artsy-simp · 21 days
MDZS but it's told as a bunch of extremely divisive reddit posts
r/AITA for hunting the man who ruined my life even though he non-consensually gave me an organ transplant that also ruined HIS life
r/NuclearRevenge I destroyed a man's life in every sense of the word for killing my brother and I'm over the moon about it actually
r/RelationshipAdvice The love of my life came back from the dead and now we're travelling as a married couple even though we're not married and I haven't even told him about the kid yet
r/Occult So if I come back from the dead in someone else's body do I still need to register for the census? Follow up question, do I register my body or my soul or both?
r/Let'sNotMeet my crazy uncle turns out to be my other, crazier uncle wearing his body like a suit help?????
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artsy-simp · 2 months
Wei Wuxian, post-resurrection: in retrospect, maybe I took “If anything happens to Jiang Yanli or these Wens, I’m going to kill everyone in this room and then myself” a little too seriously.
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artsy-simp · 2 months
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Family Jewels 💍
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artsy-simp · 2 months
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Inspired by a comic I saw of Lan Wangji turning into a bunny any time he got sad.
Just- sad scrunkly Bun Xue Yang being scolded 🥰
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artsy-simp · 2 months
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ever had a crack ship enter your head and suddenly its feeding your brain rot? Thats this for me.
I just love the idea of Qin Su somehow having the ability to escape JGY before he kills their son. Which then spiraled into what if this crack ship happened and she just got to have a loving husband and lived in the mountains with their little family.
I just wish Qin Su and Jin Rusong could have had better lives 😭
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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Saw a picture of a gecko hanging from a ceiling and immediately thought of Wen Ning during the scene at the inn.
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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the song lan love week collection >:3
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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i know wwx couldn't have watched over him in canon pre-resurrection but i wanted to illustrate it (i'm so soft for lil sizhui)
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artsy-simp · 3 months
Time travel AU where post canon Lan Qiren travels back in time to when Wei Wuxian is 4 and has just lost his parents. Lan Qiren may hate the man (now boy), but he still follows the rules strictly and will not kill. Instead, Lan Qiren finds a 4 year old Wei Wuxian cowering in an alley hiding from dogs. He protects the boy because the rules tell him that it is his duty to do so.
There is a spiteful part of him that wants to send this boy far away. However, he reconsiders when he thinks of how the Wei Wuxian in his previous life created Demonic Cultivation when left unattended. The best way to keep the boy in line, Lan Qiren figures, is to raise him himself as a ward. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, they say.
So that is exactly what Lan Qiren does.
Wei Wuxian is brought back to the Cloud Recesses and raised as a ward alongside Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji. Lan Qiren would prefer otherwise, but he doesn't trust anyone else but himself to control Wei Wuxian.
As time goes by, Wei Wuxian proves to be the same and different to the one that Lan Qiren knew previously. He's energetic and mischievous, carefree, with a love for teasing others. Every bit as genius and inventive as Lan Qiren knew of the boy in his previous life. However, there was a strong sense of justice that he didn't notice the last time (or refused to see, but it would take years for him to admit to himself).
And Wei Wuxian thrives in a way that Lan Qiren didn't expect. He knew that Wei Wuxian was powerful and intelligent, yet he did not realize just how so. As much as the boy loved to tease and joke around, he could also be found in the Library Pavilion studying whatever random topic caught his interest. Talking everyone's ears off on what he learned or ways that certain things can be improved upon.
It infuriates Lan Qiren to no end because many times, Wei Wuxian is right. Many times, Wei Wuxian just needs guidance to find the right direction or a different perspective. Since Lan Qiren was raising him alongside his own nephews, the people that Wei Wuxian goes to the most are them: Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen, and Lan Wangji. The latter two always happy and excited to discuss the myriad topics, while the former confused as to the feelings he's having for the boy.
Lan Qiren's sister-in-law passes, and Wei Wuxian kneels next to Lan Wangji in the snow for hours silently in comfort. It's the first indication that the boy is secretly kind and compassionate (not so much if had he paid attention the last time and rid himself of clouded judgments). It's the event that causes the two boys to be inseparable. Of course Lan Qiren is worried but, he tells himself that he will not let them marry. He will not let Wei Wuxian turn into that evil man he ended up being.
Years keep going by, and Lan Qiren finds himself slowly warming up to Wei Wuxian. He's there for many important firsts (losing his teeth, golden core formation, getting his sword, etc). He will never admit that his heart squeezed when the boy accidentally calls him A-die without thinking because he's so excited about something he's learned.
