atsuko-chan87 · 1 month
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A moment to once again appreciate the wonderful appearance of Sebastian with glasses...
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atsuko-chan87 · 1 month
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lip filler. eyelash extensions. veneers. chemical peel. hair treatment. botox. ovulation. eye brow transplant
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atsuko-chan87 · 2 months
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He 💞
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atsuko-chan87 · 2 months
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simply 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔞 𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔟
memes references :
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atsuko-chan87 · 2 months
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I always knew they were made for each other
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atsuko-chan87 · 9 months
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In the Green Witch arc, Sebastian presents a rather interesting book to Sieglinde when she requests to have something to read. The book is called The Family Physician, and it is in fact replicating a real medicinal work of the Victorian era.
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The Family Physician: A Manual Of Domestic Medicine was published in London, England, by Cassell & Company in the year 1883. It is one of many books of this kind as at the time family manuals of medicine were becoming more and more popular. Of course, books were still rather expensive to print and were majorly available to the rich. As many were living in estates outside of the city centers and some traveled abroad, physicians were not always readily available. With that, more and more rich Victorians would rather have a book of medicinal remedies at home to "replace" a visit from a doctor.
The book Sebastian is showing in the arc is one of the later editions by the physicians of the London hospitals. The special edition Family Physician featured in the manga consists of four volumes and includes a diverse list of treatments for many types of illnesses.
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Now, Yana does include two supposed remedies used in that book but only one of them is found on the pages: opium tincture. Laudanum was prescribed for various illnesses. As for the bacon, it is a real medical practice of the Victorian era but one recorded in The Successful Housekeeper (1888), not in this manual.
Sebastian has previously stated that he would get familiar with the medicinal treatment options of the time to assist Ciel with his health problems. We can safely assume that this handbook manual is used by him rather often to help young Lord during his various instances of sickness.
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This book consists of multiple categories of illnesses that would take a long time to cover fully, but here are those that Ciel canonically either goes through or is likely to go through due to his known chronic condition (asthma):
Night Terrors
The sort of treatment that Sebastian would put Ciel through, were he to truly follow the book, is bizarre.
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Do not follow these instructions. They are highly outdated and do not follow any medical requirements. Herbs, plants, and chemicals mentioned in this post are highly toxic and should not be ingested or inhaled.
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Night Terrors
Night terrors are recognized by Victorians as recurrent and relatively safe, as they are "rarely precursors of fits or epilepsy", though they may be hard to handle, especially in younger children.
In case that a Victorian child was suffering from nightmares, or night terrors as they equated the two, physicians recommended rhubarb and soda also known as Gregory's powder. Combined with a light and digestible meal, this mixture, which is currently regarded as a laxative, was to ensure that the sleep of the child is undisturbed through the night.
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During the Victorian era, asthma was not recognized as an obstructive disease of lungs, but rather as a neurological condition. Physicians of the time were seemingly very well-aware that asthma was a difficult and longterm condition even if they did not precisely understand its nature; sometimes referring to it as psychosomatic.
Within the treatments that Ciel would have realistically gotten were he, as a Victorian child, to have the kind of asthma attacks that he has had in the manga are:
I. Tobacco, which was believed to relieve paroxysms - sudden asthma attacks. The book Sebastian has provided us with says that tobacco would be especially beneficial for non-smokers who have not established tolerance to cigarettes, pipes, and cigars. Even though individuals who used this method would grow "pallid" and "damp with prespiration" after the process, their asthma attack would be "prevented". It is possible to assume that with the repeated, consistent smoking pattern Victorian asthmatics tried to balance out their breathing rhythm.
II. Lobelia inflata, also known as puke weed, is another type of tobacco recommended for asthma, though this time it is to be consumed by ingestion in a form of a tincture mixed with water. It was believed that this tobacco helped with asthma "related to indigestion". The book does state that its authors are unsure whether the plant is very effective as some patients have fallen sick after the use; which is no surprise to the modern reader as lobelia inflata has been discovered to be a toxic plant.
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III. Stramonium, also known as thorn-apple, is a kind of medicine recommended by the Victorian physicians when smoking tobacco was not enough. The leaves of the plant, which is highly toxic due to multiple alkaloids within it, would be crushed and smoked. Smoking stramonium before sleep for prophylactic reasons or at the beginning of an asthma attack was generally considered an effective treatment that worked "like magic".
IV. Cigares de Joy, "anti-asthma" cigarettes created by a Frenchman, are highly regarded by the authors of the book. Like many other medicinal treatments of the Victorian era, they were, of course, bad for your health as they contained stramonium and arsenic.
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V. Coffee is probably the only non-toxic method of treating asthma that Victorian doctors suggest. However, even with coffee one can't hope to have much satisfaction from the treatment: it is to be given very hot, black (pure cafe noir), without any milk, and on an empty stomach in small quantities. Bigger dosages are advised against while taking coffee with a meal is cosidered to be a cause of asthma attacks.
