A High Lord's Scholar - Helion x Reader
Request: Can you please write a story with Helion x shy reader? Thank you! & Can you please write a story where reader is afraid she is not good enough and not beautiful enough to be Helion's mate? Description: Reader becomes one of Helion's scholars, and Helion helps her break out of her shell. Warnings: none I think? Word count: approx. 3300 words
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You took in a deep breath as you walked through the grand entry of the High Lord of Day’s favorite private library.  You tried to quell the nerves that buzzed in your stomach.  It was your first day joining the ranks of the High Lord’s honored scholars, and you couldn’t help the anxiety that coursed through your body.
Since you were a little kid, raised on the importance of knowledge and curiosity, you had dreamed of becoming one of the honored scholars that worked under the High Lord of Day.  Helion Spell Cleaver, your High Lord, was not only immeasurably talented at the magical arts, but also an avid scholar with some of the largest and most prestigious libraries in Prythian.  He invited a handful of scholars to work with him every decade - to help him translate ancient texts and delve into his many research projects.  It was quite the honor to be selected - to be granted access to his private libraries.
You had been a quiet child.  You mother always told you that you were too shy for your own good.  As soon as you learned to read, you poured yourself into books, loving the freedom reading gave you.  The idea of being a scholar was everything you had ever wanted.
When you were selected, you were overjoyed.  It was everything you had worked for – everything you had so desperately desired.  As you walked into the breathtaking library, you reminded yourself of how hard you had worked to be here.  You tried to convince yourself that you belonged.
There were three other scholars who had been selected.  Each of them was sitting at one of the elegant wooden tables set up in front of the library’s large windows. 
You took your seat at one of the tables, placing your satchel on the chair next to you.  Two accomplished scholars were standing before the tables, gathering various piles of parchment to pass out.  You wondered how long they had worked here – if they enjoyed the work as much as you imagined you would.
As the scholars passed out various texts and pieces of parchment, you saw the High Lord of Day approach.  You had never met the High Lord before, had only seen him from afar at festivals.  You knew he was renowned not only for his intelligence but for his handsomeness and flirtatious nature.  You had always been shy, had always strayed from the spotlight, so you were cautious given what you had heard of High Lord Helion.
“Welcome,” Helion greeted you in a loud, silky voice.  He certainly was handsome with his amber eyes and shimmering brown skin, but you were more interested in his mind than his looks.  “I am glad you have all decided to join us.”  He winked as he said the last words, causing a deep flush to spread across your cheeks.
“My scholars have distributed various manuscripts and texts for you to analyze and translate, each catered to your particular skillset.  You are welcome to use any of the books in the library to aid your work.  The library is spelled to send you any book we have, if you request it – just think of what you want, and the library shall send it to you.  If you have any questions, please ask the supervising scholars. I will return later this afternoon to check in on your progress,” Helion told you with a warm smile.  He was less stern than you would have expected, certainly less formal than you would have thought a High Lord to be.
You got to work reading through the documents you had been given.  One was a manuscript of an ancient history on magical artifacts.  Another was a torn document containing partial instructions to a spell that needed to be recreated.  The last was a memoir requiring translation.
The work fascinated you as you poured over each document.  This was what you adored doing – reading through old documents and trying to piece together their history, their meaning.  Lost in your work, you scribbled various notes on the parchment provided.  You barely noticed the other scholars as they worked – purely focused on the task in front of you. 
The history on magical artifacts and the memoir that required translation were relatively easy work.  You completed them both quickly with a little help from various books in the library. 
The spell, however, required extra care.  You had done some preservation of spell books in the past, likely why Helion had assigned you the task, but the document was greatly damaged.  The writing was hard to decipher in certain areas and some portions had been ripped off.  It took you a long time matching the writing to the script in various spell books before you could even figure out the author.  By your estimations, the document was likely thousands of years old, belonging to an old fae.
Once you had discovered the author, you were able to piece together some of the scribbled writing using clues from the author’s other spell books on file.  The missing portions would be harder to decode, but you had leads on which each missing portion likely contained.  It wasn’t perfect, but it was a good start.
You hadn’t noticed Helion had returned, too lost in your own work, until he was leaning over your shoulder, reading through your notes.
“You think the spell is the work of Xavius?” Helion asked casually, his honeyed voice dripping with curiosity.  You jumped slightly at the sound of his voice and his proximity.  A blush crept over your cheeks.
“Oh, um, yes.  I believe so, my lord,” you mumbled, embarrassment coursing through you.  Your timid nature, causing you to second guess yourself in front of the High Lord.
“Are you sure?” Helion asked, leaning even closer to you as he peered down at your work.  Helion seemed to have no qualms about personal space.
You nodded, not quite able to bring yourself to look at the High Lord’s face.  Your features were still warm from your blush. 
“I cross-referenced Xavius’s other texts.  The handwriting matches as does the syntax, and the state of the parchment seems to suggest that it was from around the same time that Xavius’s other spell books were written,” you told Helion, trying to appear confident in your work despite how uncertain his proximity made you feel. 
