challengeanon · 3 months
Kirishima Eijirou
2018 backlogs part 4. <3
ou walked through the crowded hallways of Yuuei looking at the signs above every door looking for 1-A. It was the first day of the year and if it was anything like the entrance exam it was going to be a long four years. After what felt like ten years you finally made it to your classroom. With a breath you opened the door and walked in to your surprise you were greeted with both smiling peers and peers, more accurately one peer, so angry you could feel it in the air surrounding him. You stopped and looked around for a seat to call your own happy when you found one towards the side of the classroom quickly walking over to it and sitting down. You sat sad and put your head on your arms attempting to take a nap before class starts since you were too nervous to sleep well last night. Your attempted nap didn't last long before you felt a finger gently tap your shoulder. Picking up your head and opening your eyes you saw a pink skinned girl with pink hair and antennas. She was one of the people sitting with the angry ash blonde earlier. Just past her you could see yellow haired boy and another with red spiky hair. The spiky haired one has... shark teeth?
"Hi! I'm Ashido Mina! This is Kaminari Denki. That is Kirishima Eijirou. And track there the black haired one is Hanta Sero and the blond is Bakugo Katsuki." She introduced the entire group that he was with earlier. Each boy gave you a smile and a nod or a wave ash she said there name the one called Bakugo only you a slight glare though. You smiled back saying hi to all of them and introducing yourself happy to make new friends most of which seem really nice.
A couple months later
You threw punches and dodged incoming attacks over and over as you had been for the past hour and a half. Your bodies slower than when you first started sparring. You always thought sparring with Eijirou was a good idea until about an hour in when you both started to get exhausted. You dodge his punch and sent one in return you felt your hand connect with him stomach. You two always made it a point to try to not hurt each other too badly whether you're using your quirks or not. Like you're not right now.
With that final blow his body fell, exhausted his chest heaving as he breathed heavily you soon joined him laying down letting your body rest. You both laid there catching your breath after a few minutes you both get up. You both stood up helping each other up laughing.
"Good training today! You're getting stronger!" Eijirou said excitedly smiling with his shark teeth. You two had been close since Mina first introduced him and somewhere along the way you started to have feelings for the young man. You thank him happily your face dusted a light pink thankfully he didn't noticed.
"You too Eiji! But I still won!" You cheered loudly as you both packed up. He couldn't help laughing at your triumphant cuteness.
"We were training so you didn't win." He jokingly retaliated he cute grin ever present on his face. You two bantered back and forth like that as you finished packing up and started heading to the dorms.
"Alright alright you won and your reward for winning is I'll take you for ice cream!" He said excitedly knowing how much you absolutely adore ice cream. You beamed at the idea of getting ice cream with him. It was almost like a date. Almost.
"Yay! But first let's shower. You stink." We both do!" You joked with him. Both of you laughed as you made your way to the dorms talking and joking the way you always do. His smile was gorgeous. You both said your goodbyes as you parted to go to your dorm rooms to shower.
After about half an hour you heard your phone buzz. Picking it up you realized it's from Kirishima.
Kirishima: Hey want to meet outside of the dorms in 5 to get the ice cream?
You send a quick reply of approval and get off of your bed. With a final check in the mirror you confirm your thought. You looked super cute. Your hair is perfect and your shirt and jeans fit you just right. You slide your phone into your pocket and head out to meet Kirishima.
Once you got outside you noticed he wasn't there yet but you knew he'd be there soon he isn't one to go back on his word. You were so excited though ice cream AND Kirishima it was going to be a great day! You couldn't help but smile to yourself. Your thoughts were cut short when you heard the door open and saw a figure with spikes red hair exit his face going from a smile to a very worried look.
"Oh no! You weren't waiting for me long were you? That'd be so unmanly of me." He said stumbling over his words as he anxiously awaited your answer. He didn't get flustered often but you had to admit it was cute.
"I've only been here for a minute or two don't worry Eiji!" You let out a slight giggle once he relaxed and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. With that little bit of embarrassment he started walking not going far or fast until he was sure you were right by his side. He was as excited as you it was almost like a date. He knew it wasn't but the thought made him all warm inside.
The two of you laughed and joked with each other walking along the sidewalk catching a few simple glances here and there though neither of you paid any attention. You never had to worry about being yourself when you're with him he's patient and caring and honestly just so loving. You felt so comfortable with him like nothing else would matter. The 20 minute walk to the ice cream shop felt like five because of how much fun you were having and how much you were laughing. Unbeknownst to you thought, he found your laugh like that of an angel.
