body-by-thor · 5 years
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Mum and I are quite ill ATM. She’s got pneumonia, and I have bronchitis. This is the first day I’ve felt up to cooking, though the recipe was so heavily modified, I’m not going to bother with posting the information the way I normally do.
Baked salmon, rubbed down with Boar’s Head Honey Mustard, pepper, salt, garlic, with honey lightly coating the whole thing. The base is white quinoa slowly simmered in a mix of ginger, salt, and water. The side is steamed broccolini.
This is loosely based on the Miso Salmon from the app.
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body-by-thor · 5 years
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Avocado Hummus Toast with Asparagus
Prep: 15 MIN | Cook: 10 MIN
avocado, chickpeas, lemon juice, hulled tahini (hummus), ground cumin, fresh cilantro plus, asparagus, large eggs, wholegrain bread (or gluten free) slices, salt & pepper
Energy (kJ): 1414
Energy (cals): 338
Protein: 15g
Fat: 18.1g
Sat. Fat: 4g
Carbs: 24.3g
Sugar: 2.9g
Fiber: 7.4g
A couple admin things to go along with this.
First off, while Out of the Frying Pan is still a thing, since I started this Centr focused blog, I’m going to move all and any food I cook from the programme to being posted on this blog first, then reblogged to OotFP.
Secondly, it might be noticed that I’ve changed the format of these posts. While I want to share the awesome food I’m making from the Centr Team’s selections, I don’t want to get tromped for copyright issues. I’m trying to remain informative about what goes into the food but decided it would be best to make it look like less of a recipe and more of an information style post.
Thanks for understanding!
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body-by-thor · 5 years
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I am gonna take a moment for some calf appreciation here.
Despite having become majorly ill, my calves have kept up on being badass. There's next to no fat on them, and they're strong AF.
My thighs are cut too, but they did gain body fat when I was misdiagnosed and put on the wrong medications for two or three years.
When I kick you? You gonna feel it!
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body-by-thor · 5 years
Giving Up vs Fighting
Last night, an ongoing situation finally manifested as a full-blown panic attack, which led to exactly what I was trying to avoid - a relationship ending fight between myself and my partner.
My anxiety issue, in its severe escalation, triggered his own anxiety. Mine got to the point where I couldn't process language properly, and also caused a total and complete body shut down for five or six hours (meaning, I was forced to sleep by my brain nope'ing out).
I woke up to find a message that contained a couple of weeks worth of concerns, which hadn't been properly voiced, and statements of ending the freshly rekindled relationship. (We were together last year, but one of his now former friends was intentionally triggering his anxiety, trying to get rid of me.)
Truthfully, I almost just drugged myself back to sleep (with anti-anxiety medications, and muscle relaxers, which can make me super tired). I did one of Midal's meditations, cried through most of it, then got up.
Spent an hour writing out a detailed explanation of what happened in my head last night, reactions to the message he left, ending by asking to work on the relationship rather than end it. Words and hours later, and it was finished, and sent.
And then, while listening to a playlist from last year (made when his friend triggered the fight that broke us apart), I did the self-guided beginners workout by Da Rulk for the day. Instead of just going to bed, and drowning myself in the nothingness of sleep.
I guess one can consider that progress?
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body-by-thor · 5 years
My Thoughts on Sweets/Sugar.
Just posted this as a reply to something on the Centr Community group, but feel like maybe it needs to be tossed out as much as it can be. Sugar is addictive, as are a lot of derivatives used for sweets. This is why it's so hard to even just cut out sweets. Your body is literally addicted to the sugar you've been consuming all of your life prior. More and more studies are showing it can be as addictive as hard drugs like cocaine or meth. This needs to be kept in mind as you're trying to cut down or cut out sugar-based items. Remember, you are *literally* breaking an addiction, so any amount of time you resist before relapse is huge progress.
It can actually be dangerous for some to quit sugar-based products entirely, cold turkey. Very few people have systems that are capable of hard cold turkey quitting addictive substances, and even those with higher addiction resistance (yup, that's a thing) can have exceptions to their resistance.
With this in mind, I suggest scaling back your sugar intake, rather than flat cuts. Gauge about how much sugar you've been taking in for at least the past few years, and shave off 5% or so a week. Then after two to three weeks, shave off another 5%, for a total of ten percent. The reason I suggest two to three weeks is due to how long it takes to form and solidify a habit (thank you Fabulous for the lessons).
Gradually, you'll break your addiction to sugar. I agree with the many suggestions to not cut it out entirely, using the snack guide as a compass for keeping things in your diet without wrecking your progress. But go for more natural sugars, organic products, etc when making these snacks, or when snacking in general.
You've totally got this, but you may need to shift your perspectives on the matter to get that ball really rolling.
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body-by-thor · 5 years
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Today’s Friday Reminder.
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body-by-thor · 5 years
After three weeks (two and a half, functionally), Bobby’s words are super true. While I’m still finding my balance, I feel loads better than I did before I started the programme.
I’m also still really stunned by how superbly similar Bobby and Chris look. It’s really one of the best stunt double partnerships I’ve seen out of Hollywood in recent years. 10/10
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body-by-thor · 5 years
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It's Lent!
The ladies at the local diocese make some phenomenal fish. We buy dinner every week there during Lent, so tonight is my night off from cooking.
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body-by-thor · 5 years
I Started MMA Training Today
Body by Thor (Centr) has a lot of different programmes when it comes to fitness. The basic planner does a mix of them, alternating what you’re working on each day. I still can’t do most of the fitness tracks in the programme, so I’ve been having a hard time keeping up with the fitness part.
Today, I decided to start focusing on MMA training. I don’t generally talk about it anymore, due to being too ill most of the time to attend classes, but I’ve studied a bunch of different styles of martial arts (eastern and western), though I’ve mastered none of them.
Keep reading
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