cxplqnce · 2 years
I'm rewatching flash season 1 and omg the date on the newspaper is 2024 and for them that's a whole decade away but 2024 is only two years away from now omg well I guess it's time for an existential crisis
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cxplqnce · 3 years
anyone got any requests? i feel the need to write something :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Jason Todd - Come Back
I’m back! Sorry I haven’t written anything in a while, I’ve been in kind of a rut - anyway, I hope you enjoy this little blurb for Jason Todd from Titans! I listened to “Close as Strangers” by 5SOS while writing this - you should go listen to it, it’s a great song!
Word Count: 415
Warnings: Spoilers for episodes 1-3 of Titans Season 3, also a bit of swearing.
You couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t fucking believe it.
You knew some bad shit had happened to Jason and that he had been hurting people as the Red Hood but you didn’t think he’d go as far as to kill Hank. You watched as Dawn broke down in Dick’s arms and you heard the explosion in your coms. You weren’t just upset; you were royally pissed off at the piece of shit you called your ex-boyfriend.
In the midst of the chaos, Jason slipped out of the warehouse. You caught sight of him leaving and jumped down from your position in between the bars. After following him out of the warehouse, you used your abilities to conjure up a lasso from pure energy – throwing it to wrap around Jason’s ankles and knock him over. As he tried to get up, you grabbed him and punched him in the face. You punched and punched until you were crying and his nose was dripping red.
“H-how could you?” You choked out, moving off of him and sitting on the ground beside him. “This isn’t you, Jay!”
“I had to, alright. He deserved it.” Jason defended, pulling himself up off the ground. “They all do.”
A scoff left your lips as you stood to face him, tears dripping off the end of your nose and chin. “You are disgusting.” You spat before wrapping your arms around your head and sobbing, “You are the worst excuse for a fucking human that I’ve ever met! God, I can’t believe I ever dated you!” You paused, looking straight in his eyes – that had started to gloss over with tears – you took a deep breath before whispering, “I hate you.”
You took a few steps back, letting out a sigh. “You can run away again, Jason, or you can come with me and face your mistakes. It’s up to you.”
“I know you want me to say ‘sorry’ and play happy families with the Titans again, but it’s not going to fucking happen, Y/N! This is who I am now, I’m Red Hood.” Jason yelled, more to convince himself than you. “I’m Red fucking Hood.”
You nodded, before moving further away from him, “Okay, Red Hood, I hope you figure out whatever shit you’re going through and I hope you realise the kind of asshole you’re being and I really fucking hope you never come back to the Titans.” You snapped before turning around and walking away, leaving Jason Todd standing alone.
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Deke Shaw - Nothing Stopping You
Requested by Anon: After a year apart, Deke is brought back to SHIELD, causing the dormant feelings you felt for him to resurface.
Thank you so much for the request! Hope you like it!
Word Count: 830
“Mack!” You called down the hallway as you ran up to the director, trying to get his attention. “How is he?” You asked as you caught up to him.
Mack sighed, “He’s in surgery; he’ll be okay.” He replied, referring to Deke – who he had just rescued from fake Coulson.
You nodded, “And you? You good, boss?”
“I’m okay, yeah. Why?” You scoffed, slapping his arm. Mack’s face contorted as he grabbed his arm, “What was that for?”
“How could you not tell me that you were going to see him, or maybe how you were bringing him back here?” You yelled, thankfully no agents were around to see your outburst of emotion over Deke, your close friend – although you secretly hoped for more. You didn’t really like him when you first met him but after he accidently appeared in your time, you had grown to like him and eventually love him but he left before you had a chance to confess how you felt.
Mack sighed, “I didn’t you to be unfocused.”
“Like you with Yo-yo.” You replied, crossing your arms over your chest. Mack gave you a look, prompting you to put your hands up in surrender, “Just, a little warning would be nice.”
You had tried your very best to avoid Deke from that point on, you didn’t really want to run into him and get all flustered and you were still trying to figure out how you felt and what you wanted to say to him. You weren’t sure whether or not you actually wanted to tell him how you felt because you didn’t think he felt the same.
“Y/N!” You heard as you wandered the halls of the Lighthouse. You took a look behind you and saw Deke, healed from his injuries, jogging towards you so you put on a fake smile and turned around. “Hey, I haven’t seen you since I’ve been back… or, you know, since I left.”
You nodded, “Yeah, Mack tells me you’re like a tech billionaire now. That’s interesting.”
A wide smile appeared on his face as he continued to wave his arms around, “Yeah, it is interesting, isn’t it? You know I was actually working on this new piece of tech tha-”
“Deke.” You interrupted, smiling slightly, “That’s great and everything but I have work to do, so I’m gonna have to go now… so, yeah.” You trailed off, leaving him standing in the middle of the hallway, as you turned the corner.
“That was harsh.” Daisy commented, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin, clutching your heart with your hand as you calmed down.
“Seriously, Dais? You almost gave me a heart attack!” You exclaimed, leaning on the wall opposite Daisy, “What did you mean, ‘harsh’? Were you listening to my conversation with Deke.”
Daisy chuckled, “Of course I was; watching you guys dance around each other is the most entertainment I’ll get in this base.” Your brows furrowed as you adjusted your position, “You like him, he likes you but neither of you will say anything. It’s entertaining but kind of sad.”
“Thanks.” You said, sarcastically, before going back to her previous point. “You think he likes me back?”
“I know he does.
You heard yourself knocking on Deke’s door before your felt yourself doing it. You heard Deke rustling around and moving towards the door. No going back now.
“Hey, Y/N. You need something?” Deke asked after opening the door to his very messy room.
You took a deep breath, “Can we talk?” Deke nodded in reply, pulling the door open enough to let you in before closing it behind you both. You made room on his couch to sit down, Deke following your movements.
