axizzusa · 3 years
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Your dog in heat is not diseased, as it is just a condition that requires normal treatment. But it can be quite irritating to deal with, especially to shoo away stray dogs lining up around your female dog. So, taking a walk with your pet can be frustrating for you, as well as your furry friend.
Many dogs get heat every six months. However, the larger dog breeds experience it every eight months. But the time often lasts for around 7 to 10 days. Spaying your female dog is one solution. But what to do if surgery is not happening due to some condition or there’s some other reason?
Well, in that case, you need to get the right dog cooling products to make your pet feel better. These products not only make your dog feel comfortable but some of them even make their potential mates less eager while making you feel stress-free.
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axizzusa · 3 years
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The simple, convenient and inexpensive way of treating arthritis is by applying hot and cold therapy to the affected area. However, many times people are confused about when to consider heat therapy and when to apply cold therapy. Hot therapy helps in relaxing muscles and lubricating joints. So, it is often used to relieve joint stiffness, relieve muscles or ease spasm in muscles. On the other hand, cold therapy helps relieve inflammation, pain and swelling associated with arthritis. It is suggested to use this treatment for acute injuries.
Hot Cold Therapy  works by stimulating the body’s healing process. For example, the blood vessels dilate with heat therapy. It even decreases muscle spasm and stimulates blood circulation. You may use moist heat like heated cloths or warm baths or dry heat, such as heat lamps or heating pads, to relieve arthritis pain.
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axizzusa · 3 years
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Everyone loves bright-bloomed flowers to improve the ambience of any space. Those special birthday lilies, Valentine’s Day roses or Mother’s Day orchids can never fail to enhance the mood.But to keep flowers fresh and alive longer is a challenging task for many. First, you need to find a place that won’t harvest flowers before you order them. This way, flowers are guaranteed to remain fresh for weeks compared to flowers that are cut before your order. Instead of hoping for blooms to last for some days, you can make them last for two to three weeks with proper care and using quality florist gel. However, make sure they are freshly cut at the time of order.
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axizzusa · 3 years
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Summers and hot weather can cause distress. Fans and air conditioners help you beat the heat indoors but what happens when you step outside? The humidity and heat could make you feel utterly irritated and may lead to health issues.
With technological advancements, personal cooling devices have made our lives easier, Personal Cooling Bandana being no exception. A cooling bandana is an easy way to beat the heat and gives you an amazing look.
How Do Fabric Cool Bandanas Work?
Fabric cool bandanas are a creative option to help you beat the summer heat. However, there are some downsides to using a fabric bandana:
Fabric bandanas keep you cool but only for a little while. Usually, a wet, cool towel would last only five to ten minutes.
Fabric bandanas would soak up water, which can drip on your shoulders and around the neck.
The water in fabric bandanas is subject to quick evaporation.
In other words, fabric bandanas for cooling purposes are not as effective as other cooling products. Simply put, water in fabric bandanas evaporates faster, which defeats the purpose. If the humidity begins to increase in the environment, these fabric bandanas stop working.
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axizzusa · 3 years
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In horses, most injuries are related to joints. They face ligament and tendon injuries. Such injuries occur commonly in horses doing more hard work like jumping, running, etc. during races or crossing fences.Here are the common injuries in horses:
Strains and tears in posterior gluteal
Caudal pectoral strains and tears
Fetlock issues
Lateral triceps tears
Carpal problems
Stifle problems
The Tarsus (or Hock Disorders)
How to Treat the Injuries of Horses?
You need to consider therapy blankets for faster healing from injuries in horses. Given below are different hot and cold therapy treatments to cure horse injuries.
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axizzusa · 3 years
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Ankle injuries can become stressful to deal with. These injuries get in the way of mobility and make regular functions and movements difficult. Knowing how to deal with ankle injuries would help you to fix your ankle fast and get back to your regular life.
Types of Ankle Injuries:
Ankle injuries are caused due to the ankle moving at a weird angle, where the tendons overlap each other, thereby causing painful sensations. There are two types of ankle sprains/injuries: Eversion Sprain: This kind of sprain affects the inward tendons and ligaments. You could probably feel this in the arch of your foot as well. Inversion Sprain: This happens due to the outward roll of your ankle, which affects the outward ligaments and tendons of your foot.
Exercises for Fast Ankle Recovery:
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Ankles are complex joints, which is why a person has to be careful with them. If you are recovering from an ankle injury, you need to understand that your focus should be on the range of motion, flexibility, mobility, balance and strength of your ankle.