It might have been summer but it was a sweltering hot day it was a relatively comfortable heat with a gentle breeze. Once you arrived at your destination you nearly squeal in excitement. Except it wasn't nearly you did squeal and it earned you a deep chuckle from dearest companion.The two of you stop not far away from the excited crowd of satisfied customers as he asks what flavor you'd like. Come to find out you both had the same favorite ice cream flavor!
"Haha alright if you want to wait here so you don't have to be in the crowd I'll go get the ice cream. If anything happens just call and I'll come alright?" He asked his last comment just to reassure you he wasn't going to just leave. You give him a smile, a nod, and an excited yeah and with that he turned around to make his way to the counter. With a final glance you turn your attention to the beautiful blue sky. The sun was high blinding victims who stare directly your attention though was on the delicate cloud slowly crawling across the sky without a care. Well that was until you heard a deep voice you didn't recognized call to you.
"Hey cutie what are you doing here all by yourself? Someone like you shouldn't be alone you know?" He asked his voiced straining to sound cool and confident but just making him sound creepier. You knew if you faltered at all he's take it as an opening. As a confirmation.
"No thanks I'm here with someone anyway." Your voice sounded confident but you were horribly uncomfortable even more so when he stepped even closer to you. You shot a stealthy glance over at Kirishima who had just received and was turning around. He must have noticed how uncomfortable you were when your eyes locked and he sent you a knowing glance. The few seconds it had taken him to walk back to your side felt like an eternity under the gaze of the random creep.
"Hey babe sorry that took so long they only had enough for one of our favorite flavor so I got a different one. Oh who's this?" He said nonchalantly but with enforce to seem like he was genuinely your boyfriend as he handed you your ice cream cone. You felt a strong arm snake around your waist and you pull you against its connected body. It was like a nightmare slowly turning into a dream if only any of this was real.
"Who am I? I bet you're not even her real boyfriend." The creep said spitefully. You got worried. How did he know? You couldn't wrap your head around it your brain going at a dizzying speed. You quickly put the brakes on your mind when you felt the protective arm around you harden slightly as Eijirou inched his foot forward. The two males seemingly in a battle of who the hypothetical alpha is. Kirishima couldn't help but think about how unmanly this guy was being.
"He IS my boyfriend you know." You said not bothering to mask your growing annoyance as you felt your body press more into his side. You wouldn't be surprised if the other customers could feel the tension coming off of the three of you.
"Oh yeah? Then kiss each other for an entire five seconds. If you can manage that I'll leave." he said cockily knowing perfectly well we wouldn't actually kiss. You just weren't sure how he knew. You wanted to kiss Kirishima you couldn't lie but you wouldn't make him do that. Not even to get this guy to go away. You turned your head up to face him to protest but you couldn't. Just as your were about to start speaking you felt a pair of warm slightly chapped ulips against yours. He kissed you without any hesitation. It was passionate. A simple kiss longing to be more. It may not have been the scenario you had dreamed of but the kiss was so much more. The warmth of him was nearly intoxicating. The five seconds went by in a flash as you both reluctantly pulled away. Your mind was blank but your face has a dumb smile plastered all over it causing Eijirou to chuckle a similar smile playing across his lips. With a quick apology the guy quickly made his exit running from the scene avoiding any extra confrontation.
The two of you laughed and started walking Kirishima licking his ice cream happily his arm never letting go of you waist. You figured it was just to make sure that guy didn't come back so following his lead your started eating your ice cream too.
"Mmm it's so good!-" You exclaimed happily your voice slowly dying down "Hey Eiji thank you for the help back there I really appreciate it and I'm sorry you had to deal with it." You smiled softly at him trying your best to hide the guilt you felt.
"He wasn't being a man it isn't your fault so don't worry about it alright?" The smoothness of his voice was comforting. Not enough to make you feel better though.
"How about I give you a taste of my ice cream since it's your favorite and you didn't get any." You suggested licking your ice cream again. He didn't say anything for a moment as he thought about something before nodding in agreement. Just as you started to lift your ice cream towards him you felt his lips against yours again. This time it felt different it was real and unprompted. A better representation of how he really felt. This kiss was like ecstasy it was perfect and you never wanted it to end. His arm never moving from your waist the entire time even after he pulled away. You stared at him your mind reeling in shock.
"What you said I could have a taste!" He joked with a sincere and happy grin on his face. You could feel your face flush the heat burning. You knew your face was beet red but you couldn't help it. Suddenly his face went serious.