Jiang Fengmian comes to the Cloud Recesses when he finds out that Weo Wuxian is there. Desperately, he tried to convince Lan Qiren to let the boy become a part of Yunmeng Jiang. But Lan Qiren is adamant in his refusal. The boy was raised there the last time and look at how he ended up! He doesn't know that this fundamentally changed Wei Wuxian's destiny. From a tragic hero given a second chance to a free boy allowed to be happy.
The Jiang sect leader mentions during this visit that Wei Wuxian owes Lan Qiren a life debt. It's something that hadn't crossed Lan Qiren's mind. Not really. He had been raising the boy selfishly to change a horrible future. Sure. However, it was against the rules and his own morals to demand a child pay reparations to be allowed to live. He has felt the same way when Lan Sizhui, his good perfect Lan Sizhui, had been adopted into the family. To Lan Qiren, it was unfathomable to demand payment from a child in such ways.
And anyway, Wei Wuxian's genius was already making itself known. If the boy invented even half of what he came up with in his previous life (Lan Qiren crossed his fingers for no Demonic Cultivation), then the Lan Sect would be paid in full from the proceeds.
Still, years continued to creep by, and Lan Qiren began to feel pride in Wei Wuxian. He followed the rules decently well, received his punishment with little protest, and had an insatiable thirst for knowledge. The boy could be seen at any given moment debating an array of topics with seniors, elders, and peers.
When Wei Wuxian started going on night hunts with Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji, the three became known as the Three Jades of Lan. Pride bloomed even more in Lan Qiren's heart. He had successfully turned Wei Wuxian into a good and polished man. What he didn't realize was that he gave structure to a boy who needed it and didn't make him feel guilty for existing.
The Wens came and tried to burn the Cloud Recesses down but didn't succeed. Between Lan Qiren, Wei Wuxian, Lan Xichen, and Lan Wangji, the wards were strengthened, and the books copied and protected. The Sunshot campaign took longer to fight because Wei Wuxian had learned long ago of the dangers to the mind and body that it caused. He had also learned that he shouldn't rip himself apart to help others. Lan Qiren had implored the boy to never try and had used the boy's love and adoration for Lan Xichen and especially Lan Wangji to convince him.
After the Sunshot campaign, Wei Wuxian comes to Lan Qiren about the innocent Wens cultivator and noncultivator alike. By this point, Lan Qiren can agree that innocent people should not die because of selfish greed and blind prejudice. There are years of trials completed by a multisect jury. The Wen sect survives but becomes a minor sect by the time the trials and reparations are completed. Under Wen Qionglin, they focus on medicine and archery.
Wen Qionglin swears brotherhood with Wei Wuxian. It doesn't surprise Lan Qiren in the least bit. Had it been a lifetime ago, it would've infuriated him yet with all these years and direct dealings with Wen Qionglin, he respects the boy. Admires the gentleness that hides a fierce strength and sense of justice. Especially admires Wen Qing, who Lan Xichen ends up falling for and marrying. Again, had it been a lifetime ago, he would've lost his mind. Now, Lan Qiren can see Wen Qing for her genius, her directness, strictness, and her advancements in medicine.
After Lan Xichen and Wen Qing marry, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian approach Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen to ask about marriage. There is no denying them at this point because he knows that the Wei Wuxian of his previous life is nothing like this current Wei Wuxian (he is but Lan Qiren has no one to admit it to). And anyway, he knows the two will simply elope if denied.
It's several years later, when Lan Qiren finally sits Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, and Lan Xichen down and tells them a story from a lifetime ago in a forgotten timeliness that may exist somewhere out there if you believe in multiple universes (not surprisingly Wei Wuxian does). They patiently listen as Lan Qiren details everything. There is silence for a long, unbearable moment when he's finished speaking.
Eventually, it's broken by a hug from Wei Wuxian, "Thank you, A-die, for giving me another chance in this life."
"I should be the one thanking you, A-Ying," Lan Qiren says softly, himself grateful for his second life.
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artsy-simp · 3 months
I swear this is canon:
Wei Wuxian : I told Jiang Cheng his ears flush when he lies.
Jiang Yanli: Why?
Wei Wuxian : Look.
Wei Wuxian : Hey Jiang Cheng ! Do you love us?
Jiang Cheng , covering his ears: No.
Jiang Yanli:
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artsy-simp · 3 months
Wei Wuxian: Hello, McDonald's, I would like to purchase 130 chicken nuggets. Prepare yourselves.
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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MDZS Drinking Tropes 🍶🍺
remember to drink responsibly! :^)
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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Finally finished this piece I was working on during a livestream, the coloring took forever but was so worth it
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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Jiang Cheng with Zidian worm on a string, 2019
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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You know that scene in Turning Red? What if Jin Ling saw that lost and traumatized younger version of Jiang Cheng…
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artsy-simp · 3 months
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Lap Pillow
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