canismaxim-games · 1 year
Small Hiatus
i know ive been silent for a while and I hate to say it, but i'll be on a hiatus until I can get a new computer and transfer all my files over. My laptop hasn't died yet, but the charging port is on the frits and I've tried different cords, but its the actual port. The port is damaged and its getting harder and harder to charge my laptop which is all I have to work with when it comes to art and writing. On top of that I'm only just recovering from a nasty bout of COVID (one of my roommates works in a hospital setting and unfortunately got us all sick) thank you for sticking with me and these stories, and again I'm so sorry that its taking so long :/
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canismaxim-games · 1 year
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Van Helsing (2004)
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canismaxim-games · 1 year
Sorry its been quiet as of late, I just have a lot of personal stuff going on, and now its winter so that seasonal slump is hitting me, I'll try to get back to writing soon and thank y'all for staying even tho my updates are so slow
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canismaxim-games · 1 year
Do you only use Tumblr to post your art? It's okay if you do! I just don't have a Tumblr account personally lol
oh no worries honestly I don't post my art too much anywhere just cause, and if I do post a majority of it is on discord to friends or people who commission me there ^^ I'm not really great at posting art in general and i want to get better at it
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
From my personal blog, but just letting y'all know i do have a kofi ^^
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i'm still unemployed and very much struggling, if you like my art and want a doodle or full com for yourself this is a great way to get one ^^
I plan on adding more options I just need to finish them first.
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
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Genre(s): Urban Fantasy, Action, Mystery, Romance
Skin and Scales is an urban fantasy interactive fiction story hosted in Twine where you choose how your story plays out. Live your life in the big, shining new city as a dragon-shifter and hunt down a secretive killer on the loose, get embroiled in the mobs and gangs vying for power, and fight for justice all while gaining allies and unraveling the secrets of your legacy all the while.
RATED 17+ for graphic depictions of violence, death, alcohol and drug use, explicit language, intense themes of prejudice and dehumanization, and similar mature content and themes
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Moments after stepping foot in your new home, you’ve been arrested. And as a dragon-shifter, as the name implies, a human who can shape-shift at will into a one of the few dragon species still left in the world, the odds are naturally stacked against you in the city of Avalon, where your kind is kept under a scrutinizing eye by the King Institute. Left with the last of your options, you are made to partner up with one of the Institutes finest, a fellow dragon-shifter like you, and left with no other choice, you are left to pick up the clues following a sudden murder that has left the whole city shocked and a power vacuum to be filled.
Uncover the secrets of your kind, the underbelly of the city, and maybe, just maybe, meet some people that make this place home.
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Variety of MC customization options including their name, gender (with cis and trans options), pronouns, appearance, and more!
Customize your dragon form and choose from one of 4 dragon species (ice, fire, lightning, or venom), your breath weapon (or lack thereof), and your alternate-forms’ appearance!
Explore complex relationships with 4 romanceable options, one poly option, a complicated hidden route, or romance no one and solidify your new found family!
Journey around a world where dragons have existed for centuries, and all of the complications this fact produce
Determine how you feel about your identity, and how it changes based on your experiences
Set yourself on fire. Many times.
Save the city and bring two split worlds back together
Or return to your roots and change the world forever…
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Atlas Drake [he/him, 6’6”]
Working prodigy of the King Institute and your assigned partner, Atlas is one of the most professional and uptight people you have ever met. He is constantly making sure everything and everyone around him are working well within the guidelines presented to him. You, however, seem to be the biggest pain in his side since ‘ever’, and he is constantly ready to remind you of this fact. Maybe you can find a way to melt that frozen exterior of his. Just maybe you can surprise him as well.
Puck Bishop [they/them, 6’2”]
A well-respected scientist, Puck works alongside the King Institute with their studies, and is all the manner of a responsible and put-together person in their profession. More than that though, they are incredibly kind and patient, with a soft smile and wise words ready at any moment. Below this though, lies a more hesitant demeanor, haunted by spirits of the past. Can you remind them of what they have given up? Or settle for gratefulness?
Skye [she/her, 5’3”]
Skye is both an enigma and an open book. An extraordinarily bubbly and positive person, she has a very loud personality, and is hard to miss. She considers you one of her closest friends the second she lays her eyes on you, and is loyal to a fault. But you can’t help but notice her uncharacteristic silence when home is brought up, and her naive excitement from the city becomes stranger and stranger once you realize she’s been living here her entire life. Is there anything you can do to tether her? Or will she endlessly drift until it swallows her whole?