"(Y/N) will you let me be your boyfriend for real? It'd make me so happy." He asked you cautiously but his voice full of hope as he stared at your burning face. He'd liked you for a long time and he couldn't hold back anymore. But when you didn't reply quickly he blushed embarrassed slightly worried you'd reject him. You blinked back the surprise and your face just lit up a huge smile growing.
"Of course Eiji! I'd love it if you were my boyfriend!" He told him ecstatically as you hugged him. He beamed hugging you back. Both of you being careful to not lose the cold treat in your hands as your hearts warmed knowing it all worked out.
Like a dream.
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challengeanon · 3 months
Tamaki Amajiki
2028 backlog part 3. love love
You weren't a morning person and you probably never will be. You drowsily walked the crowded halls of your school heading to your class. You saw your three best friends talking outside of your classroom as you drew closer. The ray of sunshine, Mirio, Nejire, and the shy Tamaki. You'd never tell Tamaki but you had a huge crush on him and you have since first year. Mirio and Nejire on the other hand had found out one way or the other.
You walked up to them with a smile giving them friendly hugs and placing your hand on Tamaki's shoulder to avoid embarrassing him. With good mornings you all decide to head into the classroom and get ready for class. You were so busy talking and laughing to them that you didn't notice the small folded paper set on your desk. Your name sprawled across the top confirmed that it was in fact meant for you. Nejire urged you to open and read it and she wouldn't let up so you did.
I think you're really cute and nice and funny and I've liked you for a while. I could never tell you to your face no matter how hard I want you to be mine. You're the best. I admire you from afar your beauty is like that of a rose from the garden of eden. Perfect.
                             Your Secret Admirer
You smiled happily as you read the note aloud a blush creeping onto your face unknowingly. It was from the same person who had given you flowers and chocolates. Your gifts had never had any notes aside from the words "from your secret admirer" so this was new but not unwelcome. As much as you wanted it to be from Tamaki you doubt he'd feel that way about you you had to admit though whoever it was was really cute.
"Oh my god that was so cute!" You said smiling like a fool as Nejire squealed. You heard something gentle hit the wall and Mirio's deep chuckle. Looking over you saw the elf eared boy with his head on the wall; you knew how embarrassment affected him even second hand embarrassment. You hated seeing him like this though so you got up and walked over putting your hand gently on his back.
"Tamaki are you alright?" You asked him softly. He was thankful you couldn't see his face cause then you'd see his fierce blush. He nodded his head slowly signalling you that he's fine you let your hand linger on his warm back before sitting back down. After a little while he rejoined the living and sat down with you guys talking until your teacher came in and told you it was time for class.
Class went by quickly, well it did for you since you were in your head the entire time thinking about who could be your secret admirer. A ring of the bell signalled that it was time for lunch, no complaint from you though. You could feel a slim hand on your shoulder, looking up you saw the face of the one and only Nejire.
"Ok lover girl let's go to lunch we are hungry." She teased playfully causing the four of you to chuckle and head down to the lunch room. In the three years the bustling lunch room has never changed; but that made it easy for you maneuver without issue. After getting your food you head over to your usual table and sit down with your friends.
The second you sit down you can smell the ever so potent takoyaki Tamaki eats every day. It's honestly gotten to the point it doesn't bother you that much anymore which is good you guess?
"So (Y/N)-" Mirio's voice grabbed your attention "-any idea who your secret admirer is? I know how much you like their gifts and how much you want to know." You understood why he was wondering you were all so curious. Something about this conversation made Tamaki uncomfortable though, he looking down his eyes hidden by the black bangs and you could see his face was dusted pink. You couldn't help but smile before averting your attention back to Mirio's question.
"No I really have no idea as much as I want to. You said with a sigh receiving nods from the from him and Nejire. Your conversation continued as you talked about who it could be but none of them made any sense. You conversation was cut relatively short though when an unfamiliar male hesitantly approached your table. The four of you all looked at him questioningly, his eyes scanned each of you taking a shaky breath he calms himself down.
"H-Hado-chan I was uhmm wondering if you'd maybe like to.. Be my V-Valentine tomorrow?" The boy asked nervously. It looked like he was already ready to be rejected. You had completely forgot about tomorrow being Valentine's Day though so you mentally thanked the random boy. He was fidgeting he kind of reminded you of Tamaki at the moment it wa kind of endearing but you had no idea what Nejire would say.
"I would love to be your Valentine!" She said sweetly and excitedly. The nervous boy quickly relaxed with a breathe and smiled thanking her and running off you a group of guys who very supportively cheered and gave him pats in his back. The friendship they were showing warmed your heart making you smile. She turned back to the three of you with a bright smile on her face. Come to find out he was another one of her friends that she'd known for a while.
