afi-writes · 10 days
Until the Dawn Breaks
Oda Nobunaga x female reader
Losing in the game of Go can be a win on another battlefield, can it not? Once again, you are trying to beat Nobunaga in his own game while you both know how it is going to end. But which part of you he will conquer this time?
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You stare at the Go board and your pieces on it. There is no doubt in which direction the game has turned once more. You did your best, yet the result is spreading right in front of you. Trying to predict Nobunaga’s actions, you had made yours. And for a moment it had seemed that you would succeed. But now, everything is lost; there are no actions that could turn the tables for your benefit.
Nobunaga’s gaze is glued to the board as you wait for his next move. He’s taking his time as if the decision was difficult even though he must see what you are seeing.
You can’t help it. A warm bubble pops in the depths of you, making your skin tickle all over. You force your breathing to stay calm and your heartbeat steady… but it is as useless as to tell the birds not to chirp in the spring breeze.
Long fingers grab a black piece and move it on the board. Nobunaga is expressionless as he lifts his gaze. “Your turn.”
Your hand trembles as you shove a white piece forward. It’s pointless to pretend that you have choices. No matter what you do, the final outcome will be the same.
“Aren’t you eager~?” Nobunaga smirks at your movement, responding with his. It’s the last one, and he pushes the Go board aside. Some pieces roll on the tatami, but he doesn’t bother to pick them up. The carnelian eyes are now completely focused on you as restless waves course through your veins.
You lean your hands against the tatami, fingers brushing the material. Shallow breaths vibrate between your lips as you stare at the man before you.
Nobunaga is still smirking, getting smugger by the second as his gaze doesn’t waver from your curves. “Tell me you wanted to lose.”
So unfair. A couple of evenings earlier you had another game of Go. One you lost, obviously. That moonlit night, Nobunaga conquered your voice, telling you that you can only say what he wants you to say. Back in your day, that would have caused a serious discussion about consent… but then again, you both know that you already consented to his game. Now, you play by his rules.
That doesn’t mean, you happily admit his win and your loss. Gritting your teeth, you meet the carnelian gaze. “I wanted to lose.”
One day you will win yourself back. Perhaps.
Unless you will stop wanting to.
“I see.” Nobunaga inches closer. “Craving to know which part of you I’ll conquer tonight?”
You stay silent.
Nobunaga leans even closer until you can smell the sake in his breath. His fingers are reaching for your obi belt and manage to open it with a couple of fast tugs. “Admit it.”
Grabbing your yukata, you gasp. No way, you allow him to slide it off. You wouldn’t…
You would.
You know you would.
But no way you are telling him that.
“Tonight, I will conquer your sight.” Nobunaga rises. He roams behind you and brushes the wild strands of your hair behind your ears. “Close your eyes.” A mere whisper against your left eardrum.
Not obeying isn’t an option.
You let your lids flutter down, and the silk fabric caresses your face, wrapping around your head. The knot presses slightly to the back of your head but doesn’t hurt while you feel a fingertip toying with your earlobe.
“This already belongs to me.” A touch sweeps your hair just before the teeth meet the sensitive skin of your ear, pulling you into the borderland between pain and pleasure. You try to swallow your groan yet fail as it escapes from your mouth anyway.
You’re about to rest your body against Nobunaga’s chest when he retreats and crawls to your front side. As you still hold your yukata, he grabs your left hand and raises it. Your stomach churns from anticipation.
“This, I conquered first.” Nobunaga’s lips touch the tips of your fingers. He sucks your index finger into his mouth, his tongue sliding underside of the said digit and playing with it as if he hasn’t tasted it before.
Small quivers run from your fingers to your wrist and up to your arm until they reach your heart which bouncing quickens with every teasing suckle. You remember that first game of Go very well. You thought that was your way to redeem your way back home from Azuchi Castle. At the time, you lost and agreed to give your left hand for Nobunaga to use as he wished, and ever since then, he has not missed a single opportunity. Or lose a single game of Go either.
You never redeemed your return home. But don’t they say the home is where the heart is? You voluntarily succumbed to Nobunaga as he told you that first night. He conquered you piece by piece until even your heart didn’t belong to you alone anymore. It is his, like everything in you. Yes, every now and then a tiny voice in you rebels, yet in the end you know it’s vain, for this man has sneaked his way into your soul.
Nobunaga kisses your palm and advances to your wrist, his tongue meandering up your arm and finally reaching the bend of your arm. A giggle whirls up your throat, and you try to yank your arm from Nobunaga’s grasp.
But he doesn’t let go, instead, sucking the skin on the sensitive spot. “I didn’t give you permission to escape.” The words vibrate against your skin.
Nobunaga nibbles you before his tongue continues to trace your upper arm while his hand pushes the sleeve out of his way. You would yearn to see his face but don’t shove the blindfold aside. You made a promise after all. You lost, so you can’t do anything else than submit to his will.
The sleeve slides down to your arm when Nobunaga releases your hand. You can hear him moving a little further on the tatami. However, it only takes a moment before the warm fingers are already brushing the toes of your right foot. His hand snatches your ankle, lifting it so fast that you need to take support from the tatami.
Nobunaga toys with your pinky toe. The urge to pull your leg away from him radiates through your muscles, yet you fight back and stay still.
“We were visiting the hot springs when I made this conquest.” Nobunaga breathes onto your toes. A sigh escapes from him. “Sadly enough, we were interrupted that night. But today, I have made sure no one will bother us.”
The fact makes something heated smolder deep within you. You have all night without disruptions, and if you have come to know Nobunaga at all, that night will be long.
Hot, wet mouth wraps around your big toe, tongue traveling along it. A moan erupts from you as sparkles rush from the toe to your ankle, searching its way to higher and higher. Your hand slips and your back hits the tatami. At the same time as your hand squeezes the yukata, preventing it from sliding off, the other scratches the tatami, not getting a grip on it.
As Nobunaga’s tongue follows the curve of the instep of your foot, your body arches, and a groan presses past your lips. Laughter sweeps your skin before the lips stop to kiss your ankle. Nobunaga traces your calf, shoving the fabric of your yukata out of his way until he reaches your knee. You can’t help but moan when his fingertip teases the bend of it.
You want this man. The mere thought of him makes your innermost parts tremble and his touch is enough to make you lose your mind. You can feel how your depths turn into a moist swamp, ready to take him in. His hands run along your thighs as his lips cover them with kisses. His fingers brush your right butt cheek, which also belongs to him, while he slides his tongue on your thigh and gazes at you. As a fabric brushes your leg, you realize that Nobunaga has already tugged his obi open as well.
