cowardly-spaghetti · 2 years
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It felt like all the words we never said were spoken in the squeeze of a wrist or the gentle pinch of a fingertip. There isn’t a single other person out there who could understand the linguistics in which we touched.
Love forever and always, pumpkin. 💛🌻🌝🌙💛
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cowardly-spaghetti · 2 years
I have a love hate relationship with the rain. When it is loud and thunderous I drown it out with music, I don’t like to be reminded of my dads explosive anger and all the ways it was directed at me. I was just a kid who didn’t deserve to be a punching bag for a grown man.
But when the rain comes down softly making the grass greener, and it blankets the town in coldness I get stuck day dreaming. I’m trapped in my head, over you. All the ways you carefully put back together someone you didn’t know was broken. Soft touches and forehead kisses healed me more then you’ll ever know.
I have a love hate relationship with the rain. When it’s loud I’m reminded of the home I was born to and when it softly soaks the earth I’m reminded of the home I built in you.
Love forever and always, pumpkin. 🌞🌘💛🌻
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cowardly-spaghetti · 2 years
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I still don’t know if you ever wanted our friendship to be something more the way I did.
So if by some chance you stumble upon this which is highly unlikely because you’ve never had a tumblr. Just know that I meant it when we said forever and always. Love, pumpkin. 🌞🌘💛🌻
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