blood-bla-bla · 1 day
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Roman mosaic known as the lion mosaic in the house of Ephesus in Türkiye.
(It's so funny to see that cat standing right there)
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blood-bla-bla · 3 days
happy pride to everyone who can't come out or be out this pride. happy pride to you if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual or experience other types of queer attraction and cannot date, marry, live with, or sleep with the gender/s you are truly attracted to. happy pride to you if you can't tell anyone around you that you're trans. happy pride to you if you can't transition due to health, safety, familial or personal reasons. happy pride to you if you've tried to come out in the past but have been harassed out of identifying as queer. happy pride to you if you've been talked into detransitioning when you didn't want to. happy pride to you if you are aromantic or asexual and don't want to partner but are expected to or even forced to by your family. happy pride to you if you are a lesbian but feel estranged from the community because you are masculine. happy pride to you if you're gay and have to keep it a secret. happy pride to you if you are intersex but cannot be open about it. happy pride to you if you are genderqueer and/or genderfluid and cannot express the entirety of your gender/s. happy pride to you if it is illegal or otherwise impossible for you to transition.
happy pride to every queer person who is struggling to be out and loud about who they are right now. not everyone has the privilege to speak freely during pride month and as such, we must do the best that we can to make sure that these folks feel included, seen, heard, and represented. no matter who you are, transfem, transmasc, transneutral, non binary, gay, lesbian, bisexual, multispectrum, genderqueer, gnc, sapphic, achillean, aromantic, asexual, intersex, or whatever other queer identities you have, you are still a valued part of our community, and we are here for you when the rest of society can't be. you deserve to celebrate yourself too. you are just as important as queer people who have the relative freedom to express their queerness. take care of yourselves this pride month, you are loved and valued
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blood-bla-bla · 5 days
Fun game for Pride Month:
When you're at a event, count how many people with mobility aids there are. If it seens low, think about why that might be. Count how many disabled bathrooms. Count how many unavoidable steps. Try and find one accessibility issue at the event and afterwards contact the organisers to ask them to fix it.
Many disabled queer people are left out of the Pride moth celebrations due to accessibility issues, so if you're able to be there, you're already in a position to make it better.
Don't forget your disabled siblings this Pride!
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blood-bla-bla · 9 days
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this video i found on pinterest kicks ass
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blood-bla-bla · 10 days
gentle reminder you can rise up from everything. you can recreate yourself. nothing is permanent. you are not stuck. you have choices. you can think new thoughts. you can learn something new. you can create new habits. all that matters is that you decide today and never look back.
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blood-bla-bla · 12 days
actually not emotional over graduating university, just over losing my jstor access
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blood-bla-bla · 21 days
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It's been a while since I travelled there, but I am not feeling myself right now, so I try to soothe my worried mind.
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blood-bla-bla · 21 days
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blood-bla-bla · 28 days
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natalie voglmayr
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blood-bla-bla · 29 days
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-despite everything, there is still love
@arthoesunshine/ @artsheila/ @daisies-on-a-cup/ @gayarsonist / @hjarta/ @yunawinter on twitter/ @bakwaaas/ @death-born-aphrodite/ anon on gentleearth/ @classicnymph on twitter
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blood-bla-bla · 1 month
You sure? Hits you with the Café in the Art History Museum in Vienna
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The V&A café is the best museum café ever
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blood-bla-bla · 1 month
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Bernard Hill as King Théoden in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
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blood-bla-bla · 1 month
The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time.
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blood-bla-bla · 1 month
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“For he was a gentle heart and a great king and kept his oaths; and he rose out of the shadows to a last fair morning.” -J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings
Bernard Hill (1944-2024)
Rest in Peace
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blood-bla-bla · 1 month
Cringe culture is unfortunately not dead but we can kill it in major spaces if we all keep being ourselves authentically and unapologetically. What they call "cringe" is actually pretty punk. It's defiance. Keep being yourselves, you're ALLOWED to exist as you are.