Helion hummed in approval as he grabbed the text to compare it to the spell book you had pulled. 
“You’re right,” he said after a moment.  “Perhaps tomorrow I can have you look at some other lost spell texts we have yet to identify.  Maybe you will have some luck with those as well.”
You blushed at Helion’s words, at the idea that he might have been pleased with your work.  You nodded at him, dipping your head into a slight bow as he moved on to talk with other scholars.
When you completed your work for the day, you grabbed your satchel and headed towards the doors of the library. 
“Good work today,” Helion told you as you passed him, his words instantly causing your cheeks to alight in a deep blush. 
The following months passed quickly as you worked in the library.  Helion had assigned you various spells to identify and preserve as best you could.  He seemed to take a special interest in your work, always asking you about your progress.  You were barely able to answer his questions without blushing, the intensity of the High Lord’s attention always making butterflies dance in your stomach. 
You loved the work.  You adored being able to read the old texts and piece together who may have written them and why.  Each spell was like a personal challenge, a puzzle for you to solve. 
The other scholars were easy to work with, but you didn’t seek their company beyond your work hours.  When you finished for the day, you hurried home to do some personal reading.
One night, after Helion had given you a batch of new spells to identify, you were packing up your things to head home.  You hadn’t made much progress on the spells, and you could sense that time was of the essence for this particular group. 
You heard footsteps approaching your table, and you knew it was Helion before you even looked up.  There was something about the way he carried himself, the way he moved through a room, that made him easy to identify.  You had also been harboring a small crush on the High Lord, enamored by his intelligent mind and endless curiosity that mirrored your own.  Though, you refused to let it get out of hand, knowing a High Lord would never be interested in a shy, ordinary fae such as yourself.
“I know tomorrow is your day off, but is there any chance you would be able to come in?” Helion asked, drawing your eyes to his.  A single look in his amber eyes had you blushing.
“Of course, my lord.  I would be happy to come in tomorrow,” you told him because you had no plans other than reading in the comfort of your bed.  You were eager to have another crack at the spells you had been working on today.
“You’re sure?” He questioned, eyes searching your face to ensure you didn’t feel obligated on your day off.  When you nodded, he gave you a warm smile and said, “Alright then, it’s a date.  I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” 
With a wink, Helion left you blushing at his words, unable to think past the word date.
When you arrived the next morning, you found Helion sitting at your usual table in the library with a tea tray sitting next to him.
“Good morning,” Helion greeted with a grin, his charm and cheeriness clearly not affected by the early hours of the morning.
You gave him a small smile back as you set up your documents.  Helion was already looking over a few as he sipped his tea.
When he noticed you eying the tea in his hand, he gave you a smile.  “The documents have all been spelled, don’t worry.  There won’t be any spill damage on my watch.”  You nodded, wishing it wasn’t so easy for the High Lord to read your thoughts.  You wondered what else he could read just from your expression.
You settled into your work across from Helion, trying to ignore his presence and the way he made your heart beat a few paces quicker than usual. 
Whenever Helion found something, he would draw your attention so you could look it over.  He had an easy way about him and was good at sharing information easily.  You wished it was so natural for you to talk with others.
“Shall we take a break?” Helion asked after a few hours of work.  You had made good progress already.  The two of you were able to quickly piece together the authors of each spell and worked well together at identifying missing information. 
You nodded as Helion waved his hand and a new tray appeared with small sandwiches and refreshments.  “Please, help yourself,” he told you with a smile. 
As you ate quietly, you could feel Helion’s attention on you.  You tried not to let it faze you, desperate to stop the flush that always graced your features when Helion looked at you.
“So, tell me a little bit about yourself,” Helion said after a moment, his words dripping with all the charm you had seen him exude on multiple occasions.  It was strange to hear him use it on you.
“There’s not much interesting to say,” you told him with an easy shrug.  Nothing about you would interest a High Lord.
“I find everything about you very interesting,” Helion told you, and when you looked up at him with slightly widened eyes, you could tell that he was being genuine.  You swallowed, not sure what to say. 
“Well,” you said after a moment, voice unsure as you looked at the High Lord in front of you who gave you an encouraging nod.  “I like to read,” you told him. 
Helion smiled at you.  His grin was as warm as the sun, as welcoming as a summer’s day.
“And what do you like to read?  Beyond ancient spell texts, of course,” Helion asked with a smile and a rogue wink.  Everything about his attention made you feel warm.
You told him of your favorite authors, your favorite books.  You almost expected him to tease you, to laugh when you told him what you enjoyed, but Helion just regarded you with warm, gentle eyes before he told you that he had read them all and enjoyed them too.  The idea of sharing an interest with Helion seemed crazy to you, but it was nice.  You hadn’t spoken to someone new about things you enjoyed in a long time.
When you returned the next day, you found three books sitting on your table.  These weren’t the kind of historical texts or spell books you typically used for work.  Instead, they were novels – similar to the ones you had told Helion you enjoyed. 
On top of the pile sat a note in beautiful script:
I enjoyed these.  I hope you enjoy them too.  Let me know when you finish them, we can have tea and discuss.