“What did you want to talk about?” He asked, turning to face you.
“I wanted to tell you before you left last year but I chickened out but then I had a talk with Daisy and I guess I decided to actually do it but now I’m kind of unsure on whether I should actually say it.” You rambled, pulling at your sleeves, not daring to make eye contact with him. “I really like you, Deke… As more than a friend.” You uttered, turning your face to look at him and just now realising how close you were.
Deke wasn’t sure what to say. The girl he had been in love with for a year and a half was finally admitting that she felt the same way. “I like you to… like that, I mean, more than a friend. Like, I really want to kiss you right now.”
“There’s nothing stopping you.” You whispered, leaning closer to him and pressing your lips against his. The kiss was short and sweet and soft. It felt like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together at long last. When you finally came up for air, your faces both displayed big dorky grins and you knew you had found your person.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Isaac Lahey - Deja Vu
Based on ‘Deja Vu’ by Olivia Rodrigo.
I got a few requests to do a sequel to Good Stuff, so I thought I’d write one, even though this can be read as a standalone. hope you like it!
Word Count: 1,196
Sequel to ‘Isaac Lahey - Good Stuff’.
Car rides to Malibu
Strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two
And trading jackets, laughing 'bout how small it looks on you,
Isaac looked happy when you saw him. He looked happy with his hand intertwined with Allison’s as they walked down the school hall. And it killed you. You were still so in love with him, remembering all the happy memories like; the car rides you used to take when you would sing along to the radio or just talk. When you would go and get ice-cream and he would offer you his jacket when you were cold, claiming that ‘werewolves don’t get cold’.
You wondered if he did any of those things with Allison.
Watching reruns of Glee, being annoying
Singing in harmony, I bet she's bragging
To all her friends, saying you're so unique,
You heard Allison talking to Lydia about her newly-formed relationship with Isaac. You heard her mention some of the things that you used to do with him that he had reused. It made your blood boil – knowing that he was sharing things with her that used to be yours. You hated that they were creating memories that you already had. Memories that made you smile then want to cry almost immediately afterward.
“He took me on a car ride to get ice-cream, basic stuff really but it was so cute! We just sang to the radio the whole way there and back and talked about the stupidest stuff.” Allison told Lydia, the pitch in her voice getting higher as she spoke fondly.
You wanted to run up to her and tell her that you had that exact same memory from six months ago.
So when you gonna tell her that we did that too?
She thinks it's special but it's all reused
That was our place, I found it first
I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you
As soon as you heard Allison mention a specific place Isaac had taken her to, you stalked away from the girls, looking all around the school until you found Isaac talking to Scott and Stiles.
“Are you kidding me?” You snapped at him, prompting Stiles to stifle a chuckle at Isaac’s facial expression, only for him to be dragged away by Scott. “You took her to our place… My place?” You fumed. That place was special for you, it was where you used to go to cry or think and when you became close to Isaac you took him there. He was the only person you had ever taken there and the fact that he had shared that with someone else hurt like hell.
“It’s none of your business where I take my girlfriend.” Isaac argued, trying to walk away from the conversation but you stopped him.
You grabbed his arm and looked him directly in the eye, “It is when that place is mine.”
I'll bet that she knows Billy Joel ‘cause you played her Uptown Girl,
You're singing it together now I bet you even tell her,
How you love her in between the chorus and the verse,
You sat in the cafeteria pushing your food around your plate with your fork. You had tried to eat something but you just couldn’t. All you wanted was to go to your place and cry it out but it was tainted now, it wasn’t yours anymore. It was theirs.
“Y/N?” You heard from behind you. You turned around in your chair to see Allison, staring down at you with a guilty look crossing her features, “Can I sit?”
Hesitantly, you nodded, motioning for her to take the seat across from you, “Sure. What’s up?” You asked, trying not to sound too horrible.
“I wanted to apologise. I heard about your argument with Isaac, that he took me to your place. I had no idea that it was important to you or that you even showed it to him. He told me he just found it one day.” She explained. You were a little surprised; you hadn’t expected her to react like this. You half-thought she would yell at you for screaming at her boyfriend. “I’ve told him not to take me there anymore. I just wanted you to know. I’m sorry again.” She finished before leaving the table.
Hearing what Allison had told you made you angrier at Isaac but it also took away any negative feelings you had towards her.
Strawberry ice cream in Malibu
Don't act like we didn't do that shit too
You're trading jackets like we used to do
(Yeah, everything is all reused)
After thinking about the reasons you were angry with Isaac, you came to a certain conclusion. You weren’t actually angry at him. You were angry at yourself, at the situation you were in. It wasn’t his entire fault, it wasn’t yours, or Allison’s. It just so happened that the situation you were in, sucked.
You also figured out how to deal with it, how to make it better and how to get past all of the bad feelings you felt.
Play her piano, but she doesn't know (oh, oh)
That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel (oh)
A different girl now, but there's nothing new
“Why did you want me to meet you here?” Isaac asked as he approached you. You were sat on a bench at your place, staring at the view, when you turned to face him.
Patting the seat gently, you motioned for him to join you, “I really hated you, you know.” You started, as he sat down.
“That’s good to hear.” Isaac joked. “Was that it?”
You sighed, taking a deep breath. “I hated you because I wanted us to work so badly, but we didn’t and when we ended, all I could think of was the good memories - the memories that you’re now making with Allison.” You paused for a second, shoving your hands in your jacket pockets to keep them warm, “We never would’ve worked though, cause of all the bad stuff between us.”
“There was a lot of it, wasn’t there?” He added, gently nudging your shoulder.
