#important stuff
pnkq · 7 months
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thealiveshadow · 6 months
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All of this is in response to this:
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Ukraine voted to abstain from voting for protections of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations in Gaza. I’m not here to tell you whether it’s right or wrong that Ukraine didn’t vote, but what I will say is that if all sudden this vote by the Ukraine Government made you retract all support for Ukrainian civilians and believe that Putin should “blow Ukraine to pieces”. Then you are a piece of shit who’s entire ideology is performative and uncaring because you are unable to think more critically and use nuance in a situation, and would rather have innocent civilians just fucking die than understand the decisions the Ukrainian Government makes do not in any way determine the value of life each Ukrainian person has and does not mean that they all deserve to die.
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devotedlydarkcrown · 8 months
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Please keep in mind that Jere will be hugging tall boys again soon
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catscafecomics · 1 year
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Important Stuff
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nobodysdaydreams · 4 months
PSA: the bots are getting sneaky
Hey guys just fyi, I haven’t seen anything about this, but I don’t get a follower notification when a bot follows me anymore.
My follower count will magically go up, but my activity doesn’t notify me of being followed by them. But when I click on my list of followers, there they all are.
At first I thought this was an issue with my tumblr specifically, but I still get notified when other people follow me, so I think that the bots just found a work around.
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samasmith23 · 6 months
Dear @hellyeahheroes/@filipfatalattractionrblog,
All that me and my friend @sjbattleangel ask is that you and the rest of your friends on this blog please acknowledge and apologize for creating such a toxic echo chamber with your blog, which encourages and enables hyperbolic and inflammatory mischaracterization and harassment if comic creators that you personally dislike. If you don’t like the works of people like Jason Aaron, Dan Slott, Brian Michael Bendis, Donny Cates, Jonathan Hickman, Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Joshua Williamson etc., that’s fine; but it is UNACCEPTABLE to constantly slander and demonize them as “perverts”, "misogynists", "homophobes", "eugenists" or “fascist apologists” when there’s ZERO evidence to substantiate such extreme claims. Just because these creators wrote comics that you personally disliked does NOT mean that they're even remotely comparable to legitimately bigoted scumbags like Ethan Van Sciver & Chuck Dixon like you treat them as based on the way you constantly talk about them!
And some members of your community, like KK4EverStuff, have gone even further by using your defamatory statements as an excuse to write literal death threats towards said-creators such as these:
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These are NOT ad-hominem or hyperbolic Angry Video Game Nerd style criticisms like majingojira once tried to claim. This is violent an unhinged cyberbullying on KK4EverStuff's part. Plain and simple. Your blog encouraged and enabled his kind of toxic behavior, and you need to acknowledge that and do better going forward.
Then there is the X-Men series (particularly anything non-New X-Men: Academy X or post-Schism), Batgirls, any post-One Year Later Cass Cain-stared story or any post-One More Day Spider-Man story. It's fine if they don't appeal to you but deliberately choosing to hate them way before you even read them or gave them a proper chance? That isn't good or healthy criticism, that's just hate-reading for the sake of hate-reading. All it does is create an atmosphere of constant negativity and toxic gatekeeping which really hurt comic fans who just want to have fun. If anything after Avengers: Arena, X-Men: Schism, Robin: One Year Later or One More Day upset you that much then why you are reading them if you're automatically going to hate them? Just don't read them. It's that easy.
So please, acknowledge that you have done wrong with your past attacks against specific comic creators, toxic bad-faith comic criticism and apologize. That’s all we ask for.
Do better!
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tumbler-polls · 4 months
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skeletonmob · 18 days
Just a reminder that people do care about Palestine, and even if you don't hear about it, there are people that're constantly fighting for it.
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smokeyokey · 8 months
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Guess what he’s reading
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creatingnikki · 4 months
things to remember in 2024
i. more quiet time, more silence. more shavasana, more stillness.
ii. keep promises you make to yourself. everyone else can be disregarded — the promises they make, the promises you make to them.
iii. there is no "should do this" or "should be that way" as a universal rule book. your experiences and lessons teach you what are your values, preferences, and takes on life and people. you don't need to convince others of them, you don't even need to most times articulate them to follow them and do as you please.
iv. things that increase your risk of chronic health (mental and physical) issues: sitting, smoking, and situationships. your legs, lungs, and love life deserve much better.
v. 'the best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment'. fight the instant gratification, the fomo, the yolo. do the healthy thing for you in the moment, every moment.
vi. go to the salon, the bookstore, the train station, the beach, the bakery more than you go to the bar, the boy's house, and self doubt/loathing.
vii. travel even if you don't have a big budget and cannot do everything you'd want to in that destination because you do now want some travel experiences and stories while you're still in your 20s. make it a priority now, you don't want to feel bitter later.
