babyybokutoakaashi · 2 years
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Art by  chion_misawa
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babyybokutoakaashi · 2 years
and then, we fell apart
‷ series masterlist | CHAPTER TWO | prev | next
‷ sypnosis. you like him, they said he likes you. isn't it supposed to be as easy as that? apparently, it's not when oikawa tooru decides to ask you to fake-date him to make the new girl jealous. it would've been fine... if only you weren't in love with him.
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marga's notes. are the tags working now bc i might just riot if it doesn't
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babyybokutoakaashi · 2 years
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for a professional athlete with such a strict training schedule, Bokuto really isn’t a morning person.
you always find it quite adorable- the sight of a six foot man dragging himself out of your bedroom and into the kitchen, rubbing sleep out of his eyes with the back of his hand.
when he rounds the kitchen island to greet you, slinging his arms around your waist from behind and pressing a kiss against your cheek, his voice is still layered with a sleepy huskiness as he murmurs a soft, “good morning.”
“morning, handsome.” you smile, reaching a hand up behind you to comb your fingers through the owl’s nest of hair on top of his head. he smiles into your cheek at that and all but drapes himself over you, burying his face in your shoulder. a laugh bursts out of you. he’s like a big child, clinging to you for warmth so early in the morning.
” you whine, tugging gently on his hair, “you’re heavy.”
he reluctantly pulls back just enough for you to wriggle around in his arms so you’re facing him. you shake your head when you’re finally able to get a good look at him in all his disheveled glory.
“Kou.” you chide, plucking at the button-up he’s sporting. it’s atrocious, with every button two holes off, the right side of his shirt longer than the left and hanging past his hip. “we have mirrors, you know. use them.”
Bokuto, who’s still got you trapped in his arms, just blinks down at himself before glancing up at you again with a stubborn shake of his head and a whine. “i like it when you do it for me.”
a sigh blows past your lips but you make yourself busy unbuttoning his shirt anyway, suppressing a smile when he still won’t let go of you, big hands laced behind your back so you have to lean back. 
the plaid shirt comes apart easily under your deft fingers, exposing the thin white undershirt beneath. you chew on your lip at the broad expanse of his chest before you, stretching the shirt tight across his skin. it’s times like these that you think you really are spoiled for getting to wake up to this every morning.
leaning close, you press your lips against one of his pecs and then the other, smiling into the shirt when you feel him twitch under you. “baby, what are y- oh.”
he smells nice when you bury your face in his chest, and this time it’s you who’s wrapping your arms around him, snuggling into him. his pectoral muscles are well-defined, nice and firm under your cheek, the steady beat of his heart almost lulling you into a dream-like state. you’ve all but forgotten about your original goal. something about buttons

“i’m starting to think you’re just with me for my body.” he sounds much more awake now, chest rumbling under your cheek when he speaks.
you roll your eyes but burrow yourself deeper into his chest, doing absolutely nothing to help your case. “don’t be silly. i love your tits and you.”
“ti-” Bokuto’s lower lip juts out in an indignant pout. “are my tits the only reason why you married me?”
“no comment.”
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
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sometimes, atsumu finds himself regretting not going to college.
it's only for small, short periods of time though. nothing much to mull over if he's really talking about it, but sometimes, moreso, in this case, right now, he finds himself a little more immersed in the thought than usual.
the decision to not go to college is completely his, no one forced him into it. it's all completely on him.
"and the professor just kept going on and on about how this was such a missed opportunity for a better tagline, and i wanted to say that i agree with him, but sir, your pants are falling down."
it’s a thursday morning, and usually he’d find himself very busy at the gym working on some of the reps his coaches told him to brush up on, but it’s his free day today, and what better way to spend that than visit you at your college?
your arm’s linked with him in a casual manner, like it’s something the two of you have done for forever, and he stops walking only when you stop walking.
"are you listening?" you pause your story to ask, the cup of coffee in your hand easily matching the one in his own.
"hm?" atsumu smiles as he looks at you, "no."
you nudge his side, "i resent that. i'm a very good story-teller."
a second passes in the air.
walking around campus like this, enjoying your free time with each other, it’s just something that you’ve been wishing for a lot lately.
it always feels like you’ve been missing each other so much, and now that he’s finally here, with you, it still feels like something is plotting to happen.