"So Mirio do you have a Valentine yet?" Nejire questioned the blond boy who's smile was honestly as bright as the sun. You were happy for Nejire getting asked by someone even if the guy like probably wouldn't ask you.
"Yeah, actually I asked her yesterday. I asked the girl I like and she thankfully said yes." He said excitedly and honestly you were happy to know he has a Valentine too. You knew the girl he's talking about she's in one of the general studies classes of your year and she's honestly a sweetheart easy to say you approve. You felt a little silly forgetting about the holiday of love though. Haha oopsies. You weren't in your head long when the question you had been dreading was asked.
"So (Y/N) do you have a Valentine?" Nejire asked leaning her shoulder against yours knowing about your hopeless crush on Tamaki. You couldn't help but groan slightly at the playful smirk that was spread across her lips. You couldn't tell but Tamaki was biting the inside of his cheek he didn't want you to be someone else's Valentine but he wanted you to be happy.
"Eh well no I don't. I actually kinda.. ya know.. forgot tomorrow is Valentine's Day.." You felt your face heat up an embarrassment the confession earning chuckles from your more extroverted friends but a sigh from the oh so introverted Tamaki. He wouldn't admit it but no only was he relieved but he found it cute. You couldn't help but laugh with them though.
"H-hey guys.. I uhh I have to uhh go and we'll do something. So I'll meet you b-back at the classroom o-ok?" He asked gaining confused nods from us reassuring him that we understood. It was odd for him to go off on his own like this but we respected him enough to not press him for answers.
After the three of you finished you all got up and headed back to the classroom. The halls seemed a little more empty with there only being three of you but you know Tamaki had something he had to do. The walk was fun the three of you joking and talking about their valentines on your way to the classroom the closer you got you saw a figure just walk in. You guys sped up your pace hoping it was Tamaki. Turning the corner into the room you saw that there were multiple people in the room, Tamaki included, so you didn't know exactly who it was but once you noticed it you didn't care as much.
You saw something on your desk. Walking up to it your three best friends trailing closely behind you you notice it's a flower on a piece of paper. All the paper says is 'from your secret admirer'. You couldn't help but smile as the delicate flower cradled in your hands. Your eyes scanned the room but no one was looking at you aside from your friends. You couldn't help but feel a little sad still not knowing who was flattering you so.
Your slight disappointment must have been noticeable because when you looked back at your friends they had concerned expressions on their faces.
"Hey (Y/N) is everything alright?" You heard a concerned Mirio ask you quietly. You didn't mean to look so sad you absolutely loved the delicate pink flower you just really wanted to know who it was. You smiled again.
"Yeah of course! I love the flower it's beautiful I was just.. hoping to see the person who gave it me ya know?" You felt bad for worrying them but you felt better when you saw the three of them smile and nod understandingly. Each of them looked relieved and smiling happily. We talked for a while until the teacher came in and they say in their seats. All through the rest of class the flower never left your desk your mind never wandering from from your secret admirer or the hope you felt that it was actually Tamaki. Once class was over the four of you walked to the dorms together you and Nejire having plans to study and just hang out and talk, not much different than usual.
"So, do you think your secret admirer will ask you to be their valentine tomorrow?" Nejire asked cheekily. You threw a pillow at her in response a nonverbal 'no shut up' if you will. The two of you just laughed and laughed even though you both knew you wanted the answer to be yes. Then she said it. The dreaded sentence. You'd never know it but Mirio asked a similar question to a certain shy boy.
"What would you do if your secret admirer was Tamaki?" She asked smiling only a little. She was serious and you hated to admit it you had no idea what you'd do. You knew he was shy and terrified of that kind of thing so if you did find out it actually was him you couldn't tell him.
"I don't know what I'd do but let's be real he doesn't like me Nejire-chan." You stated sadly you really wanted him to be it but he's not that good with that kind of emotion. Not to mention you guys were such close friends that's all he sees you as and you accepted that. Going back to studying you two studied hero laws for another ten minutes before getting tired and the left to go to her dorm. It wasn't long until you went bed yourself a happy sigh escaping your throat as your eyes slowly closed.
The next morning you woke up to your alarm. Rolling out of bed you sleepily took a shower. After getting dressed in your school uniform you looked in the mirror wishing yourself a happy Valentine's Day and left grabbing your phone, bag, and a granola bar on your way out. You had finished your granola bar before you got out of the dorms thankfully you threw it away in one of the many trash bins on your way. You decided to head straight to your classroom even though you were a little earlier than usual. Through the hallways you saw both couples being lovey dovey and the single friends watching them annoyed alike. Nodding to those you know as you walk past.