Digits dig into your buttock’s skin, causing you to inhale deeply. The tongue leaves a damp trail as it proceeds upwards. Before you know it, you have spread your legs for the man who owns you.
“All this is mine. Only mine.” Nobunaga’s voice is dark and rough.
Your heart skips a beat when Nobunaga lets go of your butt and shoves himself against you. His hand detaches your fingers from your yukata and hustles it aside. Even though the evening is warm you shiver when he reveals everything for his eyes while you don’t see a thing. His finger runs in the valley between your breasts before he presses his palm against your chest right above where your heart thrums.
“Say it belongs to me. Your heart.”
“You don’t have to ask.” You can’t but whisper. “It’s yours. Forever.”
Nobunaga’s hair tickles your skin as he presses his lips where his palm rested just a moment ago. However, he doesn’t stop there but nibbles your breast, making you whine. You raise your hand to sweep his head aside, but he grabs your wrist, preventing your intentions. “Are you not enjoying this?”
“…it tickles…” you manage to muster out.
A smile shudders on your skin. Nobunaga passes your hips with his foot, taking your other wrist as well and pinning them both against the tatami. Nudging you, he drowns you in a kiss that steals your breath while his groin rubs on your belly, revealing how much he craves for you too.
Pulling your lip, he groans into your mouth. “I want you. I want you completely. Tonight.”
You lift your hips to meet his. “Take me then.”
The response is a chuckle. Tugging your lip with his teeth, Nobunaga grinds against you. His tongue conquers your mouth without mercy, and you submit to him. Willingly. Completely.
All too soon, he breaks the smooch, tracing your chin with the tip of his tongue. It meanders along the column of your neck until the greedy mouth captures your breast once more, imprisoning the perky bud that cries to be touched. He sucks it in, teasing it with his teeth and forces moans out of you as your back arches and fingers curl as if trying to grab something. Heat courses through you and makes you pour for him.
As Nobunaga’s mouth travels south, he lets go of your hands. You comb his hair with your fingers, allowing the shower of kisses on your lower belly. He stops right there, just above the hairline. A whimpering sigh escapes you as you push his head slightly.
A hot blow caresses your curls, but Nobunaga doesn’t mind about your commanding fingers. He simply toys with your hair as if that would be all he wanted. Then… he slides his hand up your inner thigh, finger slithering up… up… up… and stopping. “You have to ask for it.”
Unbearable flaring rushes to your cheeks. He must know what you want. It should be obvious by now.
“Remember, I have also conquered your voice. You have to say it.”
You swallow and suddenly you are more than grateful for the silk in front of your eyes. At least you don’t need to see his smug smirk right now. “I… I want you to…”
Why is this so difficult? You’re on fire, your heart pounding so fast it’s almost painful as your breathing is growing fierce. No one can hear your words. No one but him. Whatever you say, it’s for his ears only, and because of that you have nothing to be ashamed of.
“Say it.”
Turning your head to the side, you draw breath. Yet that doesn’t calm down your heart. “I want… you to…” You swallow again while your fingers entangle with Nobunaga’s hair. “… kiss me…”
“Oh? I think I already did.” Such a teasing voice. He is doing this on purpose, isn’t he? “Try again.” He inches his finger closer yet doesn’t touch the area that yearns for it the most.
“I want you to…” You are scorching all over. “…lick me.”
That’s all Nobunaga needs. Without further ado, he buries his face between your thighs, his tongue finding its way over your already plump and opened petals. He sucks the throbbing nub of yours, circling it over and over again. A sigh erupts from you and turns into a series of moans as he keeps going while digging his digits into your buttocks.
Soon, one of his hands leaves your butt. He skims along your folds, dipping a finger into your dampness. You raise your hips, and he dips again, refusing to go further. All the while his tongue never stops.  
Nobunaga pushes his finger further in but makes it retreat right after. Not saying anything, he continues dancing his tongue on your most sensitive spot.
“Please, please, please. I need to feel you… your fingers inside me.” A groan follows your words. You’re gushing against his mouth, hanging on the edge of pleasure without really getting there.
In that instant, not just one but two fingers push past your barriers, commandeering even this region of yours and making it his. If there was shame before, there is none now as you wail in bliss while he finishes his triumph. Tugging his hair, you succumb to his control over you. The lamentation of your lust probably carries through the door to the castle’s hallways, but you do not care. Every cell of yours is Nobunaga’s realm now, and if he wishes to make them sing, he will. And you sing and sing until you have no voice, and you simply tremble in his grasp out of breath, nearly sobbing from the pleasure that is almost too much to bear.
As Nobunaga separates your fingers from his hair, you try to steady your wheezing. He crawls next to you, releasing the knot behind your head. You blink while the familiar scent of your own desire wafts into your nose, making your face flaring all over again.
“I will never stop loving the view of you when you surrender to me.” Nobunaga lifts you in his arms bridal style and carries you on his futon. He scoots by your side, brushing your hair behind your ear. “And I’m going to enjoy that view over and over again until the dawn breaks.”
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afi-writes · 25 days
Her Gaze All-Seeing
Teen and up
Summary: Avalanche has arrived at Costa Del Sol and Johnny’s Seaside Inn. While Cloud and Barret enjoy the city, Tifa decides to use the opportunity and the privacy of her own room for having a shower. Yet, she gets a visitor.
⚠️ An AU scene of Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth. Contains slight spoilers of the game. ⚠️
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Sweat drips down my back and my hair sticks to my neck. It’s not any cooler in this inn room than it was outside. The only difference is that the sun is not scorching my skin now. Light peeks through the wallboards and the scent of fruity flowers wafts in the air mixing with something that makes me think of mold. I want to believe that is just my imagination.
Either way, I shouldn’t complain, for Johnny is letting us stay here for free. A room and privacy are more than I could have asked for after everything. And the Seaside Inn is so secluded that anyone from Shinra probably won’t wander here.
We are safe.
For now.
And that’s enough.
Inhaling deeply, I gather my hair and whirl it into a messy bun. My nape protests but my backside is happy for the breeze that sneaks in from a crack in the wall and caresses it. I’d kill for a shower…
But maybe I could have one. The stall in the corner doesn’t look too convincing but perhaps it can offer at least a tiny relief from the heat.