"hey," you stop walking, looking at him briefly as you do, "you still didn't tell me why you're here."
you love his unannounced visits, you love him waiting outside your classroom because he just happens to know your schedule, with your favorite coffee in his hand as he tells you how he wanted to surprise you.
atsumu looks at you, "i wanted to visit."
and you raise a brow, teasing, "because we already don't see each other at all at our house that we share and go home to everyday?"
"yes, exactly." he rolls his eyes, his grin playing free on his lips, "plus my mom called cause she knew i had a free day today and i needed a valid reason to not tell her that samu and i are in a fight."
( osamu asked atsumu to housesit for him the other day and apparently, atsumu never agreed to it, but osamu was under the impression that he was.
long story short; osamu came home to a very messy house and his plants on the brink of dehydration.
they’ve been ignoring each other for days, but osamu still sends you onigiri every sunday with a note “if you share even a bite with tsumu, i’ll know and the onigiri will stop coming.”)
"so instead of telling your mom you can't go to samu's today because the two of you are still in a childish fight that could really easily be resolved by someone saying "sorry", you chose to spend your one free day all week at my college campus."
your tone is questioning, but the laughter rising from your throat breaks your expression.
"yes." atsumu answers straight up, turning to you briefly with a teasing grin, "and i love hearing you talk about your professor and his weird pants."
of course, he was listening.
"hey, miya!"
the reply you had dies in your throat as you’re both interrupted.
your head turning slightly upwards to see who it is that called, and you only really half recognize the girl who approached you two as one of your classmates.
"hey." you give her a polite smile.
and there’s a way atsumu wants to kick his feet at the thought of you being so accustomed to his name.
"i sit behind you in modern literature," the girl smiles nervously as she looks at you, "and i was wondering if i could borrow your notes on it from last week?"
you nod, your eyes crinkling as you reply, "yeah, for sure."
and without even you having to ask, atsumu hands you your backpack, standing in the sidelines as lets you look for those notes.
your classmate takes a good look at the two of you, between the matching cups of coffee in your hands and the fact that he was just holding your things just now, it’s not hard to realize that the two of you may be 
"who’s this?" she asks you, pointing slightly at atsumu as she tries her best to stay polite.
"my hu–"
"boyfriend." atsumu answers, ignoring you as you look at him with narrowing eyes.
what is he up to?
"oh, sorry, did i interrupt you guys?" she asks, her expression falling even further.
"you're fine." atsumu smiles, "we were just walking around."
"i don't think i know you," she tells him, the politeness in her voice evident, "do you go here too?"
"oh, he –"
"yeah!" atsumu cuts you off, his words laced with laughter, "i sit at the very back of the class so that's probably why we don’t know each other."
that wasn’t the response you were expecting him to give.
your classmate looks at him, "oh, you share modern literature with us?"
you finally look up, your smile conniving, "he does."
and atsumu’s eyes crinkle even further as he nods, "i do."
you hand her the notes you’ve finally gotten out of your bag, one that she’s more than happy to take with a vigorous amount of "thank you"s.
"i'm sorry, i feel like such a jerk right now for not knowing your name." she looks at atsumu, eyebrows quirking together as apologizes.
oh, this poor girl.
"miya." he tells her, proudly smiling as he does so, "it’s miya atsumu."
"you’re both miya? are you guys related?" she asks, and she kind of feels weird asking that seeing as just a few seconds ago she was absolutely sure that the two of you were dating.
you blink, and you look at atsumu to answer for the both of you.
"no." atsumu answers, and for a second he shoots you an assuring look, "it's uh... just a coincidence."
"yeah," you nod, trying your best not to laugh, "it’s weird, people tease us about it all the time."
atsumu adds, "it’s actually like we’re already married."
and you elbow him lightly in the side as you try not to laugh.
"well hey, since you're in modern literature too then, can i get your notes on it as well?" she asks atsumu, and you’re grateful that she doesn’t say anything about how weird the two of you are being right now.
she shrugs, "i need all the help i can get."
you slightly tilt your head to look at atsumu, biting in your inner cheek to anticipate how he talks himself out of this one.
he doesn't spare a second to give you a reassuring glance, instead, he shakes his head apologizingly, his hand immediately touching the back of his neck as he laughs.
atsumu's smile stays polite, "i would, but i was completely thrown off the entire lesson, i forgot to take my own notes."
you raise a brow.
