allice-9 · 8 years
Halloween Prompts!
Send me a 🎃 and I’ll generate a number from 1-25!
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allice-9 · 8 years
Tell my Muse who you ship them with, see their reaction!
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allice-9 · 8 years
Greek God Parent Quiz
Your godly parent is Athena, Goddess of wisdom and strategy, arts and crafts, battle and reason.
Athena's children are quick-thinking, witty, wise and responsible. As one of them, you are known to think several steps ahead, and plan for every inevitability. Children of Athena are also very sympathetic towards to those in need, and will do anything to help those less unfortunate than them. They also have no problems in sharing their knowledge with others, and you'll find them spouting facts about their favorite things all the time. Children of Athena have lots of patience and motivation, and once they begin a task, they will not rest until they finish it. Athena's children also are plagued with problems of pride and vengeance; they believe they are the best at everything and when crossed, will go to elaborate lengths to exact their payment. Because you appreciate the subtleties of intelligence and strategy, sometime you can be closed off to more emotional intuition and asking for help in these areas can be challenging. Athena gets along very well with Artemis, due to them having similar personalities. Children of Athena are also quite popular, if not for their intelligence, then for their ability to have a conversation with almost anybody.
Brilliance, intelligence, wisdom, logic, generosity, kindness, pride, diligence, vengeance, order
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allice-9 · 8 years
Want a random starter?
Send me a symbol…
🎬 for me to use a line from the last movie I watched as a starter 📹 for me to use a line from my favorite movie as a starter 📚 for me to grab the book nearest to me, flip to a random page, and use the first line of dialogue I see as a starter 🎧 for me to shuffle my playlist and use the first line of the next song as a starter 🎶 for me to use my favorite line of the last song I listened to as a starter 📺 for me to use a line from the last TV show I watched as a starter 💻 for me to use a line from my favorite TV show as a starter 🎵for me to shuffle my playlist and use my favorite line of the next song as a starter 😊 for me to make a starter based off the first thing in your wanted plots tag 😉 for me to make a starter based off the first thing in my wanted plots tag 💋 for a shippy starter 😡 for an angsty starter 👊 for an argument/fight starter 🌈 for a random encounter starter 🏩 for a nsfw starter 📫 for a text message starter 💀 for a dark starter 🍬 for a fluffy starter
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allice-9 · 8 years
Self-Knowledge Questionnaire
Tagged by: @spiritmemedium
Below the surface everyone is pretty complicated. Based on your answers, we think the following three traits are important strands in your personality:
You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesise and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
One part of your character is anger in all its forms: frustration, outrage – and when anger is suppressed – bitterness, grumpiness, and bodily aches. Fundamentally, frustration comes from hope: you get upset because you expect your life will be more than a valley of tears. One way to deny aggression is to direct it inwards, as self-criticism. But you’re at your best when you acknowledge anger, and act it out clearly and in a focussed way, with honour.
One tendency in you – which is of course normal to the human race – is to bristle when criticised, and to defend yourself when you feel under threat from aggression or blame. Defensiveness can make you conceal your less honourable motives, from others, and from yourself. The habits once made sense: they all derive from past efforts to protect yourself. And most of the time – because we don’t get much help in loving ourselves – you still need them to feel secure.
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allice-9 · 8 years
((Ever have those mun/muse ~creative differences~? Currently mine are going a bit like: “It’d be really exciting if you got kidnapped or something, Alice. I feel like you’re always in the position of power in your threads, it’d be cool to switch it up.” “Um, excuse me?! That is not happening!”))
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allice-9 · 8 years
Do you enjoy the attention you get from people due to your outfit?
“Well... Yes and no. There are people whose attention I wouldn’t mind catching, I suppose, but the fact of the matter is that the outfit is really just a ruse.”
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“People fall for that sort of thing pretty easily, don’t you think~? Well, men, I mean. It’s a lot easier to catch your enemies off guard if they underestimate you. And I’m much more comfortable with my body than most people, so I don’t mind wearing revealing clothes, but it’s not like I get off on it or anything.”
