cineminecraft · 1 month
Small question
Hey everyone, or anyone that still remembers me. I haven't used this site in what feels like forever, I've gone a different route and stepped away from Minecraft as I got older and didn't get the same enjoyment anymore out of it. I'm now doing other stuff on other social media, I've crawled back to this site to just ask a simple question, is the algorithm on here as shit as all the other ones? I'm thinking of maybe using this account again for my new projects if anyone here would be down to see what I do now. But seriously what does it take to get like more than 100 views and 2 likes on your posts? Is social media everywhere just this bad or what? Gonna put a poll here for anyone that cares, and the work I do now is retextures for VRchat avatars, specifically furry ones.
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cineminecraft · 5 years
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Hey guys, it’s been quite a long time. Nothing much has happened on my tumblr for the longest time so I thought I’d give you all a little treat. 
As you may have seen on twitter and other sites such as Chillblast. There’s a lot of hype going on about raytracing having been implemented in Minecraft. Well it’s true! Sort of... The developer of SEUS called Cody Darr managed to outdo himself once again and gave us the closest thing to having full raytracing in Minecraft. His latest dev on Patreon named PTGI E5 looks something like the above. And it’s really freakin’ beautiful how the lighting looks now. It’s so bloody realistic. You just have to look for yourself. But in case you want a little tast of what it looks like, the above images are my Shadow of Israphel map using SEUS PTGI E5. Enjoy!
If you want to support Cody: https://www.patreon.com/sonicether
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cineminecraft · 6 years
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Hey everyone!
Oh god it’s been so long again since I wrote a blog post. Time flies by like crazy. For any of you who are still here and checking on my blog. Love you guys! To all the porn bots that follow me, good riddance! :p Now I might have some cool stuff to show off soon-ish. Some of the stuff probably not minecraft related but oh well. If my blog is dying as much as it is then I might as well try some new subjects no? :) But until any of that can be revealed here are some more awesome images I made when I had a some free time, nothing is built by me in these images so if you want a source to download just pm me.
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cineminecraft · 6 years
Ive been away for some time and see you arent working on any projects, does this mean that the YogLabs world is available for download, even tho its unfinished?
Nope. See the post below :)
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cineminecraft · 6 years
Since your not working on your projects can you release them?
I’m sorry but I won’t be releasing them unless they’re finished. I don’t know if I might ever come back to this project and honestly I still work on it sometimes. If only a little bit. So one day perhaps :)
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cineminecraft · 6 years
Your pack is gorgeous!!!
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My old Minecraft texture pack! I just tried playing with it for the first time in… probably 3 years and it still works (mostly!). So I decided I might as well put it up for download. It’s far from complete, but what’s there still looks decent. 
Here’s the download link:
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cineminecraft · 6 years
Hey guys
this post is going to be a little different, I know I haven’t posted in a long while but recently I’m getting a little bit back into minecraft.
Now here’s the thing (and I don’t want to look like I’m trying to be greedy) but I made a Fiverr account where I’ll build you anything for a few bucks. I’m currently still going to school and I’ve been trying all summer to find some kind of holiday job, I went to interims and called a lot. But none of them would have me. So I’m just asking if you could spare a couple bucks, I’ll put a lot of effort and love in each build for you guys. <3
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cineminecraft · 6 years
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Post (2/2)
I also took some top down shots to just show the sheer scale of the SoI map. It’s really awesome seeing it like this in-game! Imagine if hardware and shaders get so optimized that I could film a cinematic at this distance and on this scale? :o
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cineminecraft · 6 years
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Post (1/2)
Hey guys, long time no see! This awesome new shader just released called Continuum 2.0 and I thought I’d strain my system with it. So it’s very much better than the older shaders, since this is taken with a x512 resourcepack at 64 render distance. And I still had about 5 fps over before my pc exploded. ^_^ So enjoy! And see how many landmarks you can spot in the world of SoI. :)
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cineminecraft · 6 years
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I got the textures in now too. :)
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cineminecraft · 6 years
Will you ever release your yoglabs map?
I’m sorry but no I will not release it, nor ever finish it. I’m currently in college so my time is very limited and I consider my hobby as a minecraft builder to be pretty much over at this point. VRchat has set my creative spirit on fire again and I want to bring this map into the game so you can all walk around in it for as far as I’ve finished it. So in a sense you can see this as a sort of release from me. That is if all goes well and I can actually make this map playable
Earlier today I did a test upload and while it worked. I only had 30fps on my beast of a computer haha. I think this might be the biggest map to date on that game. I’ll definitely keep updating progress as the map evolves in VRchat.
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cineminecraft · 6 years
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You’ve heard of Yoglabs in minecraft...
Now get ready for... YOGLABS IN VRCHAT
This is a work in progress, I have no idea what I’m doing at this point so idk if this map will ever be public...first up is getting the correct textures in and then adding collision so you can actually walk around.
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cineminecraft · 8 years
Streaming Rocket League
Hi, I will be streaming Rocket League in a couple of minutes. Feel free to join me. :)
https://www.twitch.tv/cineminecraft https://www.twitch.tv/cineminecraft https://www.twitch.tv/cineminecraft
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cineminecraft · 8 years
Hey guys
This time I’m not going to be coming back, I’m closing this blog forever. It was fun but I can’t continue working on any of my projects anymore. I just can’t, please don’t ask me why since it’s a private reason. Anyway, this is the end of Cineminecraft. I will also be closing my youtube channel. Both my channel and blog will remain up, but I will never post on them again. Goodbye
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cineminecraft · 8 years
Ok, thanks for that info!
No problem! :)
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cineminecraft · 8 years
Can you release your unfinished Yoglabs remake if you decide not to continue it?
If I decide to not continue it AT ALL. I will release it for you guys. :) But currently it’s just on hiatus and I do plan to finish it. But right now not much is certain for the future of my yoglabs remake.
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cineminecraft · 8 years
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Here are some more pics of the parallax and specular maps. :)
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