Stepping closer to the shower, I can’t help but think how much I secretly enjoy this peace and quiet of having my own room. This almost feels like a beach holiday. The one we can’t truly afford but are having anyway because we’re living our lives like each day could be the last.
Any of them could be the last one.
So better enjoy what I have now.
Tilting my head, I smile. So, a long show–
A knock on the door. I turn around and hurry to open it. I was probably too slow, and now, something has come up. Free time is over.
“Aerith?” I blink and step aside, letting the woman in. Her dress dangles around her calves as she strolls into my room.
“Everyone else left for the city.”
I nod. This is no news.
“Red too?” I confirm since I’m pretty sure I saw him near Aerith’s door when I slipped into my private quarters for the rest of the day.
“Well, not him. He is relaxing in the shadows under my balcony.”
“I see.” Closing the door, I peek at Aerith who is roaming around the room, checking out the walls as if they were interesting. “So, what brings you here?”
“It is hot outside.” Aerith spins on her heels, locking her emerald gaze into mine. She inches closer, leaning forward so my gaze directly falls on her pink dress. Her skin is beaded with a thin layer of sweat and I can distinguish the white lace peeking from her neckline. “Isn’t it?”
My heart jumps but I manage a nod. “That’s right. I was just about to take a cold shower.” Perhaps she will get my hint.
A giggle sails out Aerith’s mouth as she shakes off her red jacket and lets it fall on the floor. Her boots follow with thumps. White socks are damp around her toes and one of the heels looks like it’s about to fall apart.
Aerith is so perfect even in her sweaty, nearly broken socks. Swallowing, I watch as she lifts her feet one by one, tugging off the pieces of clothing.
A smile that could melt the earth. “Yes?”
“What are you doing?”
“My shower…”
“It isn’t working.” Aerith slithers out of her dress that piles around her ankles. I probably should turn my gaze to the wall or the window, but I can’t help myself. The white lace of her bra compliments the curves of her breasts.
Sighing, I shake my head. That bra manages to be both innocent and seductive at the same time. I can’t imagine wearing something similar but I’m not immune to the appeal.
"I'm stiff from all the traveling. Can you help?" Aerith gazes directly into my eyes again.
“The hooks.” She turns her back and collects her braid over her shoulder. I guess, she is really going to use my shower and I can’t do anything but wait for a little longer.
“Oh… yes, of course.” Wiping my hands to my skirt, I close the little distance there still is between us.
The left strap of Aerith’s bra has dug into her skin, leaving a red abrasion. I want to trace it with my fingertips, and my hand flinches as I force it to wander lower and sneak my fingers under the elastic back of the bra. The upper hook is twisted and refuses to open immediately. My digits slip as I press the pieces against each other and slide the hook out of place.
Aerith’s hair smells of flowers. The scent is stuck with her no matter what we go through. I inhale and allow her fragrance to fill me. The yellow lilies. The same aroma that greeted me, when Cloud came back from his first mission with Avalanche. When he gave me that flower…
That feels like ages ago. A lot has changed since. And now, this scent of safety wafts from Aerith.
Blinking, I let go of Aerith’s bra.
“Thank you.” A mere whisper.
I’m about to back down when Aerith wheels around so quickly that she almost crashes with me. Swallowing, I watch as her bra slides on the floor, to the same pile with her dress and jacket. Her floral fragrance won’t leave me alone.
Perhaps… perhaps… it was always her. The first lily too.
I probably should think about the one who brought the flower to me, but Aerith’s sparkling gaze has captured me. Her panties are the same white lace as her bra. It’s easy to notice the hint of brown hair through them.
It’s not like me to watch women like this. But there is something special in Aerith. In the way she carries herself, how her hips sway as she shifts her weight from one leg to the other, and how her breasts stay perky even with the support of the bra, pinkish nipples slightly erect even though the weather is sweltering.
Beautiful. Aerith is beautiful.
A delicate flower.
“Weren’t you going to take a shower?” Aerith tilts her head and starts to undo her braid.
“Eh? But…”
“Get undressed. We can’t know for how long yours will last, and I bet you are in the need of cold water as much as I am.”
I shift in place. Should I or should I not? There is nothing strange about that. Sharing a shower with a friend in this kind of situation.
While I still ponder, Aerith releases her hair, and her caramel curls caress her body while she lays a see-through orb on my bed. It’s almost like a materia shell but empty from any kind of magic. Peculiar. I have never seen such a thing before.
As I remain staring at the orb, Aerith grabs my arm and yanks me closer by surprise, making me stagger. She doesn’t mind, and in the instant, I’m steadily on my feet again, her fingers find the hem of my top and tug it upwards. They are warm as they casually brush my skin… like this was something we always do.
But something like this has only happened in fuming dreams.
And as in those dreams… I lift my arms, letting her lug the top away.
“The skirt too.” Aerith smiles even though her tone is surprisingly commanding and leaves no room for argument. I put my hands behind my back and unzip my skirt. A heavy leather piece of clothing falls to my ankles. I step out of it and pull the combat boots from my feet.
Before I have time to straighten up, Aerith hauls the band of my sports bra from behind and starts to pull it up. Without further thought, I help from the front and realize too late that everything is now on the view.
As if hearing my mind, Aerith spins me around.
She’s like the sun. Burning me as her gaze traces my body, stopping on the scar just below my breasts. She lifts a finger and slides it along the mark on my skin. “Was this when…?”
Almost heaving, I avert my gaze. “Nibelheim. Sephiroth.”
A hiss. Hands cup my cheek, raising my face. Something flickers behind the emerald as it locks into my eyes. “A lot was lost, but you survived.”
I feel my lips parting, yet not a sound comes out.
“You are beautiful. Don’t even try to think otherwise.”
Can Aerith truly read minds?
“Shhh…” She presses her fingertip on my lips. Almost like a kiss. Yet not even close.
Finally, I nod, and she tosses my bra away.
“Almost there~” A giggle bounces through the room as Aerith crouches before me and starts to tug my thigh-high socks down. Her face hovers in front of my panties. How strongly must I smell right now? After that sweaty walk from the port all the way to Johnny’s inn?
Aerith’s fingers run along my thighs together with my socks. I pant as my pulse begins to thrum in my ears. It has been forever since another person has touched me like this.
So tenderly.
Probably, I have never been caressed so softly.
It’s most likely wrong to feel this way. Yet, everything is right in this moment. Aerith pulls down my socks and snatches my panties which she slides down awkwardly slowly as if we weren’t simply getting undressed for the shower.