The idea that Helion had thought of you last night and had selected these books for you made your heart warm and your cheeks redden.  You didn’t even let your mind consider the fact that he had signed the letter “yours.”  After all, he was the High Lord, and you were nothing but a scholar.
You devoured the books Helion had given you.  Each one was perfect.  They were exactly the kind of novels you enjoyed, each with a slightly different twist. 
You knew Helion had told you to tell him when you were finished, but you couldn’t find the words the next few times you saw him.  You were never good at that sort of thing.  You also wondered if he had really meant it or if he was just being polite.  You couldn’t imagine why he would want to spend extra time with you.
About a week after you finished reading them, a new note appeared on your desk.  It read:
Have you finished yet?
You looked up to find Helion’s golden eyes on you, watching you in question from where he sat across the library.  You gave him a shy nod and he smiled back.
Another note appeared before you, sent by the Spell Cleaver himself.
Stay for tea tomorrow after your shift?
                                                                                             Yours truly,
You looked up again and nodded, a small smile forming your lips.  Helion sent you his signature grin.  The sight of it alone made your cheeks heat.
The next day, as you wrapped up your work, you couldn’t help but feel nervous anticipation as you waited for the other scholars to head out so you could meet with Helion.  You still didn’t know why he had even asked you to tea in the first place.  Who were you to share his valuable time?
When the other scholars had left, Helion met you at your table.
“Ready?” He asked, offering you his arm.  You took it shyly as he smiled down at you.
Helion led you to a warm sitting room in the palace.  It was beautiful with soft couches and a fireplace anchored by large bookshelves.
“So did you like them?” Helion asked as he plopped down easily on one of the sofas.  You couldn’t help but laugh at him, at the ease with which he moved through the world.
“I did,” you confirmed, tucking a piece of stray hair behind your ear.  Helion seemed to track the movement. 
“And which one was your favorite?” He pushed, his plush lips forming a grin.  He was effortlessly beautiful.
“I liked them all,” you told him with a shrug, and Helion rolled his eyes. 
“I know there are opinions in there, darling, you don’t have to hide them,” Helion told you with a smirk as he offered you tea. 
You took a deep breath, trying to find the courage that often left you in social situations.
“Well,” you said, your voice dripping with uncertainty, before you met Helion’s eye.  He was smiling at you in the gentlest, most encouraging way.  His expression, the way he regarded you with such kindness, such gentleness, forced the words out of your throat.
The next thing you knew, the two of you were laughing together about all the best and worst parts of each of the novels.  You hadn’t let yourself be this open with someone in a long time, if ever, but you found Helion easy to talk to.  When he was looking at you, you never felt judged.
Helion continued to send you books in the following weeks.  Each time you’d finish, he would invite you for tea and you’d spend hours listening and chatting about each book.  After a while, talking to him, opening up, became easy. 
Slowly, your conversations drifted away from just the books.  He seemed to know exactly how to get you tell him something about yourself without scaring you off.
One night as you were discussing one of the books Helion had lent you, you found him staring at you with wide eyes. 
“What?” You asked, slightly uneased by his expression.
“There’s a party tomorrow at the palace.  I have to go, High Lord duties and all,” Helion told you with a smile and a small roll of his eyes.  You nodded as you had heard some of the other scholars were going.
“Come with me, as my guest,” Helion said, his voice almost a plead.  You gaped at him, your brain not processing his request.
“Um, parties aren’t really my scene,” you told him, your cheeks burning.
Helion nodded, giving you an understanding smile.
“I know, and I get if you don’t want to come, but I want you there.  I want you to be there with me.”  Helion’s words were so gentle, almost loving as he looked at you with his amber eyes.
“I don’t know,” you told him, the idea of being on the High Lord’s arm in a crowd of people slightly terrified you.  Besides, you couldn’t imagine that he would really want you there over all the other beautiful fae who seemed to flock to him.
“I would be with you the whole time, and we could leave if you felt overwhelmed,” Helion told you as he moved closer to you so that he could take your hand in his.  The contact made you suck in a breath.  You didn’t know how to process anything.
“Why me?” You asked, your voice unsure. 
Helion smiled at you as he brought his hand up to cup your cheek gently. 
“I enjoy spending time with you.  I think you really are the most interesting fae I have ever met.  And the most intelligent.  And the most beautiful.”  Helion’s voice was as soft as the contact of his hand against your cheek.  You couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eyes.
“You don’t mean that,” you whispered, not knowing how to believe him. 
Helion moved closer, pressing his lips against yours in a gentle kiss.  The contact of his warm lips against yours was sweet, loving.  You let out a slight whimper at the feeling and you could feel how the sound made Helion tense, how it made him want to deepen the kiss.
Instead, however, he pulled away and looked into your eyes.
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buttered-my-biscuits · 4 months
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The First Kiss
Summary: (Y/K)’s first kiss with Fili & Kili - (Separately)
Pairings; Kili x Reader, Fili x Reader
Warnings; Hinting of Sexual Activities, Very soft; playful and fluffy.