The door to your classroom was open meaning someone is in there, or was and they forgot to close it behind them. You walked up to the door slowly hoping to not see a couple making out. As you peak in you see Tamaki smiling you're about to say something until you notice what he's doing. He's putting something on your desk. Walking closer you notice its a thing of chocolates and a note. You smile blushing dark noticing he's not looking at the note out of curiosity he's writing the note.
"T-Tamaki?" You asked softly trying your best not to startle him too much but that didn't work. You heard the pencil drop onto the desk as he froze completely. You quickly slif the door making sure there was no audience so you could talk to him without him freezing even more. He turned around a mortified look on his red face.
"Oh no. I-I uhh I can ex-explain! I-I'm so sorry... You-You weren't supposed to-to... " he stuttered before walking over and placing his forehead against the wall. He couldn't help but think about how disappointed you are to find out its him. You probably hate him now. He couldn't go near you ever again. You were probably mad at him for this. He could never show his face around you again. He could feel a few tears slip out of his eyes and down his cheeks. He messed up and he knew it. He hated himself for it.
You slowly and carefully walked towards him the smile not leaving your face. You put your hands gently on his back being sure to go as slow as possible. He's like a cat at this moment you have to go slow or there may be less than savory consequences.
"Tamaki... Are you my secret admirer?" You asked him your voice softer than your touch. Hoping he said yes. He nodded barely noticeable and you could hear your heart speed up. Slowly you slide your hands from his back to his shoulders. You can feel him tense up even more his breathing hitching oddly. Is he... crying? You slowly turned him around to face you instead of the wall. He was in fact crying softly and you could feel your heart ache. You can't stop yourself and you pulled him into a hug burying your head into the space just beneath his shoulder.
He didn't hug back at first his brain needed a moment to comprehend what was happening. After a moment he wrap his arms around you holding you close resting his head on yours. You stood like that for what felt like an eternity before you both pull away his hands never leaving your body longing for your warmth. Your touch. You looked at him his face beet red a couple tears still wet on his face. Slowly you lift your hands and wipe away his tears smiling softly the entire time before placing your hands around his neck you bodies still pressed against each other. You could see a smile peak through his fear and embarrassment. You leaned up placing a tender hips on his lips. It was too long until he began kissing back completely in sync.
Pulling away you smiled at him and walked over to your desk grabbing a small chocolate.
"Tamaki. Will you be my Valentine and my boyfriend?" You said gently and he walked up to you hesitantly his brain going 30,000 miles a minute. With a shy nod he smiled and you could feel your heart flutter as you popped the small chocolate into your mouth. Mmmm. It was so good. Letting the chocolate melt slowly you kisses him again. He could taste the chocolate in your kiss and he couldn't complain at all about what was going on. Neither of you could. That was until you both heard cheers coming from your classmates who walked in on you two kissing. You both quickly pulled away embarrassed. He rubbed the back of his neck as everyone came up to two and started asking questions. It was embarrassing no doubt but you felt better the second you felt his strong arm wrap around your waist. Best Valentine's Day ever.
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challengeanon · 3 months
Todoroki Shouto
2018 backlog part 2! Enjoy?
REQUEST: from one writer to the next: could i have a request for my hero academia's todoroki and i want like the first date or like the first anniversary and what would he and his girlfriend do?
this was my first request 
Tic. Tic. Tic.
That's all you seemed to be able to hear as you stared longingly at the clock. In just a few minutes classes would be over and you'd all be dismissed from class for the weekend. Tomorrow you had your first date with Todoroki Shouto and you couldn't lie you were nervous. You'd known the heterochromatic boy for a couple of months now. It had taken him a while to warm up to you but but his walls were opening up for you slowly but surely. You were glad he felt comfortable around you; at least enough to ask you on a date.
You were ripped out of your thoughts by the sound of an obnoxious bell ringing signaling it was the weekend. You hurriedly put your notebook and pencil into your bag and got up from your seat heading towards the door nodding goodbye to your teacher and peers. Once you made it outside you looked up at the sky taking in a deep breath as you felt the sun's rays cascade over you like golden waterfall. Your serenity lasting the entire walk home though you lived about 10 minutes away.