As my panties land on the pile of clothes, Aerith straightens up and beams. She yanks her lace briefs off in one smooth motion while a light laughter bubbles out of her. “Done! And then into the shower, we go~”
When I don’t move, Aerith reaches to me, taking my hand into hers and entwining our fingers. “Come on!”
The gentle pull is enough. My feet move on their own.
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afi-writes · 26 days
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The truth is out there
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afi-writes · 26 days
I'm selectively open about it. I don't go on yelling about the matter and sometimes I decide not to bring it up even though there would be a chance. Still, some of my family members know as well as most of my friends... and I have mentioned it at work too.
Family members - While I don't bring out the topic myself, sometimes they are curious what I'm doing and I see no reason to lie.
Friends - I have met most of my friends online in fan fiction and fandom circles, so it's natural that they know what I'm doing. While you can argue that online friends aren't people in one's real life, I feel differently. And I'm meeting some of them IRL every now and then too.
People from work - My work includes a lot of talking about writing and I use fan fiction sometimes as an example or mention that I write also that. I think all writing is meaningful, so I want to include fan fiction too.
Writing Wednesday Week #48
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Does anybody in real life know you write fanfic? Why, why not?
Event Details
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afi-writes · 27 days
Winning the Battle
Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Reno x Tifa
Rating: Mature
Summary: The Turks spend the evening at 7th Heaven, and once again, Reno can't take his eyes off Tifa's perfect body. This time he decides to fulfill a long-time dream and finally get what he wants.
CW: Reno's shameless male gaze
Translated from the original Finnish version.
Written for @marikamalia.
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"Have Lockhart's bazookas got even bigger?" Reno's question was never answered, but instead, he received a glare from Elena and a remark about his attitude.
"Huh?” Reno drained his whisky. “I love women in every possible way."
Lockhart worked behind the bar as usual. Sometimes it seemed as if she knew the next customer's order before they had even voiced it out. The pints were filled, the bottoms of the whisky glasses rattled with ice before the heavenly drink was poured, and the perfect knockers bounced Lockhart's every move. It would have been great to cum between them.
Reno leaned back in his chair and raised the pint to his lips. Nowhere was the beer as good as in the 7th Heaven. Where did Lockhart order it? Had she secretly started her own brewery? The thought brought a grin to Reno’s lips and the beer guttered toward his lungs, making him wince.
"Damn it, Reno," Elena snorted. "Can you be any more disgusting?"
Tseng was as expressionless as ever but set his pint on the table and glanced at the coughing Reno.
One of Rude's eyebrows rose slightly. The gesture was likely to be noticed by no one but Reno, who over the years had trained himself to notice his partner's every micro-expression.
Reno had just finished coughing when Lockhart sailed over to the table to collect the empty glasses. burgundy eyes gave Reno a look that made his stomach churn. Jest aside, the woman made his heart race with her mere presence, but she was as unattainable as the moon. Although there was a persistent rumor in Edge - okay, Rude had said it once - that Strife and Lockhart were no longer together, Lockhart had reportedly not warmed to anyone's attempts toward her. Reno had seen how deftly she'd shooed the candidates out of her sight and, if necessary, thrown them out of the bar with her bare hands.
On the other hand, that wouldn't have been a bad option either, at least it would have given him a chance to get up close and personal for a while. A stiff fist would probably leave a sore jaw, but that was a price Reno was willing to pay.
"Are you okay?" A soft, friendly voice. Customer service clearly.  Reno knew the Avalanche still didn't look kindly on the Turks, yet Lockhart leaned in. "It looked like you were choking on that ale."
“…m fine…” Reno wasn't usually at a loss for words in any situation, but now such a moment had come close.
"Good. It would have been unfortunate if anything had happened.” Lockhart smiled in a way that made Reno’s heart rate take a rapid turn. Fuck.
“Bring me one more.” He raised his pint.
Lockhart nodded and continued to collect glasses from the other tables. A short black miniskirt barely covered her backside. There was an area between its skirt and the over-the-knee socks that made you want to grab her thighs. With her hips still swaying with each step, Reno was finally forced to look away for a moment. Gotta-Get-Laid-beer and Lockhart were a hazardous combination.
The evening went as usual. When the last call came Reno wasn't sure how many beers he'd downed. Tseng and Elena had sneaked away earlier, and even Rude hadn't stayed in the bar through all night, announcing that he was going home. He had even offered a ride, but Reno had refused. This would be his night. Tonight, he would find himself either plowing Lockhart or on the street in front of the bar, depending on her compliance.
The last customers roamed out just before the bar closed. Reno emptied his pint and slammed it on the table in a way that made Lockhart flinch. Had she even noticed that Reno was still sitting in the corner?
"We're closing for the night." Lockhart grabbed the handle of the pint.
Reno placed her hand on Lockhart's wrist and made the woman stop. Burgundy eyes met his gaze, and her lips parted in a silent question. Damn, it would be great to stick a tongue between them and maybe something else too.
Lockhart pulled her hand from Reno's grip and hurried to take the pint to wash. Reno hauled himself out of his chair and staggered towards the table. Damn, the level of drunkenness was higher than he'd thought. He should have taken that offer of the ride.
Reno wobbled towards the door. Shit, he hadn't spent the whole evening in this taproom for nothing. As he turned around, he was greeted with arms crossed under the bouncy twins and a stare that could pierce his brain.
"That's a waste." The words slipped out before Reno could stop himself.
“What’s a waste?” Genuine confusion rounded Lockhart’s lips. Or was it genuine? Perhaps it was a deliberate attempt to tempt Reno because surely Lockhart could read any man like an open online forum.
Reno’s mind felt sticky. There must be a way to save the situation. Yes, even Reno knew you couldn’t just say whatever to a woman’s face. A certain amount of subtleness combined with a slight lewdness was needed. The trick was not to cross an indefinite line.
Lockhart lifted a brow. “Hiding your bazookas behind your arms perhaps?”
Shit. How good was her hearing?
"Should I call you a taxi?" Lockhart continued before Reno could respond.
"I do it on my own.”
"Good. You know your way out, don't you?" Lockhart turned her back, walked behind the counter, and dampened a tablecloth, which she began to use to wipe the surfaces. The said chichis jiggled with the force of the motion, causing an unbearable ache in Reno's crotch.
"The door is behind your back." Lockhart didn’t bother to look at Reno.
"How about offering me a place to stay?"