“Yeah,” You mumbled, before you nudged him back and took another deep breath, “I still have feelings for you, Isaac… But I know that they don’t mean anything anymore. I’ll get over it eventually and all of this will be a bad memory. So, I’m going to hang onto the good stuff. No bad stuff, no hard feelings.”
Isaac smiled at your comment, “Me too.”
“Allison’s good for you, by the way.” You mentioned, before standing up from your seat, “Don’t screw it up.”
You started to walk away, leaving all the bad stuff in the past, “I won’t.” Isaac called before you disappeared from view.
I know you get déjà vu
I know you get déjà vu
As you walked through the halls of Beacon Hills High a few weeks after your heart-to-heart with Isaac, you saw him with her – holding hands and looking happy. And for the first time in a while, you weren’t sad, or angry, or disappointed.
You just felt a little sense of déjà vu.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Deke Shaw - 4am
Requested by @achromaticerebus: would you be able to write a fluffy imagine where the reader is a shield agent and suffers nightmares/sleep paralysis and Deke notices this and tries to help her?
Thank you so much for the request! Hope you like it! :)
Word Count: 685
The air was cold as your feet moved one in front of the other through the crash site. You pulled your gun out of your belt and turned slightly, shooting the guys behind you. You got one but there were still a few left chasing you as you dodged their fire.
You felt a heat in your shoulder as you tripped over your own feet and stumbled to the floor, clutching at the wound you had gained. One of the men had shot you. You pulled your hand away and saw the blood dripping down to your wrist and onto your shirt.
You pulled yourself up and leant against a cracked brick wall, trying your best to stay awake before you saw one of the men who had been chasing you. He walked over to you, muttering something in a language you didn’t understand before cocking his gun and pointing it straight at you.
Your eyes shot open and your body jolted upwards as you tried to slow your breathing. Your hand steadily made its way to your shoulder and ran over the scar that sat there. You had remembered an old mission, straight after; someone had shot the guy and saved you but you had blacked out before you got to the plane.
Turning to your side, you saw that Deke was still sleeping peacefully next to you. You caught the time on the clock by his head, 3.04am, it read. You yawned and slowly got out of bed, making sure not to wake your sleeping boyfriend.
You grabbed a change of clothes and made your way to the training room where you changed before setting up one of the punching bags. Hitting things was your way of coping with everything. Nobody on the team really knew about your nightmares, why would they? You didn’t talk about them or anything personal, really, with anyone, until Deke.
After he had accidently made his way back to the past, you were always left as babysitter by Daisy or Coulson so you got to know him and realised you really liked what you knew. You had asked him out after a few weeks and he had agreed. Although you couldn’t exactly go on a proper date, he was perfectly happy with your idea of watching a movie and eating as much junk food as you could.
As you continued to think about Deke, the memory of your nightmare came sneaking back into your mind and you hit the bag a little harder than you wanted, breaking the seam and causing sand to spill on the floor.
“Shit.” You remarked, pulling your gloves off.
“Need help with that?” You heard from behind you. As you turned around you saw Deke leaning against the doorframe, he stood in some tartan pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt you had stolen from your brother, considering he didn’t really have any clothes of his own. His hair was all messy and he had a concerned look on his face as he uncrossed his arms, shoving his hands in his pockets before making his way over to you, “Why are you awake at almost four in the morning?”
You sighed, “Could ask you the same.”
“I woke up and you weren’t there.” He replied, resting his hands on your shoulders. “Talk to me.”
“I had a nightmare.” You mumbled, looking down at the floor. Deke was taken aback a little, he didn’t think someone as tough as you would be afraid of anything enough to have nightmares.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asked. You shook your head; you didn’t want to relive it again. Deke pressed his lips together, pulling you into his chest for a hug which you gladly accepted, your eyes glazing over as one tear dropped onto his shoulder. “You can talk to me, come to me. You know that, right?”
You smiled a little as you replied, “I do. I love you, Deke.”
“I love you too.”
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Isaac Lahey - Good Stuff
Word Count: 1,175
Based on the song Good Stuff by Griff
Part II - Deja Vu
Take it back to the start
No, I can't tell you apart
When we lost one another
That's when I rediscovered
Your relationship with Isaac was perfect. It was unbelievable. You thought that it would last forever, that it would always be this way. You had some amazing times; beautiful dates and so many happy and wonderful memories that you never thought it would end, especially in the way it did.
It started on a simple Thursday morning, you were about to head off to school when you got a call saying that your aunt had been in an accident. You quickly rushed to the hospital to find out that she would be okay after she had surgery, you hadn’t even thought about calling the school or your friends to let them know you wouldn’t be there.
Once you decided to leave the hospital it was dark out and your phone had died so you walked home alone to find Isaac sat outside of your house.
My memories in the clouds
But no feet on the ground
'Cause I know I should forget you
Why can't I just regret you?
He wasn’t happy. “I thought something horrible had happened!” He yelled, “God, how could you be so careless?”
You were taken aback; you had never seen him so angry and upset. You were about to interject but he continued to rant. “You couldn’t have shot me a quick text or something? Where even were you? You do know there is a group of dangerous Alpha’s out there who want us all dead, right? And you walked home alone? How stupid are you?”
Isaac continued to rant as you listened and hung onto his every word. He wouldn’t let you get a word in edgeways and you were getting angrier by the second. Your blood boiled as he continued to yell at you on your front porch. You noticed some of your neighbours watching and that’s where you drew the line. You pushed past him and unlocked your door, marching inside your house.
Isaac went silent as he followed you but you grabbed the door to shut it before he could enter. He sighed, realising his mistake, “I’m sorry, Y/N, really. I was just worried about you!” He defended holding the door open with his foot as you tried your best to close it on him.
