero. That almost sounded like you miss me,” Villain smiles while standing up from the bed they were sitting on. “I do miss you, though.” Hero says, also stepping closer. “Yet you betray me and go off fighting some other villains,” Villain responds with a faked offended gasp. “Only because they force me to.” Hero smiles. How they missed these conversations. “You know what? I'll find something to do for us.”
When Hero returns they have 2 boxes of crayons with them. They put one on the ground next to them and the other one through a hole in the glass normally used for Villain's food trays.
“And what am I supposed to do with these?” Villain asks, picking up the crayons off the ground. “Color, of course! Be a rainbow.” Hero says as they take one of the crayons and starts drawing something on the wall. “Are you asking me to vandalize government property?”
“Count me in.”
“So, what are you drawing?” Hero finishes their childish drawn sun as they speak. “ A moon,” the Villain responds, taking a crayon from their own pack.
The cell's walls looked like a child who got into their mother’s make up at the end.
Hi! I felt like writing something light today, so here you go.
(I am still working hard on part 3 of the Disgraced pie series but it should be done soon.)
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A work of art
Part 1 (Disgraced apple pie)
TW: torture, blood, mention of mind control
“It's a form of art, you know,” Supervillain says, kneeling in front of the beaten and bloodied Sidekick. “Knowing where to cut, where to punch, to get just the right reaction.” Villain can feel their stomach turn to the point they can practically taste the half digested apple pie.
“It seems unnecessary," Villain tries to say in their standard, ice cold tone but somehow that has become difficult. “To an ordinary human it might look unnecessary, but to us villains…” Supervillain says, looking at the poor sidekick as it was a painting in a museum. “Wouldn't you agree?”
Anyone else would believe that the Supervillain is asking for their opinion. Villain knew better, though. They knew that tone and knew what would happen if they didn't agree. They're not in the mood for that. “I agree.” is all they said.
Supervillain let out a satisfied hum and focused on the Sidekick. “Anything else you would like to say?” The sugar sweet tone made Villain sick again. “Please…please, no…” Sidekick's broken sobs fill the room. “You're gonna have to give me a little more information than that, honey,” Supervillain said with a sweet smile on their face. Bullshit. Supervillain isn't stopping until they're bored. “Please, no…i can't…”
Villain stared at the wall and felt a familiar sensation fall over them. Their mind began to wander to a carefully constructed mind palace. They imagine sitting in a cabin in the middle of the woods. The fireplace softly lighting the room. They're reading a good book while their cat is napping in their lap. Some nice, calm music playing in the background. No pain, no yelling, no begging, no fighting…
“Don't let your mind wander like that, Villain.” Supervillain's voice brings them back to the cold, dark room in the basement of Supervillain's lair. Supervillain stands up and approaches Villain. They put both of their bloody hands on Villain’s cheeks. “I need you here, you know that. Don't go there.” Villain notices the possessive hint in Supervillain's voice. They never want Supervillain to take control over their mind again. Not like last time.
“I know. I'm sorry,” Villain says, barely above a whisper. “It's okay. But I give you freedom and you can't abuse it like that,” Supervillain says, still holding Villains face. “I'm sorry.” Villain answers, still not daring to speak louder than a whisper. “It's okay, just focus now. Yeah?” Supervillain lets go and turns around to face the Sidekick again. “Mind getting the last bit of information for me, my dear Villain?” Supervillain asks with a smile plastered on their face.
Villain's not proud of what they do next. Their powers control shadows. Their own but also the ones around them. Basically, anything light doesn't touch, so the shadow of the chair in the corner, their own shadow, the shadow inside someone's lungs.
It's a basic trick for them and one of Supervillains' favorites. They take control of the person's lung's shadow and expand it. Not much so they don't actually burst, but enough to give the sensation of bursting. Immediately the poor sidekick begins to scream and immediately the Villain wants to stop. The figure standing behind them stops them from doing so, though. That last bit of information, all the codes to the Agency's entrances, came quickly.
