bag-o-demons · 5 years
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I was having writers block and so I took a break and soon enough it was 3 in the morning and I had impulsively sewn together a tiny mouse you’re welcome
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
I’ve done a lot of thinking lately and...
Im a demiboy 💙🤠
I still use He/Him pronouns!
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
I was checking out at Walmart, and as I was reaching for my bags I said, “Happy Holidays!” And the cashier leaned in like she was sharing a secret and said “Merry Christmas.” So I smiled politely and said, “Blessed Yule!” And the look that spread across her face, you would have thought I’d literally stolen Christmas from her. If you’re going to make a point of wishing me a happy whatever-you-celebrate, I’m going to make a point of wishing you a happy whatever-I-celebrate, and if you think that’s wrong you should consider getting “hypocrite” tattooed across your forehead.
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
tag yourself: artist addition
A) has an organized list of things they want to draw, updates list daily with more ideas, neatly checks off all the ideas once they’ve been completed, has an actual schedule 
B) never plans things out, ideas are hastily written down on a crumpled scrap of paper, sits on ideas until they eventually become unappealing and rot in the wip folder
C) draws out ideas as soon as they come to mind, barely ever takes any breaks, forgets to eat, holds in pee until it becomes absolutely necessary to take a break, sacrifices sleep in order to finish a piece
D) stares blankly at the ceiling. can usually be found chewing at the end of their tablet pen. blank canvas has been opened but even the prospect of doing warmup doodles is implausible
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
Hey howdy my name is Arthur but you guys can call me Artie/Art. My pronouns are he/him/his Im looking for friends that I can mutually gush about anime characters with/ maybe rp :0 I love to draw and I’m extra open minded.
Animes i like/know
Death note
Future diary
Miraculous ladybug
If you like any of those dm me!! Drop a like and I’ll check out your page!
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
I’m calling y’all out
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
Sigil tip for closet witches:
Your sigils don’t have to be all elaborate or look all ~magic-y~, you can do everyday doodles as sigils to get your point across.
Some examples: A smiley face for positive or happy things. A peace sign for, well, peace. A butterfly for ease or ridding anxiety. A shield or some swords for protection. A tree for grounding and stability. A bird for ambition and free will. A rainbow for creativity. A heart for love. A lighting bolt for courage and passion. A flower for beauty.
The best thing about doing sigils like this is that they are easy to remember and no one will second guess what you’re writing all over the place.
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
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Our bones remember the struggles we went through. And we are not voiceless after all.  Other places to see my posts: INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / ETSY / KICKSTARTER
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
Vegans of tumblr, listen up. Harvesting agave in the quantities required so you dont have to eat honey is killing mexican long-nosed bats. They feed off the nectar and pollinate the plants. They need the agave. You want to help the environment? Go back to honey. Your liver and thyroid will thank you, as well. Agave is 90% fructose, which can cause a host of issues. Bye.
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
not to glorify the early years tumblr hellscape but this site was infinitely better when you could block anon hate and then immediately find out who was sending it by checking your blocklist and i for one propose that we bring that back. no rights for cowards.
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
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no one:
me: here’s a flow chart of 41 lgbtq+ book recommendations, have fun!
disclaimer: this is a very non-comprehensive list since I’m only including books that I’ve read
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
Do NOT Support ‘Adam’ When The Film Comes Out
I’ve talked about this before on this blog but this is the most disgustingly transphobic and lesbophobic narrative I’ve ever come across. 
CWs: transphobia, homophobia, lesbophobia, corrective rape, voyeurism
The book Adam by Ariel Schrag is being turned into a movie which has been named as one of the most exciting LGBTQ films of the year. You should know before watching that the book is about a cis boy who pretends to be a trans man in order to persuade lesbians to sleep with him.
Yeah… you read that right.