“I’m sorry I don’t understand that because apparently I’m too stupid to.” You retorted, pushing him backwards to try and close the door but to no avail as he grabbed the edge with his hand.
“Y/N, please, I’m sorry I just don’t want to lose you too.” He pleaded.
The words he had yelled at you ran through your mind; they were all you could think about so you did what you never thought you would, “Get out, Isaac. I don’t want to see you again… This… This is over. It’s done.” You said, holding back tears.
“Y/N, don’t do this.” He begged, still holding the door.
You scoffed, “No. This isn’t the first time you’ve yelled at me like this… This isn’t the first fight we’ve had over this, not the second, not even the fifth… Just go!” You yelled, finally closing the door on him as his arms dropped to his sides. You stood with you back to the door listening as Isaac started to cry before walking to his car.
Oh, I try to rewind
Every scene in my mind
And for you, I've got tunnel vision
And I've blocked out every collision
During the first few days, anger was all that you felt. You were angry at Isaac for starting that stupid fight. You were angry at yourself for not just texting him. You were angry at the world for being so dangerous that he worried about you like that.
Then, you got sad.
It happened after a week alone; all you could think about was all the happy memories. You tried to think about the break-up or any of your other fights to make it seem like it was the right decision but the scenes that played in your mind were good.
Your first kiss after his first full moon that you helped him get through, your first date to the planetarium, the first time you told him you loved him. Everything was just good.
And in another life, yeah
Do me a favour and try
To leave me broken and bitter
So moving on's a little quicker
It had been just over a month and you still weren’t over him. You were still completely in love with him and you hated it. He had been nothing but sweet and understanding of your boundaries. He had given you space and left you alone like you had asked and Scott had told you that all Isaac did was ask about you and how you were doing.
We were fighting fires every night when you met me
And it's not fair at all
So after everything
You hated that you had broken it off but you knew it was for the best. For the last few months of your relationship, you’d been fighting almost every night and you knew you couldn’t fight anymore. But it still hurt knowing you were so perfect for each other.
You had noticed that he had started to spend more and more time with Allison and obviously you were jealous even though Scott had told you there as nothing going on.
Let me ask you why
I wonder if you're going through the same
As I tonight
You wondered if he felt the same as you, if he only thought of the good stuff like you. You wondered if he was moving on with Allison; you wouldn’t stop him or anything but you knew that if he did you would hate it.
You would pass him in the halls sometimes and you’d see him at pack meetings but you overall tried your best to avoid him. You thought it would be easier that way for the both of you but your love for him didn’t hinder.
Why'd you leave me with the good stuff, babe
And forget about the mess we made?
Oh, I wish that my mouth didn't smile when I think of you
But you left me with the good stuff, babe
And I know that it's a crying shame
It's a million times harder when I don't hate you
When I don't hate you
Soon enough, Isaac had kissed Allison. Neither of them knew that you had accidently stumbled upon them and ran away in tears. Nobody knew that, you hadn’t told anybody because you knew you and Isaac were toxic.
But when you saw him smile heard his laugh or even thought of him; you would smile. But that smile faded when you realised he wasn’t yours anymore. You had both fucked it up and you were paying the consequences.
You wanted to, you tried so hard to, but you just couldn’t hate him. You couldn’t hate him.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Liam Dunbar - Immortality
Word Count: 2,016
You’re a 600 year-old-vampire that has been a friend to the Hale’s for years and when Derek met Scott, you became friends with him too. Now Scott has to deal with a new beta that you accidently fall madly in love with after a promise to never love again.
“You guys are idiots, do you know that?” You whisper-yelled at Scott and Stiles outside of Scott’s bedroom – where a freshman named Liam was tied up after Scott had bitten him.
“I didn’t know what else to do!” Scott whisper-yelled back, a definite ‘I need help’ look in his eyes.
You sighed, a few possible solutions running through your brain, “He’s definitely going to turn, right?” The two boys hesitantly nodded their heads as you continued to think, “Then we just talk to him. I mean, he’ll understand. We just need to explain it right.”
The boys agreed and pulled Liam out of the bathtub and into a chair which they placed in front of Scott’s bed. They then looked to you as you leant forward to look in his eyes, “Don’t scream when we take the tape off your mouth.” You said, using your compulsion powers.
You moved and Stiles leant forward to peel the tape off his mouth, a pained groan leaving his throat. “Okay, Liam, now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?”
“Not really.” Liam replied with both you and Scott agreeing with his answer.
Stiles nodded his head, “Good. That's good.”
“I don't understand either.” Scott said, looking up slightly and trying to work it out in his head.
Stiles pointed to Scott and then to Liam, “Maybe you should tell him.”
“Tell me what?” Liam demanded as you rubbed your head and sighed.
Scott took a step forward and softened his tone as he spoke, “Liam... What happened to you, what I did to you, which I had to do in order to save you, it's going to change you.”
“Unless it kills you.” Stiles interrupted but quickly followed with, “Shouldn't have said that.”
“What?” Liam asked, his eyes widened and his heart rate speeding up. Liam’s eyes started to water as he let his head drop. You definitely felt bad for the kid, I mean he was even younger than Scott was when he was turned and younger than you were when you were turned into a vampire.
“Uh... Uh-oh. Oh-oh. Is he... Is he crying?” Stiles questioned as Scott kneeled down in front of Liam.
“Liam, it's okay. You're going to be all right… You're not going to die.” He consoled, as Stiles knelt next to him.
“Probably not.”
“Stop it.” Scott scolded.
Stiles nodded, “Okay, possibly not.”
“Would you just help me untie him?” Scott asked, the two boys moving to pull the tape off Liam and the chair before standing back in front of him, “Liam? Are you okay?”
