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🎤Wright’s Ringtone
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Okay so what if kid Miles and Franziska are having the "my dad can beat up your dad" argument and Manfred is this 🤏close to confessing to murder to win the argument for Franziska. The teacup he is holding snaps.
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Tempted to make a narumitsu sideblog 😈😈😈😈😈
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Miles Edgeworth's Secret
This post is purely for documentation purposes, and also to inform anyone who may not be aware. This post will contain SPOILERS for the end of Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations, so proceed with caution.
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During Case 5, Bridge to the Turnabout, while playing as Edgeworth, you are presented the opportunity to peer into Iris' heart. Specifically in regards to a secret she is withholding from Phoenix, someone she was romantically involved with. During which, if the player fails to present the correct evidence specifically for the second Psyche-Lock, an interesting conversation concerning the nature of secrets occurs.
I have seen talk of this dialogue, but no footage or screenshots, so I took the liberty of getting them myself. The full conversation and my further thoughts will be found under the cut.
You MUST present incorrect evidence during the second Psyche-Lock. This dialogue is laughably easy to miss, which is why I could find zero footage of it. (Sorry if the formatting for this sucks)
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(Interesting to note: the music stops playing here.)
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Incidentally, Iris' secret is that she developed romantic feelings for Phoenix while dating him in college (disguised as her twin sister). Edgeworth affirms her thoughts, confirming that he does indeed have a secret of similar nature deep within his heart and soul; "It takes one to know one." It cannot be said what exactly this secret of his is, but every real plot point behind Edgeworth has been more or less resolved by this point in the series. He found his path as a prosecutor, the truth behind his involvement in the DL-6 incident was concluded, so... What's left? Reading between the lines, this only really seems to lead us to one answer. It has something to do with romantic feelings. I truly can't see it being anything else, even with a critical mind.
Just mere moments ago, Iris had inquired as to what Edgeworth and Phoenix' relationship was. Edgeworth (famously) responds that Wright is a "dear and indispensable friend". Wonder if Iris gleamed something deeper from that comment, then? ;P Keep in mind: she makes these comments directly because Edgeworth avoided presenting Phoenix Wright's profile.
"he just like me fr" - iris probably
Now, just for completion's sake, let's see what happens when you present Phoenix's profile and break the Psyche-Lock.
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I have a lot of thoughts regarding this string of text from the two of them. This is a huge reach from an admittedly shipper-crazed brain, but aren't Edgeworth's retorts here... interesting? He does not know this girl, but he knows that the two of them are important to one another. We can assume it's likely that he is pushing for this for Wright's sake, rather than Iris'. At this point it's fair to say that Edgeworth has some basic understanding of her secret (the feelings, at least), and he doesn't benefit from her telling Phoenix her secret. So why is he adamant that she does it? Especially when he's, apparently, holding a secret of similar nature himself? Projecting, perhaps?
"But it's pointless..." "Why would you say that?"
Why indeed.
(EDIT) I was thinking about this feverishly, and I had another thought. What if the "darkness in his heart" and his "secret" has something to do with jealousy? Still in context of romantic feelings... it starts to make sense that this could fit into the puzzle as well. By this point it was already established to Edgeworth that Phoenix and Iris share an intimate connection of some kind, and with all of this pressuring (including the words the two of them share before Edgeworth leaves the Detention Centre), it sort of adds up. "Uncovering the truth" in order to "get rid of the deep-seated darkness in [his] heart" - could this refer to closure? As in, if Iris comes forth to Phoenix Wright with her secret, and there is some level of reciprocation, would this make Edgeworth's own secret/feelings "pointless" to confess? I wonder.
One last note I'd like to make is that this is the first time we view Edgeworth through the 'protagonist lens', and that a great deal of care was put into having the player truly feel like they are Miles Edgeworth in this moment. His mannerisms, choice of words and thought patterns are decidedly very different than Phoenix's when you are in control of them, as I'm sure most people would agree. Therefore, I feel comfortable proposing that a lot of what he says here isn't filler, and in fact is very deliberately worded.
I think this post also deserves a spot here.
Diehard Narumitsu/Wrightworth shippers are likely already aware of this conversation's existence. However, due to the circumstances necessary to see it, I wasn't able to find any screenshots. I hope this was interesting to read, at least... Thanks for reading!
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Okay, so I’ve been going over some of Kumiko Suekane’s official Ace Attorney Artwork. And I just had a Revelation about this iconic piece of Art.
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I think this isn’t just a Generic Random Scene of Wrightworth Angst. I think this is supposed to be specifically the iconic ‘Unnecessary Feelings’ scene.
I mean, first of all, the setting matches. This is clearly some courtroom lobby. And since both Phoenix and Miles are carrying documents, it’s likely they’re either just starting, or just finished a trial. But the really telling thing is Maya’s angwy body language. Taken, like, directly from her angry sprite.
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Because that’s not really her usual reaction to Phoenix and Miles being Incredibly Gay in canon in general and in Suekane’s artwork in specific. Usually she is either Entirely Unbothered or just full-on Eyes Emoji
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But, you know what Maya in this picture does reminds me of?
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So, yeah, I think this little piece of artwork is probably an Official Interpretation of the immediate aftermath of this Ironic Scene. With Maya storming off angrily because Nick is once again staring dreamingly at Mr. Edgeworth without ever elaborating on the Drama.
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April May :3
Drawn on procreate
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Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s some Narumitsu for the occasion :)
Program: Procreate
Time taken: 11 hours
Pls do check out the speed paint! 🫶
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Mia Fey and her babygirl assistant
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Desirée: I feel in love with my Ronnie at first sight because he came to defend me and he saved me even though he was a stranger.