Now Lockhart straightened up. Reno looked her straight in the eye and let his signature smirk curl on his face – at least he thought he was doing that. The one that made the nightclub chicks go wild. The I-know-I-look-fuckable-smirk.
Lockhart strolled across the room. Her journey seemed to take forever, and Reno didn't know whether he'd rather be looking at the tight top covering her hooters or her deliciously well-formed hips.
Reno made sure his grin widened as Lockhart stopped in front of him. Burgundy was unwavering. It dug in and left a lasting imprint on something people usually called the soul. Not that Reno was sure if he had such a thing. But he had, Lockhart was free to carve anything on it.
Lockhart raised both hands, and Reno's gaze instinctively dropped a couple of notches as huge hooters were finally within touching distance. However, he didn't have time even to hook his fingers as cool water trickled into his hair and down his face.
Lockhart dropped the tablecloth on the floor, grabbed Reno's coat collar with a grip quicker than his gaze, and dragged him toward the door. She managed to push it open, and Reno plunged into Edge's night. The street stuffed his cheek, leaving a mark he could wear with pride.
Footsteps pounded down the stairs until the crimson combat boots stopped at Reno's face. Another tug on the collar of his jacket forced Reno back to his feet. Unable to focus his gaze, Reno could only stare at two pairs of burgundy orbs that drilled through him, until the view became clearer, and eyes melted into just one pair.
"There are often taxis leaving from that street corner." Lockhart released her grasp on Reno's jacket. She took hold of his chin, pushed closer, and suddenly soft lips brushed Reno's cheek. The kiss felt all the way to his groin, though it was too quick.
"Damn it, Lockhart..."
"Ask me again when you're sober and have offered me at least three coffees somewhere other than my own bar." Lockhart turned, marched up the stairs, and slammed the door behind her.
The smirk returned to Reno's lips.
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afi-writes · 27 days
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Mr. Love: Queen's Choice Fics
Coffee for Two
Gavin x female reader
You and Gavin are coming home from a date and he asks you to come to his apartment for a coffee. The drink is served with extra spice.
Rivalrously Chivalrous
Helios x female reader
You are after a target when Helios gets in your way. This isn't the first time he messes up your work, but things heat up this time.
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afi-writes · 27 days
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Ikemen Sengoku Fics
A Smile Written to the Stars
Sasuke x OC
Masamune x MC
Sasuke has returned to the modern days without Mai who stayed in the Sengoku era together with Masamune Date. The fate tore them apart but that was exactly how things were supposed to be.
Until the Dawn Breaks
Nobunaga x female reader
Losing in the game of Go can be a win on another battlefield, can it not? Once again, you are trying to beat Nobunaga in his own game while you both know how it is going to end. But which part of you he will conquer this time?
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afi-writes · 27 days
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Final Fantasy VII Fics
She and I Series
Did She See Something More?
Teen and up
Tifa disagrees with the other members of the Avalanche about the way the organization works, so she leaves the scene to vent her feelings. Her legs take her to Sector 8, where she accidentally runs into a woman selling flowers.
Her Scent of Magnolias
Teen and up
Tifa and Aerith have fallen from Don Corneo's trap into the sewer along with Cloud. The group will not be able to proceed until the broken water pump is repaired. While Cloud stays to monitor the meters, Tifa and Aerith have a moment to chat alone.
Her Touch on My Skin
Sector 7 has fallen; many have lost their lives and the Turks have taken Aerith. However, Tifa has survived and is now in the bathroom of Aerith’s home gathering herself after everything that happened.
Her Gaze All-Seeing
Teen and up
Avalanche has arrived at Costa Del Sol and Johnny’s Seaside Inn. While Cloud and Barret enjoy the city, Tifa decides to use the opportunity and the privacy of her own room for having a shower. Yet, she gets a visitor.
Other FFVII Fics
RudTi (+ a couple of other ships that will be revealed along the story)
Explicit, eventually shameless smut
Tifa and Cloud live their daily lives in Edge, which seems to be finally safe now that Vincent has defeated Omega and Deedground. However, the couple’s life is not quite what Tifa has hoped for. When she cannot find happiness in one direction, the offer may come unexpectedly from another.
Winning the Battle
Reno x Tifa
The Turks spend the evening at 7th Heaven, and once again, Reno can't take his eyes off Tifa's perfect body. This time he decides to fulfill a long-time dream and finally get what he wants.
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afi-writes · 27 days
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Diabolik Lovers Fics
⚠️ Please note that my DL stories might include steamy content for adults, canon typical violence, and triggering things. Read at your own risk. ⚠️
Master and You Series
His Realm to Conquer
Ruki x fem reader
A couple of weeks before Ruki's coronation you two are ready to settle down in your new castle and the bedroom. Your master is about to become your king as if he doesn't get enough kicks from being the master.
Pleasuring Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
From time to time, your master grants you privileges, letting you touch him the very way you love to. That is if you have been a sufficiently obedient and good girl. Today was one of those days, and of course, you didn’t miss your chance.
Pleasures for Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
It was your master's birthday once again. You wished nothing more than to please him on this special day. The problem was he didn't treasure it in the same manner as you did.
Punishment from Your Master
Ruki x fem reader
You were supposed to study. Yet the vampire next to you sent your thoughts trailing off… and since you were being such indecent livestock it was clear that you were asking for punishment.
Other DL Fics
After the Ball
Ruki x OC
Against the Wall
Ruki x OC
Bedtime Stories
Ruki x OC
Teen and up
A Bite for a Bite
Ruki x OC
Ruki x OC
Daring Fingers
Ruki x OC
The Early Morning
Ruki x OC
Teen and up
Entirely Mine
Subaru x Yui
Finger Play by Shuu
Shuu x fem reader
His Very Own
Ruki x OC
Livestock on the Loose || Kotieläimet karkuteillä
Ruki x OC
Yuuma x OC
Teen and up
Nothing Else Mattered
Subaru x fem reader
Teen and up
The Storm of Souls 1: His Possession
Ruki x OC
Explicit, eventually shameless smut
Eve stayed with the Sakamakis and Ruki’s life had lost its meaning… but then new livestock appeared. The one whose blood smelled almost as intoxicating as Eve’s even though that shouldn’t have been possible. Ruki decided to make her his possession.