Reese [he/him, 5’5”]
One of the prickliest people to walk the face of the planet, Reese has a bone to pick with everyone and everything. A fiery rebel until the end, he is constantly looking for a fight and considers you a target of his frustration the moment you two meet. However, there is a curb to his aggression, a quietness that he seems consumed in when he assumes you aren’t paying attention. Could you be the one to temper the flames? Or hold on as it consumes you both?
??? [she/her, ???]
She has spotted you. Do you think you can run? Do you think you can hide? Vile creature of the night, monster of the sky, you have no safe haven when this is done.
Come meet your maker, beast.
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
hey there, so i write, myself currently in the middle of a novel werewolf one too no less. and progress has come to a halt thanks to your blog and demo lmao, great premise also even in the demo your pacing and writing are perfect, i must say, you really set the tone perfectly anyway, oh and nice choice going with the Helsing like werewolf too. i'm gushing a little too much though i could say a lot more lol i do have a couple questions though.
What inspired you to go with a, I guess darker theme for the story?
Also how would the Ros react/calm a shifted Mc that is kind of berserking out due to the grief? really I'm curious if any of them would sing to them lol i mean it would super sweet no?
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first of all I would *love* to see your werewolf novel because I adore werewolf media, and second AAAAAAAAAA THANK YOUUUU i really try my best to make the pacing not feel rushed or drag on too long. I love Helsing's werewolves and like as much as I adore werewolves that are just big wolves, i prefer Helsing's cause it gives them that needed human aspect without making the werewolf just look like a really hairy guy OR like an all skin no fur werewolf. aaa just thank you again it means a lot ^^
In all honesty I'm just better suited for dark themes when it comes to writing, I grew up on psychological thrillers and mysteries, eventually branching out to action and horror. It's not that I don't enjoy a good happy story I just feel disingenuous when *I* try to write one. Long story short, I just like my angst
ooooo a very good scenario, the ro's responses would vary depending on if romanced or not but I'm going to write them as if MC is romancing them ^^
The Hunter:
Hunter has dealt with many rampaging werewolves before, but never one they were close to... let alone one they were in love with. They know they can't use any of their weapons, even just the thought makes them sick, so the other alternative. They approach MC, hands up and showing that they have no weapons on them, that they mean no harm, and once they're close enough they wrap their arms around MC and hug them, holding them close and not letting go even if their back gets torn to shreds, even if MC growls and tries to break free. Hunter knows that MC will calm down and realize it's them eventually, and they don't mind. Hunter heals fast and they've been through worse, what they can't handle is knowing MC is in pain to the point they've gone berserk. Eventually MC would calm down and Hunter would be holding a human MC. Hunter would kiss their forehead before taking off their own shirt for MC to put on. If MC started to worry about Hunter's injuries Hunter would just shake their head and smile, "Already healed over darlin, I'm OK. Let me have your back for once alright?"
The Detective:
Detective knows MC's been through a lot of shit, honestly they're surprised MC's gone so long without freaking out like this. Detective has seen a lot of shit themself, they've seen good people die, seen bad people get treated like heroes just cause they paid off the right people to keep mouths zipped tight. So no, they don't judge MC or think less of them. It does hurt, though, to know MC's in pain and there's really not much Detective can do to help. What they can do, is buy a few hot dogs and sit down near MC and pat the spot next to them, "I can't imagine what you're going through... This city seems to find new ways to ruin peoples lives every second." And Detective would sigh and take a bit out of their hot dog before looking up at MC, "I'm here for you though, no matter what I've got your back MC. You're one of the few genuine people left in this fuckin place. You still got emotions." And they'd give a sad smile, "Hell you helped me realize I still got em too, so let me help you out. Let me help carry this shit that's got you so down." And they'd both sit there for a while, MC eventually turning back to their human form and maybe they talk for a while, maybe they just sit in each other's company, whatever MC needs. Eventually Detective would drape their long coat over MC's shoulders and help them up and then, then Detective would pull them into a soft kiss, holding them close and resting their foreheads together. Detective may not be good with words, but they want, no they *need* MC to know that they're gonna be there for MC no matter what.