VI. Nitre-papers are, practically, papers with potassium nitrate. The papers were meant to be burned so the fumes fill the room. The chemical compound of nitre-papers is an irritant and causes damage to the lungs, though Victorian doctors describe multiple cases of children and adults alike "peacefully" falling asleep around ten minutes into the paper burning. The latter is probably no surprise as potassium nitrate fumes have an adverse effect on the human body, causing nausea and dizziness.
VII. Nitrite of amyl is one more nitric chemical compound that is recommended by the Victorian doctors to inhale in order to treat asthma. Now, this chemical is highly toxic in all forms and especially so in direct inhalation and ingestion; it can cause blindness, brain damage, lung scarring, and death.
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VIII. Chloroform is yet another questionable way of managing asthma in the Victorian era. While the authors of the book can be given credit for mentioning that overdoing chloroform is never the aim, and even provide a story of a man who died doing so, they do still praise the method greatly. According to the manual, chloroform is to be applied in a few drops on a handkerchief one can press to the nose and inhale through. It is rather clear here that Victorians truly did see asthma as a disturbance within the nervous system and provided methods of sedating the patient.
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IX. Ipecacuanha, an imported plant native to Brazil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and Colombia, is a remedy that the authors seem rather perplexed about. They do recommend it as an effective method of asthma treatment but they do not specify how it is to be applied. We are left wondering how exactly Victorians used this plant. Ipecacuanha, or ipecac as it is known within the medical field now, is highly toxic in all its forms and is especially dangerous to ingest. Brain damage and organ failure are only some side effects of ignoring safety precautions.
X. Potassium iodide is a medication recommended for ingesting directly in the amount of two tablespoons three times a day. Praised for postponing or even fully stopping asthma attacks, this medicinal treatment was highly regarded by the Victorian doctors. It is worth mentioning that potassium iodide has adverse side effects and is an allergen for many people. However, it is a recognized medical supplement that should be taken only, if ever, upon doctor's prescription.
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Victorians recognized that cold was a rather complicated condition as it could either be a simple cold of a precursor to other, more serious, diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, quinsy, consumption (tuberculosis), pleurisy, rheumatism, neuralgia, and more.
Doctors seemed to believe that the main cause of a common cold was dampness rather than anything else: a damp bed, a damp seat, a damp house or room, a damp robe, and more. Bathing for a prolonged amount of time was discouraged as it "caused colds".
The physiological nature of a cold was that it was seen as an inflammation of a mucuous membrane within the air-passages.
Victorians recommended that one who has caught a cold should stay quiet and not talk much, not eat too much food though drink plenty of water. The most jarring thing is, they recommend - within the book in Sebastian's possession - that colds are to be immediately treated with an aconite tincture. Needless to say, aconite is toxic in all forms and causes nausea and dizziness, vomiting, heart and lung problems, as well as death.
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Out of safery reasons, we will abstain from providing any sort of recipes here. Aside from aconite, or when aconite was simply not enough, Victorian doctors suggest the following remedies:
Nux vomica
All of these ingredients are highly toxic and their effect on the human body greatly varies. Regardless, these should not be taken in absolutely any form.
Victorians recognize multiple varieties of a cough and state that there's no universal panacea for all of them. Still, they do recommend a few home remedies that are mixtures made of rather unusual components.
One suggests mixing a Paregoric elixir, which is a highly toxic substance containing deadly hydrogen cyanide, with oxymel, cascarilla, and chloric ether. Another proposes a method to treat dry cough: mixing morphia, hydrogen cyanide, and chloric ether together before ingestion.
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Other cold treatments include:
Aconite [☠]
Alum [☠]
Asafoetida [!]
Belladonna [☠]
Chamomile oil
Chloroform [☠]
Coltsfoot [!]
Gelsemium [!]
Ipecacuanha [☠]
Nitric acid [☠]
Sulphur [!]
Tartar emetic [☠]
☠ - toxic, deadly! - unsafe, may cause health problems for some people
The last condition that we can see Ciel canonically go through is a fever, which he seems to catch during the events of the Book of Circus arc. Now, treatment of a simple fever in Victorian times was rather unique as the doctors suggested using aconite or belladonna tincture to reduce the fever.
If it happened so that a patient's fever has not gone down after a long while, arsenic mixture is used. If nothing else helped and the fever is accompanied by shooting pain, highly toxic bryony is applied.
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Thankfully, during the cases of remittent fever lasting for many days none of these mixtures were applied. Instead, the patient would be given ice to suck, cold water to drink, or some lemonade. Vomiting was to be calmed down with application of chloroform or ipecacuanha. Quinine, which has many dangerous side effects, would also be given. The most the patient would get aside from such dangerous medicine is nutritious meals and a lot of water.