The Storm of Souls 2: Her Calamity
Ruki x OC
Explicit, shameless smut
After saving Yuuto from the Demon World and learning that her mother was dead, Yuriko's life seemed to settle down. The sadness still lingered with her, but she looked forward to summer vacation and the autumn semester. Yet, the Vampire king presaged a new thread for his plans rising. Was calamity about to strike?
Their Deep Waters
Azusa x OC
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afi-writes · 27 days
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Amnesia Fics
For My Princess' Sake
Ikki x MC (but can also be seen as x reader)
CW: Masturbation, obsessive thought process
Seduction would only take a month. But sometimes a month can be such a long time… and one night Ikki needs his release.
Of All the Women He Could Have
Ikki x MC
Teen and up
The heroine spends the girls ’evening with Sawa and Mine when she gets a call from Ikki, who is home alone.
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afi-writes · 28 days
Entirely Mine
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Warning: THIS IS A NSFW FIC. If you are underage or this kind of content makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this.
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afi-writes · 28 days
Punishment from Your Master
Ruki x fem reader, NSFW
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Covering your yawn, you tried to focus on the class’ topic. The room was packed with students but lights were dimmed as the professor was showing a video as an example of the matter he had just presented. You peered at the film, trying to pick up more points to your notes but couldn’t prevent your gaze from wandering to your left. Ruki whirled his pen, leaning back as his eyes were glued to the very same film you should have watched too.
The university studies of the two of you had only started this semester, and you couldn’t be happier since you could share many classes with Ruki. Unfortunately, it did a thing or two to your concentration. Whenever you smelled his musky scent or forgot to stare into his eyes like the stormy sea, studying slipped from your mind, leaving you stranded with heated thoughts. Now, he was leaning his chin to his hand while toying with his pen, not giving you attention every cell in your body yearned for.
And maybe that was better.
You were here to study after all.
Yet you couldn’t help but meander a bit in your seat, making him finally give you a glance. Sighing, he lowered his pen and moved it over your notes, scribbling only a few words.
Such naughty livestock. If you are not studying properly, your master needs to punish you.
With that, Ruki returned his focus to the video, leaving you squirming with mixed feelings. You let your hair fall and cover your tingling cheeks, refusing to let your spinning mind get the best of you.
The minutes passed, feeling like hours. A tiny wheeze pushed past your lips as pictures painted in your imagination. Memories. So many. So… dirty. You curled your toes in your shoes, wriggling slightly in place. Voices in the film grew louder as the situation thickened… probably. You weren't sure. Not anymore.
"Good grief, did that turn you on?" The words came under Ruki’s breath with such a low voice that probably no one else could hear him. "You truly are such indecent livestock, not being able to keep your concentration even for a little while."
Ruki’s eyes moved even though he stayed still otherwise. Darkened gaze, yet almost gleaming. 
"It is like you were asking to be punished." A cold hand slipped on your knee. "Is that not so?"
You shook your head, your hair tickling your flaring face.
"Being dishonest to your master. I do not like that." Ruki glided his hand along your bare thigh, slipping under the hem of your skirt. "Such a brat. Haa… you are a handful." Fingers ran over a bite mark he had left on your skin the night before. Still sore. You flinched, causing a smirk to rise on his lips. "Did that hurt… or did it feel good?"
You swallowed. No way you could have answered when the pyre ignited deep within you, turning you into a sweltering swamp.
Digits continued traveling between your thighs, reaching the already throbbing junction. You knew perfectly well that by now Ruki could easily smell your state. Yet squeezing your pen, you fought to keep your face straight and mouth shut.
Just a featherlight sweep over the fabric covering your folds.
Shivers ran down your spine as you squirmed, giving out a little heave. The instant the quiet voice left your lips, the digits stopped. You jerked your hips, just a bit, but that did nothing. Yet you could feel how the lace of your panties glued to your moistened heat. The thin cloth seeping the liquids of your lust on Ruki’s fingertips.
He said nothing.
You stayed still, trying to steady your breathing. To prevent future noises, you pressed your teeth against your bottom lip.
And after a while another slide traced your gates, pushing the lace into your sensitive flesh. Friction. Almost too much. But you bit your lip, making sure no sound came out of you.
"Such a go–"
You quivered, sighing.
Silence lingered between you two, the loud speaking from the video fading from your ears. You could do this. You could.
You tried to focus. You shouldn’t do anything like this, not in the classroom. The studies were critical, and it was not like you didn’t care. Just that the vampire next to you made you burn, soaking the chair under you.
And suddenly…
…a cold finger slithered its way right past your panties, sinking into your damp, heated folds. Your pen glided along your notebook’s page, drawing an unbalanced line over the words you had managed to formulate during this lecture.
A chuckle.
You could swear you heard it but all coherent thoughts were washed from your brain as the finger snaked its way deeper, pressing against your entrance while Ruki’s thumb pushed the lace of your panties even more aside to reveal your pulsing pearl for him to touch better.
A circling motion.
And again.
You pressed a hand over your mouth, and before you knew it, your fingers were digging into your scorching cheek. The other digit glided into your dank depths, curling against your inner wall just enough to make your thighs tremble.
Ruki kept going while his eyes never left the video. Sliding his finger in and out while his thumb danced over your throbbing bud at an increasing pace. You panted against your hand, desperately hoping that no one would pay any attention to you. This was a disaster, something you should have never done but now… now, you craved more and more as tension built within your core, sending sparkles all over you, making it impossible to think. The room darkened in your field of vision and you felt like exploding.
And just then…
…the fingers left you.
Slipping out of your pulsing heating that cried for release, leaving your yearning pearl without the final touch. The lace glided over your folds as the digits traced your thigh and traveled further away, flipping the hem of your skirt a bit as the last remnant of coldness abandoned you.
Ruki lifted his hand, briefly touching his lips with his fingers. Inhaling, licking over them… and then, he simply picked up his pen and started to make the notes. 
Mind whirling, body pulsating for the need of release, you leaned heavily against the back of your chair as your eyes caught what Ruki had just written.
This was your punishment. Now, be a good girl for the rest of the day and your master might reward you with the very thing you crave for.
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afi-writes · 29 days
For My Princess' Sake
Pairing: Ikki x MC (but can also be seen as x reader, if you wish)
Rating: Mature
Summary: Seduction would only take a month. But sometimes a month can be such a long time… and one night Ikki needs his release.
CW: Masturbation, obsessive thought process
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Your hair, on the pillow. Your scent, everywhere. I can’t help but inhale it. The five-centimeter gap between our futons still stays. I have not managed to close it. Not yet.