The Ghost:
They saw it all happen, MC reading what Ghost assumed was just another letter from a client or intel source, and then MC shaking and hyperventilating, fur growing out of their skin as muscles began to tear and snap, MC's form breaking itself and reshaping as they began to turn. Of course Ghost was freaking out, not because they were scared, but for MC. Because they had no idea what had triggered them, and clearly it was enough to send them into a full-blown panic attack. Ghost would quickly read over whatever had set MC off to get an idea of what was going on in their head, and to read it would break Ghost's heart as well, but they had an idea now. Ghost would rush to MC's side, gently holding the sides of MC's face, "MC I'm so sorry..." and talk to them, telling mc that no one should have to go through what MC's been through, that it's not fair that MC keeps getting more shit piled onto their plate, but then assuring MC that they don't have to go through it alone anymore. Not only are they a team, but they're partners. Ghost will be by their side no matter what, and that they're ready to step in and help whenever MC needs a shoulder to lean on. They would rub MC's cheek and kiss their forehead before murmuring, "I love you MC, and I always will. It's okay to get overwhelmed, we're in this together." Eventually when MC calms down Ghost would get a blanket for them to wrap up in before making a comfort meal for MC and suggest they watch something to distract themselves.
The Loner:
The Loner can tell MC has gone berserk due to overwhelming emotions (its like a severe panic attack for werewolves) and Loner has been there before. It's terrifying and easier to just let the wolfish instincts to take over, but they also know it means something truly upset MC to get them to this point. Loner would shift into their wolf form and approach carefully, very relaxed and open in their posture until MC would recognize their scent. At that point Loner would nuzzle MC and hold their hands, putting one over their own chest before putting theirs's on MC's to show that MC wasn't alone in this. Loner would then howl a little before nudging MC to do the same. Instead of let the emotions overwhelm them, Loner would have MC howl it out (sort of like screaming but more cathartic as it itches both that need to just scream and cry as well as the wolfish instincts). Loner would stay there with them, howling until MC could finally return to their human form and Loner would do the same, picking them up and holding them close and assuring them that they'd figure this out together. Loner wouldn't pressure them to talk about what set them off, they just want MC to know it's natural to get overwhelmed to this point, and that Loner will be there for them no matter what.
The Burglar:
The Burglar is naturally someone who doesn't take many things seriously, but after they realize that they have been falling in love with MC? MC's the one thing they really do take seriously. They would approach the situation carefully, trying to figure out why MC has gone berserk, if MC was hurt, all these things before shoving the thoughts aside. It's their MC after all, and while Burglar may not have the greatest singing voice they do play the violin quite well. What better way to calm down a werewolf than a lullaby? Burglar would sit down close to MC and begin to play a calming tune, all the while encouraging MC that they're here for them, that they can figure this out together, that they're still loved, and that Burglar isn't scared off in any way. After all they're partners. I think eventually the MC would lay down next to Burglar and Burglar would start to rub their head and continue to talk about little things until MC calmed down enough to go back to their human form, and Burglar would drape their coat around MC's shoulders before carrying them somewhere safe and quite.
The Spouse:
They hate seeing MC in so much pain and their heart aches for MC. It's terrifying seeing anyone lose control, but for Spouse it just saddens them deeply. They don't know what set MC off, but MC sounds so mournful and hurt. Spouse knows not to spook MC in this state so they approach MC slowly, their voice is calm as they call out, "My love, I'm here. I'm here for you," And stretching out their hand for MC to hold. They know MC won't hurt them, and yes its terrifying, but Spouse knows their MC is in there. Mc is in there and hurting and just needs someone on their side to help lighten the load. Once MC would approach Spouse would put MC's hand on their cheek before kissing their palm/paw and hugging them close, rubbing their back and continuing to murmur, "It's alright MC. I'm here. I'm never leaving again alright? I'm here for you."
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
why is this so gut wrenching i’m sobbing rn wtf my baby and my husband wtf i’m gonna rain hell fire on damiens ugly ass istg no one is escaping im gonna kill everyone wtf 😭😭😭😭😭
yes please do!! Damien is the worst!! you may not be able to get him chapter one but you do get the opportunity to start hunting the pack down in chapter one so :3 go nuts, there are no reprecussions
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
ough,,,,,, it be spouse loving hours in this Chili's tonight,,, just wanna cuddle up with them and smother them w/ affection mwah mwah 😘💕
Oh spouse absolutely loves being smothered with affection, cuddles, kisses, cooking together, they love it all. They just love being with MC uwu
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
Ty for answering one of my ask again! <3 and your sona is just the cutest If Im allowed I would like to place a kiss on the little gwemlins forehead 🥺❤️👉👈
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no problem!! i love getting asks and dfjkls thank ^^ u absolutely may
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
K so this prompt is a bit weird/inceptiony (feel free to change/interpret it however you want) but I think you might have fun with it? If your characters were to come "Alive" for one day and knew you were their "creator" how would they feel/interact with you?
