anakinlives · 13 days
Obi & Anis relationship will always hurt me
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“Anakin and Obi-Wan would never fight each other. They couldn’t. They’re a team. They’re the team. And both of them are sure they always will be.”
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anakinlives · 13 days
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Been so busy with school that I’ve been super inactive… I’ll try to be more active in the summer. Anyway here a part of my 3d final I wanted to share 😋
used this tutorial
If anyone wants to see the whole thing here it is
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anakinlives · 17 days
I miss them <3
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A queen senator and her boys.
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anakinlives · 21 days
absolutely factual
Went to see the re-release of The Phantom Menace this weekend and... seriously, how did a bunch of online whiners convince us for so long that it was a bad movie? Well, not me, I always enjoyed it personally, but even I'm kinda shocked going back at how much the supposed flaws with it are way overblown.
Jar Jar is hit or miss, but not universally unfunny by any means. There's a lot of comedy involving how other characters (especially Qui Gon) react to his antics that's actually pretty great. We could have used maybe 30% less of him in the movie overall, and certainly could have gone without the poop jokes, but at the end of the day there's nothing wrong with some comic relief in an otherwise serious movie, especially given the need to draw children in.
The "wooden acting" thing is really just an issue with Jake Lloyd (who was a child and did not deserve any of the horrendous bullying he got and I can't believe how vile and cruel people were about it) and Natalie Portman (who was also very young and learned fast as we've seen). Everyone else gave a solid performance. The dialogues are... fine really? Lots of interesting interpersonal dynamics that feel real (Padmé and Qui Gon's sparring is especially great, as is Qui Gon and Obi Wan's differing attitudes to the Jedi - okay now that I think about it a lot of the best dynamics revolve around Qui Gon lol).
But the dumbest complaint by far was about the "boring politics". Really, the anti-Prequels backlash might need to be studied as one of the earliest examples of the illiterate chud backlash calls to "get politics out of my entertainment". Except unlike a lot of modern Marvel slop, where the "politics" is usually surface-level, TPM is a movie that actually takes its political themes seriously. It's a scathing critique of the kind of the institutional decay that takes root in democracies, and how it provides authoritarian demagogues with an opening to seize power. Watching this in 1999 as a young child (this was possibly the first movie I ever saw in theaters), I had no doubt Palpatine was a good guy and the right person to restore justice to the Republic. Watching as an adult in 2024, his "drain the swamp" rhetoric raises alarm bells even if you ignore the whole Darth Sidious thing. This movie's political commentary has unfortunately proved quite prescient.
There is much, much more to be said about the film's qualities. Above all, it provides a thoroughly engaging and satisfying story of one small nation resisting invasion by a larger power despite the indifference of the rest of the world (Slava Ukraini anyone?). There is a strong running theme about the inherent value of all lifeforms, with those that are looked down as dumb or pathetic actually providing crucial help at the right moment (this is why Jar Jar is important!). The mystery of the Sith and the meaning of the prophecy are extremely compelling without hindsight and just as intriguing when you know the original trilogy and want to figure out how things all connect together. And the tragedy of Anakin begins to unfold here, as we see the harsh world he was born into, his heartbreaking separation from his mother, and then the tragic loss of the one person who truly saw his potential. We see exactly why Obi Wan failed him, because Obi Wan's dogmatic adherence to the Jedi code was never going to work with Anakin. Qui Gon, with his more flexible attitude and his reliance on his own sense of justice, shows a different path the Jedi could have taken, and one that we finally realized with Luke in RotJ. It's a perfect book-end for the saga.
