corbasm2 · 8 hours
I like to imagine that the reason why Archduke Ferdinand's assassination was such a weird series of events is because the universe is essentially an ethereal game of D&D where all the major players get terrible rolls and can't accept defeat
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corbasm2 · 1 day
match my donation: $10 to mahmoud helles to help his wife and children leave gaza
this campaign currently has €2,122 out of €15,000 as of the time I post
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corbasm2 · 2 days
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Palestinian father Fadi Al-Sharif is trying to help his family escape from Gaza.
They're raising $62,500 to evacuate 11 people. This includes Fadi's 9-month old baby, his parents, and his wife.
Today, they are almost halfway to their goal.
Let's get them all the way.
Will you help?
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corbasm2 · 2 days
The Lemkin Institute for Genocide has released a statement saying that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and the United States is complicit. The statement was released in the aftermath of the horrific attack on a refugee camp in Rafah
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In April, Lemkin also issued a genocide alert for the West Bank
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corbasm2 · 2 days
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corbasm2 · 2 days
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corbasm2 · 2 days
slots unlimited for the time being!!
donate only $5+ to any of the gofundmes on the sites below or purchase an eSim and you can get a nice little drawing from me! DM me proof of payment and your request (with ref pictures + description) and i'll draw your favourite characters, OCs, ships, etc
here ↓↓↓
Gaza Funds
Operation Olive Branch
eSims for Gaza
any donated amount of $5+ will essentially get you a rough sketch of 1-3 full body characters + flat background, unless otherwise requested
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more details + examples below
as your donated amount increases, you'll get a nicer drawing basically, number of characters allowed is unaffected (you can donate any amount and i will still draw you max 3 characters in a piece)
$5 - $15 -> colourless sketch or a single flat tone for the character's silhouette, see venti post below
$15 - $30 -> sketch with flat local colours, see second image
$30 - $45 -> full colours + simple shading , see third image below or image above the cut
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with donations of $45+, i'll also take requests for character art with simple background elements, a more painty style, or you can request a similar look to one of my previous posts (here or here for transformers specific stuff)
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open to drawing humans, mechs, furries, creatures, just ask me if you're unsure! just make sure you are able to provide clear photo references or at least very close picrews, i will not design characters for these commissions.
if a request is something i'm not comfortable with drawing, i'll kindly ask you to switch it for something else, no big deal :) i won't take requests with explicit gore/NSFW content, but i will take suggestive/pinup type for $50+ donations if anyone so desires
wink wink nudge nudge if you like what you see above, i encourage you to take this chance to get art of your fav little guys while also helping people :) winwin
thanks for reading!! if you don't want art from me then please still donate if possible and share this post! or like.you can still show me your proof of payment and i'll just say nice things to you for free how's that
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corbasm2 · 4 days
verified ways to send aid to gaza directly
Help a Palestinian family directly:
gazafunds.com - Donate directly to a Palestinian family in urgent need of evacuation, medical attention, food, rebuilding homes/businesses etc. (Spotlights 1 verified gfm at a time so if you don't know who/where to donate to just go here and donate to the one they show you!)
Help provide tents (urgent):
The Sameer Project: Currently providing tents for displaced families in Gaza (emergency bc tents in Rafah are being burned as we speak) (paypal) (gfm)
Food, cash & essentials:
Care for Gaza: Working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash, medicine & other essentials to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Direct Aid for Gaza: also working on the ground in Gaza to distribute food, cash & other daily essential suppliess to displaced families. (paypal) (gfm)
Gaza Municipality's water project: The official Municipality of Gaza needs help rebuilding the water infrastructure in Gaza City to restore access to clean water and waste management services for the people of Gaza. (This campaign only has a couple of weeks left but it's still only at 15%!)
eSIMs (urgent):
guide to buy & send esims for gaza
crips for esims for gaza: If you don't know how to buy esims or don't have the capacity to manage them (e.g. topping up regularly), this team of volunteers are collecting funds to buy & manage gaza esims regularly
Medical Aid
Palestine Red Crescent Society: Provides emergency medical and ambulance services and humanitarian relief on the ground in Gaza e.g. rescuing and treating the wounded.
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corbasm2 · 4 days
STOP. DON'T SCROLL. READ THIS TO SAVE LIVES IN GAZA. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support Gazans. These people have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. Donate and share widely.
(may 27th)
Save a displaced Gazan Family (@ranibra) - Rania is married with five children, her husband needs medical care. She is now responsible to save her children. Help them evacuate.
Support Fahmi and his family (@fahmiakkila) - Fahmi's life has been turned completely upside down, and he now finds himself responsible to save his parents, sisters, & brothers - 7 members.
Save the Maliha family (@dinamaliha) - Dina wants to save her mother, two sisters, and three brothers. The family lost contact with their father when the genocide started. They desperately need to get to Egypt.
Save Firas' family (@firassalemnewacccount @prosolitudeeee) - Firas is a father of two children, a 10-month-old boy and a two-year-old girl, who are in need of safe haven in Egypt.
