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Fanfic sneak peek.
Quinn meets his grandparents for the first time. What could go wrong?
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Something I find interesting is despite canonically having muggle relatives, MC knows nothing about muggle things (ex: snow glands predict weather). Even if they’re not always around those things in the Wizarding world you’d think they’d know something.
But then that seems to be a Harry Potter universe lore thing as even wizards with a muggle parent don’t know those things either 🤔
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A while back my bother got Hogwarts Legacy and I decided to make Quinn to see how he’d look in the graphics.
I played a little and he is unintentionally so chaotic and has 0 braincells
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In my own canon it's Ben
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But it's Talbott in game
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[Takes place directly after the final scene in the "First Date" side quest]
Happy (late) Valentine’s Day
“What would you have done if I had given you my note?” Quinn suddenly asked.
He saw Talbott tense every so slightly out of the corner of his eye. The two had been sitting in silence for nearly an hour, just watching the stars above. The only sound being the babbling of the fountain and cricket chirps. The sound of Talbott's soft laugh made him turn to face the other.
“I’d have been too nervous by the thought that someone fancies me to answer.” He said, a small smile pulling at his lips.
Quinn smiled as well; “I guess it was a bit weird. Just thought it would be better than doing it face to face for you. But then it became a big thing anyway.”
“Big things seem to follow you.” Talbott spoke with such fondness in his voice that it made Quinn’s heart skip a bit.
“More like trouble follows me.” He jokes in an attempt to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.
“I will admit you find trouble too.” Talbott turned to face Quinn as well. “But I wouldn’t call that a bad thing in your case.”
Quinn studied the other animagus for a long moment. The stars were now completely forgotten about, the two only focusing on each other.
Quinn felt a word on the tip of his tongue, begging him to just say it but he felt it back. It was too soon and he didn’t want to scare Talbott away.
Instead he said; “So, would you call this date a success?”
“Yes, I’ve enjoyed my time with you.” There was the slightest blush on the Ravenclaw’s cheeks. “I wouldn’t mind another with you.”
“Me too.” Quinn’s cheeks felt warm as well.
Talbott looked back at the sky then; “It’s getting late. We should head back to our dorms.”
Quinn stood; “I’ll walk you to your dorm.”
“No, I should walk you to your’s.” Talbott countered as he stood. “The least I could do.”
“Rock, paper, scissors?” Quinn raised a fist out. “Best two out of three
Talbott laughed but raised a fist as well. Out of the three rounds, Quinn won two, making him the victor. Talbott frowned.
“You can walk me back next time.” Quinn was quick to comfort.
“I’ll hold you to that.” Talbott’s frown turned into a soft smile.
The two walked back inside together and through the side stairwell up to the West Towers. Quinn stopped at the walk away leading across to Ravenclaw Tower, Talbott across from him.
“Good night. See you in class tomorrow?” Quinn awkwardly shifted around, not entirely sure what to do with himself.
Talbott nodded; “If you want, I can show you some of my hiding places tomorrow. Lunch time?”
“I look forward to it.” Quinn smiled.
Talbott surprised him then by coming in for a hug. Quinn’s heart jumped to his throat and he froze in place. When he felt Talbott start to pull away, he quickly wrapped his arms around his waist. The eagle animagus was warm and smelt faintly of earth and pine.
They pulled away after a long moment, giving hurried good nights before parting ways.
Quinn sped his way down to the dungeon and into the Hufflepuff dormitory. Rowan and Penny prompted ambushed him upon entering the Common room.
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Comic wip inspired by “History has its eyes on you” from Hamilton
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Finally got the screen recording I wanted
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A sketch I did a while back and completely forgot to post
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Y’know I would’ve loved to see Talbott reaction to getting slipped a note that said “Do you like me? Yes or no, circle one”
Quinn: This is gonna work perfectly
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I’m weak for Talbott and Quinn
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While Copperbell has my heart talinn is a very close second and is currently holding me hostage
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Part 2
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I sadly couldn’t get a lot of screen shots of them…. But the last part of them star gazing was pretty sweet 🥺 my boys
Finally got to the first date side quest and already having a laugh.
“I at least went to the Celestial Ball with Quinn but you?” Damn Ben okay, don’t need to go into Rowan that hard 😂 I wish I got a screen shot of that. Making me wish you were a date option though 😭
Got this though. Quinn you’re not smooth at all, Hun
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Finally got to the first date side quest and already having a laugh.
“I at least went to the Celestial Ball with Quinn but you?” Damn Ben okay, don’t need to go into Rowan that hard 😂 I wish I got a screen shot of that. Making me wish you were a date option though 😭
Got this though. Quinn you’re not smooth at all, Hun
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How did it take me this long to find out Orion’s name was pronounced Oh-ryan? I’ve been reading it as Or-ee-on this entire time 💀😩
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UPDATE they have arrived
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for some reason the camera makes it look pale smh
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Who is she 👀
Am I about to make a side character apart of my canon story? Yes
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