almostalyssamarie · 7 years
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nice going Angelica, he was right, you will never be satisfied. 
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
Hamilton, Act 1: Oh, am I talkin’ too loud? Sometimes I get over excited, shoot off at the mouth Hamilton, Arriving to the cabinet meeting: *kicks down congress door, points at Jefferson* FUCK YOU *points at Madison* FUCK YOU *Points at all of Virginia* FUCK ALL OF YOU *Points to Washington* YOU’RE COOL *Points to John Adams* YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE A REAL JOB
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
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musical theatre posters - lin-manuel miranda original works
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
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animations-daily’s 100K Celebration Week: Day 6: Colours → Moana (2016)
“There comes a day, when you’re gonna look around and realize happiness is where you are. We make our nets from the fibers, the water is sweet inside. We use the leaves to build fires, we cook up the meat inside.”
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
PSA to our followers this Autism Acceptance Month:
Use Autism **Acceptance** Month (as opposed to Autism Awareness Month).
NO “light it up blue” or puzzle pieces. Google “Autism Speaks hate group” to learn more.
Use red or gold instead, which are colors supported by the autistic community.
Use identity-first language (most autistic people prefer “autistic” instead of “person with autism”), but don’t police the language of someone who prefers to be called a person with autism.
NO scare terms like “suffering with autism” or “afflicted with autism.”
Avoid functioning labels like “high functioning” or “low functioning.”
If autistic voices are not at the center of your efforts, you’re doing it wrong.
To learn more about autism, visit autistic-run organizations like the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) and Autism Women’s Network (AWN).
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
reblog if ur lgbt and have a bad eyesight
trying to prove a point to my oculist
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
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Hello! And welcome to Fuck Yeah Pop Punk Tattoos 50k Giveaway!
I have 30 enamel pins to give you guys! I decided there will be 15 winners who will win 2 pins each. All you have to do to enter is be following FYPPT and reblog this post. The first name chosen will get to pick from all 30 pins, the next winner will pick from the remaining 28, and so on. Each winner will have to choose two pins from two different bands; I just want to give everyone as fair a chance as I can to get the band they want. This giveaway IS international. I will begin choosing winners at random on Sunday, March 12.
Don’t forget to submit your pop punk tattoos by clicking here; follow our instagram here; and check out my shop where I sell handmade patches, pins and more by clicking here!
Thank you guys for all the continuing support and your contributions to making this blog awesome!
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
you know what? i love boys. i know there’s a lot of praise surrounding bisexual girls who always say how much they love women, and as great as that is, bisexual girls loving boys is just as good. boys can be soft and lovely and warm and i love them. sometimes the same amount i love girls, sometimes less, and sometimes equally, but no matter what, i still like them. shoutout to other bisexual girls who don’t feel as if they’re as worthy in the LGBT+ community when they like a boy.
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
Marry me so I can film you doing regular everyday shit and I’ll edit little movies of our lives so you can see how beautiful you are to the rest of the world.
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
types of writers
The Lore-ist 
has detailed if not meticulous notes on the universe they’ve created, down to the food eaten and language quirks, they use mythos and setting to bring it all together
most of the character’s backstories are already loving laid out, though may not be all connected yet. 
Has yet to write a full chapter. (But they’re getting there!)
The Bae
Story is centered around a complex and engaging OC that they’ve spent years developing
said OC has been through A Lot, the love is real, so is the pain
OC may sort of be a loser? ie the story is a character-driven piece where the plot is moved ahead by said character’s bad decisions and questionable habits
The Researcher
akin to the lore-ist but spends more of their time on wikipedia articles jotting down notes and things like how much a watermelon weighs 
Everything from knowing Too Much about child-care to how a body decomposes or flapper chest-binding is on the table, their breadth is large and Should Be Feared
takes a long time to start but make the most of their words, from spot-on sci-fi to history to murder, readers will learn something on the way
The Lemon Flavored Factory
alright take it back now y’all, this writer has written enough smut to make a tom cat blush, they can write other things too, and often well, but there will inevitably be bed-rattling at some point (or car or shower)
either unusually creative or just sticks to classics like Aliens Made Them Do It, neither is necessarily bad but there is oddly little in between
their author’s notes tend to be hilarious or at least very self-aware
The Word Vomit Canoe
action oriented writer who spews out the words before they know what is happening, no plans, no outlines, 10k of the first thing that comes to mind, sometimes things like ‘maybe dragons?’ & they go with it
their strengths are productivity, weaknesses are not knowing what the hell is going on
style is marked by fast-paced tone and downright impressive word count
The Muse
their inspiration doesn’t come as often, but they are always listening for her & redy 2 go
update schedule is…sporadic at best, but makes up for it with long chapters and clean editing
Will write 30 pages in a day and then take a few months off, enjoys one-shots but can do longer works
doesn’t have the best sense of time and when they are in The Zone may forget to eat or shower
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
We’ve all seen a lot of posts telling us we need to comment/kudos/reblog/love our fanfic authors or they will stop writing. I know, I’ve shared them.
But those posts never talk about what you, as a reader, get out of it. So here are my entirely selfish reasons that you should engage with fanfic (writers) that you love:
1. Free, quality content on your blog in the time it takes to smash reblog.
2. It’s good for you: people who “practice gratitude consistently report” higher levels of happiness, lower blood pressure, feel less lonely and other good shit.(x)
3. It’s not just writers who read those comments and reviews, you might find yourself a flail buddy. It just feels good to say “this is the BEST” and have someone else say, “I know, right?!”
4. The actual author might respond to your comments, follow you, start chatting to you or publicly thank you for encouraging them to write more.
5. If you start putting out fic rec lists, people might come to you asking for more recommendations. Who doesn’t like to feel like their thoughts and opinions matter?
6. Get so inspired you have to make art for a fic? Writers looove that - you could find they say thanks, share your art, use it as their header (on their blog or fic - seeing your picset at the top of a fic you love is just jandjdjbdudndj) or write you a fic.
7. And, of course, you’ll make a writer happy. And happy writers write more fic. Even if they never, ever engage with you, just knowing you’re there reading and caring means you get more fic to read.
8. All the ways we have of showing writers some love makes you a part of something. Fandom can be weird and wonderful, and at times utterly mental. But being in the club feels pretty damn great.
@kmomof4 @pocket-anon @artandteaandstuff @effulgentcolors @mahstatins @like-waves-on-the-beach @justanotherwannabeclassic @shipping-goggles
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
i know i always say how much i want a gf, but can you imagine having a girlfriend????? like??? actually. having. a. girlfriend???? a girl who loves you? and cares for you? and gets worried about you? a girl that misses you?? is that real?? the concept of “girlfriend” is too much for my heart, i cant believe it exists wtf
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
my feminist goal is not to convince men that girls are of value, my feminist goal is to achieve a future where the judgement of our value isn’t in the hands of men. 
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
Reblog this if you're gay and don't have a Valentine.
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almostalyssamarie · 7 years
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