Book plot summary: 
boy spies on his lesbian sister having sex
boy decides to pretend to be a trans man (gross)
i.e. pretends to have a vagina because he thinks lesbians will want him then (he literally wants to fuck lesbians because he watched his lesbian sister have sex wtf)
he does get a lesbian to sleep with him, he straps his penis down using ace bandages and uses a strap on.
all the actual trans dudes we meet identify as lesbians this basically implies that trans men are not real men (lesbians i.e. women)  
another time they have sex again only he uses his actual penis but tells her its a strap on. that’s literally rape, she didn’t consent to an actual penis.
he confesses that he’s been lying to her this whole time but she doesn’t break up with him. she even says its okay cause she fantasised about him being “a real boy"
that’s a direct quote. massive transphobia. huge. not to mention this is now the “lesbian is cured by dick trope” which is disgusting and that trope leads to real lesbians and bi women being raped to “fix” them. 
he leaves new york, they’re long distance. they get in an argument and he calls her a slut and a whore among other things and then she dumps him
eventually they get back in touch and she has a new cis boyfriend so yep, she’s been “cured” woo she’s actually straight and he helped her realise that yay (massive sarcasm)
It is deeply deeply transphobic. To imply that our identities are just costumes for other people to put on erases who we are as people. More than that, to imply it is done to trick people into sex is a dangerous lie that literally gets us killed.
It is also deeply lesbophobic. To fuel this narrative that lesbians can be “fixed” by having sex with a man leads to real corrective rapes happening. 
Here is a review of the book by a trans man. I have yet to find one by a lesbian but will edit this if I do.
This book gives out incredibly harmful notions about trans men and lesbians that are used to hurt them in real life. It’s so entrenched in the narrative that I don’t see how the film can possibly be any better.
I do not say any of this lightly. it’s very very rare for me to call out a piece of fiction or for me to decide that a story is unfixable. But this… there’s no excuse for the bigotry in this. 
I’d like to tell people to boycott it but I can’t tell you what to do. So instead I’m going to ask that you share this because it being named as an exciting new LGBTQ film is going to make LGBTQ teens want to see it. And they should know beforehand how hurtful it could be. They should be able to arm themselves with that knowledge.
Don’t make queer kids see this film believing it will represent them only to be exposed to this hatred of their identities. 
Please reblog.
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
the magick of acorns
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acorns are a cute, perfectly-sized magick charm to carry in your pocket. they represent the energy of the beautiful oak tree, which has long-held associations with strength, endurance, courage, generosity and honesty. for this reason, it has “kingly” attributes; it’s said that king arthur’s round table was made from a cross-section of a big elder oak tree’s trunk.
each acorn on the oak tree is believed to have its very own faerie watching over it. keep this in mind before you pluck an acorn from its tree; when harvesting acorns, it’s best to forage for fallen ones so as not to bring about fae mischief.
☾ using acorns as charms
carry an acorn in your pocket for health, abundance, prosperity and luck.
plant an acorn in your garden under a full moon to cultivate happiness.
use an acorn at your altar to represent the earth element.
wear an acorn around your neck to bring beauty, youth, and protection.
place an acorn in your purse or wallet to attract financial security.
an acorn at your desk inspires patience and long-term success.
☾ a simple acorn spell for strength during hardships
light a red candle, which represents strength, survival and endurance. hold an acorn in your hands and look at the flame, meditating on the hardships you’re going through and your wishes to overcome them. remind yourself that you are strong and resilient. visualize the end to the situation. warm the acorn over the candleflame, kiss the acorn, and place it under your pillow.
☾ kitchen witchcraft: acorn maple shortbread cookies
these cookies are delicious and rustic, celebrating the oak and maple trees. the cookies have powerful spiritual healing properties. here is a recipe for how to make acorn flour, which involves a couple days of labor and requires a food processor. the end product, however, is a delicious dark gluten-free flour that has chestnut flavor notes. for the cookies (makes 12), you will need:
2 sticks unsalted butter, at room temperature (8 ounces)
½ cup sugar
¼ cup maple sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
A pinch of salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup acorn flour
1. Combine the butter, sugars and vanilla extract in a bowl and whisk together with a fork.
2. Mix the salt and flours together with a whisk in another bowl, then pour the mixture in with the butter/sugar. mix with a fork just enough to make a sticky dough with no butter chunks.
3. shape the dough into a large disk, wedge between parchment paper and freeze for at least two hours, so they maintain their structure in the oven.
4. preheat the oven to 350°F. flatten the dough disk to about ½ inch and use a cookie cutter to cut out the cookies.
5. place the cookies on an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 23-26 minutes (or until the edges are beginning to brown).
☾ an acorn-top faerie offering
to make an offering to nearby fae and good spirits, place a ring of acorn tops on a tree stump, and fill the acorn tops with wine. leave a pile of rose petals in the center of the ring. 
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
Avoiding scams in witchcraft
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Not sure if someone has made a post like this or not, but I am seeing more and more obvious scams on my dash daily. As an experienced witch, let me tell you, I've come across my fair share of scams.
