alyara-alyara · 7 days
When you wipe away their kiss (SDV Bachelors)
- When he gave you a kiss on the lips and you quickly wiped it away he looked shocked and gave you another.
- You wiped your lips again. “Why are you wiping away my kiss?” he said in a concerned and angry turned.
- When you shrug and try to keep a straight face he realizes you’re just playing around. He holds you close and gives you a bunch of kisses all over your face.
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- He had just gotten back from his mom's house and was really tired. You were out on the farm planting new crops.
- When you went inside he picked you up and gave you a kiss. He asked if you wanted to watch something.
- He was happy when you said yes until you wiped away his kiss. It bothered him that you wiped his kiss away.
- He put you down and you felt bad and told him it was a joke. He smiled and picked you up again.
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- You were getting ready to take care of the farm animals. Shane gave you a kiss on the cheek before you left. When you wiped it away he noticed but didn’t say anything.
- He spent the rest of the day thinking about you wiping his kiss away. When you came back home he gave you a kiss on the cheek again.
- He mostly just wanted to see if you would wipe it away again. When you didn’t wipe his kiss away he sighed in relief.
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- Harvey gave you a peck on the forehead after you helped him restock the clinic medication. He didn’t expect you to wipe your forehead.
- He frowned “Do you not like my kisses anymore?” he says but it sounds like he's asking himself.
- He thinks you don’t love him anymore and has a talk with you about it.
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- You had made Sebastian some sashimi and he gave you a kiss on the cheek as a thank you. You wiped the kiss away and sat down.
- He doesn’t say anything. He thought maybe you just needed some time alone. After he ate he went to outside to smoke.
- He spent the rest of the day on his computer. When you guys got ready for bed he kept thinking about how you wiped his kiss away.
- When you both got into bed he gave you a peck on the cheek. This wasn’t something he normally did, but he was happy when you didn’t wipe it away.
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- He got back from his walk and saw you sitting on the couch. He gave you a kiss and when you wiped it away he didn’t know how to react.
- He thinks at first he stinks but when he realizes he doesn’t he gets even more confused. “Why did you wipe my kiss away?” He asked.
- Once he realizes you’re playing a joke on him, he gets a bit mad.
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alyara-alyara · 12 days
If the bachelors of stardew valley love like a cat or dog
- He would love like a cat.
- When you first try to get close he’ll be defensive. Just give him some time and he’ll get used to you.
- After you just become a couple he’ll open up to you, but he still likes his space.
- He’ll hug you but not for long. (You know when cats come up to you and lay down, but they leave as soon as you pet them.)
- He shows his love by giving you gifts.
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- I feel like for Harvey he could love like a dog or cat.
- If he loves like a cat he just wants to snuggle up to you.
- He’ll love like a hyper cat or a calm chill dog.
- If he loves like a dog he admires you from a distance.
- If he loves like a dog he’ll follow you around the farm when the clinic isn’t busy.
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- Sam 100% loves like a dog.
- When you first meet him it will feel like you guys have known each other for years.
- If you can’t hang out he’ll hang out with Sebastian and Abigail till you're free.
- He’s always hugging you or holding your hand.
- He’s just happy to be with you.
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- Sebastian loves like a cat.
- He loves affection and compliments but will never admit it.
- He disappears for a couple of hours but only because he needs to recharge.
- He likes listening to you rant about things you love.
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- Alex loves like a dog.
- He loves when you hug him, kiss him, hold his hand, play with his hair, etc.
- He would be really happy if you play football with him, and even more happy if he wins.
- Sometimes he wants to play fight but if he hurts you he’ll stop and feel really bad.
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- I imagine Elliott as a fancy dog that has class.
- He loves spending time with you but also understands everyone needs a break.
- He likes going on long walks with you.
- If you’re sitting on the sofa he’ll sit next to you and do his own thing. Like try and find inspiration to write something.
- He will apologize immediately if he's wrong. (You know when dogs put their paw on their owner when they are sad.)
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(I want to start writing more about the other bachelors and maybe even the bachelorettes.)
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alyara-alyara · 18 days
Shane and the 5 love languages. (Ranked on mostly likely to least likely to be his.)
Gift giving
- Shane is definitely someone who's love language is gift giving.
- Shane has his ups and downs at times so and he has anxiety. So he has a hard time expressing himself.
- He wants to show his love so the best way he can is getting you gifts when he has money.
- He does occasionally think he doesn’t do enough for you. He probably feels embarrassed that he has a hard time expressing himself.
- After he quits drinking he’ll have some more money left over. So you and Jas will be getting more gifts.
- When he gifts you a necklace with a wooden chicken charm, he's so happy when he sees your eyes light up.
- If the town had a baby shop Shane would be there every day. If not we would be window shopping.
- (I always had this thought that when he quits drinking he takes up a new hobby. Like wood craving. Nothing big though, something that could be craved with a pocket knife.)
Acts of service
- I feel like Acts of Service is really close to being one of his first love languages.
- We all know Shane knows how to take care of chickens. I like to think he also knows how to take care of the other animals. If not he'll learn how to do he can help you.
- While you water the crops or take care of the kids real quick he’ll feed the animals and open their gates.