"i was so distracted the entire class — which is a shame cause it's usually so good, — but when our professor started talking about taglines and how they could be so much better, i wanted to agree with him so bad, but," and he trails off in suspense, a teasing glint in his eye as he looks at your classmate.
atsumu is way too good at this.
thankfully, she gets what he's trying to say, a rise of laughter coming up into her expression as she nods vigorously, "you noticed that too, huh!"
"it was so embarrassing," she shakes her head, "i didn't know where to look."
and atsumu nods slowly, "me too. he needs to get pants that fit him."
she eventually thanks the both of you, apologizing once again for interrupting your walk, and telling you, extremely teasingly that “you two look good together.”
and she’s off.
she runs back to her group of friends with your notes in her hands, and you think about what kind of explanation to give her the next time you share modern literature and your so-called “boyfriend” isn’t there to share it with you.
you and atsumu are back to walking around.
"you stole my professor + pants anecdote." you scoff, your arm linking with him out of instinct.
"i told the story better than you did." atsumu says, his tone convinced.
"now, you're openly lying to me?" you scoff harder, staring him down with narrowing eyes, "you’re a thief and a liar."
the bell rings and everyone around the two of you rushes to their respective classrooms, walking and jogging as their break’s finally came to an end.
some people look annoyed, others not so much, but if atsumu noticed one thing everytime he came to visit you, it’s that everyone — everyone in the campus — has always had an agenda they had to keep up with.
"college is fun." he tells you, smiling as he notices that the more the two of you walk the less people there is around.
you look at him, "yeah, you totally blend in here."
"i do?" he asks you, a smile lacing his tone.
you shrug, "well, you are here all the time."
"i’m not," atsumu scoffs, and he laughs, "i’m here 
 maybe half the time."
your arm falls from his as the two of you stop linking it together, this time his hand holding onto yours tightly as you let it sway in between the both of you.
"that’s okay," you smile, "i like you here."
"you just want someone to carry your books for ya." atsumu rolls his eyes, and you laugh, because he’s never let you carry your own books ever.
not even back in high school. if miya atsumu was around, everywhere you went, no matter if his arms were already full, you were not carrying your own things.
"don’t think i don’t see how people turn their heads to look at you when you’re here." you nudge his side, sighing dramatically as you fake a frown, "i hate being married to someone hot."
"excuse me?" atsumu practically scoffs as he looks at you, his eyes crinkling as he tease, "and you think i don’t notice all the people who turn their heads to look at you when you visit me?"
the edges of your lip tug upwards, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction.
atsumu stares you down, his toothy grin wide and giddy as he tells you, "i hate being married to someone hot."
"stealing my lines too now, huh, miya?" you roll your eyes, pushing past him to avoid him having to see the relenting smile on your face.
but that doesn’t really work either because he always easily catches up to you anyway.
he’s laughing, "well - miya - what the hell happened to all that ‘what’s mine is yours’ stuff you said in your vows?"
you walk faster.
atsumu takes your hand before you can fully leave him in the dust, laughing as he does so, he watches as you don’t resist into his touch.
he regrets not going to college. but he knows that if he did, he wouldn’t be where he is right now, and he’s pretty sure that he would regret that more.
there’s no one around, and he can’t say how many times he’s thanked the deities for that.
"miya." he says, and it feels weird, because it’s his name but he’s talking to you.
your eyes crinkle lightly as you smile, greatly appreciating his arms right now.
"i have a boyfriend, he’s in class right now so i don’t think he’ll appreciate us being this close." you smile, and atsumu laughs.
he shrugs, "i heard he steals your pants + professor anecdotes."
"yes," you try not to smile so much, "and he’s also always late, has the messiest hand-writing, and falls asleep on top of me."
"okay, now you’re just listing all my amazing quirks."
"you can’t keep falling asleep on top of me, tsumu, my back is so sore."