Here's how you can identify them:
"I have SECRETS that NO ONE ELSE has!! Also, NO ONE ELSE will teach you these secrets because they are MEAN and SECRETIVE. BUT I'M NOT. I will teach you. For a small fee for the 'risk'." You do not have to pay someone for "secrets" of any nature. Especially not as a beginner or even intermediate witch - you have so much information freely available to you. The most you might pay is the price of a book.
"I'm a psychic and I'm coming out of left field to tell you that you've been cursed, but no worries, I can lift it for you!! For a fee. :)" You would think this is obvious but verify, verify, verify. Also as a rule don't trust the spells of someone you don't know unless you know someone they've helped.
Be CAREFUL about magical services in general. People won't tell you this cause they want to make money, but SO MUCH is easy to fake. Jewelry with a companion in it? Bought that bulk for $1 a pop and scribbled in a .50 journal about it, sell for $35. No magic performed. Copy-pasted tarot, rune, and psychic readings. Sure, I cast that spell, send me $50. The thing is, unless you're talented enough to cast it yourself in the first place, you won't know when someone's conning you.
"This is DEFINITELY allnaturalorganicsupersafe scrub/balm/soap/lotion to apply to your *insert sensitive area* and yes it IS worth $85 I went to the rainforest myself to collect the ingredients." Just use some quick googling and your common sense, here. Certain herbs and essential oils are not meant for certain things. Just because they sell this stuff, doesn't mean they know what they're talking about.
Another good rule - if you're working with a vendor and they make an appeal to your guilt, your grief, your loneliness, etc.? Really good chance they're pressing that button to get you to spend. Some examples: "I see you are lonely let me cast a love spell $5 off for this thing you weren't going to get in the first place." "I can channel the spirit of your dead grandma via ouija. *disappears for three days* I was SHOOK her presence was SO powerful she said she loves you and she's happy, no I didn't ask her any identifying questions... $40 please."
"Ready to ADVANCE your CAREER as a WITCH??? WELL COME ON DOWN to LADY OF THE SILVER CHALICE DRAWN DOWN MOON DRAGON, ESQ.'s temple where I will PERSONALLY sign a $2 certificate saying you're a 3rd degree Ancient Knowing One after 3 sessions of 90 minutes of me ranting about how aliens built Egypt." Do some traditions observe degree systems? Yes. Make sure you're dealing with a reputable source before you fork over $300.
Cults. There are many good posts and online resources about this, but most cults are made to serve the creator in two ways: 1) Power/control. 2) Money. For me, it's not so easy to notice the power and control issues due to past trauma, but money? I sure as hell notice that. If they are pressuring you to make more, spend more, contribute more, and you can barely pay your bills? Get the fuck out of there.
If someone is giving you a service and they're asking for ANY method of payment that is not trackable, be wary. Now, it might be an old family friend and you hand cash over yourself, which is safer. But someone online asking to be paid through giftcards, or someone asking you to mail cash? Oof. Bad energy.
People can not so much "con" you but cost you extra money by playing the middle man for certain transactions. Sometimes it's worth it to have the middle-man; that can mean higher quality products and reliable delivery. But you could save yourself money if you know the item you're buying and go directly to the supplier. Often middle-men jack prices up considerably, sometimes more than they're worth, or even trade in worse quality products than they advertise. Consider your finances, look at who you're buying from, and look at the price tag.
Yes, it sucks to say, but some psychics really ARE just good cold readers (i.e., people who can read things off you with good questions and observing body language). Some may not even know it themselves. Any form of divination may suffer from this. Again, stick with those you trust, or at least consider that when you put down that money, it's a gamble.
"I can definitely make ALL your problems go away!!! except *insert small technicality I know won't make you say no*, with just 8 easy payments of $29.99!!" Big grandiose promises that ALMOST sound too good to be true are easier to let slide because they admitted there's a problem! They must be telling the truth! No, hon. They know exactly what they're doing. They're making big promises to get big money, and when you complain, they point to their terms of service and say "This was entertainment only." That exists there for a REASON, yes, and it does serve to protect legitamite practioners when, say, a tarot reading is slightly off because those readings are meant to guess at the future and that future can be changed. Some vendors abuse the hell out of it, though.
There ARE legitamite vendors and good reasons to spend cash in the community if you want to. But be careful out there.
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
i hope y’all all get the monster bf of your dreams and make him your monster husband
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bag-o-demons · 5 years
girls are cute
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