- If you ask him to do small like things like passing you a plate, taking the trash out, watching the kids, etc he would do without questions.
- If you need him to run into town and go buy some more seed packets this man would be speed walking.
Quality time
- Shane loves watching movies and TV shows with you. Even if you pick something he doesn’t like.
- He could be in the middle of a movie and he would still give you the tv remote.
- Taking the kids to the park or teaching them how to take care of the animals. He’ll also take the kids and you to the grid ball game.
- When Jas wants to play dress up Shane would let her put makeup on him. It would take a lot of convincing. (He just wants her to be happy)
- If you're sick he will take the day off and try to take care of you. He's not a good cook so cup noodles is as good as it'll get. If you're really sick he’ll visit the clinic for some medication.
Physical touch
- He’s not big on physical touch.
- If you guys are in public he won’t be big in physical touch. He gets a bit embarrassed even though he shouldn’t be.
- The most he’ll do in public is probably hand holding.
- In the private of your own home he gives you little pecks on the cheek when he's going out.
- If you guys are on the bed or sofa for a long time he’ll want to lay his head on your lap, or chest while you pat his head.
- He will give you random hugs from time to time when you see you in the kitchen.
- With the kids, he's definitely affectionate. One of the first things he does when he wakes up is check on them.
- He loves seeing their little hands wrap around his finger.
Words of affirmation
- Shanes is not the best when it comes to expressing himself with words.
- He tries from time to time to give you sweet messages but they are really awkward, but in a cute way.
- Now don’t get me wrong he will encourage you, but when it comes to nicknames and sweet talk that's a different story.
- He will put himself down if he sees other couples being lovey-dovey. Even though you tell him it doesn’t bother you he still feels like he should do better.
- If he's watching something and he's really focused on it he’ll caress your arm or lightly pinch your cheek lightly.
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alyara-alyara · 19 days
How I think Shane would react to being a dad and how well of a dad I think he would be
- When you told him you were pregnant he kind of just stood there shocked.
- “Shane? I said I’m pregnant.” You said a second time. He just walked up to you and hugged you tightly.
- You heard a sob and then another. He was crying. All you could do was pat his head. “I take it you're happy.” You said jokingly.
- He will definitely be telling Marnie and Jas about the new family member on their way.
- Shane would be a great father. When the farmer's belly starts getting bigger he will put his head on your stomach.
- He likes to feel the baby kick and punch it makes him smile.
- When the baby is born he’ll let the baby sleep on his stomach.
- For the first few months he won’t want to let the baby out of his sight. He'll also get the baby really sweet and thoughtful gifts.
- He will bring the baby over to Marnie's ranch so Jas and Marnie and meet the baby.
- Shane would take some days off of work to stay with the baby. If you're both busy at work he’ll get Marnie to babysit.
- He’ll just be happy to have a family with you.
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alyara-alyara · 20 days
Theories I think Shane would pass/fail
Orange peel theory
- “Hey, love, can you peel this orange for me?” you said handing him the orange.
- Shane looked at the orange and then looked at you “Uh, sure give me it.”
- Shane peeled the orange with his hands. He stole a few glances at you, happy that you wanted his help.
(I think he would definitely pass the orange theory. Also, I saw how some couples cut the orange or put it on a plate. I don’t think Shane will do that I feel like he will just give it to you peeled.)
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Sidewalk theory
- Shane would not know what the sidewalk theory is.
- You guys went on a trip to the city. Shane just walks on whichever side it doesn't matter to him.
- When you tell him about the theory he'll start doing it all the time.
(The main reason I feel like he wouldn’t know the sidewalk theory is because the town doesn’t really have a street for cars. They all mostly walk.)
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Flower theory
- Shane had brought you flowers for your birthday. You loved them but you knew they wouldn’t last long. You always forgot to water them.
- For the first 5 days you stay on task and watered them. Shane had put them in an old vase you had.
- After the 9th day you forgot to water the flowers but to your surprise, they still looked pretty healthy.
- On the 15th day that's when you realize you haven't watered them for so long. Yet they still looked good. They wilted a bit but not much.
(This theory would 100% pass. Shane has a lot of love for the farmer especially if you have been there for him emotionally and physically.)
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Bird theory
- You were at the dance with Shane. While you were waiting for everyone to get ready you saw a bird in a sky.
- You covered your face to look up and pointed “Shane look at that bird.”
- He quickly turned around. “Where?” he says looking around and then looking up.
- “You missed it.” You said. “Oh, what did it look like then?” he asked you.
(Shane would pass this theory because he already likes birds. I mean he takes care of chickens and I also think he would just love any reason to talk to you.)
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alyara-alyara · 21 days
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Dating Shane Headcanons
-He’s not really touchy in public but in private he is
-He definitely gets jealous
-He doesn’t think he’s good enough for you and needs your reassures that he is
-He's got a genuine fear that you will leave him
-Just tell him how much you love him every so often, it helps
-He understands more than anyone the need to be alone or do your own thing
-He's not sure how to share his own emotions sometimes either
-Communicate how you feel, and encourage him to do the same
-He’s probably bad when it comes to social cues
-He thinks you make him a better person
-Marnie is happy seeing you with him during the day
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alyara-alyara · 2 months
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I need more shows/movies with this vibe.
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