Word count:
Fili - A Masterpiece: 737
Kili - The Game of Chase: 841
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Berzêl. (Sun of all suns (gold)
Abnâmul: Beautiful
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It was a frosty winter morning, the cold nipping at your nose as your breath fogged the air. It was early enough that the birds only just began singing.
The others were packing the last of the camp, talking quietly amongst themselves. You’d ask to help, but were politely rejected.
So, instead, you allowed yourself a moment of silent solitude. Strolling thru the wet and dewy forest, you stopped on the edge of the hillside; the sunrise was to die for.
Pinks and golds and purples painted across the sky, the sun just barely peeking above the horizon. A soft breeze littered the clearing as you took a deep clarifying breath.
A branch snapped behind you, breaking your serenity.
Instantly, your dagger was pulled from its sheath, already raising to attack. A hand, however, stopped your arm from behind, as a deep chuckle erupted from one’s chest.
“It is just me, no need for such violence.” Fili offered with amusement.
“Well say something next time, before my blade decides otherwise, by accident.” You snapped back with a sigh, turning to meet those icy blue eyes.
Said eyes were crinkled at the corners, dimples standing attention on each of the tanned cheeks.
“My apologies, Berzêl. I did not mean to startle you. I was just simply curious as to where you wandered off to.” Fili chucked again, his eyes shifting to the sunrise behind you.
Following his eyes, you turned halfway and laid your own upon the horizon once more, watching as the purples and pinks slowly faded to red and orange.
“I cannot remember the last time I actually watched the sun rise…” you said quietly, the tranquility returning to the clearing. “They’re so beautiful… masterpieces presented to all right before our very eyes.”
Fili watched you wonder at the sky with a warm smile. The morning sun slowly extended its golden rays through the morning fog, streaks of gold shining on your rosy cheeks and through your hair.
“Abnâmul…” He whispered quietly, his eyes never leaving your face.
“Huh? Did you say something?” You asked as you turned your head to him once more. Instead of speaking, however, he crept in close. Sliding his arm slowly and gentle across your back, he turned you so that you two were chest to chest.
You looked up into his pale eyes, confusion splaying across your features. Fili raised his other hand and brushed a lock of your (h/c) hair behind your ear, before coming to rest against your cheek.
Time nearly stopped in it’s place as he leaned down.
The kiss lasted no more than a few seconds, Fili pulling back just enough to look into your eyes, the tips of your noses still touching.
He was reading you; his expression tinged with worry — worry that maybe he should not have done that.
After a moments time, and after the initial shock wore off, a soft giggle escaped your lips.
Confusion slowly creeped its way across his face at your reaction, causing another giggle to escape.
Leaning up, you closed your eyes as you rubbed your nose alongside his. You practically felt the sigh of relief exhaled from his lungs. He returned the gesture, your noses slid slowly and intimately against one another.
This time, it was your lungs that released a sigh as you felt his lips press against your own once more.
Your hands found themselves wrapped around his neck, his earthy yet sweet smell intoxicating you as his own hands landed on your hips.
He pulled you in against his chest, his tongue swiping against your lips requesting access. Access you happily granted.
A battle began between tongues, a soft moan escaping your throat as you fought a losing battle.
Far too quickly, though, your lips parted.
The two of you retreated to your earlier stance, foreheads and noses against one another again; both of your eyes closed as you took in the moment.
Once more, a giggle made its way past your lips. Another. Fili happily returned the sound; the two of you high on endorphins.
The sun had made its way higher into the sky; the colors of a sunrise no more.
“We should get back to camp before they worry…” You whispered, your arms still wrapped around Fili’s neck.
“I agree.” Yet, neither of you moved.
Another kiss was shared. Then another. And another.
…The others could wait a bit longer.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
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The game of Chase
Word Count: 841
Your feet echoed across the stone as you ran as fast as your little legs could carry you. Your heart beat at rapid speed.
Another set of footsteps could be heard following quickly behind, though these footsteps were heavier — louder.
You squealed in surprise as you were grabbed from behind, being thrown over a broad shoulder.
“I got you!!” Cheered a loud, deep voice.
Your hands beat against said shoulders, struggling to escape the strong arms that kept you captive as you screamed once more.
One swift jab of your knee to your captivators stomach sent you tumbling off and landing with thump against the stone floor of the mountain.
A groan of pain rang through the air before they yelled “That’s cheating!”
“It’s only cheating if you’re a sore loser!” You returned back, a cocky smile painted your face and you huffed from exertion.
Quickly scrambling to your feet, you began the game of chase once more. However, you were too slow.
A strong hand reached out and grabbed yours before you could run away before shoving your back against the wall. Had a hand not strategically been placed behind your head, you would have surely been left with an ache.
“Kili! What gives!” You cried out, finding yourself trapped between his arms.
“I win.” Kili stated matter of factly as he heaved — out of breath from running for so long.
As the adrenaline slowed down, the realization of how close the two of you were, settled in.
Your breath hitched as you stared into his beautiful brown eyes. Hints of gold speckles mixed with warm amber.
You were not the only one who took notice of the close distance.
