#blood bla bla
blood-bla-bla · 7 months
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Selfmade pumpkin spice latte and Swedish for everyday life.
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myspacepoet · 25 days
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where did the party go?
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kaoticshiba · 2 years
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Curiosity gets you killed... but so does ignorance.
TW: Blood
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“You can’t avoid the necessary sacrifices, Archivist.”
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aegonrhaenys · 10 months
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“Make no mistake, should Rhaenyra ever sit the Iron Throne, it will be Lord Flea Bottom who rules us, a king consort as cruel and unforgiving as Maegor ever was.” MAEGOR TARGARYEN & DAEMON TARGARYEN.
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nordidia · 9 months
do you think the turtles have any phobias or anything like that maybe stuff that grosses them out
well as a projector enjoyer i think ur fav turtle has ur phobias u wanna give them by law
as for me, i project my trypanophobia and fear of clowns onto raph LMAO
as for like... stuff beyond projection and like for waht i maybe think about from the show/movie,, i think they each have their own specific fear/things that freak them out, many things, as is normal. but nothing thats like severe enough to name specifically?
just like... normal discomfort around alot of specific things, each their own... i cant reallty think of any specific things
as for severe phobias, other than mikey being scared of paranormal stuff, donnie and beach balls, and raph and rabbits/puppets, im unsure if i headcanon anything specific like that outside of any like.. self-indulgence
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starlitcattle · 2 months
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Her name is Potato and she was forced to eat 1 gotdog 💔🌭 (heartbreaking)
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Egal wie gut dein Nachname ist, besser als "Lasagne" kann er nicht sein.
Was, wenn ich Tiramisu heiße?
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surunoita · 11 months
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so.. the @blood-choke demo am i right??
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serickswrites · 1 year
Do Unto Others
Warnings: blood, wounds, injury, arrow, shot by an arrow
Whumper stalked through the woods, keeping close behind their quarry. They had spotted their prey just over an hour ago and knew they would make the perfect mount for their home. Or perhaps they could keep their prey for a time, learn more about the prey before making a mounted piece. 
Whumper stopped moving, remaining hidden in the shadow as the prey suddenly froze. They turned in circles trying to see Whumper. Whumper smiled as they remained hidden from sight. This prey was smarter than others had been. Had made for a good hunt. And now it was time to end it. 
Whumper raised their bow and drew and arrow. They took a breath and loosed the arrow. A blood-curdling scream filled the clearing as the arrow pierced through their prey’s shoulder. Whumper frowned. They had missed their target. 
As they bounded forward, they realized perhaps it was a good mistake. They had the option to keep the prey for a time like this. They regarded the prey with a certain coldness as it thrashed on the ground, desperately trying to pull the arrow from its shoulder. 
“PLEASE!” Whumpee screeched, their hands already covered in blood. “HELP! ANYONE! HELP!”
Whumpee scrambled back and away from Whumper, desperately trying to get away without jostling the arrow in their shoulder. “HELP!”
“Now, now, none of that.” Whumper said as they kicked at Whumpee. 
Whumpee howled with pain as Whumper’s boot connected with their injured shoulder. “PLEASE! I....I...I won’t tell anyone.”
Whumper began to grin. They pinned Whumpee with their boot, hand immediately going to the arrow in Whumpee’s shoulder. Whumpee’s blood began to cover their hands. This was the most excitement they’d had in a while. “There’s no one to tell, little one,” Whumper said as they twisted the arrow. 
Whumpee’s wails of pain were cut off as they suddenly went limp, the pain clearly too much to keep them conscious. “You’re going to be fun,” Whumper said as they tossed Whumpee over their shoulders like previous mounts. “We’ll see how long you last,” Whumper murmured as they began to make their way to their cabin, an extra pep in their step. 
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blood-bla-bla · 6 months
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Due to the heavy snow the entire public transportation system collapsed, therefore no one went to Uni. The library was completely empty.
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don-dake · 2 years
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So hard to choose just 9! (≧▽≦)
Tagged by @icedteadrinker to list 9 favourite movies! Thanks for the tag! ʘ‿ʘ
Tagging @blood-bla-bla and… @urmyevilurmyevil @forgotmynametag @petitecabriole @rabbit-habits ? As usual, only if you like to! :)
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jxgi · 5 months
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notable medical / health - physical
he needs this like heid needs this; i wanted to make a little write up of jagi's physical health and things that may be referenced in threads etc.
head scar / trauma / brain damage -
the most obvious is his head scar / face scar. for anybody who doesn't know; after a fight with his brother, his brother used a technique to essentially swell jagi's brain and kill him. this WOULD have killed him but jag, being the stubborn bastard he is - decided to nail metal into his head to stop the swelling / injury. on the right side of head, he has this metal scar with wires that pump blood and keep him alive.
he also suffered some brain damage from this injury.
he is ALWAYS in pain with this injury. it's pure agony; not much distracts him from it. but he will welcome any kind of relief. if your muse wants to control jag in some way, perhaps they can offer him pain relief - he might just be there friend :eyes:
here is an image of what this looks like; the depiction varies dependent on which manga, anime, game etc you see so i'm going to use this reference as it's most clear / my favourite.
regarding jagi's brain damage - i like to think that he has odd mannerisms spotted when with him for a long time; he blinks unequally, his pupils are always tiny, he twitches and can sometimes appear as if under the influence of drugs ( he isn't ).
he also sees a demonic figure from time to time ( the one his mask is inspired by, as seen in the gaiden manga ) and it also speaks to him. this is purely as a result of his brain damage. when alone, he will sometimes talk to himself or mumble - his mumbles border on an almost indecipherable rambling, but to jag, he can see / hear something that nobody else can. this is purely his head playing tricks on him.
old leg injury -
his leg injury is inspired by ken's rage, as i noticed he has a bandage around his right leg - i like to think that he once badly broke his leg whilst in the dojo as a teen and the injury never quite settled. even with toki's healing and ryuken's orders to 'take it easy', jagi just couldn't and insisted on using it, thus damaging it further.
ever since, it's given him slight discomfort / pain but nothing unbearable. his attention when it comes to pain is entirely distracted by the throbbing pain in his skull, so he isn't too bothered by his old leg wound. it is something that can be sensitive, mind you, and is another reason for him using his motorbike to get around everywhere.
scars on torso / self-harm -
the scars on his torso are supposed to imitate kenshiro's as to impersonate him - they are real. jag gave them to himself; he stabbed himself multiple times with a knife, digging the circular scars into his torso. he did this in a fit of madness shortly after receiving his head injury.
on this note, jag is no stranger to self harm. he has stabbed himself with a pipe through the hip before during a suicide attempt and when younger, would regularly cut into his thighs.
if asked of these wounds - he'll play them off as being wounds caused while training / fighting in battle. only toki knows their true origin.
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angeltannis · 10 months
Watched 2 hours of Overwatch story mode on YouTube last night, so nobody better go near me until this radioactivity is out of my system
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relnicht · 1 year
can (cis) men please start getting septums because the people on the interwebs say that septum piercing are a 'feminine signifier' and make me look like a woman and I like mine and can't unscrew it to take it out lol
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pinkkittysaw · 2 years
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listen- all i am saying is…i’m gay 0_0
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severaltuesdays · 1 year
Jake Sully does not deserve to be the main character
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