The following are some exercises to recover from an ankle injury:
Ankle Therapy Wrap:
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This is one of the most effective ways of fixing an ankle injury or sprain. One of the primary requirements for healing an injured ankle is to rest your ankle. Using an ankle wrap would help you rest your ankle and reduce strain on an already injured ankle. Ankle Therapy Wrap can be used easily. All you have to do is wrap it around your ankle. Keep in mind that you don’t have to wrap it too tight or too loose. Also, use ointments or pain relief sprays to increase the efficacy. Remember to wash your ankle wraps after use.
RICE is an abbreviation for Rest, Ice, Comprehension and Exercise. This method allows you to improve your ankle’s overall range of mobility, as well as helps you get rid of the pain. RICE and PRICE can be used together, as PRICE is to use a protecting strategy first.
In other words, both these methods can be used simultaneously. One of the most important things to do and keep in mind is that you need to protect your ankle in the initial moments of injury. Experts suggest that one should not move their ankle much during the first day.
The Balance between Rest and Activity:
You must balance your activities and rest. Resting all the time will not help you to improve your ankle. Whether you use PRICE or ankle therapy wrap, you need to understand that rest and activity go hand in hand. For the first couple of days, try to get as much rest as possible. Then, try to move your ankle a little. Go ahead with ankle rotations and try to move your feet in an up and down fashion to test your mobility. Do not push yourself if your exercises hurt your ankles.
With that said, ice packs can help you limit the pain. Make use of ice packs for twenty-minute slots in the first 72 hours to ease the pain. However, ice packs do not work for those who suffer from diabetes, vascular diseases or have damage to the peripheral nervous system.
Although ankle injuries can be self-treated with exercise and ice packs, if you see unusual swelling, deformity or experience heavy discomfort, you should go see a doctor. In some cases, when injuries are mild, anti-inflammatory pills may help you to get rid of the discomfort.
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axizzusa · 3 years
This #innovative #turnkey #system was specially designed for businesses interested in cost effectively producing their own #GelIcePacks and Hot/Cold #Compresses for in-house use or #resale. The TEMTRO™ #GelPack #Production #System can be used to make #gelpacks for about 8 cents and result in over 7,000% savings, convenience, and #flexibility. To know more visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/gel-pack-production-system/ Call us at 770-887-4655 Email us [email protected]
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axizzusa · 3 years
The REACTRO™ Reusable Hot Gel Pack is a versatile, practical, and fun product to keep various items warm. It contains a state of the art gel which provides heat for extended periods. To know more visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/reactro-reusable-hot-gel-packs/
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axizzusa · 3 years
Find the best HOT COLD THERAPY products such as Instant Heat Pack, Instant Heat Compress, Hot and Cold Compress and Hot Therapy Gel Packs etc. To know more visit here:-https://axizz.com/product-category/hot-cold-therapy/
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axizzusa · 3 years
Headache Therapy Bands
The THERAPRO™ Headache #TherapyBands are designed to provide #soothing hot or #coldtherapy. Simply soak the band in #hot or #cold water and wear loosely around your #forehead. The heated or cooled super #absorbent #crystals in the interior of the #band will provide constant, soothing #relief. The band can also be heated in a #microwave to provide extra #heat. To know more visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/therapro-headache-therapy-band/
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axizzusa · 3 years
Cooling Dog Bandana
The COOLMOR Cooling Doggie Bandanna can be effectively used to help keep your dog cool in any indoor or outdoor hot environment. To know more or buy this product you can visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/coolmor-cooling-dog-bandana/ 
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axizzusa · 3 years
Cervical Neck Wrap
Use a Cold One® Cold Compression Cervical Neck Wrap for physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports medicine, and home care when neck injury, pain and inflammation are present. To know more or buy this product visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/cervical-neck-wrap/
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axizzusa · 3 years
Equine cold compression therapy is critical to the health and care of your horse’s legs, hocks and hooves. Compression icing is a superior therapy in keeping muscles, ligaments, tendons and connective tissue healthy. To know more or buy these products visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/equine-hock-hoof-and-knee-ice-compression-wrap/
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axizzusa · 3 years
As beautiful as it is, the biting #cold winters can also be dangerous at times. Rather, during winters, personal #injuries do occur even when you perform simple tasks, especially if you aren’t prepared to prevent an incident or you show negligence. Back, shoulders, joints and knees easily get hurt during winters unless you take some precautions. #Wrist #sprains, #elbow #fractures and dislocations, #ankle sprains and #strains, hip fractures and #soreness are also pretty common. You can #prevent these injuries or prepare for them beforehand and thoroughly enjoy the #winter #season without unnecessary #pain and #stiffness. To know more visit our blog post:-https://axizz.com/how-to-avoid-most-common-winter-injuries/
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axizzusa · 3 years
CARPAL MITTS™ Support Gloves has been designed and developed to help relieve aches and pain associated with CTS & RSI’s and reduce swelling, irritation, cramping and hand fatigue.  The design of the CARPAL MITTS™ Support Gloves incorporate three natural, effective pain relievers: Comfortable Compression, Soothing Warmth and Circulation Enhancing Massage. To know more or buy this product visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/carpal-tunnel-mitts/
To know more visit or buy this product visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/carpal-tunnel-mitts/
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axizzusa · 3 years
Neoprene Tennis Elbow Band
The THERAPRO™ Neoprene Tennis Elbow Band provides compression elbow support with a massaging effect with focused compression on the elbow tendons and ligaments. Gives a compression massage to help increase circulation as the elbow moves. Helps reduce the pain and swelling associated with injury. Made entirely of lightweight strengthened elastic fabric that conforms to the elbow.