Stiles looked down for a second before looking back at Liam, “We're sorry about that. We're really sorry.” He spoke, slowly and in almost a whisper.
Liam turned around and before any of you could do anything he grabbed the chair and whacked Scott with it, causing him to fall to the ground – taking Stiles with him. You snorted, a chuckle coming from your throat as Stiles pulled himself up just to get punched by Liam. Your hands flew to your mouth, trying to conceal the laugh in your throat as Liam ran out of the room.
You just watched while Scott and Stiles clumsily got up from the floor and stumbled out the room, following Liam. You shook your head and sighed following the loud noises before finding Scott and Stiles at the bottom of the stairs in a heap and the door wide open. “You boys okay?”
“What the hell were you doing?” Stiles shouted.
“Watching and laughing, a lot.”
You stood with the rest of your pack in Lydia’s lake house watching the chaos unfold as Kira brought Liam through the door.
“What the hell is this?” Liam demanded, a stern look covering his face.
“Think of it like an intervention.” Stiles began, “You have a problem, Liam.”
“And we're the only ones that can help.” Scott finished.
You sat down, pouring a blood bag into a glass and lifting it up, “This is going to be fun, cheers!”
You stood watching as Scott and Stiles held a very riled up Liam underneath the shower in an effort to calm him down after he went for one of the students at Devenford Prep.
“Okay! Okay!” Liam yelled, after his face had gone back to normal.
Scott and Stiles pulled back and turned the shower off as Liam slid down the tiled wall and onto the floor, “That car you smashed... I thought you said that was your teacher's?” Scott asked.
“He was also my coach. He benched me for the entire season.” Liam replied.
“What did you do?” You asked, intrigued.
Liam looked down at the floor, “I got a couple of red cards...”
“Just a couple?” Stiles remarked, earning him a jab in the ribs from your elbow.
Scott ignored your little disagreement and continued the conversation, “You gotta be honest with us-- what else happened?”
“Nothing. I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for an evaluation.”
“What did they call it?” Scott asked, kneeling down to Liam’s level.
Liam replied while doing everything he could not to meet Scott’s eyes, “Intermittent explosive disorder.”
“I.E.D.? You're literally an I.E.D.? That's great. That's great… You gave powers to a walking time bomb!” Stiles exclaimed, earning him another jab in ribs from your elbow that seemed to put a slight smile on Liam’s face – however fleeting it was.
“Did they give you anything for it?” Scott asked.
“Risperdal. It's an antipsychotic.”
“Oh, this just gets better...” Stiles mumbled.
“But I don't take it—” Liam interjected.
You shook your head, “Shut up, Stiles.”
“I can't play lacrosse on it, it makes me too tired.” Liam said, looking down at the floor again.
“Okay. I think you should bail out of the game. Tell Coach your leg is still hurting.” Scott suggested.
“No! No. I can do this-- especially if you're there.” Liam retorted, standing up from his position on the floor.
Scott sighed, “But Liam... this isn't just about the game. We think whoever killed Demarco may have been on our team.”
“Who's Demarco?” Liam asked.
“The one who brought the beer to the party? The guy who was beheaded, remember?” Stiles replied.
“We think the person who ordered the keg killed Demarco.” Scott continued. Liam looked down, thinking for a second. “Liam...? What, you know something?”
“I don't know who ordered the keg... But I know who paid for it.”
After Liam had told Scott that Garrett had ordered the keg, Scott and Stiles left the room – leaving you alone with Liam.
“You okay?” You asked, taking a step closer to him, from your position against a locker. “That was pretty intense.”
Liam nodded, “Yeah, I’m okay… you must’ve seen that before, right? With Scott.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen out of control werewolves millions of times.” You chuckled, sitting down on a bench in the locker room. “I mean, if you hadn’t have done something like that at least once or twice, I’d think there was something wrong with you.”
Liam sat down on the bench next to you, “How do you know so much about werewolves?”
“I mean, I’ve spent my extremely long life surrounded by the supernatural – mainly werewolves. And I’ve been helping the Hale family for decades… You pick things up.”
“Wait… decades?” Liam questioned, his brows furrowed, “I thought you were 16.”
You nodded, “Physically, yeah. But technically I’m six-hundred and… something – maybe like fourteen or fifteen. I don’t know – I’ve lost count.” You explained, the look of confusion still evident on Liam’s face. “Did Scott and Stiles not tell you that I’m a vampire?”
Liam’s eyes widened, “You’re a vampire? Those exist?”
“Yeah… They do.” You replied, chuckling at his reaction. “And before you ask, I have a ring that lets me walk in the daylight, the reflection thing is a myth and so is the garlic and holy water thing. Also, yes, I do drink blood.”
“That’s insane!” Liam exclaimed, “That’s really cool.”
For the next two weeks you ended up getting closer to Liam, helping him through his anger and then just generally spending time with him. Unfortunately, you had figured out that you had started to like him – so you started avoiding him. You couldn’t fall in love again, not after what had happened the last time.
It was 1749, you were living in London and had met a man, someone that you connected with and eventually fell in love with. You were about to leave town – as you routinely did every few years – when he found you leaving and you admitted to him what you were. He said he didn’t care so you continued to stay with him. Eventually, you had to leave but he decided to come with you – you found a place in the middle of nowhere, where you could live together.
You got engaged, then married and spent the rest of his life with him. When he died, it broke you and you made a promise to never love again, to never put that life on anyone else.
“Y/N!” Liam yelled from the end of the corridor you had turned into. You tried to turn around but he had already caught up to you, “Are you avoiding me or something? Cause I haven’t seen you in days.”
“No, no I’m not avoiding – I’ve just been busy. Vampire stuff.” You lied, however not very well, but before Liam could reply you made an excuse to leave.