Another thing: this movie looks gorgeous. I've heard so much shit about the CGI and... did we watch the same movie? First off there's actually not that much CGI, all the sets are painstakingly crafted practical effects and it shows. But even when there is CGI, it often looks better than a lot of modern movies' CGI. This movie crafts so many unique settings with their own distinctive look and feel, and they all feel real and lived-in. One of the underrated aspects of the prequels is that they were the first to make the Star Wars universe feel like a real universe, and not just a setting for the heroes' story to unfold (which, yes, is a problem with the OT - and has become a problem again now that Disney has taken over). This is particularly on display here, and it's beautiful. Then there are the lightsaber fights - another element where the prequels just blow the originals out of the water. Perhaps the biggest cope I've ever heard is the idea that the fights are "over-choreographed", which is just such a 5d chess way of complaining about something being too beautiful. No, my dude, this is just how two fully trained Jedi and a Sith would fight. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
And finally, you have John Williams' score. And once again, while his scores for the OT are excellent, I think he really reached the pinnacle of his craft with the prequels. "Duel of the Fates" is the one thing about TPM even the most dedicated haters have to agree rocks, but it's far from the only highlight of this movie. Personally I always found "The Droid Invasion" criminally underrated, for example. And the music is perfectly employed to complement the emotional mood of the scene, while being more melodically cohesive than a lot of the OT soundtracks. Qui Gon's funeral hits so fucking hard thanks to that (ngl it's been 25 years and I'm still not over his death...). There is not a bad note in there.
My only real complaint is that the middle part goes on a little too long (especially the pod race, which is still a very enjoyable sequence but could have used some trimming). There's also something to be said about the use of ethnic stereotypes to characterize alien races, but while I understand the issue I'm not that personally bothered by it, and I read it as Lucas being clueless rather than malicious. Still a totally fair criticism though.
Anyway that was my ramble. I assume Tumblr like most online spaces these days is over prequel hate and we can now safely share our love for these wonderful contributions to this great saga.
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anakinlives · 28 days
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What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of the dark lord of the Sith?
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anakinlives · 1 month
So many people did not understand his character
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#hayden agrees; anakin's a simp
HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN talking about Anakin Skywalker Variety's Actors on Actors
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anakinlives · 1 month
But anyway the idea that Vader is too far into the dark to ever return is probably antithetical to the general idea of star wars, since, you know, the ending, but there was definitely a sliding escalation into him being convinced he'd gone too far this time. Even in AotC he has this moment of sheer panic and despair at fucking up supremely, but between Padme's acceptance and getting swept up with events he manages to brush it under the rug for a big. He can continue that uneasy trend when he kills Dooku and stuff, but he feels locked in when he helps kill Mace. At that point I think he gets into the mindset that he's gone too far this time but, actually, at this point I think if someone had talked him down, Obi Wan or Padme or Ahsoka- it might have worked. After he sacks the temple, now that- that is a point he refuses to return from, not without collecting his prize, no matter what anyone else can say. He's paid too high a price already. That wasn't done in fury, or panic, that was inescapably a choice. It can't have been for nothing. Still even then, he probably thought that if he just got what he wanted, if Padme asked him to walk away after that, then fine, but not yet, so she should shut up and stay out of it until the bargain is completed.
After he's killed her too, and Obi Wan left him, that's when he decides he just going to be evil now forever. Still, he will eventually come to the conclusion that he doesn't have to do all that. That it's never too late.
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anakinlives · 1 month
Yeah … I’m okay
Anakin loves like a black hole; if you are caught in his gravity, he will never let you go. He will consume you until all that you are is a memory, until even the stardust that makes up your soul is scattered into nothingness and not a single molecule is left in sight for others to glimpse.
He loves like this because he is terrified of what he holds close to his heart being taken away and leaving him alone, so alone like the unique singularity he is--a lonely boy made out of the very fabric of the universe. Anakin will latch on to those he loves with tight, trembling hands, and he will lash out at anyone else who will attempt to extricate his bruising grip, teeth bared and eyes lined with fear.
Obi-Wan knows this, because Anakin loves him.
And he will let Anakin love him until he is whittled down to stardust, until Anakin has taken all that he has to give because he loves Anakin.
And this is how Obi-Wan loves--giving and giving and giving, until he is left with nothing.
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anakinlives · 2 months
sitting here thinking that so many factors could have prevented anis fall
- saving his mom
- never meeting padmae
- quigon not dying
- Jedi council be a lil more understanding and humble
- ik damn well anis emotions betrayed him 9/10 times there’s no way the Jedi didn’t know about him and padmae, maybe not that they were married but that something was up
- idk maybe finding out palps was evil A LOT SOONER
- not letting ani get close to palps, especially at a young age like tf . Actually like not allow palps to access ani like ???