Kili’s eyes flickered to your lips before returning to your eyes. Slowly, ever so slowly, he leaned in.
Too slow.
Just as his lips ghosted your own, you tore out of his grip and down the hall with a giggle.
Kili visibly deflated for a moment before a devious smile plastered itself onto his face.
You turned, halfway down the hall to lock gazes with him, offering a big playful smile. “You…” he growled before taking off after you.
Another playful scream escaped as you fled towards the door you knew would lead outside. Pushing it open you attempted to slam it behind you, but you were too slow.
The wood creaked as Kili’s brute strength pushed against the other side. With one last shove, the door swung open, causing you to tumble backwards right onto your rump.
In an instant, Kili was on you. Pushing you backwards with arms on either side of your head, his thighs locking your own together.
Laughter rang loud and clear from the two of you, Kili’s a bit more devious, excitedly celebrating yet another victory.
A soft breeze rustled your messy (h/c) hair, bringing with it the soft sweet smell of spring.
You two had ended up in one of the lesser known royal gardens. One that scarcely had visitors. Your breath panted out harsh breaths as you struggled to catch your breath due to laughter.
As your laughter whittled away into giggles however, a gasp tore itself from your throat.
Soft and gentle lips found your own — Moving slowly and languidly. Releasing a euphoric sigh, you felt your own eyes slip closed, your hands finding dark brunette locks to reside in.
Kili kissed you deep and intimately, pushing you into the soft grass beneath you, taking in the smell of your sweet strawberry oil you often used on your hair after a bath.
A deep groan released itself from his chest as he deeper the kissed further, his tongue slipping between your lips.
Your hands tightened in his hair as his tongue plundered your mouth. Tearing himself from you, his mouth quickly moved to your jaw, kissing and sucking gentle down to your neck.
Sighs and moans filled the air as he kissed a rather sensitive spot right below your ear.
“Kili…” you tried, his name sounding a bit too breathless. “Kili.” You tried again.
With one last kiss against your sweet spot, he pulled himself from your neck, staring into your eyes.
Your breath hitched upon looking at him. His eyes were dilated, honey brown quickly turning nearly black.
Releasing his silky locks, your hands slid down to rest upon his shoulders. Locking eyes, you gave one last playful smirk, before shoving him to the side, rolling the both of you over so you were the one sitting in victory.
A victory he was very much willing to let you have.
His hands gripped your hips as your thighs made their home on each side of his. Leaning over him, it was your turn.
You kissed him once, twice. Your arms found their place beside his head, dropping to your elbows as your tongue fought for dominance.
Your victory however, did not come.
Kili gripped your hips, before grinding up against your own. Your back arched as you cried out.
Licking his lips, Kili smiled deviously. “I win.”
221 notes · View notes
buttered-my-biscuits · 5 months
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Fever Kisses
(A/N); First, I’d like to apologize to everyone for falling off the face of the earth this last YEAR. I’ve been diagnosed as Immunocompromised, so it’s been a fun ride catching every single cold known to man :’) Currently getting over a 3-week long cold, and I’m Miserable, so I need a healthy dose of our favorite dwarven brothers. — This is also my 1st Fic/Drabble ever, so here goes nothing!
Summary: A wet rainy night proves no challenge for dwarves or hobbits. The same, however, cannot be said for humans.
Pairings; Kili x Reader, Fili x Reader
Warnings; Fevers/Sickness, Very soft and fluffy fluff, with a bit of angst and drama.
Ibrizinlêkh: Sunshine
Bunnel: Treasure of All Treasures
The rain poured harder than ever before, showing no mercy to the trees, the bees, and certainly no dwarves.
The dark and stormy clouds blanketed the skies, casting shadows amongst the rolling hills. Soaked to the bone, through cloaks and tunics, still the company of Thorin Oakenshield trudged on.
Dwarrow are hardy folk; cold and damp environments bothering them none. Humans on the other hand, however, do not share the same trait.
(Y/N) found herself at the back of the line, trudging her way through ankle-deep mud, her arms wrapped around herself in hopes of holding onto whatever warmth was left. Kili stayed close, whereas Fili opted to lead the pack side-by-side with Thorin.
Quiet conversation could be heard from certain members of the company, including the one beside you. Kili regaled you with his adventures with the Blue Mountains and how Fili had scored a 5-point Buck with a single throw of a dagger, enhancing his story with wild gesturing hand movements.
“— And man, you should have seen Amad’s face when we got back with the buck! I daresay she had never looked more proud!” Kili boasted properly. “…(Y/N)?”
You looked up, meeting his soft honey eyes, not realizing you had stopped in movement. “(Y/N), are you alright? Are you tired?” Kili took a step towards you, concern etching its way onto his face. You stared at him, a strange, skin-crawling feeling rolling up your spine, a harsh shiver wracking your frame.
Kili closed the short distance between you, his hand gently landing on your arm before repeating his question. Only, this time, as the sound hit your ears, it sounded as though he were not speaking Common Speech at all. Your face scrunched in confusion, before it hit you. You felt a gasp rip through you as you quickly grabbed hold of Kili’s tunic, your legs feeling as though they were to give out. Your vision swirled as though you were one with a tornado, nausea quickly settling in.