Overall, it seems like using The Family Physician for treatment of many conditions that boys like Ciel would go through in real life Britain would cause more disadvantages than benefits for the patient. Over-reliance on toxic stimulants and deadly chemical substances could not possibly be good for anyone whose health was compromised.
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Edits of the manga pages are made by us. Please, do not use them.
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atsuko-chan87 · 1 year
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plot of chapter 193
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atsuko-chan87 · 2 years
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Sieglinde & Wolf 🌿
Re-upload. Made some minor adjustments to this old(ish) piece.
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atsuko-chan87 · 2 years
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atsuko-chan87 · 2 years
 I know what you’re going to say. Sebastian? As a dad in canon? This’s a joke right? You can’t be serious! He’s a demon! He’s just doing it because of the contract! That’s what I used to think too and then I read the Campania and the Emerald Witch arc. Because in the manga they’re portrayed as a butler and his employer and in my opinion a father and a son not whatever hentai screwed up shit that was happening in the anime that I’ve never really gotten over. Believe it or not. I’ve actual got some things that I’d say count as proof for this but firstly we need to establish what three things Ciel asked from him when they made their deal. 
1. That Sebastian never lie to him.
2. That Sebastian obeys every command that Ciel gives him (it only counts if he says ‘This is an order’)
3. Protect him without fail until he completes his revenge. 
Now we have the rules and I can get into this really long post. The first two terms are pretty straight forward where some of the confusion comes in is number 3 what counts as ‘protecting’ Ciel without fail? Does he protect him from sickness and mental anguish? Does he protect his happiness or does he simply keep him from getting physically hurt? Canon has an answer for that. When Ciel made that a term Sebastian actually asked what he meant by that did he mean keep him safe from all illness? If so he could keep him inside his stomach for the rest of eternity (I’m paraphrasing but he says something like this in Black Butler ‘book of Atlantis’ or the luxury liner arc if you wanna check it out). Ciel understandably didn’t like that and explicitly stated ‘physical harm’. Why’s this important for this meta? Because of something Sebastian does in the Jack the Ripper arc. He hid Ciel’s eyes from the gory as hell sight in front of him and told him not to look.
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What was the point in this? It wouldn’t have meant anything it didn’t hurt him physically, it was just blood and other things right? And knowing how horrific this poor kid’s backstory is he’s probably seen worse than it. I mean what those animals did to him was pretty bad and then having to watch a sacrifice as well? Along with watching Sebastian brutally murder all the others as well? He’s seen a lot of shit. If he was just salivating over his soul why did he choose to cover his eye and yank him backwards? Why show any sort of protectiveness over him. You can be possessive over your food of course you can but to protect them from something they’ve already seen? Seems a bit weird if ya ask me. It’s an oddly parental thing to do you could say.
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These two pannels happen in the book of circus, granted Ciel’s sick here and as a butler Sebastian would probably think this is expected of him to check on him but he could’ve just asked. He didn’t have to check his head like that. Again it’s a very parental thing to do. But these are just random instances right? It doesn’t matter much right? Except he does a few other things to that are again oddly parental of him in this arc
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He picks him up like a literal baby.
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He’s cradling him against his chest and if you look here.
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He’s actually patting his back because he’s coughing, do you see the way Hana drew it so it’s moving? He didn’t need to do that either but he does, he’s patting his back to help him breathe a little better. You may say whatever you like about Sebastian but this remains an irrefutable fact. He’s treating him like a parent would treats their sick child and this is canon. He’s comforting him and as we established in the beginning. This isn’t a part of their contract. He’s only meant to keep Ciel safe from physical harm. Go to chapter 29 and you’ll see this just as I have. But the real dad feels happen much later. For anyone who isn’t caught up with the manga but would like to there’s spoilers under the cut.
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atsuko-chan87 · 3 years
Hi, Chibi! I hope your day is going well! ☺️ Sorry for bothering you (and please feel free to ignore this ask if it’s too much of a hassle), but I was wondering if you had any thoughts on flower language in the new keychains that are being released as part of the Rich Black merch?
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My apologies for the late reply! It was not for lack of interest; on the contrary! Thanks for dropping such a fun question!
Well then, without further delays, let us dive into FLOWER LANGUAAAGGEEEE......... though be warned that I am actually pretty bad at recognising flowers. Since none of these keychains came with descriptions, all I can do is hopefully having identified the plant right, or search for flowers that look similar, and deduce which one it probably is based on the shape of the leaves, petals, and pistils. So if anyone happens to catch an error, please do help out!