"i don’t recall ever sleeping on top of you therefore it must not be real."
the apparent november air, the cups of coffee on the ground that you’re both probably gonna end up forgetting — it’s all a bit cheesy.
but as much as atsumu regrets not following through with the whole college deal, he knows he won’t regret it as much as not having had married you.
your face is close to his, "my boyfriend–"
"he sounds amazing, i know." atsumu grins, but his nose touches yours anyways.
there’s no one around.
and so he kisses you.
he kisses you many times, a lot in the interval of one deep kiss, pulling away every time his lips touches yours to tease and peck and have you laughing.
but when he pulls back for the last time, and he just stares at you to stare at you, he kisses you with a lazy smile on his face, but kisses you as deep as he can.
"i hope your boyfriend doesn’t mind i did that."
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
access denied
for fictober21 day 6 “didn’t we already have this conversation?” | misawa , amasawa | bodyguard au | g |
Amahisa leans in closer, crowding in a bit excessively for Kazuya’s liking.  “Come on,” he wheedles.  “I can definitely get security clearance for a rooftop dinner.”  His voice dips a little as he smiles at Sawamura.  “Under the moon and stars, by candlelight, doesn’t that sound nice?”
“Well,” Sawamura says, his cheeks flushing, his eyes turned to the side under his long lashes.
“Or we could hang out in the auditorium; they can project the milky way over the entire ceiling.  It’s as good as being at the Star Village. You’re from Nagano, right?”
“Didn’t we already have this conversation?” Kazuya cuts in brusquely, a hand curling around Sawamura’s hip as he positions himself between them.  “It’s a non-possibility and he’s not interested.”
“I didn’t say that,” Sawamura complains.
Both Amahisa and Kazuya turn to him with a look at that.  
A/N: You can find all of my bodyguards au works here! :)
Keep reading
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
Hello <3 Let's say miyuki kazuya has a sister older by a year! How will their relationship be as a big sister and younger brother! I always dream of being kazuya big sister because he deserves all love and care in the world❀
this is such a cute idea! thank you for this :)
miyuki kazuya x sister!reader hc’s
miyuki’s older sister
you definitely teased him a lot growing up and never got rid of the habit
people thought miyuki was bad? just wait until they see how you treat him
when miyuki was a first year at seido, you would yell from the fences during his baseball practice just to tick him off
you can see him pop a vein from the field and you laugh it off
he can’t even tease you back because he knew you’d fire back ten times as bad
“you want to say something, kazu?? huh??”
you would call him embarrassing nicknames in front of his friends and teammates 
“baby boy kazu,” “bakazuya.”
kuromochi would be dying and miyuki would just grumble 
you also like to physically tease him
whether it’s a flick on the forehead or a slap to the arm or pinching his cheeks
it’s just funny to you
you would hear sawamura laughing at miyuki from afar and miyuki would just glare at you
but you weren’t fazed ofc
you usually support him by going to his baseball games
you were always amazed at his natural skill and was lowkey proud of how far he’s come
or highkey
you both grew up without a mother so you always felt like it was your responsibility to protect him
and when he became seido’s best catcher, you were so excited for him you tackled him in the kitchen while he was cooking dinner for you both
“the miyuki siblings are the best!”
“you don’t even play baseball, sis. get off me.”
“shut up!” and you ruffle his head
miyuki is pretty protective of you, just because he knows how much you do for him
he’s always making sure if you’ve ate or he’d offer to buy you food at school if you forgot to bring it
if he sees some guys making you uncomfortable, he would definitely intervene and shoo them away
“if you don’t stop talking right now, i’ll make you.”
and seeing those bright brown eyes of his, they leave
“i can take care of myself, stupid kazu.”
your friends fawn over miyuki because of his looks and you just reply with
“miyuki familial genes. can’t help it!”
sometimes on both of your guys’ free time (which is super rare), you would spend the day together 
obviously you’d pay for everything like the good sibling you are
sometimes you guys would watch a movie, go out for lunch, or even go shopping once in a while
you find it important to have a good relationship with your brother since he’s the only one you have
i mean you both have your dad but he’s always busy
you know miyuki isn’t the one to open up, but you can pick up on his tells whenever he isn’t feeling the best
and you would approach this situation by cooking for him or teasing him less
when you feel like the time is right, you would ask him if something was wrong
more often than not, he does open up to you and you’d just listen
it goes the same way for you
miyuki can tell if something is bothering and will try to be supportive
sometimes throughout the night, he would check up on you to see if you were sleeping okay (since he would be staying up reading scorebooks and such)
if you had a boyfriend, you’d make sure him and miyuki would get along
because once again, you value your relationship with him
it would turn out to be annoying because they would gang up on you and miyuki can finally get you back after all the years you’ve humiliated him
“take that, sis.”
and if miyuki ever got a girlfriend, she would need to impress you first
because you weren’t going to let your brother get hurt by just anyone
you’d also be close with his girlfriend, helping her study and taking her to places
when you guys fight, there would be a lot of cussing and yelling, even over the minuscule things
“kazuya, i told you it’s your turn to wash the dishes today, fuck!”