With a tired sigh you aface planted onto your bed.
laying there as you felt your body sink into your cloud like mattress. Bzzt. Your phone buzzed altering you to a notification. Groaning you picked up your phone looking at it. Your displeased frown quickly lifted into a smile seeing who it was. Shouto was always one to text with proper grammar and spelling it was honestly kind of endearing.
IcyHot: "We are still on for tomorrow right? If we are what is your shoe size?"
You stared at the text for a moment before blinking the confusion away replying saying definitely and you shoe size before setting your phone down and pushing yourself off your bed. Taking off your uniform tossing into the laundry basket you head over to your closet throwing it open dramatically. Your eyes scan over the assortment of clothes hanging in front of you. You furrow your brows as the realization struck. You had absolutely no idea what you two were doing tomorrow all he said was the day was a surprise so you had no idea what to wear.
With a slightly frustrated sigh you pull out outfit after outfit trying them all on. In the end you tried on somewhere around 10 outfits total until you finally decided on a simple comfy jeans and t-shirt outfit. Setting them down neatly on your desk you put on pj pants and a tank top casually going downstairs to join your family for dinner. Dinner passed quickly everyone too tired to get into deep conversations. After absentmindedly helping clean up you went back up to your room jumping into your bed and looking up simple but cute hairstyles you could do. That lasted until about 11 when you decided to plug your phone in and curl up in your blankets slowly letting yourself drift off to sleep.
Your blissful sleep was very suddenly interrupted but your alarm going off signaling that it was 10 o'clock. With an annoyed groan you fling your covers off and swing your legs over the side of your bed standing up. You feel your bare feet stay flat against the flat area rug you have around your bed. You have 2 hours until Shouto gets to your house so you'll have to actually manage your time properly for once. You start the shower getting the water up to a comfortable temperature undressing as you wait for it to heat up. Testing it with your hand you feel the droplets hit your hand being good enough to step in fully. You shower quickly as your mind wanders to thoughts of your date today. After your shower you lightly blow dry your hair and brush your teeth heading out of the bathroom to put on the clothes you picked last night.
After you get dressed you do one more twirl in front of the mirror making sure you look good. You do! With a confident smile you brushed your teeth did your hair and put on a little casual makeup. You finish with just minutes to spare as you grab your phone and your purse. You head downstairs and get a drink of water as you wait dying to know what he planned.
It wasn't long until you heard the doorbell ring. With a deep calming breath you turned the handle opening the door to be face to face with Todoroki. Sneakily looking him up and down he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt but he still looked really nice. He also had a bag but you weren't sure why. You greeted him with a smile which he reciprocated.
"Wow you look great. Ready to go?" He asked you nonchalantly taking in your casual but cute outfit. You shut the door with a nod and let him lead the way. He wouldn't tell you he was nervous but he was.
"So shouto where are we going?" You asked him oh so curiously. You weren't entirely sure what to expect at all today but you trust him completely. He was always so calm and cool it was kind of intimidating at first until you realized how sweet and dorky he can be.
"I figured I'd take you out to eat; get some cold soba with you first." He said cooly stealing a glance at your face to see how you react. To his pleasure you smiled excitedly slightly wiggling with excitement. You stayed right by his side as you walked there in a comfortable silence. It wasn't long until you arrived to what you learned to be his favorite restaurant to get his cold soba.
You two were sat at a table for two near the back almost immediately. It was an elegant place but also had a casual comfortable atmosphere. You looked over the menu taking secret glances at your dates face, the way he seemed so focused on the menu was too cute for you not to smile at. After a few short minutes you both put your menus down knowing what you want all you had to do was wait for your waiter or waitress to come and take your orders. We talked casually laughing at lame jokes and just having an all around good time.
"And for his lovely girlfriend?" She said looking at you expectantly. You could feel your the heat rush to your face knowing fully well you were red as a tomato. You stuttered out your order as quickly as possible but the older woman was still able to catch it all sending you two a final smile before she turned and left. You turned your head back to face Shouto just to notice he was blushing too. You both quickly looked down at the table. It was so awkward yeah you two were on a date but you weren't really his girlfriend. It was weird the woman's kind words had made you so embarrassed even though they were kind of right. You heard a low chuckle from across the table suddenly.
"Ehhh? WHat's so funny Shouto?" You asked looking up at his pink dusted face. He has a gentle smile plastered on his face. It goes unfaltered as he looks at your red face.