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I love how Phoenix Wright has a ':D' face but his inner monologue is like "why won't everyone stfu. I hate this plant. when will this nightmare end", and Miles Edgeworth has a '>:[' face but his inner monologue is like "this is such a nice furniture. I should offer some help to this unfortunate person. ants are amasing and nature is full of wonders".
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Angsty Feenie times. Ft Mitski lol. WIP I’ll post when it’s finished. ADDED AN UPDATED WIP WHCH LOOKS BETTER LOL.
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Trucy and Nick are the ADHD daughter + ADHD dad representation we need but ya'll aren't ready for that information
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Mia even calls him a bimbo too, thinking “(Same to you, buddy!)”
I can’t get over how Edgeworth said that out loud 😭
I haven’t played this case yet I just found out what Mia said after and immediately looked up DID MIA CALL EDGEWORTH A BIMBO TOO OMG
ALSO. I'm told that this was added in the dub. Originally Edgeworth said 'novice attorney.' They could have changed Mia's line... buh they di'nt.
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My discord friend's analysis of edgeworth calling mia fey a novice bimbo
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lanamia+starrskye au where lana is just trying to Do College but is being pursued by two of the hottest girls on earth for no reason that she can fathom. not taking questions at this time
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Valentines Day (another translation from the Naruhodo fan book)
I plucked another character dialogue from the book at random. I struggled a little with whether to use the Japanese or localized names this time, but in the end I decided to go with the localized ones since I figure that’s what my audience is probably more familiar with. Enjoy!
Larry: I finished cleaning the toilet, Maya!
Maya: Really? Thanks, Larry!
L: What’s next? Just say the word; I’d do anything for you, Maya… especially today.
M: Well, let’s see… I was thinking I’d like to completely change this room’s layout around. Do you mind?
L: Huh?
M: Could you start by moving out all the furniture?
L: …Your lack of inhibition is actually one of the things I kinda like about you.
Phoenix: Um, what’s going on here today of all days, Larry?
L: Man, you sure are dumb. Don’t tell me you don’t know what day it is!
P: Oh… You mean Valentines Day?
L: What the hell?! You makin’ fun of my sweet Valentine?
P: I’m not a fan… ever since I received chocolate from Edgeworth that time.
M: WHAAAAAAAT?! M-M-M-M-Mr. Edgeworth gave you ch-ch-ch-chocolate?! (T/N: In Japan, Valentines Day is specifically a day for women to give men chocolate. The men give on White Day, exactly a month later.)
L: OH GODDDDD! I-I’m so sorry, Nick! I had no idea you’d had to suffer through something like that!
P: N-no no no, it wasn’t like that!
M: Come on then, tell us all about it!
P: …When I was in elementary school, there was a girl named Lucy in our class that I had a crush on.
L: Whoa! You had a crush on Lucy?!
P: When I got to school in the morning on Valentines Day, there was a box of chocolate on my desk. It was from her.
M: Oho! But that’s good, right?!
P: I was so happy… but then…
M: “…But then”?
P: I had a closer look at the pink paper it was wrapped in. “To Miles” was written on it.
M: “Miles”… you mean…?
P: Our desks were next to each other, see. Mine and Miles Edgeworth’s.
L: Ah, I see. Lucy could be a little careless sometimes. I know how it is.
P: Well, for me, it wasn’t the sort of thing I could just label as simple carelessness and be done with.
M: I see… so then what happened?
P: My only choice was to go give the chocolate back to Edgeworth.
L: You sweat the small stuff too much. If it’d been me, I wouldn’t have cared at all.
P: I don’t know how you can just expect me to not care.
M: So? So? What did Mr. Edgeworth do then?
P: He said I could keep the chocolate. He said something like, “You like Lucy, don’t you? You can have it.”
M: Jeez, I can’t believe Mr. Edgeworth would treat a girl’s feelings like that. That’s kinda mean…
P: He’d probably worked out that there wasn’t any special meaning behind that chocolate.
M: How do you know?
P: He said that when he got to school that morning, he saw chocolates with the exact same wrapping paper on 2 other desks. 
M: ….So Lucy gave the same chocolate to 2 other boys, huh?
L: Oh, by the way, one of those desks was mine.
M: Huh?
L: When I got to school that morning, there was a package wrapped in pink paper sitting on my desk.
L: Anyway, like I said earlier, I don’t sweat the small stuff.
M: ….What do you mean?
L: Well, when I looked closer at the wrapping, I saw “To Phoenix” written on it.
P: ………..Ex/cuse/ me?
L: But c’mon. It was on my desk, which makes it mine, right?
M: Um, Larry, your last name is, uh…
L: It’s Butz. Larry Butz.
M: So then maybe that chocolate… was meant for Nick…?
P: So Lucy… just got… the wrong desk? Again, I mean.
L: I told you right? That girl was careless.
P: For me, it wasn’t the sort of thing I could just label as simple carelessness and be done with!
L: H-hold on a sec, Nick! Why’re you looking at me like that?
P: Lucy had given me chocolate…
L: But like Edgey told you, that chocolate had no special meaning.
P: Oh…
L: Besides, you ate the chocolate from Lucy that Edgey let you have, right?
P: W… well, yeah, but…
L: So in the end, it doesn’t change anything.
P: …Doesn’t it…?
M: Hmmm… there are a lot of mysteries remaining in this story, huh…
P: This is why I can’t stand Valentine’s Day.
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It's my 2 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳how
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Characters I hope to cosplay in the future :)
Most likely ones:
1. Ema Skye 🧪
2. Kaede Akamatsu 🎹
3. Green/ Blue from Pokespe 🐢
I DID NOT KNOW YOU COULD DO THIS! Whattttr u can search any somg and it has spotify and SOUNCLOD THATS COOL
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