“i told you, i’m busy looking over the damn scorebook!! don’t you want seido to win??”
he would end up washing the dishes and then you’d guys would act like nothing happened
you guys would barely have any major arguments since you respect each other’s boundaries
and you guys trust each other more than anyone ever could
but if it did happen, you guys would talk it out together
nevertheless, the this sibling relationship involves a lot of teasing but also a lot of care. miyuki couldn’t have asked for a better sibling
you would joke around WITH sawamura whenever you bumped into him and miyuki
then miyuki grabs sawamura by the collar and drags him away from you
“you’re forbidden to speak to my sister again, sawamura.”
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
anxiety comfort~
——— ♡ ———
pairing: rintaro suna x female reader
genre: fluff, comfort, mental health and reassurance, drabble
synopsis: suna comforts hypochondriac reader during a panic attack
——— ♡ ———
“I feel like I can’t breathe,” you gasped, clutching on to anything within reach. Your fingers dug into your forearms as you clenched the material of your sweater.
“What happened?” Suna instinctively wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him while he navigated the two of you out of the busy shopping centre
“I just
 I started feeling weird.” You mumbled, trying to stabilize your breathing. Deep down you knew this was irrational. You knew how this would end, hell, you knew where it started. But those feelings were being second guessed by your head playing tricks on you; evil tricks to send you spiralling in only a few seconds.
“How so?” Suna had a feeling what you were going to say, and to be honest, he wasn’t really trying to get the specifics. He was really just trying to get you to talk.
“My head felt kind of weird, and then when you were looking at cd’s I pulled out my phone and googled the symptoms
 and it said some really scary stuff.” You clenched your fists tighter, stretching the material thin. “Now my hearts racing and my head feels even weirder and I’m sweating
“Mm,” he hummed, opening the door and leading you outside. The cold air was refreshing and gave you a brief moment of clarity. “You know, I’m pretty sure Dr. Google isn’t listed as an accredited provider.” Suna said with a small smile.
“Even so,” you sighed, nervously looking around. “I just don’t feel okay. Like I need to go to the hospital. Like something is really wrong, and I-“
“Shh,” Suna wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest. He rubbed your lower back and continued talking in a soothing, quiet voice. “You’re okay, baby. You’re fine.”
“You don’t know that, Rin!” You tried to push off of him, but his grip wasn’t letting you go away. You could feel tears prick your eyes as the panic and frustration reached an all time high.
“You’re having a panic attack, babe.” He mumbled, kissing the top of your head. His hand continued to softly rub your back while the other held you close to him. “It’s okay, I promise you’re going to be okay.”
“But what if-“ You started to talk, but Suna just shook his head. He pulled back, quickly rummaging through his backpack to pull out a water bottle.
“We’re not going to think about any ‘what ifs.” He smiled, handing you the water bottle. “What if a plane exploded and landed on us right now? What if a lion escaped from the zoo and decided to eat us? What if some random person came and stabbed me and I died?”
Your eyes widened at his words while you took a big drink of his water. “That would be scary.”
“Yes, and they’re all hypothetical scenarios.” He smiled, looking down at you with nothing but love and adoration. “In theory, anything could happen. But right now, in this moment, none of that stuff is happening.”
“I mean, I guess you’re right
” You muttered, looking down at the ground.
“How’s your head?” He asked, taking the water bottle back from you and taking a sip for himself. “Still feel weird?”
“Mm,” you pressed your hand to your head. Whatever feeling set you off was gone, and to be honest, you’d already forgotten about it. “I feel fine now.”
“And your breathing?” Suna asked as he leaned down, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Seems like it’s evened out now.”
 yeah, I guess it has
” You hadn’t even noticed but your death grip on your sweater had fallen once you’d stepped outside. The conversation had already calmed you down before you even knew it.
