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Reblogging on my art account to show this.
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Bernard Cribbins passed away today. I’ve never had the death of a celebrity really affect me but this really hit me. His performance as Wilf on Doctor Who was something so special to me as a kid, especially when I didn’t have that kind of close relationship that he and Donna did growing up. It was a comfort to know that there was this old guy who loved with his whole heart and just wanted his family to be safe and happy. It was something really dear to me. Rest well, you sweet old man.
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50 Outfits to Draw Your OC Wearing Meme
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Hi! Recently My blog hit 600 followers so I wanted to celebrate by making a bunch of outfits for people to draw their OCs in. (I suck at designing men's clothes I'm sorry I tried) Still! I hope you find an outfit to draw your cute OCs in! I will also be drawing mine in a few as well!
Feel free to reblog so people can send you an OC & Outfit. I wanna see what y'all draw!
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hey, guys! i’m going through it financially right now, so if any of y’all could send some money my way by checking out some of my art that I am selling on Facebook, that would be really chogsquamp, thank you sm
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Trans kids and College.
WTrans kids have such a difficult time getting into college. Applications are so difficult, with the matter of legal and preferred names setting off the admissions board from the get-go, to the fact that so many of us are not yet out of the closet, making any recognition of our achievements just another reminder of our inability to have freedom in our own identity. This is not to mention the fact that we have no point of reference for the colleges' views upon our identity and how our identity affects their "image." The way that we present ourselves and our identity must be inoffensive and according to their own definition of "the right trans person." We are transgender because we reject gender roles, but we are still expected to uphold them for the comfort and standards of cis people. Following our dreams means risking our safety as well. We don't know about the colleges' views upon discrimination either. We need to know that we are safe on campus, and if we are ever put in a situation that compromises that safety, we will be backed up by the campus authority. We may not be able to guarantee our fellow students' "approval" of our existence, we need to be able to guarantee that we will be respected by staff and administration. Not just in a temporary, situational sense, the guarantee of transgender students' safety should be the standard for every school. Every student should be able to know that they are cared for by their school and that their identity is not a burden or inconvenience to the campus. This isn't even addressing the transgender students, friends of mine, people that I know, who are/have been homeless due to circumstance or being thrown out of their home after coming out. It should not be a community-wide experience to have been homeless for a time being. It should not be a historical experience for your brothers and sisters to be forced to go into sex work because they were thrown out by their family, people who are supposed to love them unconditionally. Teenagers' futures and livelihoods are stripped from them because they wish to live their truth. The average lifespan of transgender individuals is 35 because living in these circumstances leads to high suicide rates, not to mention hate crimes and simply unhealthy living conditions.
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you know what, screw you [waltens your files]
here are some friends/mutuals as Walten files characters!
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so how bout that bo burnham lad huh
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your honor? they’re trans
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gonna make a little thread of the songs with art that ive done for the musical!
[the third section, specifically]
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help a trans guy out
• no nsfw (I’m a minor; case closed)
• no intense gore (not opposed, just like. to an extent, yk?)
• backgrounds are extra, and the cost depends on the detail requested!
examples of other works of mine can be found on my blog!
aight! tysm :)
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hey guys remember when i did art? LOOK
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the first track of the hannibal musical is out!! please check it out, the cast is all so very talented (also i play zeller, but that’s besides the point😌). it is absolutely GORGEOUS.
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was sketching out one of the frames for my new animatic that i’m working on and ended up just making a bunch of doodles. 
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every time someone leaves tags on a post it feels like a lil friendly [mwah] peck on the cheek. thank you friends
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Attention The Adventure Zone Artists!
Hi! I’m Sam and I’m organizing a PMV MAP of 100 Bad Days by AJR, based on the podcast The Adventure Zone: Balance and I can’t do it alone. So I’m calling out the wonderful artists of the fandom to help!
What is a PMV MAP? Picture Music Videos are videos made of drawings/slightly animated drawings that go along with a song. A Multi-Artist Project is what it sounds like - multiple artists working together to make a final product!
The video will be focusing on the stories and growths of Magnus, Taako, and Merle. I tried to divide attention in the video equally between the three different storylines. 
How can you help: This document has all information regarding more formal stuff such as deadlines and applications, but more importantly it has the storyboard that will guide the entire video! 
If you are interested, shoot me a DM, and even if you’re not an artist, please reblog or share to spread the word!
I’m gonna be making sure the video is pulled together smoothly and efficiently (making sure deadlines are met, putting together the clips, etc.) but feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions!
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