basorexic ¡ 4 years
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basorexic ¡ 4 years
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basorexic ¡ 4 years
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basorexic ¡ 4 years
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
It’s my favorite thing when a lesbian is just like “I got extra fries with my meal, gay rights” or an enby is like “wow trans rights I just got a free gift card to the movies” or a bi dude is like “finally found a plant that won’t die, queer rights I guess.” Like that is the funniest shit I don’t care.
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
hozier really came out here and changed his link to his merch on his site to “take me to merch” and this is the best way to remember he’s a fucking millennial.
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
Just Tobin walking in like a totall badass: ‘You guys done? We’re done.’
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
a baby can be born right now at 12:00, on a wednesday, august 24 in new jersey while another baby is also born in the exact same moment but they are born 9:00, on a tuesday, august 23 in california, these babies that are born at the same moment are technically because of time zones, a concept that we created ourselves, born “hours” apart even though really they are born at the same moment just not the same “time”, one will be considered older even though in actuality they are the same
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
men in california in the 80s were just like “guess i’ll be a serial killer” huh
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
all my love, thought and prayers to those in sri lanka.
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
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As they should.
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
If she had any idea of just how much I love her, nothing could ever bother her because she'd be completely confident that I'm completely hers.
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
“English is a global language because English speakers have been global conquerors. It’s not about the quality of English nouns and verbs, it’s about the quality of English guns and money.”
— “A Linguist Explains Emoji and What Language Death Actually Looks Like”, by Gretchen McCulloch (tumblr) at The Toast  (via waitingformycoffin)
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
Listening to drake at the gym, people think this is sweat rolling down my face but it’s actually tears
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basorexic ¡ 5 years
My mom: You need to start liking girly things
Me: *starts liking girls*
My mom:
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