"She isn't entirely wrong you know. She said what I assume is on everyone else's mind after all." He said his voice low and steady. You couldn't figure out what he meant by 'everyone else' until you looked around. Most of the people in the restaurant were either looking or taking sheepish glances at the two of you. Your brain froze for a moment as you hide your face in your hands earning another small chuckle from the attractive male in front of you. There were a number of reasons they could be looking. They could know who he is, they could think he's attractive, they could think you're attractive, they could think you two are a cute couple, or maybe they were questioning his scar. None of the thoughts made you feel any better.
You stayed with your hot face hidden until you felt a slightly calloused hand take hold of one of your own. You lifted your eyes to look at the culprit and you saw his heterochromatic eyes looking gently at you. With a quick squeeze of his hand you dropped your other hand onto the table and smiled at him both of you laughing softly. The nice woman brought your food and drinks and left with a small smile on her softly wrinkled face.
Finishing your food didn't take long you both ate in a comfortable happy silence aside from happy noises pertaining to the food. Even with the awkward moments you were having an amazing time with him. And the amazing food was just a cherry on top.
"Mmm! That was so good! Did you like yours too?" You asked your date excitedly and curiously. He responds with a simple yes and nod as he pulls the money out of his wallet. You argue trying to get him to let you help pay but he just says no and pays. You accept it with a huff in the end.
He pushes the door open walking outside holding the door open for you. With a smile and a thank you you walked past him slow enough so he could join your side after letting go of the door. You walked happily at his side enjoying the fresh air and the small conversations you two were having not paying attention to where he was taking you You felt his finger tips brush up against your hand softly a couple of times like a ghost you figured it was an accident. That was until you felt his calloused hand grab ahold of your softly almost as if he was nervous. Holding his hand you give him a reassuring squeeze and smile up at him. He shyly looked over at you and smiles softly seeing your smile.
It wasn't too long until you actually noticed that you were away from the city not too far but far enough that you were on a tranquil path in a then area of the woods. Looking up at his face again you could tell he knew exactly where you were going so you didn't vocalize your confusion. After walking for about 5 more minutes listening to the songs the birds were chirping you made it to a decent sized pond away from the view of prying eyes. Looking around is was serene and peaceful closed off from the bustling city streets.
"Shouto it's beautiful but.. why are we here?" You asked calmly as he let go of your hand putting his bag down and walking over to the pond.
"It is beautiful but you being here makes it gorgeous you know." He said his face growing pink glad you can't see it. He puts his right hand out causing a layer of ice to appear on the surface of the water; just think enough to hold the weight of two people but also keep the living creatures from dying.
Your confusion ever growing seeing the ice covered pond. Straightening himself he walks over to you opening his bag to hand you something. Ice skates.
"When you told me you'd never been ice skating before I thought of this place and thought it'd be perfect. My mom took me here as a child." He said softly looking out at the frozen pond suddenly pulled out of his memories by your arms snaking around him pulling him into a hug. He was frozen for a mere moment shocked by your sudden action before he hugged you back. The two of you walked closer to the new ice skating rink and put on the skates. It was much colder this close to the ice and he must have noticed because he grabbed a sweater out of the bag and put it on your shoulders. With a smile you put it on and tried standing up only to fall back down on your butt with an 'oomph'.
You heard him chuckle softly as he stood with much less difficulty and hold a hand out to you. Happily you took his hand and he carefully stood you up not letting go as you oh so ungracefully began to skate out the middle. One he showed you how to stand and do small movements without falling as much he backed up so you could try on your own.
"I can totally do this!" You cheered making small movements forward as you tried to make you way to him. You made it about two feet before losing your balance causing you to fall forward. Closing your eyes you waited for the cold impact that never came instead you felt a strong pair of arms catch you and pull you up. Once you were stable again you opened your eyes to see his face inches away. He was holding onto you your bodies pressed against each other his arms around your waist in a hug. Blushing your wrapped your arms around his neck giggling and thanking him. You noticed his smile has disappeared as he opened his mouth to say something.
"I-I had a really fun time with you today. I know I'm not the best with opening up to people but you stayed anyway so thank you. Would you officially be my girlfriend?" He asked stuttering slightly as he did when he first asked you on this date. You couldn't express your excitement with words none would come to your head except for two.
"Of course!" You Saïd happily closing your eyes. You closed the distance between your faces pressing your lips against his. It took a him second to realize what was going on before he started kissing back as you two turned into blushing messes. Happy blushing messes that is. 
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challengeanon · 3 months
i keep thinking about that one blogger on here who mentioned applying to 80+ jobs and still not getting a single callback
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challengeanon · 4 months
Bookshops and Baking
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Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader Summary - Forced onto a muggle trip with his family, Fred finds entertainment in your bookshop. He can’t help but thinking that maybe he likes you more than most muggles.  Warnings - Fred not undertstanding basic text speech, Mentions of alchol Words - 2.2k
A/n - Possible part two ??