- stop treating him like an outsider like yk half of this was a self fulfilling prophecy. They saw danger/darkness in his future and idk instead of accepting him and understanding he’s a special case. They just aided his fall. Especially since they say the future is always in motion
- ultimately ofc ani making better choices and not thinking it was too late when he made bad ones bc he still had multiple chances to do the right thing and did not :(
-also obi maybe could have tried talking with ani a bit more during mustafar. I saw this what if video & i think it could have worked.
I truly believe he was still able to comeback up until he was left to die. Yes he was never 100% dark bc he came back to the light at the end but Vader really did a lot of bad things and it still breaks my heart to see what Anakin became. Yes now he’s a force ghost helping others again but I wish we had gotten FULL POTENTIAL ANAKIN not Vader ( still would be cool to see but Vader and ani looking the same would probably make me no bueno) .
Ofc sw would be different and things happened to fit the story and it did an amazing job. I just want happy ending for my prequel babes 🙂‍↕️
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anakinlives · 2 months
In another life ani opened up to obi
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“See, it’s healing. It wasn’t so bad, right?”
X | instagram
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anakinlives · 2 months
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I've got to save you. You already have, Luke.
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anakinlives · 2 months
Obiani’s relationship will always have me sobbing
One of my favorite things about the Obi-Wan Kenobi show is that I keep finding myself not married to one specific interpretation of a scene.  The flashbacks in Part V, are they a true flashback? a current day conversation? a vision from the Force? Depending on the day you ask me, I might have a different answer! Or Obi-Wan and Anakin’s final confrontation,  “I am not your failure, Obi-Wan.  You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker.  I did.”, is that the last bit of Anakin trying to absolve Obi-Wan’s guilt? is it Anakin Skywalker selfishly trying to keep Obi-Wan tied to him by twisting the knife so Obi-Wan will be as fixated on him as he is on Obi-Wan? I could go with any number of interpretations! There are so many ways to look at these scenes that add richness to the characters’ motivations, that make their actions and meanings hurt more, that make the audience suffer along with the characters, and all of them are like different facets on the same jewel. The writing for their relationship is so well done in this series that it enhances what was already a relationship we’ve spent over two decades talking about and examining, and that deserves some serious kudos, to add onto two characters who already have such a detailed history, to not only stay true to their characters, but to add more complexity, more moments that can be examined from multiple angles, and all of it further deepens the characters. Bravo to Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Deborah Chow, Joby Harold, and everyone who worked on these characters for what seemed like an impossible balancing act, but they walked that tightrope with absolute grace and deftness.  All that and they delivered some banger lines, I’m never getting over, “All he’ll see is me.” ever, goddamn.
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anakinlives · 2 months
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STAR WARS WEEK ★ HOSTED BY SWSOURCE Hello there! From APRIL 29TH to MAY 5TH, we'll be hosting Star Wars Week – seven days dedicated to appreciating the galaxy far, far away. During the event, we invite you to celebrate all Star Wars media with us by creating original gifs, graphics, or fanart using the following prompts:
DAY 1 (April 29): The Chosen One – Favorite character
DAY 2 (April 30): Trilogy Wars – Favorite trilogy
DAY 3 (May 1): I'll Try Spin-Offs! – Favorite non-Skywalker Saga media
DAY 4 (May 2): I Have Spoken – Favorite quote(s)
DAY 5 (May 3): Don't Make Me Nickname You – Favorite names/nicknames
DAY 6 (May 4): Light Side – May the 4th be with you!
DAY 7 (May 5): Dark Side – Revenge of the 5th!
To participate, follow us and reblog this post to spread the word! Tag your event creations with #sww24 and use this caption: 
@swsource​ star wars week: day # – prompt
We can’t wait to see what you create! MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU ★ 
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anakinlives · 2 months
Lmaooo that sure came back to bite him in the ass..
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Sure Obi-Wan, sure.