Beyond the ringing of your ears, you could hear Kili yelling something, before the shadows of the others came into your peripherals. You tried to breathe, feeling the weight of a thousand bricks upon your chest — you felt as though you were suffocating; your vision began to darken with infectious black spots. Increasing your hold on Kili’s tunic as one last whimper escaped, you felt yourself fall.
“…(Y/N?)” Kili called back to you, having paused in his story at your stillness. He closed the distance between you two, lying his hand on your arm. He called to you once more, only to be met with confusion. He found himself mirroring your expression, if but only for a moment, before that expression quickly turned to terror as your body seized.
One arm shot out to hold up your weakening frame, the other gripping your arm tightly. “Uncle!” Kili shouted, his panicked tone ringing through the air. One look back from both Fili and Thorin had them sprinting to the back of the line.
“What happened to her?” Fili inquired while quickly reaching out with the goal of steadying you. His fear quickly grew as your weak frame shuddered one last time, before alast going limp. Barely catching you in time, he quickly hauled you upwards into his arms, your head lolling heavily against his chest.
Thorin laid his hand upon your too-warm forehead, quietly cursing in Khuzdul. “We need to find shelter. Now!” Thorin barked at the others, watching as they quickly scrambled towards the rocky cliff side.
Safely inside the dry remains of the cavern, a fire was hastily made while Fili and Kili worked to lay out a bedroll for you. Oin frantically dug through his pack, looking for his medicines and ailments as Thorin dug through his own looking for anything dry.
“We need to get her into dry clothes. This will do for now.” Thorin held out an oversized, but dry Tunic.
Fili and Kili shared a look, waiting for their Uncles’ instructions. Surely he didn’t expect them to undress her? Sensing his nephews hesitance, Thorin grumbled under his breath. “All of you. Turn away, now!” Thorin barked once more, before shedding your jacket. Together with his nephews, they worked to undress you, much to said nephews embarrassment.
Moments later, you lay peacefully upon a bedroll, clothed by nothing more than Thorin’s tunic, and a blanket modestly wrapped around your lower half.
Oin knelt beside you, lifting your head gently as he pressed a small glass vial to your lips. “Come on lass, swallow it down.” Oin quietly prayed, pouring the liquid onto your tongue, before sighing with relief at the sight of your body naturally swallowing the rather horrible tasting liquid.
“And now we wait.”
You were floating through the air — clouds more specifically. You were sure of it. You breathed in deeply through your nose, smelling the distinct smell of… a campfire? Surely not in the clouds…
You forced your heavily eyelids to open, finding yourself looking up at a pair of dwarves, whom were sitting side-by-side, heads leaning against one another as they both slept peacefully.
You attempted to recall how you got in said dwarves’ lap, but your brain felt far too mushy and not up to the task. You brought your hand up to Fili’s arm, with the intention of pulling yourself up. However upon doing so, you found yourself with not even enough strength to close your fist around said arm. Grumbling slightly, you tried again.
“Would you like some help?” A tired voice whispered beside you, causing you to jump. You looked up to see ice blue eyes peering back at you, a soft smile creeping their way into them.
At your silence, Fili brought his hand to your forehead once more, clicking his tongue at his findings. “You still have a fever. You need to rest more.” Fili pawed at your blanket, bringing it farther up your body, before tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Here, Fee. Get her to drink some water.” Kili, awakened at the commotion, handed Fili an opened canteen. Slowly, Fili helped you sit up with a hand at your back, the other bringing the canteen to your lips. You sighed at the feeling of the cold liquid sliding down your throat; Refreshing. A few sips and Fili lowered it, much to your dismay. “Not too much at once, Ibrizinlêkh.” He chuckled, handing it back to Kili.
Swiping your tongue over your now moist lips, you sighed contentedly and closed your eyes, before shimmying back down to rest your head upon Fili’s chest once more.
Eventually, quiet conversation broke out between the two brothers, offering you distraction while you rested your heavily eyelids. Before long though, you found yourself peering back up at them, breaking said conversation as they both returned your gaze, a sight of content and fondness donning their faces.
Without thinking, you found yourself gripping Fili’s outer coat, raising yourself up to his chin. Using your other hand, you placed it on the back of his neck, gently guiding his nose to rest alongside your own. Instinctively Fili closed his eyes upon the close proximity; you gently lifted your head slightly, to rub your nose along his. Up, down. Up, down. And a third time, before resting your forehead against his. “Thank you…” You whispered quietly, before pulling back to reveal a stunned look upon his face. Had your brain not been mush, you surely would have laughed.
Looking to his right, you found Kili staring, dumbfounded at your stunt. Chuckling, you reached for his cheek. Despite his confusion, Kili leaned forward until his nose lay along side yours. Up, down. Up, down. A third time. Slowly, intimately.
Pulling back, you found yourself wearing a content smile, theirs quickly mirroring your own. “Goodnight” you offered softly, before settling back down into Fili’s arms.