They're going to need an extra slice of pie after this.
Hero is still sitting at the same booth that they shared with Villain. They couldn't bring themselves to go home. It's so empty as the Agency doesn't allow any personal decorating and certainly not a pet. They shove the last crumbs of the pies in their mouth and start looking for their coat to put on.
“Are you seriously still here ?”
a familiar voice says behind them. As they turn around they can see Villain standing there. Still surrounded with their cold and distant aura, but Hero could sense a hint of… defeat. What happened in those 3 hours for them to look so empty?
“You here again?” the Hero asks with a smile. “Still hungry,” Villain says with a cold tone and sits down in front of Hero. “Well, you came at the right time. I just saw the girl behind the counter restock the pies,” Hero says cheerfully. They're not sure what caused the empty look in Villain’s eyes, but they feel like Villain could use something to cheer them up right now.
“Good thing I came then.”
Next part
Hi! Well...that turned dark fast. Hope you enjoyed this part as much as the first one. (Wich has like 95 notes, which is crazy, so thank you so much for that!)
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Disgraced apple pie
“Can you go anywhere else?” Hero turns around to see the Villain in one of the booths of their favorite diner. “It’s my favorite diner to go to after getting my ass kicked by you and your friends,” they answer, trying to keep the conversation light. Hero recognizes Villain as one of Supervillain's closest allies. They know from multiple meetings that they are one of, if not the most dangerous villain in the city. After Supervillain, of course. They also know Villain won't attack without any provocation unlike Other Villain.
“They’re not my friends,” Villain sighs, stabbing their pie with a fork. "Colleagues at best.” Hero slides into the seat in front of Villain. “Colleagues then. Why aren’t you celebrating your victory?” “Why would I celebrate something when it’s a daily occurrence?” Villain says, looking at them with a deadly glare.
“Ouch, no need to rub it in like that,” They react almost theatrically. Hero takes a sip from their strawberry milkshake as they look at Villain’s diner. A ripped apart apple pie and a black coffee. Villain keeps stabbing the perfectly crafted pie but doesn't take a single bite. “Not hungry?” Hero asks with their sweetest voice, trying not to sound hostile. It's still a dangerous, superpowered villain in front of them.
“Why do you care?” Villain says while continuing to massacre the pie. “I don't. I was just wondering,” Hero smiles. They felt the familiar knot in their stomach known as anxiety settle. Did that anger them? Did they go too far?
“You're not eating much either,” Villain points at their milkshake. “It's more than enough.” they answer, feeling their hungry stomach growl. Their paychecks have been less and less ever since the amount of villain attacks increased. The Agency wants them to pay for the property damage, like they can do anything about it. Well, it was either their salary or their dorm provided by the Agency. They would much rather have a roof over their head than a full stomach.
“I can hear your stomach,” The voice brings them back to reality. “Oh, it's fine. Don't worry,” they reply, taking another sip from the milkshake. “Want mine?” Villain asks as they push forward the murdered pie. “No, thanks,” Hero says as they push the pie back. It still looks good, even in its destroyed state. “I have food at home.”
“You're lying. I don't like liars,” Villain says with the hint of a threat in their voice. They pull the plate back towards them and stand up. “ Hey, where are you goi-” “Shut up, I am getting you some food” Villain interrupts.
Hero watches as the tall figure walks over to the counter. Their shadow attached innocently at their feet. They make some small talk with the lady behind the counter while waiting for the pie. While they are paying, their shadow makes an unnatural twitch. A twitch that Hero knows is just innocent against what it looks like when unleashed.
Villain turns around and sits back down, accompanied by a cherry pie. They push it towards Hero, alongside a fork. “Eat up,” they say, picking up their own fork. “I can't pay you back,” Hero says, placing the fork back on the table. “No need. Consider it an apology for the property damage.” They answer nonchalantly.