Suna smiled, pressing his palm against your cheek and looking at you with a soft expression.
God, he loved you. He knew you inside and out. He knew how much you worried, how easily you could fall into a state of panic and let it spiral out of control.
He also knew how to help you get out of it.
“See? You’re okay, baby.” He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. “I told you.”
You turned away from him, staring down at the ground.
“Now I just feel stupid.” You muttered.
“Don’t ever feel stupid around me.” Suna bent down to get on your eye level, taking your arms and placing them around his shoulders. The moment you looked to see what he was doing, his arms wrapped around your thighs and he picked you up in his arms. You let out the smallest giggle while he carried you to his car.
“There she is.” He beamed, squeezing you in his grip. “There’s that beautiful smile I was waiting to see.”
You sighed, pressing your face into the crook of his neck. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, it’s my job to protect you.” He smirked, putting you down as you got to his car. “Even if I need to protect you from yourself, sometimes.”
You nodded, waiting for him to open the door for you like he always does.
“I love you so much.” He smiled, leaning down to give you another kiss. “Every little thing about you. I just wanted you to know that.”
“Aw, Rin.” You blushed, your mood doing a complete 180 from the panic attack you were under only 15 minutes prior. “You don’t have to say stuff just to make me feel better. I think I’m fine now.”
“I wasn’t saying that to make you feel better, nerd.” Suna’s mouth turned in a cheeky smile. “I was just letting you know.”
“Ah, okay.” You nodded, grabbing his hands and squeezing. “Well, I love you too. Every single thing about you. So much.”
“Good. I’m glad.” Suna opened the door for you and gave your ass a smack as you got in. “Now let’s go get something to eat.”
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
YEAH REALLY!! Its like I'm watching two friends who obviously love each other but won't talk about it because they both thought its one-sided.đŸ˜€đŸ˜€
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
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“I don’t know what it is you’re fighting against. I don’t know but, I’m going to take down the hitters in front of me. What else does a pitcher need to do? No matter the situation, I’ll be true to myself!”
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“He’s able to pitch his best in this predicament!“
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“All three were almost perfectly on target! I’m getting goosebumps!”
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“He’s a southpaw in the same year as me. He didn’t play much at Koshien Stadium, but he held Kasuga First scoreless last game. Hoshida-senpai was swinging late. Just how good is this guy?“
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“Sharp to the inside, soft to the outside
 His pitches feel very different from Furuya’s. He changes the trajectory of his pitches by how far back he releases the ball. He’s a much better pitcher than I realized!“
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“Outstanding. His gutsy pitching did us in at the fall tournament.“
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“I wanted Furuya to get back on track
 But the fact of the matter is that we needed to switch pitchers. It was the most difficult situation to be dropped into
 but he pulled it off!”
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“You saved me. Sorry. Good job shutting them down.”
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“The bench has cheered up! It’s just like that game from the fall tournament. He can change the mood of the whole stadium, in a different way than Furuya-san.”
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“Why do I feel like this? It’s like I’m confused or frustrated. If I had pitched like Furuya did today, would he have left me in the game that long? No, I would’ve been subbed out. That’s the difference between our numbers. The difference between the ace and a relief pitcher. Does the ace get that much trust?”
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
Miyuki: I know you snuck in last night, Sawamura.
Kuramochi, whispering: Play dumb.
Sawamura: Who’s Sawamura?
Kuramochi: NOT THAT DUMB!!
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙍𝙎𝙏 đ™đ™đ˜Œđ™‹đ™Ž -  đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜Ș𝘬đ˜șđ˜¶đ˜¶
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
Sawamura: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.
Miyuki: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
Haikyuubu Chapter 32: Inarizaki’s Fortune Strips
Next: Haikyuubu is taking a break.
Jan 20th: Nekoma
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
Haikyuubu Chapter 31: Daishou vs Kuroo
Thank you for 2019! 
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
Haikyuubu Chapter 30: Yachi’s Presents
Next: Kuroo and Daishou (yes I know this was meant to be this week, there was a mix-up and they printed an error) 
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
Haikyuubu Chapter 29: Seijoh plays Cards
Next chapter: Kuroo and Daishou 
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babyybokutoakaashi · 3 years
Haikyuubu Chapter 28: A Drive from Hell
Next: Seijoh
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