I'm going to say if they met my Persona as irl I'm just like... chilling and bad at talking to people and keeping eye contact SO persona it is as that would be more interesting! I'm also just going to stick to the Werewolf Noir crew as they're the most popular ^^
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If suddenly they were real, i would be staring at them like this for a while because... yea. I think the Burglar and Hunter would be the first to just start laughing, Burglar cause they find it hilarious that their creator is just some blue little blob in his pjs, Hunter because their world view was just shattered and created by this little fucking thing. The Detective is probably groaning, head in hands because theyre a gruff 40 year old who's been through hell only to find out their creator is this 20something gremlin? demon? thing??, and because I mean it would be very obvious by the staring that I love my characters and want to hug them and also be held (tho honestly they could probably use my persona like a stress toy)
I feel like Ghost and the Loner would try to start conversations and learn more about me but quickly regret it as I go into a million different rambles, getting more off topic with each one or for the fact of going silent and frog blinking at them.
I think the spouse would have teh most emotions just cause of what I put them and MC through, but then my dog huggy would crawl out from under my bed (don't know why but under my bed is his HQ) and spouse and the others would quickly be distracted because Huggy steals the show and demands all attention and pets as I slink away to the kitchen to make/grab snacks.
I would then force them all to watch dinosaur movies/documentaries with me and Huggy that or ghost documentaries.
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
Ty for the worm ask I was smiling and laughing from what you wrote! Everyone is such sweetie pies lmao
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oh no problem!! I love answering asks and scenarios even fun ones! I can't wait for y'all to meet the RO's in game ^^ I'm working on updated image refrences for them all too
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
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Rating: 17+
You are a packless werewolf, imprisoned and kept as pet for years by the clan of supernaturals that rule over the city. One day, a pack arrives at the lair and, as soon as they see you, they know your only option is for them to take you in.
play as an alpha, a gamma or an omega wolf
bond with your new pack and with your new pups
defend your pack from the evil supernaturals that lure in the city
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Bela Colnan - the Alpha
Gender: selectabe trans M or trans F
Age: 34
Appearance: Bela is around 179 cm in height, with a toned built, porcelain skin, ginger very long wavy hair and dark green eyes.
They wear an eyepatch to cover their left eye, though the entire side of their face is marked by deep claw mark. Another scarred area is their abdomen.
Temperament: They are protective, nurturing though also fierce and ruthless when the pack is concerned. They proved to be quite welcoming but cautiously observant at the same time.
They fathered/mothered the four pups of the pack.
Wolf form: Small, with a bright ginger long fur.
Kesha Colnan - the Beta
Gender: selectable M, F or NB
Age: 28
Appearance: they have fair skin, chin-length straight dark hair they dye white at the tips (they often keep them out of the way with hair pliers), blue eyes and a lean built.
They can often be seen wearing protective amulets and protective temporary tattoos.
Temperament: Kesha is often anxious, hovering over their packmates to be sure of their safety or just scared something bad is going to happen.
They cherish their comfort zone, bit they would do anything for the Alpha. They harbor a love for card games, especially complex RPGs.
Wolf form: medium sized, with short grey fur and white paws/legs.
Indigo Bellaria - the Delta
Gender: selectable M or F
Age: 32
Appearance: Indigo is a crossdresser, wearing only feminine clothes if M or masculine one if F.
They are around 1.84 m tall, with a beige complexion, wavy black hair shaved on the sides and dark brown eyes. They have a muscular but soft built.
Temperament: they have a spicy attitude, playful with the pups and a bit confrontational with everyone else (often just for show). They are a loner and enjoy their time with themselves, though they'd miss the pack terribly if they were separated.
Despite what they might want others to believe, they have a major need to provide for them in any way, with gifts, food or comfort.
Wolf form: big and powerful, with a curly spotted black and white fur (like a cow, ironically)
Raine Colnan
Divine Macall
Heva Padberg
The pups
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
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GENRES: Fantasy, Romance
CONTENT WARNING: Blood, Mentions of Depression, Occasional Swearing.