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blood-bla-bla · 1 month
hey 🇭🇰Cantonese🇲🇴 learners!
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I got recommended this keyboard App called TypeDuck🦆by anwar @ Insta that you may like to check out! (If you haven't heard of, or aren't already using, that is!)
Even though I have yet to try it (long story involving my phone being wonky so I can't install this for myself, for now), cantonese4parents @ Insta already has, and it's available on Playstore, so I'd expect it has been vetted safe enough!
Apparently if you use this keyboard to type out in 粵拼 Jyutping (Cantonese Romanisation, equivalent to Mandarin's Pinyin system), it will show you not only the Jyutping spelling but also the English meaning alongside the 漢字 Chinese characters! ↓
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Besides English, it apparently supports some less common language translations like “Hindi, Nepali and Urdu” (quoting from their website) too.
Very useful I think, for anyone who's not good at recognising/mapping the 漢字 to the 粵拼 yet! 😺
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Trivia: If you're wondering why this App is called “TypeDuck” 🦆, it's because it's a play on 打得 in Cantonese (Jyutping: daa² dak¹), which means “able to type”! Great pun! Yes? 😸
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blood-bla-bla · 1 month
🇭🇰🇲🇴 (dou³ Sou¹ Zau¹) maai⁶ haam⁴ aap³ daan²
🀄 (ㄉㄠˋ ㄙㄨ ㄓㄡ) ㄇㄞˋ ㄒㄧㄢˊ ㄧㄚ ㄉㄢˋ
🀄 (dào Sū Zhōu) mài xián yā dàn
Literal meaning: Heading to Suzhou to sell salted duck eggs.
Meaning: Euphemism for saying someone has passed away.
The full saying is 「到蘇州賣鹹鴨蛋」 but in practical use, people usually omit the 「到蘇州」 (sometimes even the 「鹹」) part.
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Saw this post by @malaidarling and it occurred to me that while I'd heard, and know the meaning of the expression, I'd never thought about its origins before…so I decided to look more into it and found three possible explanations. ↓
來源解說 (origins explained)
1. Part of the Minnan custom, not sure if it's still practiced but, Minnan people in the past apparently bury their dead along with a small rock and a salted duck egg.
The idea was when it came time to say final goodbyes, living relatives will tell the deceased that “they will meet again when the rock has turned to ash and a duckling has hatched from the egg”, indirectly meaning the deceased should put all cares aside and leave the world in peace. Because rationally, the rock will not turn to ash for eons, and a duckling will not hatch from a cooked and preserved egg.
So there's this further idea that the dead will be “selling their eggs in the Underworld”, hence, “selling salted duck eggs” = dead.
2. Still part of the Minnan custom, after prayers at their ancestors' graves, some Minnan descendants will scatter duck egg shells on the grave mounds. Why? Not known (but it probably has a little to do with explanation No. 1 ↑ — like a symbolic gesture of reunification? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯).
Anyway, the act of doing this is known as 「土丘剝鴨蛋」, literally meaning, “Peeling duck eggs on a mound”. And the words for 「土丘」 (mound) and 「剝」 (peel) in the Minnan dialect, sound like the words for 「蘇州」 (Suzhou) and 「賣」 (sell) in Standard Mandarin.
3. A (rather funny!) story from supposedly the Qing Dynasty period, of a young man from Taiwan who told his mother he was heading to Suzhou to start a (salted) duck eggs business.
But this (unfilial! 😹) young man instead wound up marrying a rich girl and even changed his surname to marry into her family. So when his mother back in Taiwan (after not hearing any news from her son for a long time) tried to look for him through a spirit medium at a temple.
The medium (depending if you believe in the powers of a medium or not) “could not locate” this son because he had changed his surname, so he told the mother, 「世間已無某某人」 — “this world no longer has this person”, leading his mother to believe he had died in Suzhou! Henceforth, to “head to Suzhou to sell (salted) duck eggs” became associated with someone passing away.
n.b.: Suzhou and Yangzhou were known for producing large quantities of preserved foods in the past (according to Wiki).
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