You turn over and mumble in your sleep. Hardly daring to exhale, I watch as your breasts heave under the thin nightgown. Up and down, up and down at the pace of your breathing. Thick eyelashes rest on your cheeks while your lips fall partly open.
The softest, sweetest lips I have ever kissed. The lips I yearned for long before I could touch them. My heart begins to palpitate from the mere thought of them against my mouth. The way they opened up to me. The tongue behind them I have not yet tasted.
Last week, you allowed me to kiss your neck. Run my lips along your skin that quivered with the rhythm of your fervent sucks of air. You gasped as I flicked my tongue against your earlobe. The corners of my mouth curl up from the memory which creates a tight knot in my lower abdomen.
You pressed your body against mine the last time we kissed. Those perky mounds rubbed on my chest. Round and soft. Oh, how I want to bury my face in the valley between them.
Alas, I wish not to scare you.
I don't want to drive you away just because I am overwhelmed by this craving. You are the only one who has made my insides ache like this. The only one I want to hold in my arms and own completely. Never to let go but to claim as my own, piece by piece, inch by inch. The only one my heart truly beats for.
If I lose you, there's nothing.
I would like to raise my hand and sweep a lock of hair from your cheek, but I can't. You trust me, let me sleep beside you, albeit on a different futon.
Still, I lean up on my elbow and lean closer, towards your ear. “I love you.”
The words pound in my chest almost painfully.
All I get in response is a silent gasp. You turn on your side, and your hair slides down your face. Breath wipes my face, smelling like toothpaste. The one we chose together.
I still can't believe you live here with me.
I want to touch you. But I don’t. The shoulder of your nightgown rubs against the futon as you move. The fabric slides lower as if you tried to seduce me. I glue my gaze to you.
What are you dreaming about, Princess?
You shift again, and a nipple peeks out from under the edge of the nightgown. The nub rises in the cool of the night. Oh, to brush it with my fingertip! The knot in me tightens, turning into flaring. The urge coursing through me.
I want you.
I have never wanted anyone this much.
My boxers are starting to feel tight. What would it feel like to run my digits over your protruding breast? If only I could squeeze my fingers around it, leave the nipple between them. I would kiss the tip, maybe even nibble. Or at least… swirl my tongue around it. And you would moan, moan, moan so softly, pressing my head closer.
I would repeat the treatment for your other breast. Gradually and playfully. I would go on until you would almost faint. Only then… only then would I kiss the skin between your mounds and let my mouth travel south. Over your belly button.
I would take off your panties. The pale blue lace one I have only seen a glimpse of.
I would reveal to my gaze all that I have yet to see. I would push your thighs apart and my face into the soaking moistness you would offer only for me.
A sigh vibrates out of me. I sit up on the futon and shake my head. Slightly sweaty hair tickles my eyes as I lean my head in my hand for a moment.
Calm down. Not yet. You'll have to wait, Ikki. A couple of weeks. You can take it.
I'm going to lose it.
I glance at you, but your sniveling continues. You are in another world, completely unaware of my turmoil.
No, you do know, and I promised to wait. I'll keep my word, but this pressure is unbearable. Even if I can't have you right now, I must do something.
I shove the blanket aside and get up as silently as possible.
I would like to watch you. But if I get caught, you would be shocked. Still so innocent, I can’t do that to you. So different from all others who were willing to fulfill my every desire at any moment. Ready to please all my whims.
But you. You only gave me a scorching glare, telling me how awful I am.
And I was.
I truly was.
Now, I wish to be better. For your sake.
But this pressure, this craving. It is killing me. I have waited so long. So long. Too long.
Sneaking into the bathroom, I close the door behind me. The tile wall is cool against my forehead as I breathe. In. Out. Again. The sight of you paints itself on my closed eyelids even though I try to cast it aside. Groping the tiles, I want to shove my fist on them, for I can’t have what I yearn for.
I remember
what you smelled like
when I was guiding you through the ice cream-making process.
I remember,
how you felt
when I pushed her against the wall in front of your house.
I remember
how your mouth tasted
the first time we kissed.
I remember how my heart was pounding every time. How I was overwhelmed with emotions so big they couldn't fit inside me. My fingers burned with the desire to roam your body, to explore it through and through. My mouth wanted to kiss every inch of skin, taste every different flavor. I longed to press my face into you and suck in your most secret scents.
I'll explode if I can't get inside you.
I rush the waist of my pajama bottoms down with my boxers. The pressure eases as my manhood pops free. Not enough. I need more. I need the one I can't have yet.
Leaning my arm on the wall, I wrap my fingers around my shaft. Warm, sweaty fingers. Eyes closed; I imagine other digits in their places. Smaller and softer, slightly hesitant. A shaky hand and unsure strokes.
"Ikki." Your voice would quiver as you would whisper.
If only I could get more than my name from your lips. Unsteady sighs escape me as I picture your wet mouth around my manhood. Your tongue, so tender when it would slide along it.
Quickening the pace of my hand, I drown myself in the dream. I would press my hand to the back of your head. My fingers would lace with your hair. I gasp, as I see you in my mind, licking my shaft, taking in the tip. Your eyes would lock with mine, and I would know that the desire I would see would be real, for you, I can’t capture with their magic.
If only I could get you out of those pale blue teasing panties. I would do it extremely slowly. I would pull them off and kiss you at the same time. I would spread your legs apart and bury my face in the dampness of you.
I would finally get a taste of you while teasing you with my tongue until you would beg. "Ikki, take me."
Yet. Those words. You have not said. Will you soon?
I squeeze my hand harder, thinking of you. Only you. Always you. How would you feel? Soft? Wet? Tight? I would have to go slowly and carefully. I don't want to hurt you, even if I want you completely.
My throat tightens as the shivering sensation rushes through me, making my mind even hazier. I would bury my head in your neck at the same moment as our bodies would become one. Your whines would caress my ears, and your fingers would trace my back. You would arch beneath me and gasp my name in between gulps of air and your wails.
Our shared scents would fill the room while you would pulse around me.
You are mine and we are one.
My knees buckle. Panting, I take support from the wall. Stars explode behind my lids, and I bite my lip to stop my groans.
But in my mind, I scream your name. Your name. Your name. Always your name.
For you are my Princess.
I puff and heave, almost fainting as the warm stickiness glues onto my fingers.
I can wait.
For my princess’ sake.