More Info: Members of the Vampire Families
DEMO: Play here
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Derek ♥︎ Maximillian ♥︎ Alexandre ♥︎ Jeremiah ♥︎ Siliva ♥︎ Lorian/Locke ♥︎ ???
Poly route: Maximillian & Alexandre
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It is the year 1863.
Your first memory is wakening up in a strange bedroom. You have no idea how you got there nor where you are. Worse still, you do not even recognize the face that stares back at you in the mirror. Your confusion increases when a man enters the room asking who you are.
"My brothers found you while they were going into the village. You were unconscious on the ground and covered in wounds. They brought you, and my father decided one of us would save you."
It seems that from now on you are going to live with them. What strikes you as odd, even without your memories, is the feeling that their lifestyle is peculiar. They only leave the house at night and do not consume food, only drink that strange crimson liquid. And now so do you.
No matter how strange, they are now your family. Enrique, the man the others call “Father,” does not tire of reminding you of that.
They have saved your life, are giving you a new home, and even giving you a spot in their family, supporting you in whatever they can. Is that enough for you?
Furthermore, there are other families like you. There are a total of five households, which are...
Mond. The mysterious and powerful leader. The first vampire.
Delacroix. The unforgiving and proud fighters.
Lovelace. The eccentric and flirty doctors.
Rosemerte. The kind and reserved diplomats.
Moonlight. The responsible and varied researchers. The family you now belong to.
All who share the same “curse” as you seem to get along well and live in harmony. Now, the real question is, how many are really honest? How long will the peace last?
It does not matter as you have the eternity to find out. This is only the beginning...
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☆ Play as a just turned vampire with amnesia.
☆ Customizable MC: choose your name, nickname, appearance, gender, and pronouns.
☆ Choose your maker (4 possible options).
☆ Romance: 4 males, 1 female, 2 gender-selectable (one is a secret route), and 1 possible poly route.
☆ If you don't want romance, you could just make friends with everyone, or the opposite.
☆ Vampires aren't the only supernatural creatures around.
☆ The secrets you keep may have consequences later.
☆ Will you discover your past?
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𑁍 Enrique Moonlight
"You are now one of us. There's no turning back."
Head of the Moonlight family, your family, and fatherly figure of the boys. He oversees the well-being of his family and all the others. A close friend of Mond, the first vampire, and the one in charge when Mond isn't around.
He is a caring and kind father. Although he is more strict and harsh with Derek.
♡ Derek Moonlight (RO)
"You have to learn how to live like us. It's not like you know any other way."
The eldest son. Distrustful, down-to-earth, and a natural leader. Always gives his best and takes responsibility for the family, being the one to resolve all the problems. He's honest, but he doesn't know how to express himself appropriately, which causes him to almost always make people angry.
Also, he's the most powerful using the mental abilities of vampires, just second to Mond himself.
♡ Maximillian Moonlight (RO)
"You can start your story all over again. You can write it by our side."
The second son. Always with a gentle smile to offer and kind words to give unless you start questioning him about his past, which is a touchy subject for him. He's usually the mediator between Derek and Alexandre and the one who always supports Jeremiah when he wants to help someone.
He's a true angel and gentleman, right? Even if sometimes you can catch glimpses of his... not so gentle side?
♡ Alexandre Moonlight (RO)
"If you're in any trouble and don't know what to do... Come to me, the best partner in crime you can find."
The third son. He may look intimidating, but in reality, he's easygoing, sarcastic, always finds time to crack jokes, and loves to tease and make fun of Derek. He likes to train with the Delacroix even though he doesn't like the family that much.
At first, he can be aloof or indifferent, but earn his friendship and you won't find a friend more loyal than him.
♡ Jeremiah Moonlight (RO)
"Even the smallest of kindness acts can make the difference."
The youngest, until you arrived. He is the reason you're still alive. He's a really empathetic and kind person, always ready to help anyone who may need it.
Something to keep in mind with him, don't get scared when you hear something go boom on his room, probably just another one of his inventions that went wrong.
♡ Siliva Delacroix (RO)
"You're now part of the family! Just don't let the sunlight touch you and you'll be okay!"
She and her sister, Eira, are the oldest of the Delacroix. She's protective of her family and tries to convince everyone to get along. Or at least not to be at each other throats. She can also be quite stubborn when her mind's set and very observant of her surroundings.
She mostly visits your house to take Lorian/Locke back home or to visit her uncle and cousin, Enrique and Derek.