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allice-9 · 8 years
For the next five asks, my muse cannot tell a lie.
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allice-9 · 8 years
RP starters: Betrayal
“I thought I could trust you!”
“I should’ve known.”
“Are you just going to leave me here?!”
“Where are you going?”
“Why did you do this?”
“Don’t. I don’t need to hear your pathetic excuses anymore.”
“You can still do the right thing!”
“You knew about this all along, didn’t you?”
“I will remember this…”
“I thought we were friends!”
“Please let’s just go back, please.”
“This is a joke, right? Right?”
“What are you doing? What…?
“I still believe there is a good person in you.”
“It was necessary.”
“Did you really think I cared about you?”
“This was my plan all along.”
“There was no other way.”
“How cute. Struggle all you want, you won’t be leaving this place.”
“This is what you get from trusting me.”
“It’s too late to go back.”
“I’m sorry this had to go down like this.”
“That’s right, I lied.”
“It’s all for a good cause.”
“You were so stupid. You should’ve known.”
“Just so you know.. I don’t regret anything.”
“Shame. I kind of liked you.”
“This is my responsibility.” 
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allice-9 · 8 years
♘ :)
♘- fall outfit
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((Something like this, maybe? I can definitely see her sporting a trench coat, and everyone loves those sweater dress things. She’s supposed to be wearing skinny jeans btw but I didn’t put in too much work on those. Also lmao because you can’t tell me that power stance isn’t how she subliminally flirts with cute girls))
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allice-9 · 8 years
Outfit Headcanons
Send a symbol below and I’ll describe or draw what my Muse wears in specific scenarios!
♔ -  pajamas / bedtime outfit ♕ - beach / swimsuit ♖ - spring outfit ♗ - summer outfit ♘- fall outfit ♟- winter outfit ♙ - date night ♚ - casual / everyday ♛ - formal outfit ♜ - gym / exercise / training outfit ♝- crisis / war / battle armor ☠ - Everyday Going-To-School uniform ☮ - Work Uniform ☯ - Outfit They Wore When They Were 8 ♠ - Clothes they wear when they just don’t care Ω -  Going-To-A-Party Outfit ♤ -  Look-At-Me-I’m-Hella-Attractive Outfit ♣ -   Lingerie / Underwear / Smallclothes ♧ -   An outfit they wear related to one of their hobbies ♥ -   A “traditional” outfit based on their heritage (i.e. kimono, sari, other folk costumes) ♡ -  Superhero / Super Villain costume ♦ -  Magical Girl / Magical Knight costume ♢ -  FINAL BOSS Armor ♞ - you specify another situation!
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allice-9 · 8 years
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New FMK Game brought to you by inboxideas!
Inbox Ideas is a meme archive. The sole purpose of the blog is to host memes. Please be careful not to accidentally send a response to inboxideas. Thank you!
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allice-9 · 8 years
((Alright, I’ve got the memes on this blog all squared away under “#new leads” so if you’re looking for em that’s where they’ll be. Like I said on the Luna blog, I’m pretty much always up for responding to memes, so anything I’ve reblogged is fair game as long as you make sure to specify which one you want.))
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allice-9 · 8 years
Send “Shove” to pin my muse against a wall.
Send “Pinned” for my muse to pin your muse against a wall.
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allice-9 · 8 years
Δ ((i have a need for these two to interact...))
((I literally got no notification about this?? At all?? What the fresh heck, tumblr. Anyway OMG YES LET ME SMOOSH THESE RIDICULOUS SUPER SPIES TOGETHER))
Δ = playing with their hair
“Told you it was soft. Remind me to do your hair after this – it would look adorable in braids.”
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“Ahh, it’s been forever since I’ve had just a girls’ night like this. They need to give us vacation days more often.”
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allice-9 · 8 years
▄ = telling them a joke
Alice laughed, despite herself.
“I didn’t know you had a sense of humor.”
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“But is now really the time for jokes…?”
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allice-9 · 8 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . �� = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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