It was raining when Liam called you, you weren’t sure whether to pick up the phone or not but since it could’ve been some kind of emergency – you did.
“Hello?” You asked into the phone.
“Y/N, can you come over please.” He whispered, his voice was shaking and you could hear that he was nervous.
You thought for a second, debating in your head, “Okay, I’ll be there soon.” You hung up the phone and drove to Liam’s house, parking a few houses down and jumping up to his window. You saw him sat on the edge of his bed, rubbing his hands together. You gently tapped on the window, his head whipping around to you before he stood up and came over to open it.
“What do you need at 2 in the morning?” You asked, climbing into his room and closing the window behind you.
Liam debated over what he was going to say before sighing, “I keep seeing the Berserkers, I can’t sleep and I keep going over in my head why you won’t talk to me.” He said, looking at the ground almost the entire time until he mentioned you.
You sighed, sitting down on his bed, “It’s not you, per say. I have been alive for a long time, Liam, and one of the worst things about immortality is love.” You started. Liam sat down next to you, giving you his full attention. “I will outlive everyone that I love, which is why I try not to love very many people. And I promised myself almost 300 years ago, that I would never fall in love with someone again… and then you happened. The reason I’ve been distant is so I can try to stop myself from falling in love with you because I know that one day… I’ll lose you.”
Liam’s eyes widened when you mentioned love and him in the same sentence, “Did it work?” He asked, “Avoiding me to stop falling in love with me?”
You looked up at him, staring right into his blue eyes. “No.” You said, simply, only now realising just how close you were.
“You can’t live without love, Y/N.” Liam said, “It’s one of the most beautiful things in the world.”
You smiled, leaning closer to him, “Then maybe I should give it a shot.”
“You definitely should.” Liam whispered, the small space between your lips closed as he leaned down to kiss you.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Jace Herondale - Confession
Word Count: 887
Summary: You get jealous over Jace spending so much time on Clary and worrying about her so much and he picks up on it.
“What the hell is wrong with you lately?” Jace complained at you as you strode into the institute. You quickly made your way towards the armoury, ignoring every single word that came out of his mouth. You had all been out trying to find the Mortal Cup, when Jace once again risked his life to save Clary. Protecting mundanes was your job, however, you had been completely and utterly head over heels for Jace since before you had learned what love was and you hated that Jace was putting everything on the line for her. You had tried for years to stop all of these feelings but every time you thought you were over it – it reared its gorgeous blond-haired head.
As you moved to place your seraph blade on the stand, Jace stealthily maneuvered in front of you. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
You scoffed, “Nothing is wrong, now move.” You deadpanned before shoving him out of the way to put away your blade before turning on your heel towards your bedroom.
“Y/N!” Jace snapped as you entered your room, with him hot on your tail. You tried to shut the door before he came in but unfortunately, he had the upper hand. “What the hell is going on?” He yelled, shutting your door behind him as you turned to face the window.
Your hands flew to the sides of your head as you tried to think of an answer, “Nothing is going on.” You finally said, turning to face him, “I’m fine.”
“That is not true.” Jace retorted. His face softened as he took your hands in his, “Just tell me, then I can help.”
You pulled your hands away and sat down on your bed, “You can’t. There is absolutely nothing you could ever do to fix this!” You yelled, putting your face in your hands in an effort to hide the tears that were slipping from your eyes.
“Why are you so angry, Y/N?” Jace questioned, kneeling in front of you and placing his hands on your knees.
You scoffed, pulling your hands away from your face and looking him in the eyes, “Because being angry is easier than feeling all of this… all this unhappiness and… regret.”
Jace placed his hand on your cheek and wiped your tears away, “Why are you so unhappy?”
“Clary.” You said simply. Jace looked taken aback, he had no idea how she could make you so unhappy – she had never said or done anything bad to you, to be honest, you hadn’t really spent that much time with her.
Jace stood up, “What? What did she do?”
“Nothing.” You whispered, standing up, “She did nothing, nothing wrong… All she did was show up.” You paused as Jace turned away from you, trying to wrap his head around what you were saying. “And catch your attention.”
Jace’s head whipped around to face you, “What do you mean? Y/N, what are you saying?”
You sighed, “Being angry at her is so much easier than hating myself for not telling you sooner that I… I am completely and utterly in love with you.” You admitted, taking a deep breath before continuing, “I have loved you since the day I met you and every single day since… Thoughts of you interrupt my life on a daily basis but I don’t care and every time I see you, I just want to hug you and be near you and I can’t stop it… but I don’t think I want to… I fell in love with your heart and your stupid jokes and your incessant need to train at like 4am.” You giggled at the memories that entered your mind.
“And ever since Clary arrived, you’ve been at her beck and call and it hurts like hell because… I know that I’ll never be her or be what I want to be to you… That’s why I’ve been acting weird and why I don’t like her because I love you… I will love you forever, Jace, and when ‘forever’ ends, I’ll love you some more… because all I want is you and your love.”
You stopped talking and realised what you had just done. You sighed and moved back to sitting on your bed, your head in your hands again.
“I’m all yours.” Jace said. Your head snapped up as you looked into his eyes, he was being completely serious. “If all you want is me, then I’m all yours, Y/N.”
Your heart stopped for a second as you took in what he had said. Then, in one swift movement, you stood up, cupping his face and pulling his lips to yours. Jace responded by wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you back with so much love you thought you would melt in his arms. Your hands moved around his shoulders and one of them snaked into his golden hair as he pulled away from your lips to show you the most beautiful smile.
Your lips involuntarily curved into a smile mimicking his as he slowly rubbed your back, “I love you, Y/N… and I don’t have a whole speech prepared or anything but I want you to know that I feel exactly the same way. I want all of you, forever.”