Help Husam and his family (@husamthaher) - Husam desperately needs to save himself, his wife, and 3 young children.
Help Nader's family to evacuate from Gaza (@nadershoshaa) - Nader and his family, consisting of six members, are currently displaced in the south; help them evacuate and survive.
The Shamaly family wants to survive (@daee571989) - Help save 15 kids and their family, who are living a horrifying active genocide.
Ahmd needs urgent evacuation (@ahmd-iyd) - Ahmd has lost his livelihood to this genocide, and needs funds to help his family evacuate and rebuild their life.
Help evacuate Hani's family (@skatehani) - A dear friend, and a Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family; he has lost his father to injustice.
Help Iman’s family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
Help save Youssef's family (@bba3lo @mahmoud7878) - Ahmed Baalousha wants to save his wife, his two sons, his daughter, as well as his parents and siblings.
Support Ruba and Amal's family's urgent evacuation (@rubashaban @amalshabn) - Ruba and Amal's family are lacking the basic necessities of life; they have an elderly father who desperately needs to be evacuated for medical care.
Save little Yusuf and his family (@ahmednabubake) - Yusuf is in an intensive care unit fighting for his life in Gaza; he needs urgent evacuation alongside his family.
Help Omar evacuate (@omarsobhi) - Omar is a 20 year old Palestinian student who wants to save himself and his family from this genocide.
Help Belal and his family to evacuate from Gaza (@alaajshaat) - Belal has lost too much to this war and needs to support himself and his family.
Do not scroll past this list without contributing. This list makes it easy for you to find a fundraiser to support. Choose at least one. Your contribution will save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.
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corbasm2 · 4 days
tagged by: @whyispaflsoaddicting
fav character: Nikita
fav song: Comfort Zone
fav bg: Tsar
fav line in a song: But the wiser you knows better, but the wiser you is (free)
fav sibling: Yura
Tagged by: uhh no one
Favorite Character: SANYAAA <3333
Favorite Song: 100 Epitaphs
Favorite Bg character: Yana
Favorite Line in a song: "You spin the barrel of a fully loaded gun"
Favorite Sibling: Yura
tagging: @whyispaflsoaddicting @i-like-vocaloid-a-normal-amount @mixedupmysteries @reiayanamiisbestgirl @soediz @nancysacc @tarot-the-silly-one
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corbasm2 · 7 days
Don’t use betterhelp. Not only do they, again, sell private health information, but their therapists aren’t qualified or trained or supervised. Betterhelp is NOT better than no therapy and any therapist who says otherwise is a fucking hack
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corbasm2 · 7 days
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corbasm2 · 7 days
Help a struggling unemployed job searching transgirl make rent
Hi I know my donation posts have made rounds and been seen and its probably exhausting. I am at the end of my rope. My partner and I are struggling to gain any work, I have been applying nonstop, I have looked into and have begun the steps to go to the local college not for degrees but certificates and job training to try and help me get a job. I have lived on indeed since losing my job unexpectedly in January of this year. Last year saw us being thrown into turmoil as my partners father passed and we lost the only support system we had. I am physically limited from certain jobs (I have had 2 back injuries and knee problems so warehousing is no longer an option for me and thats the majority of work for my area) I'm asking for support only as long as I remain unemployed, I send upwards of 10-15 applications a day at this point and most are ghosted. I havent given up trying but its incredibly hard (I am not saying im trans im not even getting to interviews im closeting myself and deadnaming its not enough)
Rent is $1080, I have raised $105 as of 5/24/2024, I need Rent by June 3rd, 2024 at the latest. Anything helps and shares mean a ton. Thank you for reading and for any and all help <3
$105/1080 5-24-2-24
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corbasm2 · 8 days
if i were in charge of star wars i would end the last movie witth yoda reading the story out of a big book and he gives a little chuckle and says "happened, none of that did." and then he gets out of his truck and waddles into walmart
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corbasm2 · 9 days
tagged by: @whyispaflsoaddicting
favorite color: green
currently (re)reading: Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
last series: Watchmen (2019)
last movie: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
last song: "Getting Up and Leaving" by Weezer
currently working on: my webcomic @vagrant-comic
tagging: i have no friends :(
tag game!! V●ᴥ●V
tagged by @nobodysugly
tag 9 people sheeeesh
CURRENTLY READING: nothing because I'm illiterate (ᵔᴥᵔ)
LAST SONG: semi-automatic by twenty one pilots!
LAST SERIES: final space!!!!
LAST MOVIE: baby driver~~~
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: studying math and a papercraft King dedede hammer!
@unyanizedcatboys @hxneyboy @bogpaws @hksodapop @neo-cult-ure @liesminelli @beeboysupreme @transdelgado @lukewarmsunshine
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corbasm2 · 10 days
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Huh, Israeli ultranationalists making false statements about rape for political points?
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corbasm2 · 10 days
showed my dad an episode of Evangelion and he so was so bored he started scrolling reddit on his phone lmao
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