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i’ve thought about this tweet nonstop for three days
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Remember , we are Inej stans first and people second
-The crows probably
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Reunion and Revenge
Having unfinished business did not settle well with Inej. It made her ansty, squirmish. At night when the black tides were quiet and the only other entity keeping her company was the rocking of The Wraith, she couldn’t help but imagine a presence next to her in bed. She would sit with her feet dangling down, staring at the wooden floorboards and feel him sitting by her side. She could feel his eyes, cruel and powerful and always bitter, on her desperately trying to look gentle for once. She could feel a tentative hand, bare and naked reach to brush her even longer now hair away from her eyes. Then the feeling was gone. It was as if even her imagined Kaz Brekker recoiled at bare contact. Inej could barely sleep after such thoughts.
The past year had been the most challenging and exhilarating time of her young life. After returning her family back to their homeland from Ketterdam, she set sail on the seas first going south. As she made her way towards the Southern Isle she encountered a great deal of slave ships from Nyvoi Zem and Ketterdam. It was rather rare she let her crew relent, always giving the crew of the slave ship the option of surrender. But many times they had so much pride it became their hubris. Inej delivered each girl and boy back to their families, one by one. She never watched them reunite; it wasn’t her place to see a moment only a family should know. But it brought her satisfaction every time to see their faces light up upon seeing their homeland they thought would never be seen again. It was a business that brought good into this world instead of cheating and lying and killing.
And then there was the unfinished part. Inej watched the shores of Ketterdam inch closer as The Wraith silently and swiftly entered her dock. It was night with the crescent moon high and the stars in the sky rather spotted due to the lights from the city. She noted how the pleasure houses were still closed and felt a warmth flutter through her. Kaz has kept his word. She slipped on her shoes, better pairs that hugged her feet and practically was molded to her shape at this point and gave a smile towards her second in command. He was one of the first slaves she had saved. He didn’t have a family to go back to and he rather liked the sea. A hulking man who was quick with a hammer and not only smart, but wise. He gave a salute back as Inej jumped off the boat and on to a creaky dock, somehow silently. It was as if all her muscle memory was awakening again. She could recall the streets and the way to walk along them at night. Which shadows made her disappear and which buildings have her the best vantage point for height. The city didn’t welcome her and that was fine. She did not want to be welcomed, rather excused to be let in. Ketterdam and Inej had an understanding, they didn’t like each other. But Inej kept Ketterdam running and the city aided her in that. A small agreement.
It was much too easy to find the Slat and climb up the window to her perch. But before she grabbed on to the windowsill, she hesitated. What would he say after a year of not seeing each other every day? What would he be like? Kaz was a big boss now, he controlled a great deal of the city. Inej hadn’t received letters from anyone due to her constant sailing, but she knew he would prosper in the ashes of the empire Pekka Rollins foolishly let slip between his fingers. Would he be arrogant or charming? Would he want something from her? Would he greet her with- dare she even think -a smile? Inej felt nervousness for once this entire year after her adventures. So she pushed foreword, climbing up to her perch in the window and kneeling on the sill to look inside his office.
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Six of Crows Roleplay!
Because holy shit I need this!
Hello, I’m looking for people to rp with in the realm of Grishaverse- specifically Six of Crows. First to get this said and done, these are the characters I know I can play well:
The other two I could certainly try, but they might not be the best of my writing. I really enjoy plot; hearty, heavy, plot as well as good characterization. My writing mainly focuses on the relationships between the characters and the plot we have concocted for them. Twists and surprises are wonderful and make a story much more interesting!
Message me if you want to discuss and mull over some ideas!
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I’ve doodled a murder
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introducing: Speak Kerch, a new page on my blog! still unsure how to pronounce Inej? words like Otkazat’sya tripping you up? think you know how to pronounce Kruge? finally, a complete pronunciation guide to the grishaverse, including names from six of crows and the grisha trilogy, locations from the world, and common phrases. easy phonetic pronunciations with countries of origin and backstory on some of the words, like why leigh called it ketterdam. 
read the page here! reblog to spread the word, and bookmark for easy access to proving ur friends wrong 😎
did you find a word in the series and it’s not on here? send me an ask, and i’ll add it! i want this to be as complete a guide as possible!
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“We are all someone’s  m o n s t e r .” 