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afi-writes · 29 days
Pleasures for Your Master
Happy Birthday, Ruki~
Ruki x female reader, NSFW, 18+
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♡ NSFW under the cut, 18+ ♡
You wished nothing more than to please your master on this special day. The problem was he didn't treasure it in the same manner as you did.
"What is it, Livestock? Speak out if you have something in your mind."
Squirming a bit, you opened up the buttons of your shirt, one by one, finally sliding the fabric down your shoulder and revealing your already marked skin. There had been a time when you were unblemished but those days were long gone now.
"You told me you don't wish for material things, for those tend to break," you started while letting your shirt fall down the floor. "Did you read my letter?"
The eyes of the color of the clouded nightly sky never left yours as Ruki put a book aside. A classical novel, you noted. 
"I did indeed." Ruki stood up, taking your hand. "You chose your words well. It seems your training has not been for nothing." Stepping right in front of you, Ruki grabbed your chin, his touch being as icy as ever. "You wish to please your master in every possible way… Was that it?"
You swallowed as the storm in Ruki’s eyes captured you. He was the air you breathed, your everything. For him, you were willing to do anything. He knew this, he did undoubtedly.
Holding your wrist tightly, Ruki pulled you toward the couch. He sat down, spreading his legs slightly. 
"Sit on my thigh. And on one thigh only." Ruki kept his eyes on yours. "Not like that. Your legs on both sides of it… Yes, such a good girl."
"Your good girl…" A quivering whisper, nothing more. That was how your voice always turned out when Ruki said those magical words.
"Now…" A smirk rose on the lips you yearned for, fangs peeking as if Ruki wanted to tease you. "Your master wants you to move."
"Move?" Did Ruki wish you to stand back up? But no, his smirk grew wider as he jerked his thigh up.
"Proof your words to your master." 
Ruki lifted your wrist, bringing it towards his mouth. As you watched, he licked over your veins.
"I cannot see your hips moving… Are you asking to be punished, perhaps?"
But before you had time to react, the fangs pierced your wrist, forcing a moan of pain between your lips. The harsh suck pushed another whine out of you. 
“Hmm, sweet…” Ruki jerked his leg up again, and the realization finally hit you. 
Placing your free hand on Ruki’s shoulder, you curled your fingers and took a hold of him. Eyes locked into yours, Ruki kept savoring your blood, making vibrating pain run along your arm. Slowly, you started to move your hips, pressing your aching womanhood against his thigh.
“Good girl. Keep going and do not dare to avert your gaze.” Ruki kissed your wrist, licking over the bite mark to seal it, before he placed your hand on his other shoulder. His gaze left yours as it traveled down to your breasts which bounced along with your movements. A cold finger tranced the skin above the cup of your bra and a smirk rose again on slightly bloodied lips. “Faster.”
Increasing your pace as you should, you couldn’t help the heated feeling that coursed deep within you, stiffening your stomach and sending shivers all over you. Ruki put a hand on your waist, forcing you to change the angle a bit, and at that very moment, the pleasure shot down your thighs. You closed your eyes, moaning without shame.
Fingers grabbed the cup of your bra, tearing it apart. “I told you not to avert your gaze. Open your eyes and let me hear more of your shameless voice.”
As you forced your lids open while keeping moving, you barely noticed Ruki leaning closer before he had already captured the perky nub of your breast between his lips. 
“Punishment is in place…” Ruki’s soft voice radiated against the nipple. 
Sharp suck. Another. Third. Fangs sinking into spongy flesh.
You cried out, squeezing Ruki’s shoulders as the pain was almost too much to bear. Yet it was soon replaced by kisses that covered the wound and wet tongue that lapped over the hardened bud. 
You could feel how your panties glued between your legs, slowly soaking more and more as you made your hips dance, humping heat against Ruki’s thigh. The yearning in you grew and grew with every shake of your butt. Your tiny pearl craved something more. You pressed your heat tighter against the thigh, focusing on stirring the feeling further while Ruki sucked the tip of your breast, teasing it now with his tongue. The soft sensation on the anguished flesh turned the pain towards pleasure.
But you needed more. This was not enough.
“Hmm? What was that, Livestock? Are you trying to give orders for your master?” Ruki’s hand left your waist as you voiced out your wish and grabbed your hair. “You will make yourself cum right here on your own as I watch.”
When he tugged your hair, Ruki’s gaze pierced you in an almost similar manner as his fangs earlier. “Is that clear?”
As you answered, your voice broke, yet in his tight grip you were unable to nod. Holding his shoulder, you forced your body to move again. The flaring in you only grew, your walls clenching without anything to embrace. If only… if only… Ruki would have allowed you to feel his throbbing hardness, bouncing mercilessly into you. 
But no… Instead, Ruki sank his face into your chest, covering your aching mounds with tiny nibbles and kisses combined with skin-marking sucks. His fingers dug into your side and with the other hand, he still restrained your hair, making your scalp cry from pain with every movement of your hips.
The problem was… …you couldn’t stop now.
Another jolt of bliss ran through you as you grinded on Ruki’s thigh with unabashed whines pushing past your lips like waves of the ocean hitting the shore, shattering all around you while you filled the room with the scent of the lust you couldn’t contain any longer. Again and again, you rubbed the drenched fabric of your panties on the equally moist texture of Ruki’s trousers, not caring if you got his clothes messed up with your liquid of longing.
Your back arched, every muscle in your body tensed, and the room disappeared around you. Ruki bumped his thigh up, driving another moan out of you. That was the last push you needed to turn into a complete mess, your fingers clenching on his shoulders and toiling his blazer. 
“Such a good girl~” Ruki whispered as he released your hair, allowing your panting and whimpering form to collapse into his embrace. While you quivered, almost sobbing in his arms, he brushed your hair aside, leaning in and rubbing the tip of his nose on your neck. “You did so well… but your master is not done yet. If you wish to please me, you need to let me see more of your shamelessness.”
Plunging his fangs into the delicate flesh of your nape, Ruki let out a growl, following by a deep moan of euphoria. “So good… And here I thought you could not taste any more delicious. Sometimes it is a pleasure to be wrong. Now, let us enjoy this evening a little longer~”
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afi-writes · 29 days
Misthearts Moodboard
My current novel project, totally work in progress and due to change.
A princess with fire and water in her veins,
a sky pirate with wind under her wings,
and a knight with legs as steady as the earth
with a spirit, they can open the gates to the lands of gods
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Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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afi-writes · 29 days
Pleasuring Your Master 
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afi-writes · 29 days
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