“How do you know about that?” Hero asks. The Agency is very secretive about their financial decisions. There is no way they heard it somewhere. “I have my sources,” Villain smiles. It's not a threatening or condescending smile as they would expect. It's rather playfull, like they are challenging them. “I will find out how you know,” Hero says, trying to sound confident. “I am sure you will,” Villain challenges them, a hint of sarcasm in their voice. As Hero opens their mouth to respond, they see a message appear on Villain’s phone. Villain quickly takes it and reads it.
“Looks like I am going to have to leave you alone with your pie,” Villain says, grabbing their jacket. “See you next time, Hero.” Before Hero could answer, the villain was out the door into the night. They looked back at the pies and pulls the disgraced apple pie towards them. More for them, they guess.
Villain sighs as they turn into an alley. They walk straight to the supervillain's lair, not so far from the city center. The text from Supervillain makes their stomach turn.
‘Caught one of their little sidekicks. Wanna play?”
They better be quick before Supervillain loses their patience and takes it out on the poor thing.
Next part
I'm thinking about making this a series, but i am not sure yet. It's currently 3 am so it's probably full of mistakes (sorry, if you find any) but i just wanted to finish this.
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“I’m not sure if I’ve ever really loved you.”
“You’re running away again aren’t you?”
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Prompt used
TW: Mention of death
“I’m not sure if I’ve ever really loved you.”
“You’re running away again aren’t you?”
"No, i'm not." Villain says, not meeting Hero's eye. "Yes, you are. You say something about how you don't love me, or how this isn't going to work out and then you leave. Only for me to drag your ass back home because you got yourself hurt doing some reckless shit." Hero practically spits at Villain. They can feel the anger boil up in them. Why would they want to run away? What is it that drives them away?
"That was one time and I'm serious now." The Villain looks at the Hero with an emotion they can't quite place. "It felt good in the beginning, but now..."
"You're lying" Hero interupts.
"I'm not lying. This can't go on. I don't love you. You were just some exciting new thing and now the new has worn off." Villain says with a stern look on their face, but their eyes say something different. Sadness? Regret? Hatred? Hero couldn't place it.
"I can't do it."
Fear. It was fear, Hero realises. They were scared, and Hero doesn't know why. Why would one of the most dangerous villains in the city be scared? Who or what scared them that much that they felt the need to run away? They have never seen Villain scared. And that scares them.
"I'm leaving and don't try to stop me. I've made my descision." Villain says as they stood up, picking up the bag next to the couch they were sitting on. "All of my things should be gone. If i forgot any, don't bother calling me, just keep it."
"Or throw it out, i don't really care."
"Villain, please..."
"No Hero, i've made up my mind. We're not meant for each other." Villain snaps back.
"Why are you scared?"
"Why do you think i'm scared?" Villain huffs, as if they were trying to laugh at a bad joke. "Because i can see it in your eyes." Hero almost whispers, while taking a step forward. Villain instantly takes a step back and quickly looks away. "You have no idea what you are talking about."
"Then explain it to me." The Hero pleads, almost begging the Villain. All the anger now replaced with worry. "I can't." Villain mumbles, looking anywhere but at Hero. "Please try. I will do my best to understand." The hero grabs their hand before they can pull away. Hands that killed so many yet hugged them so tightly when they cuddled on the couch. Hands and wrists that have been covered in blood, dirt, grime and ...bruises?
"Hey, what's this?" Hero asks gripping the wirst with both of their hands. "Nothing, just got into a fight." The Villain lies. And Hero noticises it. "You're lying again." "I'm..." Villain trails off in the middle of their sentence. With a heavy sigh they look at them and say something that makes their stomach drop.
"It was a fight between me and Superhero. They told me if i didn't leave, they would kill you and frame me for your death." Villain said with a heavy voice.
"I don't know."
"Could they do that?"
"I don't know, and i am not willing to find out." And with that, they left.
Hi! Whispher here. This is my first (of hopefully many posts) and i have no idea what i'm doing. So if you noticed anything that i can work on, please let me know.
(English also isn't my first language, so i apologise for any mistakes).
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