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Sometimes I remember that Kaz Brekker fought his way down a staircase through his own mutinous gang with nothing but his crowshead cane and two rusty nails he ripped out of an ax… like he did That
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She missed Nina dearly. When Inej finally had her ship, maybe her first trip would be to Ravka.
(Inktober 08)
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do you ever think about what happened after matthias died? crooked kingdom might end on what is, essentially, a hopeful note, but i don’t think these kids recover that cleanly or that easily. kaz brekker and his court nurse their grudges. they don’t forgive and forget. matthias helvar haunts them for the rest of their lives. 
they don’t wage a war. they don’t hunt the young fjerdan drüskelle and cut out his heart. but nina, on her voyages in ravka, looks into the eyes of the fjerdan boys she wants to spare—the same as matthias’, but with none of the warmth—and remembers what his blood looked like on her hands. imagines that the blood of these boys would look the same against the snow. listens to the strange new power churning murkily at her fingertips and thinks, it would be so easy. in the darkest parts of the night she wraps herself in furs and imagines he breathes next to her. smiles through her tears and vows revenge not in the form of flesh and bone but in forgiveness —it’s painful, but she tries for him. there has been enough. 
wherever she is, she pretends the lights are for him.
inej remembers the boy who had been taught hate and remembers the kindness he learnt instead. the boy who treated her with respect from the beginning, who found she was a storm and admired her for it. inej thinks of his strength; his unwavering presence and calm in the face of peril. remembers him whenever the ocean breeze brings the scent of snow and ice to her, and when she nestles in the roots of the tree in the garden of the van eck mansion, wondering if he found his god. sees cherry blossoms and thinks of him. 
when the sun rises, and she is the only one on deck, she whispers a prayer. keep him safe. 
the sight of matthias’ corpse is burned into jesper’s memory, awkward and ungainly, lying too still in the barge. he holds wylan a little tighter at night. brushes hair away from inej’s face, tucks his arm against nina’s shoulders, teases kaz. tells his father he loves him with more seriousness than the situation probably deserves. is left feeling hollow and slightly off-balance. jesper thinks of the conversation that seems an age away. ‘my ghost won’t associate with your ghost,’ matthias whispers. first he laughs, but this time, he’s not surprised by the fierce, sudden ache of tears. jesper doesn’t sleep that night. finds solace in a gambling den.
later, he pushes away the cards and storms out. let’s the rain fall on his face. strangely, it tastes like salt. 
wylan finds his hands tremble at strange times. he sees a flash of blond hair and a long stride and whips around, blindly hoping that he defied everything just one more time—but every time it’s a member of the stadwatch, or the appleseller’s son. he knows how many times matthias saved his life, saved jesper’s. saved everyone. he holds it in to the point of breaking, before it rushes out in a flood—i wish i knew him better, he didn’t deserve to die, we were all supposed to make it jes, we were all supposed to make it— 
of everyone, wylan thinks matthias deserved to be happy a little longer. 
and kaz sits alone in his old office at the slat when everyone else is asleep or face-first in their cups. pours himself some whiskey and lets it burn down his throat. drinks a silent toast. an apology. because it’s his fault, isn’t it? they had believed they had won. he had believed. more fool you, he thinks bitterly. watches the birds veer and turn in the sky. knocks ink bottles over another forgery and finds himself standing amidst the wreckage of a broken room. thinks he should have fought a little harder. thinks he shouldn’t have let go so fast.
 no one dares to comment he looks too tired for someone so young. 
far away, on the shores on fjerda, the snow begins to fall heavier and thicker. the wind picks up. 
the wolves howl.
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The most beautiful heartrender, Nina Zenik, for day 9 of Huevember
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I love this story so much :>
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I figured since I drew Kaz and Inej I might as well draw them ALL. Here’s a sketch of Nina and Matthias. Next up, Wylan and Jesper! (NINA HAS A BUTTON NOSE OKAY, I DON’T CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS) 
Commission Me!
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Well, I had to color the shark smile. Haha. Might color the other sketches too. I just love these kids too much.
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maybe your tutors didn’t cover this lesson, but you do not argue with a man covered in blood and a knife up his sleeve.  
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The dregs as troubled birds
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Six of crows (alternative cover fanart) by Dmitry Borod
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