Sebastian Michaelis - Pomegranate Flower
Sebas' flower is the pomegranate flower. In Japanese flower language it means "mature beauty" and "binding relation", or in other words, "contract". It might also be cheesy, but in Japanese "pomegranate flower" is "zakuro", and the sound of "zakuro" is likewise homophone of "The black" in Japanese. ( ´艸`)
(Also, I love Sebas' new costume here.)
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Ciel Phantomhive - White Rose
White rose has many meanings in Japanese flower language, but the one most befitting with Ciel is probably "youth" and "beginning", but more negatively, "a new start after death". For sure, it is a very befitting "flower description" of the unnamed sick boy who died, and "Earl Ciel Phantomhive" who got a new start.
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Grell Sutcliffe - Lycoris
Beyond a shadow of the doubt, her flower is the Lycoris......cuz... you know, the “Lycoris that Blazes the Earth" (≽ω≼). In Japanese flower language, the lycoris stands for "passion" and "life energy".
A trivia that has nothing to do with flower language, it's just the etymology: the lycoris in Japanese is called higanbana (彼岸花), wherein "higan" means "the other side", as in "afterlife". So "higanbana" means "the flower on the other side". I think it is a nice little thing that Grell is represented as the flower on the other side.
If anyone is interested, at the bottom of this post I explained the meaning of Grell referring to herself as "the single red flower" in chapter 105.
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Undertaker - White Lily
A very obvious and straightforward one. The white lily is quite commonly associated with “death”, and in Japanese culture it is not too different. (Traditionally in Japanese funerals they don’t need to be lilies at all; they just need to be serene, soft colours. Often orchids and chrysanthemums are used for traditional ceremonies. The white lily is probably popularised because of westernisation.)
White lilies are actually meant to represent “purity” and “innocence” rather than “death”. Most likely, that these flowers only came to be associated with “death”, because people often use lilies to remember the deceased as a pure and innocent being during funerals.
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Agni - Lotus
Agni is represented by the Lotus, which in Japanese flower language means: "untainted heart", "divinity" and "estranged love." In Buddhism-influenced Japan, Lotuses are seen as something very special for it’s quality of remaining untainted.
Lotuses grow from deep mud. However dirty, when they emerge they are untainted by the soil. As the Buddha Shakyamuni taught, He too was born on the soil of the world, but lived and emerged, unsoiled by the world. #LotussesTooAwesomeForTheWorld
How “living unsoiled from the origin” reflects upon Agni is clear, but what I also find heart-wrenchingly beautiful is the “estranged love” part. Agni was estranged from his direct home, then later from his home country, but he had his Prince whom he loved and respected. Now.... he’s gone however... where is his love going? Surely it’s still around somewhere! But from where will it come?
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Okay from this point on is when I need your help.
Joker - Garden Rose
I am not sure, but I THINK these flowers are the Garden Rose...? because of the rumpled petals and the butterfly-shaped leaves. (Correct me if I’m wrong! I mean, I probably am)
I am very sorry to say that I can’t even find this type of flower in Japanese. If I google “Garden Rose” in English I can’t find the Japanese name of this plant, so I can’t look up the flower language...
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Charles Grey - Different White Rose?
I....... These flowers look like white roses, but they’re a bit more solid around the centre and open around the edges... so it’s not the clearly defined petal-type of “classic” white rose like Ciel’s...
But I wouldn’t know what these would be then. Someone help me? My apologiesssss m(_ _"m)
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Wolfram Gelzer - Monkshood
FINALLY a flower again I can identify. I’ll eat something if this flower isn’t Monkshood, cuz you know why? It is also known as “Wolf’s bane” ( ´艸`) (Yes, I am half woman half dad, okay?)
In Japanese flower language, the Monkshood represents “chivalry”, “glory” “hatred for people” and “learning”. I find it beautiful how this deeply flawed puppy who is working so hard on himself to be good has a flower that represents “learning”. “Hatred for people” is also befitting, because being indoctrinated in fantasy-Nazi Germany, you’d come to hate people too. Cuz people can be awful.
I am just not sure how far Yana dug into the “wolf’s bane” part though... because monkshoods are very poisonous, and historically used as wolf-killers by cover raw meat in monkshood juice. Hmm...... Oh well!
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Well, that was that! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed making this! Again, if anybody knows the answers to the flowers I couldn’t identify, or catches a mistake, please do help me out! (*´▽`*)ノ
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atsuko-chan87 · 3 years
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atsuko-chan87 · 3 years
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Sebastian in chapter 175
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atsuko-chan87 · 3 years
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lazy dadbastian doodle for one's night thoughts? yes no maybe so? ok
these proportions are gonna come back to bite me in like a week or two why was this so weirdly difficult anyway
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atsuko-chan87 · 3 years
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atsuko-chan87 · 4 years
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Baldroy in chapter 170, 166, 145
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atsuko-chan87 · 4 years
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