To know more visit here:-https://axizz.com/product/tennis-elbow-band/
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axizzusa · 3 years
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Whether you are playing a sport professionally or for fun, it demands physical activity. Sports or outdoor games are a great way to stay healthy and release some stress. Injuries are pretty common in sports, but you can avoid them with some precautions like a proper warm-up, stretching, correct posture and technique while playing and not pushing you too hard on the field.
When it comes to sports injuries, some injuries are more common than others. Knees, shoulders and ankles are the most susceptible body parts that may get injured during sports. Given below are some of the most common sports injuries experienced by athletes:
1. Ankle Sprain
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Ankle sprains are a common injury in sports like hockey, football, basketball and others where running and turning quickly is required. It typically occurs when the ankle is twisted or forced inwards and the ligament is stretched or torn in the process.
Proper exercises to strengthen and stretch the ankles are required to prevent this injury from occurring regularly.
2. Concussions
Concussions often occur in contact sports where chances of getting a blow to the head are high. It can cause dizziness or disorientation and similar symptoms to the injured athlete. Multiple concussions can cause damage to the brain and have a lifelong adverse effect. These injuries are pretty common in sports like American football, hockey, rugby, football, boxing, etc.
3. ACL Tear
The role of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is to connect our thighbones to the shin bones. They help in stabilizing our knee joint. But an injury in ACL is severe, causing knees to swell and feel unstable and too painful to carry with our weight. It can sideline players from sports action for months. They typically occur when the athlete stops suddenly or tries to change directions or lands in an awkward position after jumping.
4. Pulled Muscles
Pulling of muscles is common in sports where running, jumping and sudden stopping and starting is required. These pulls commonly occur in the groin, calves and hamstrings. It can be moderately painful. Regular stretching and proper warm-up before playing can help prevent these injuries.
5. Shoulder Injuries
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Shoulder injuries in sports are usually restricted to shoulder dislocation and rotator cuff tear. A shoulder dislocation occurs when a bone is forced out of its socket. It can take 12 to 16 weeks to completely recover from this injury.
Rotator cuffs consist of four pieces of muscles and enable our shoulders to move in all directions. In this case, depending on the severity of the injury, complete recovery can take from a few weeks to a few months.
How to Treat Sports Injuries?
Swelling and pain are the common instant outcomes of injuries. The most common and popular method of treating sports injuries is the RICE method. It involves rest, ice therapy, compression and elevation to treat the injury.
Rest involves restricting your activity for 2 to 3 days after the injury to help the injured part recover without worsening the situation.
Ice refers to ice therapy in which Gel Ice Packs may be used to reduce swelling and inflammation and aid recovery.
Compression with an elastic medical bandage also helps reduce or lessen swelling.
Elevate the injured body part above the level of your heart to reduce pain and swelling.
Most injuries can be treated at home by following the RICE method of resting, applying, compressing the injured area and elevating it.
However, if the injury does not get better after two or three days and the swelling and the pain does not decrease, the injury might be serious and require further medical attention and surgery.
Article Resource:-https://axizz.com/what-are-some-common-sports-injuries-and-how-to-treat-them/
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