“Forever.” You whispered back before your lips connected again.
 A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Theo Raeken - Sorry
Word Count: 1,156
Based on Sorry by Bonnie Anderson
Tongue-tied, tryin' to give your reasons
Spit it out, say it like you mean it
Forgiveness broken into pieces
Hey now, sorry won't turn back time
“How could you?” You spat, your voice barely above a whisper as tears flooded down your cheeks. “How could you?” You screamed, anger getting the better of you as you pulled at the handcuffs clipped around your right wrist.
Theo stood in front of you, you could see that he didn’t regret anything he had done – almost killing Scott and Lydia, manipulating the pack and almost tearing it apart, not even lying to you for weeks. “I’m sorry, Y/N... I did what I had to.”
“You’re a lying, manipulative coward!” You yelled, trying to hold back your tears. You had fallen for Theo since he had returned to Beacon Hills and had defended his innocence to the pack more than once – something you were now regretting. “I can’t believe I ever fell for you, you’re disgusting.” You spat, watching his blood boil.
“I did what I had to do.” He spoke, before he knelt down to look you in the eyes. You flinched as he brought his hand to your cheek, “I never meant to hurt you… I love you, Y/N.”
You sobbed once more, gathering as much strength as you could before looking him right in the eyes, “I hate you, Theo.”
Heartbeat beaten 'till we flatlined
Crash, burn, speeding through the stop signs
No more fear, running from a past life
Hey now, sorry won't turn back time
Later that night, at least you thought it was night. You had no idea of what time it was. You were sat in a basement, handcuffed to the wall and being watched by one of Theo’s goonies – Josh.
“I can help you.” Deucalion said, once Josh had left the room. He was hooked up to some kind of machine and had been there for longer than you had.
You sighed, “Why would you help me? You hate us.”
Deucalion just tapped his nose before his blind eyes turned normal and he pulled his arm away easily. You were in shock as he ripped the handcuffs off of the bar behind you and told you the directions out of the basement.
“Thank you.” You muttered, “Why don’t you come with me?”
“It’s all part of the plan, my dear.” He replied, hooking his arm back up and changing his eyes to seem like he had never moved at all. You smiled at him before you ran out of the basement and finally made it outside.
You immediately headed towards Scott’s house, even though you weren’t exactly sure where you were going – you had a faint idea. It took you almost three hours but you finally turned up on his doorstep, slamming on the front door.
It was Stiles who opened the door and caught you as you fainted.
“What happened?” Scott asked, once you had woken up. “Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head, “Not physically… I can’t believe I fell for it; I got sucked in like an idiot. I should’ve seen it – I should’ve known.” You muttered, your hands covering your face.
Scott sat own next to you on the couch, “It wasn’t your fault, Y/N.”
“Feels like it.”
I'm not giving into you
'Cause the truth still hurts
Lost the man I used to know
When the truth came out now where did it go?
You were sat behind a wall with Stiles, you both watched as Theo placed his claws against Lydia’s neck as his pack fought Parrish. You watched as Valack drilled into Theo’s leg and grabbed Lydia. You and Stiles stood up to face him but Parrish threw a burning Corey at you both, knocking you down.
Valack got away with Lydia as Theo threw a bar into Parrish’s chest. You pushed Corey off of Stiles, both of you scrambling to follow Valack but the door locked behind him. “Lydia!” You both yelled, hitting and kicking the door.
“Let me try.” You heard Theo say as he moved Stiles out of the way and kicked the door down. You and Stiles looked at Theo, anger and disgust present in your stares before you ran through the door, “You’re not gonna find her without me!” He yelled behind you, following you as you ran through the hallways.
You got to an open door but Theo caught up with you, “Guys! Look, I want her out of here too. I’ve got her scent.”
“What do you want?” Stiles replied, acknowledging his existence – which was something you had yet to do.
“What’s the difference?” Theo asked, “I can find her, you can’t.”
Before you or Stiles could reply, smoke started to come out of a window to your right. The three of you found the door to the room and barged in, seeing that it was a shower room filled with patients that were cowering in fear. You found where the smoke was coming from – a vent on the floor and leant down to look into it.
“It leads to the tunnels doesn’t it?” Theo asked.
Stiles nodded, realisation and frustration making their way onto his expression, “There are miles of them. They could be anywhere by now.”
“We’re gonna find her.” You said, placing your hand on Stiles’ shoulder.
No, I don't need you anymore
Don't tell me I'm insane
I'm not coming back to you
'Cause the truth came out of the liar's grave
You walked around the tunnels for ages, finally finding Lydia after having to break up about twenty arguments between Theo and Stiles – without actually speaking directly to Theo. You didn’t even know if you could look him in the eye but you had to when he grabbed your arm to stop you following Stiles and Lydia out of the tunnels.
“Let go.” You said, without turning around, as you tried to pull your arm away. “Theo, let go.”
“Look at me.” He said, pulling your arm as gently as he could, “Please, Y/N. Just look at me.”
You took a deep breath and turned around the face him, “What? What do you want? Are you gonna kidnap me again? Cause it was so enjoyable the first time.”
“I’m not… I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry for hurting you.”
You scoffed, “Really? Are you kidding me?” You yelled, yanking your arm out of his grasp. “You think that ‘sorry’ is going to make any difference! You almost killed Lydia, you killed Scott, you hurt – oh, I don’t know – everyone… and you smashed my heart to pieces. You did unforgiveable things and if you think that I’m going to forgive you and come back – you are wrong… because I hate you and I’m done letting you walk all over me!” You spat, tears welling up his eyes as you turned your back and left.