“Goodnight… Ibrizinlêkh.”
“Goodnight, Bunnel.”
As the sun climbed over the horizon, you stretched comfortably, before opening your eyes. Once again, you found yourself peering upwards at a pair of blue eyes, alongside a pair of honey-brown.
“Good morning you two!” You yawned.
“Good morning (Y/N)” Kili returned,
“Good morning.” Fili whispered softly.
The company worked to pack up camp after each companion ensuring your health, before Thorin set them off once more.
Beginning your steps, you were stopped by a couple of hands — one upon your wrist, and the other on your arm. “(Y/N), can we ask you something?” Turning to meet both Fili and Kili’s eyes, yours in question. “Last night… you had… uhm.” Kili started, looking to his brother for assistance.
Fili touched his own nose, before continuing: “you had rubbed your nose with ours… what does that mean?”
You quickly found yourself stifling a laugh behind your hand, furthering their confused expressions. “Did I offer you both one? I’m sorry! My fever must have did away with my manners… it’s called an Eskimo Kiss. Thank you for taking care of me yesterday, both of you.” You grabbed each of their hands, offering a quick squeeze before turning back and following the others.
Fili and Kili found themselves standing there, baffled, before your words soaked in. The next sight, was picture worthy… Their faces quickly resembled that of a strawberry.
“An Eskimo Kiss?!” They squealed, quickly chasing after you.
I wrote this on the fly, on my phone at 3AM, as I personally have my own fever, so if this is horrendous to read, I blame my fever.
I do not have a Beta, nor did I honestly proof this before posting… but regardless, I hope y’all enjoy! This wasn’t supposed to be this long, but, that’s how fics/drabbles are supposed to go, right?
Goodnight and to the doctors I go!
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buttered-my-biscuits · 8 months
The last gif of them in barrels; I love that Dean and Aiden are just irl Fili & Kili. Little goofballs together
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Aidan Turner in The Hobbit production diaries - Part one
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buttered-my-biscuits · 8 months
Okay I know this is a very sentimental scene, but like..
In this gif, Kili looks like he’s gone feral and lowkey wants to kill someone, and uh..
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Boy does that.. butter my biscuits 😏
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Kili’s sick.
He’s very sick.
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buttered-my-biscuits · 8 months
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I feel this in my soul
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buttered-my-biscuits · 8 months
I’m hollering at this reaction meme 🤣😭😭
There are multiple posts saying that Legolas is the Texan amongst the Fellowship of the Ring and you’re all wrong it’s Gandalf. It’s 1000% Gandalf. Gandalf followed a wild horse for two days to tame it and would regularly ride up to the Shire with a cart full of homemade fireworks. Gandalf's the Texan.
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
I have an entire fix-it-recap story of the entire journey in my head, and I just can’t bring myself to put it to words.
But when I do?
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You bet your bootay it’ll be the best fic I’ll ever write.
Anyways by that time I’ll probably be 74.
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
Me fully about to drop an uncharacteristic Thorin fic because we deserve cuddly and silly Thorin.
(Like the Thorin when fili and kili were little, but yknow.)
Fanfic writers when they don't want to deal with canon
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
This fandom has even recently got me finding my courage to write fics! While I’m still writing (and rewriting.. and rewriting..) my fics, I’m super excited to someday post them!
I love this fandom personally, and it’s so great that we can all come together and share our love for such amazing movie(s)/book(s).
Since a lot of my original posts have been really bitchy about some of the things I've noticed lately, I think it's time we highlight some of the great things I see as well!!
The majority of the people I see in fandom spaces are amazing, loving, and supportive individuals. Whether you're a reader, a fellow creator, a cheerleader, you name it!! You are appreciated more than you know.
I've seen supporters and readers who will gush about their favorite writers/artists - which ultimately keeps the motivation flowing and lets the creator know you appreciate them!
I've seen writers and artists who scream with one another over their favorite things and keep adding to the fandom experience with more wonderful pieces to look at and read!
I've seen friendships form, and unrelated-fandom friends support one another, even if the fandom/topic isn't something you both are on the same page for. Just to see those types of interactions is so heartwarming!
I've seen people come together to build a community, to celebrate the accomplishments of writers, artists, creators, etc, all while enjoying a similar topic of interest. (special shoutout to @fellowshipofthefics)
This is what fandom should be, and I'm so happy to see this in most corners of the spaces I am in. Yes, there are some negative things that happen, but we overcome them, and we continue onward!
✨ Thank you to all of my readers, followers, supporters (whether silent or otherwise), and of course, my friends. I appreciate the heck out of you! ✨
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
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Me looking at my significant other after I just finished a really hot and heavy smutty fic:
“You have something that I want.”
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
Scream it from the treetops !!!
This this this!!
No one is here to cater to YOUR fantasies. We will write however and whatever OUR hearts desire. If you enjoy it, cool! If you don’t, that’s a bummer, but you don’t need to beat up writers over that.
It’s as easy as this: take your pointer finger, place it on your phone screen, and drag it up the screen. Congrats! You’ve learned to scroll past something you don’t like.
👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
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Let them write what they want to write and don't harass them because it's not exactly what YOU want to see. Writers don't owe anyone anything. We do this for fun (and for free), and to constantly see readers harassing authors about their works is making me so angry.
To see readers bullying writers into going back to writing something they were taking a break from to pursue other stories/aspirations? TERRIBLE. Support the writers with whatever they are writing if you love them that much.
Let them know how much you appreciate their FREE hard work!
We are not here to cater to anyone but ourselves - yes, we share our stories with people to build a conversation about the things we all love, but ultimately we create things for ourselves.
The bullying and harassment of writers needs to stop, or the writing stops. Be appreciative, be respectful, and show the authors love instead of tearing them down for other things they enjoy.
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
Yes yes yes yesss ✨
This was 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 ma 👏🏻 zing! 👏🏻
Replying to your request for prompts:
Could you write a super cute fic of Reader being on the quest with the other dwarves, and having extreme menstrual cramps, and the dwarves being overly gentle, kind, and worrying? maybe even thorin uncharacteristically gently rubbing her back as she curls up beneath her blanket?
The Company When You Have Cramps
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having woman parts sucked. and you were well aware of this when you set out on the journey to The Lonely Mountain with Thorin's company and prepared accordingly.
however, what you weren't prepared for, was cramps so bad they could rival the power of the gods (or so you thought).
you had carried on traveling for as long as could until the pain was quiet literally unbearable and you were ready to double over and just lay in the middle of the road.
at first you thought that the others would be mad or just tell you to suck it up and keep moving, but actually it was the exact opposite. they stopped and started setting up camp for the night and Oin even asked why you didn't speak up sooner seeing as you where in so much discomfort.
they didn't have any issues with you rolling out your bed mat and curling up like a ball with your blanket while they set up camp. you wished you help but you were in so much pain you didn't even think you could get up if you wanted to.
Bomber started cooking shortly after everything was set up and the fire was started. Oin had mixed together some herbs and it dulled the pain slightly but it wasn't much help, you were still in a lot of pain.
dwarves don't have a lot of women in their ranks, so imagine they take these struggles and the pain that women go though very seriously. they treat their women with the upmost respect and care.
as you laid there curled up with your head just barely peaking out from over your blanket Thorin came and squatted down in front of you. he has a sister, so I imagine he's pretty familiar with the struggles you're dealing with.
"how are you feeling?" he asks and after a moment you sit up properly next to him. "pretty shit actually."
he chuckles at your remark and hands you some warm soup, when you take it he moves his hand away to rub your back soothingly. the others are pretty preoccupied so they don't notice his sweet gesture, but you're very grateful for it.
Oin gives you more herbs after you eat and Ori joins you for a bit to talk and ask if you're alright. Fili and Kili also join you to joke around for a bit and try and get you to take your mind off the miserable state you were in. this actually works.
Bilbo also joins in on just talking with you when the others have to go do stuff like snuff out the fire or start their turn keeping watch. he brings you water and snacks/more food because food makes everything better. He is also the only one who thought to get something heated for you to put on your stomach.
he takes your water pack and as the fire is going down he places it close by and lets it heat up for a while, then he gives it you. he's very sad he doesn't have tea to offer you.
every once in a while someone will come up to you and ask if you're ok and if you need anything. just as everyone was getting ready for bed Thorin checks on you again and Oin gives you some herbs for sleep.
when you wake up you're convinced that whatever Oin gave you before you went to sleep wasn't just to ease pain and make you tired because you felt better than ever. you definitely had a spring in your step for the rest of the day.
the company was glad to see you feeling better and you helped them clean up and get back on the road. no one complained about having to stop and instead checked up on you throughout the journey to make sure you were still feeling ok.
anyway all of these guys are angles and I love them. they would def be worried and would tell you that if you're ever in pain from cramps or something again to let them know so they could stop for a bit and give you herbs.
(also if Gandalf was around when you were dealing with all that he def would've sat there with his pipe and let you smoke some of it. You know, just to keep you relaxed lol).
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
did anyone feel as uncomfortable as i did watching this
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
This is Day 15 of Fili whumptober!
Warnings: choking, blood, small cut, nightmares
Word count: 838
Fili screams himself awake years after the battle of the five armies, and in a struggle with his nightmares, accidentally hurts his one.
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Please refer to the warnings of this story.  If you go past this point you are consenting to reading this content. 
Keep reading
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
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Y’all, let’s fuel some fires 🔥 and give our writers some recognition!
Drop your favorite Explicit/Mature Durincest fics/Drabble/Oneshots/Etc. (Can even be your own!)
Let’s get this party started 🍻🍾🎉
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buttered-my-biscuits · 9 months
I agree with that last part: “I don’t love everything about the hobbit movies”. I refuse to watch the ending of the battle of five armies. Because I refuse to believe that after such a long journey, and an even more glorious battle, it’s essentially all for naught.
I live by the #EveryoneLivesAU 🤣
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i’ve grown very fond of them, and i would save them if i can
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