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anakinlives · 2 months
I think seeing Anakin in Ashoka kinda shows people that it wasn’t really Hayden’s acting that was “off” but it really just was how it was written. IMHO while I know the prequels weren’t perfect I always loved it, I don’t have much issue with the writing or acting. Ani’s a teen/young adult who has trauma and does not know how to emotionally regulate like… George even said Hayden played Anakin how he wanted him to be portrayed. Hayden’s the perfect Anakin, I couldn’t see anyone else play him. never really understood the big hate the prequels got
That being said to me in Ashoka ( I haven’t seen it yet but I’ve watched all the parts that anakins in ) the way Hayden plays Anakin reminds me more of TCW ani then his movie counterpart. So Hayden was able to portray both. I know George wished they expanded more on ani’s good in the movies vs just focusing on his turn but there was only so much they could add. So clone wars gives us that (along with comics and books but it is really hard to consume it all). I do love both anis as they are they same lol but sometimes TCW ani feels a bit OOC, I can’t really explain it but it feels like that.
Regardless I love seeing ani content and it was cool to see Hayden act as TCW ani . I think the shift between AOTC to what we see in TCW could have been explored( apparently CW 2003 does that but I haven’t seen it yet and isn’t canon anymore)
TCW ani is similar to ROTS ani but not quite the same, im still glad TCW exists and is canon. I do think it adds to anakins character regardless of ooc moments and makes everything so much sadder. I find myself sitting here thinking wow this is all going to end and these happy moments are going to be destroyed and Anakin is gone ( there are moments that he genuinely pisses me off bc babes WHAT ARE YOU DOING PLEASE).
Through his fall in the prequels was always so sad to me even w/o TCW. Some think TPM should just be skipped and adds nothing but I disagree, I mean had that movie gone differently anakins fate would be different. Plus seeing kid ani, a bright boy who wanted to help people become what he became…yeah idk it’s definitely important to ani’s arc.
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anakinlives · 2 months
Obi and Satine going through it
Will Satine go against her morals or will Obi disappoint her..
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meanwhile Anakin
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you know technically he could have just cut his arm but bro was a threat I don't blame him but ig this was very Vader of him because they played the Vader music when he did this lmao
The Clone Wars szn 2 ep 13 (2008)
clips used to make gifs were from filoniversepacks on IG
not sure how credits work when it comes to taking clips for gifs but
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anakinlives · 2 months
I love that in TCW (currently watching all of it for the first time) there are people who refer to Anakin as Master. Makes me sad as well because we all knew he was going to get the official rank (& bc it has such a nice ring to it but we don’t get it :( ), he just needed to be a bit more patient and prove the council wrong. Not to say they weren’t partially at fault but Anakin threw it all away. Windu who was probably the biggest opposition to him getting the rank in ROTS said ani would gain his trust if palps was indeed the sith. HE REALLY WAS RIGHT THERE. Earlier obi wan saying he’d become a master soon , he was already the youngest ever to be on the council ( even though that was due to palps plans….). painfully literally THEE last time obi speaks to ani before Vader starts overpowering. Watching the Voyage of Temptation (szn 2 ep 13) rn and hearing obiwan say master skywalker got me..
also adding this Reddit comment I saw a bit ago that I think makes sm sense and I hadn’t really thought about it like that. There was a time where I blamed the council mainly (after palps ofc) but I knew Anakin still struggled massively with emotions. In a way I was angry or upset with the council and that clouded my own logic that he wasn’t emotionally ready. Growing up has put much into perspective and in a way to me makes his fall so much sadder. He was a good person and wasted his potential. he didn’t confine in obiwan due to jealously and even with the fear being kicked out I sincerely doubt obi would have turned Anakin in, he’s literally the chosen one and it would not be beneficial for the Jedi to do that. he wasn’t thinking rationally bc his thoughts were clouded. he thought it was too late when it really wasn’t. He was definitely a victim but he also made his own choices and fell to his darkness.
Regardless Ik this all happened the way it did because the after was already written and we wouldn’t have the starwars we have and love today but part of me also would have liked to see what the story would have been had the prequels existed first ( a what if would still be cool but I’d love to see live action ani & obi save the galaxy maybe redo the order and see what Luke and leia do)
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id probably have more to add in regards to this all bc ik the council does some shady things and Anakins character is more in dept but I haven’t finished TCW yet so I’ll come back to this when I’m done :p
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