♡ Lorian/Locke Delacroix (RO)
"If you want to talk about it, I can listen. On the other hand, if you wish to remain quiet, I will keep you company in the silence."
They're the youngest of the Delacroix. They don't talk much, are calm, are not very expressive, and are a good listener. Their inexpressiveness makes people think they're cold or cruel, but they just don't know how to express their emotions.
You can find them in your house very frequently as they're Derek's cousin and best friend.
♡ ??? (RO)
"You have no idea... how lucky I feel to spend time with you."
𑁍 Krizia Knight (Possible fling??)
Leader of the witches. A young woman who helps the vampires with their sun problems. She may be the person with the most energy you will ever meet. Spending five minutes in her presence could erase your bad mood and infect you with her positivity. Also, she's super impulsive, always going along with the first crazy idea that crosses her mind.
Just remember, do not let her bright appearance fool you as she is still the most powerful witch.
And more yet to know...
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
Reblog to give a nonbinary person soup
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
Wait... Ignore this if it's been already asked but I didn't realize my last ask could be a prompt - the MC has been turned into a worm for the next 24hr The RO's response? 👁️👁️
lmao this is perfect
The Hunter:
They aren't honestly that confused. They see this little fluffy worm covered in scars, they may not think it's MC right away, but they pick up the little worm and let it settle in their shirt pocket while they go home. They have a spare tank/terrarium for any injured earth animals (snails mainly) and carefully set MC worm into it before putting in some potato peels and carrot slivers. They introduce worm MC to their snail Desi and settle in for the day, doting on Desi. If they ever learn MC was the worm the Hunter is going to be very flustered and just, "Tell no one about this."
The Loner:
The Loner knows its's mc, the scent is still the same, though albeit more earthy and wormy, but they're very confused. They very carefully and with a gloved hand pick worm MC up, apologizing because, "I'm sorry I do not touch slimey things." They probably keep MC next to them or in their pocket at all times because they're paranoid some bird might try to make MC their dinner.
The Ghost:
Ghost still can't believe they saw MC turn into a worm, they don't know what's going on or who MC pissed off to be turned into a worm. They stay inside with MC and probably turn on movies or shows they know MC enjoys and keeps talking to them, mainly asking, "How do you piss off a mage that badly??? At least it happened inside... When you turn back to normal you are apologizing to this mage, I'll even make some cookies to help smooth things over."
The Burglar:
Like the Loner the Burglar can tell it's MC just by the scent. They think it's hilarious and scoop worm MC up, setting them on their shoulder before going about their day. They keep talking to MC lightly teasing them about upsetting some mage, but truthfully they are worried. After a few hours they do start chatting with their mage friends about reverse spells or at the very least learning how long the spell will last. After they're reassured it's not permanent they go back to goofing around, set a gummy worm on their shoulder and gasp, "MC I didn't know you were seeing people!" They know they're going to get an earful tomorrow, but whatever. They try to ease situations by making them funny.
The Detective:
If the Detective didn't see MC turn into a worm, they're very confused as to why a worm keeps following them. They don't really like bugs, especially not weird worms. At best they'll use their clipboard to scoop mc up and put it in their garden. If they do know it's MC they're both confused and furious. They scoop some dirt into an old sour cream container before using the lid to put MC in there, and then start their manhunt for the mage that thought this would be funny
The Spouse:
Thank's to werewolf senses they know it's MC, but at first they think they're dreaming until they pinch themself and nope, they're awake. They start to really freak out, probably accidentally go full wolf for a bit and they're trying to be so careful with their lil worm, they're too scared to pick worm MC up in wolf form and for a while they're just curled around MC whining and nudging them with their nose. Eventually when they do calm down and go back to human form they pick MC up and set them next to the keyboard as they begin to google: How to take care of worm, how to talk to worm, how to un-turn someone who was turned into a worm, my partner got turned into a worm HELP. Eventually the wonders of the internet reveal its only a twenty four hour spell, and to just keep their worm MC safe during that time and Spouse sighs in relief. They get some old container and rinse it out before setting a warm damp hand towel in it with some vegetables and a soda cap full of water for MC to chill in. They take the container with them to the living room and talk to mc while wathcing shows to try and offer some comfort to their little worm.
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canismaxim-games · 2 years
#i know i work as slow as a worm - Me an intellectual: I would love and appreciate you even if you turned into a worm
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my real secret is having been a worm this whole time, jk but hhhh thank you!!! I may be slow but rest assured i do keep working on werewolf noir!
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