bananabebread · 2 days
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Icarus, Advisor/Deputy of the Aurora Guild. I got a sort of big ramble post for sometime later about how I think Guilds work in my little universe.
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bananabebread · 7 days
This was just a small little experiment I did using the Muse Sounds in Musescore, I wanted to do something with the Guild in the story I'm slowly writing.
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bananabebread · 14 days
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trying to doodle a lyra, love my little girl
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bananabebread · 16 days
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oh, little blackbird, how lavender shades become crimson like blood.
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bananabebread · 25 days
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And this is my first drawn fanart (with a bit of writing too) I've ever done, and it's for @teshamerkel's PMD Seekers of Soul which I very much enjoy. When I was just drawing this I was listening to 'Deadman's Gun' from Red Dead Redemption and 'Butterfly' sung by Willie Nelson, which I think might be pretty good when thinking about Tobias' character. Anyways, I guess if you want to read the little thing along with this you can now, hope your having a nice day or night. He strummed the guitar strings slowly, humming out a tune he'd felt in him many times before. He focused on the resonating vibrations of sound that echoed out and attempted to ignore the weight that rested on his shoulder- Nia.
He played this tune silently many nights when he knew she had fallen deep into sleep. Trying to drown away the thoughts of things she'd said before, all about wanting to leave this place.
Whenever those words were spoken it felt like there was a cord in him that threatened to snap, and the tension it was under too great to be held up. He didn't want her to leave, she had grown heavy on him. Maybe it was the first time in years he'd ever felt this way with somebody else.
Still strumming, he felt a tear swell up into his eye, and on instinct move his hand from the guitar to his head to wipe it away. But, he stopped short, and let the tear fall.
But shortly it was replaced, and the built-up tensions on that cord eased as more and more tears built up in his eyes.
Taking a shivery breath he brought himself back to the guitar, his hands trembled ever so slightly as he began to play it out and sing quietly.
This is it
You're leaving
His voice cracked and his hands became more and more shaky as he continued to play and sing through the chords and quarter notes. The music became quieter and slower, and in turn, so did the instrument.
The tune near its end had become quiet and shaky until the sound that emanated from it had completely diminished. Finally, he rested his instrument on the soft ground. His tears still kept going, and he still let them.
He cradled his head into his arms and through quiet weeps and raspy breaths he thought to himself. Maybe for a moment, he hoped Nia would wake and ask him in her soft, concerned voice- "Is everything okay?"
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bananabebread · 1 month
This is my little bit of fanart for @teshamerkel's PMD fanfic Seekers of Soul.
There wasn't an exact scene in mind when I was writing this, but I assume it'll be one further down the road. It's meant to be a plea of sorts from Tobias for the eventuality she ends up leaving.
Which is why I named it "Don't leave me".
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bananabebread · 1 month
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Lyra, Lieutenant of the Concord Guild, reminiscing.
Would she understand what you are now? I wish she never had to.
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bananabebread · 1 month
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One of my favorite pieces I've ever written for my silly Sylveon Guildmaster Lyra (I need to remake her now that I have my drawing tablet).
I have a little story I'm making slowly but steadily for her out there which is obvious from the name. It's not exactly the most pleasant time for her, and it's my first work, but I'm having fun, that's what counts right?
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bananabebread · 2 months
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that's not good / there's a tad bit of blood so I guess I mark this as violent
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bananabebread · 2 months
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what a nice duo they are.
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