Fred was never fond of the muggle world. It was all waiting. Waiting for them to turn on a light switch rather than casting the words of ‘Lumos’. He thought they lived in apathy without the ability to create pranks and joke boxes. To him, most of them went to an office and came back and that was their day. They went through education, settled down with the most practical partner, had kids they were learning to hate and then got buried in the ground. It was ever so simple yet ever so dull.
It wasn’t until his dad dragged him out on a muggle trip, that he met you, and his opinion started to change.
Mr Weasley had taken all the kids on a trip to a city in the North of the Country. The weather could only be described as damp and when it started raining, Fred split from the group. He hadn’t paid much attention to the building he entered, all he cared for was that it had a ceiling that would protect him from the rain. Wasn’t as if he could cast a spell to protect him; strictly no magic in front of muggles and strictly, by his dad’s rules, no magic on muggle trips. He liked to think his kids got the full muggle experience.
Fred opened the shop door, a ping sounded from above his head. At first, he was met with books. Many of them. Shelves of them. A library, he presumed. He barely visited them at Hogwarts, never mind a muggle library where you had to search for the very book you wanted rather than call it into your hands. But it was dry and that’s all he cared for.
“Hi!” A voice called. He turned, facing the till where you were standing, a customer service smile slapped onto your lips. “Welcome,” You grasped a tray from the side of you and offered it to Fred. “Take a brownie, browse, enjoy the plenty of books.” Your smile never faulted.
Keep reading
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challengeanon · 5 years
#what i really like about Helga are her proportions 
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#she’s thin but muscular and has some curves
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#but she’s also tall which is unusual for an animated woman 
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#and her eyes don’t take up half her face 
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#and she has broad shoulders which i like
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Thank you, creators of Atlantis.
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challengeanon · 5 years
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233K notes · View notes
challengeanon · 5 years
A dating service where matching is based on people’s search history exists. You’re a serial killer. You go on a date with a writer.
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challengeanon · 5 years
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Blame this guy named tony for this ok😭
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challengeanon · 6 years
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challengeanon · 6 years
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challengeanon · 6 years
saying you’re asexual isn’t cringy
saying you’re aromantic isn’t cringy
saying you’re demi/gray isn’t cringy
saying you’re sex repulsed isn’t cringy
saying you’re sex positive/neutral isn’t cringy
A-spec identities aren’t cringy
but having a blog dedicated to bullying people for their sexual/romantic orientation?
now That’s cringy
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challengeanon · 6 years
Hey, please stay safe
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challengeanon · 6 years
So I just remembered that Ochako actually liked Kirishima’s room.
New head canon they are workout bros along with Tetsutetsu.
They give each other training tips.
Swap healthy food recipes (ones with high protein mostly)
At the gym Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are her body guards and keep guys away who “want to help her workout” but they know it’s code for trying to cop a feel and they won’t have any of it on their watch.
Once Ochako started working out with them they both got new water bottles the say “respect women juice” just so the other guy know they won’t go with their gross behavior.
If a cute girl comes into the gym Tetsutetsu and Ochako start working out even more to impress her and Kiri’s just there like “if if did that eventime a cute guy walked in I’d be way too ripped.”
There motivational moto is “I’m gonna be so good at hugging!”
Ochako also starts saying bro more and gets bromotional (bro emotional) with her bros.
Just….Just imagine them three as bros, you won’t regret it.
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challengeanon · 6 years
remember when Mulan risked her life and her family’s honor to save her dad and ended up saving all of China from the Huns but Anna and Elsa are considered Disney’s feminist icons
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challengeanon · 6 years
Oh my god.
You guys. This picture book that just came in.
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It’s an adorable story about a little “narwhal,” living with a narwhal family under the sea, but take a closer look.
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Over the following pages, Kelp struggles to fit in. Kelp is different in so many ways; nothing ever feels fully right. Eventually, by pure chance, Kelp happens to get blown off by a stray ocean current and winds up on the ocean surface, where a remarkable discovery is made. 
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Um. Wow.
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And despite their nervousness…
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Hurray! And then the question:
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I’m dead. This book killed me. So much perfectness was never to be survived. Kelp, I love you.
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(And you, too.)
And yes, I realize that it could just be a lovely story about a narwhal, not a metaphor for anything bigger, but isn’t that the beauty of all the best sorts of books?
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challengeanon · 6 years
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