viii. stop trying to frustrate and confuse yourself so much. you are both the vivacious, warm, kind, person and the somber, detached, pensive person. it's not one betraying the other. it's both you — the sunflower and the black orchid.
ix. ask people of things, it's no virtue to only give and not take. however, don't be so sensitive or shattered if not given or denied. people don't have as much power over your heart as you believe. your heart is happily vacationing on the moon most months of the year away from this worldly chaos. it's your ego that cannot take it. acknowledge the role of your ego, learn to understand it so that you can work with it.
x. do the cringe things. post a hundred reels on Instagram even if you get five likes on each. cringe at that part of you that cringes when you do the things you want instead of cringing at yourself. when you do that you're viewing yourself as a third-party judging yourself and honestly love aren't there thousands out there to do that job already? so then you stick to your job — support yourself no matter how you decide to live your life.
xi. love and romance are not the centre or purpose of your life. you are. the genre of your life is neither rom com nor tragic passionate romance. it's slice of life. love and romance will happen when it happens and will be one part of your life. but all the other parts? they belong to you — to your art and writing, to your joy and exploration of yourself and this world, to your family and friends, to food and cats, to travel and music, to peace and sleep. live a full life.
xii. set processes for your routine that streamline everything and make it easy. your morning work commute, your night skincare, going over your monthly budget, saving and investing for your goals, how you organize your life and time. and when problems show up, simply problem solve. don't take it personally, try to not feel dejected and doomed. and for the times you do, don't try to fix anything. take a shower, eat a good meal, go to sleep.
xiii. when setting boundaries, and when those boundaries are crossed, you don't have to break your head trying to get the other person to change their behaviour. instead, you should change your behaviour. if they cross a boundary, then that should be your cue for a behaviour change, a decision. don't be at the mercy of another's understanding and compassion to have your life be aligned to your needs and values.
xiv. three steps taken > three hundred steps planned. pausing for three months > abandoning for three years. three people you love and who love you > thirty people who are fluff. idk why three is the magic number here but you get the gist. moderation, my love, and balance. regulation and removal.
xv. cut out the noise. you'll figure out more of what that means as you begin to do it. it's social media, yes. it's societal conditioning, yes. but it's also the things your loved ones say despite having the best intentions at heart for you. it's the things the younger you believed and thought and wrote. it's the friends and lovers who come and go and don't really know you well. it's all of it. you have to cut out the noise. build noise-cancelling headphones for your soul over time and carry them with you everywhere.
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pacificovertures · 1 year
i dont know if anyone is following what’s happening to new college in florida, but it’s easily one of the scariest things to happen in my life time. i know people who go to new college. i know people who have worked at new college. when i was growing up i considered going there myself.
for all its problems, sarasota (and florida as a whole) is my HOME and it’s unbelievably fucked up what desantis is doing there. PLEASE do your research and stand with the students and faculty of new college.
(reblog this if you can)
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thealiveshadow · 6 months
You know, I think it’s so ironic (and fucking sickening) that the same so called “leftists” and “progressives” who were criticizing the Nazi being invited into the Canadian Parliament and given a standing ovation, are the same people spreading absolutely horrible antisemitic dogma during these times. And they say it SO unflinchingly, things like “Jews control the media that’s why no ones reporting more fairly for Palestine” or “Why are Israeli Jewish people scared, they can just go to their second home in New York hahaha”. Do they just not see how disturbing and antisemitic that actually is???? If you have the balls to spread such harmful conspiracy theories, than maybe you never gave a shit about the Nazi in Parliament, maybe you just care more about what supports your ideology and feelings than actual, living people.
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loveliestlovelygirl · 3 months
taglist: anakin skywalker
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💜 to be added to everything!
🪻to only be added to my series
🌊 to only be added to my oneshots
🔮 to only be added to my drabbles
please keep in mind that my works may include dark content and very mature themes!!
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gunthermunch · 11 months
PSA about Munch
don't go crazy this is just about my update schedule. and a little bit of a life update too?
so, besides college stuff, i'm moving countries mid july. this means im currently in the whole peak of the Process which is the most tedious and stressful part. nowadays im using the free time i have for resting and not so much for making poses setting scenes up shot edit and post them.
now about the schedule, I'll finish posting everything regarding Gunther and Lilith's wedding, I've been trying to post twice a week. then i'll go on a small break until i can settle down and go back to my life being Normal.
AND this means Munch is going to last more than i expected. it was meant to end in 2024 but now it clearly won't. Which is great actually, more time with these guys!
anyways that's all 🫡💛 thank you for sticking around and being nice and patient and cool!!
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