Sorry won't turn back time
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
hiya, does anyone have any requests or any ideas for an imagine or headcanon or anything? xxx
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Stiles Stilinski - Wonder
Word Count: 1,395
Based on Wonder by Shawn Mendes
I wonder if I'm being real
Do I speak my truth or do I filter how I feel?
I wonder, wouldn't it be nice
To live inside a world that isn't black and white?
You watched him take his books out of his locker and turn to his werewolf best friend. You watched as he laughed and made some stupid joke. You watched as he spotted Lydia Martin at the end of the hall walking with Jackson Whittemore, smiles on their faces and a lacrosse stick in his hand. Stiles frowned and so did you.
You had been completely in love with Stiles ever since you peed your pants in kindergarten and he offered you his hoodie to cover it up. However, unlike your brother Jackson, you were not popular, not academic and definitely not athletically gifted. And you definitely weren’t in the running for his affections, how could you compete with Lydia Martin?
This didn’t change when you were bitten by Peter Hale and turned into a werewolf. You did become part of the group, with Scott, Allison and Stiles but even though he finally acknowledged your existence, he didn’t notice you.
Even after a year of being a wolf, after Scott became an Alpha and you had been hurt and almost killed many a time, you didn’t think you had even a dust particle of a chance. You were wrong.
I wonder why I'm so afraid
Of saying something wrong, I never said I was a saint
I wonder, when I cry into my hands
I'm conditioned to feel like it makes me less of a man
When Stiles started feeling off, after the ‘dying to save his father from Jennifer Blake’ thing, the only person he wanted was you. He didn’t know when it had started happening but his gaze had moved from Lydia to you and now that he thought he was going crazy, all he wanted was you.
He was terrified. He didn’t know what was happening. He was losing time and blacking out and all he wanted was to be near you, to be with you. You started to notice how he would make sure he stood next to you during pack meetings and how he would always tag along with whatever you were doing.
When you got the call from Scott that Stiles was missing, your heart stopped. You spent hours trying to find him and once you did, you didn’t leave his side. You watched as Stiles got his MRI and when he went missing again, you freaked out – determined to keep him safe.
In his mind, Stiles made the assumption that the reason why he wanted you was because of the nogitsune, not him. He was wrong.
And I wonder if someday you'll be by my side
And tell me that the world will end up alright
I wonder
I wonder
After the bus incident, you had followed Scott, Kira and Stiles to the animal clinic. You had taken out the Oni that tried to get to Stiles before taking refuge inside. However, the nogitsune had other plans. Stiles knocked Kira unconscious and stabbed Scott before grabbing you by the throat and holding you against the wall.
“Stiles… please…” You croaked out, trying to stop him.
Stiles just laughed, “You think you can stop me? You think that Stiles is still in control? He is screaming at me not to hurt you! Maybe I should just ignore him.” He said as his grip got tighter around your neck. You started to see stars, you couldn’t breathe. “You shouldn’t trust a fox because they’re tricksters. They’ll fool you. They’ll fool everyone.”
“Not everyone.” A voice spoke and Stiles’ grip around your neck vanished as you fell to the floor.
Right before I close my eyes
The only thing that's on my mind
“All done. I’ll leave you two alone.” Melissa said, looking between you and Stiles as she finished checking him over. Stiles had been separated from the nogitsune but it had taken Lydia. Melissa left the room to join Scott, who was downstairs waiting for Kira’s mom and you had offered to wait with him but Stiles was adamant that you not leave his side.
“You feeling any better?” You asked, moving from your spot in the corner of the room to sit on the side of the bed.
Stiles sat himself up and moved closer to you, “Yeah, thank you… and I’m sorry, I remember what I did, I almost killed you.” He said, whispering the last part and bowing his head.
“Hey,” You started, lifting his head up so you could look into his beautiful brown eyes, “It wasn’t you. It wasn’t your fault… You have nothing to be sorry for. You are the bravest, most resilient person I have ever met… nobody else could survive what you’ve survived.”
Tears were welling up in Stiles’ eyes; he wrapped his arms around your waist and laid his head in the crook of your neck, letting the tears fall onto your shoulder. Instinctively, your arms wrapped around his shoulders, your fingers finding their way into his hair.
After a few minutes, Stiles whispered something, “I was terrified.” You moved your head away from his and looked at him, prompting him to continue, “I was terrified when I realised it was you. For me… Since all of this started, you have been there for me – through everything. You have been the constant and when I figured out that I was in love with you, I was terrified. Terrified of losing you.”
You were taken aback, the boy you had been in love with for years was sitting in front of you, professing his love for you. “Say something, please?” Stiles asked after you had been silent for a minute or so, just processing exactly what he was telling you.
No words came to your mouth, you let out a breath, shaking your head as you leant in and captured his lips in a kiss. Stiles’ cheeks flushed red as he realised what you were doing and immediately kissed you back. One of his hands was around your waist and the other had tangled itself in your hair. One of your hands was rested on his cheek, the other on his neck, pulling him as close to you as you could possibly get.
The kiss was everything you had dreamed it would be. It was passionate and loving but also desperate, you had both been waiting for this for a while and it was finally happening.
Been dreamin' that you feel it too
I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
“Divine move, divine move, you think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni but me? Me? I’m a thousand years old! You can’t kill me!” Nogitsune shouted as he strode towards you. You stood in front of Stiles and Lydia protectively, with your fingers intertwined with Stiles’.
“But we can change you!” Lydia retorted.
You pulled your hand away from Stiles and ran at the nogitsune, scratching his chest. He tried to grab you but you moved, grabbing his hand and arm, snapping his wrist. He pushed you away knocking you against the lockers. “What?” The nogitsune yelled.
“You forgot about the scroll...” Stiles started, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“The Shugendo scroll.” Lydia finished.
A look of realisation dawned on the nogitsune, “… Change the host.”
“You can't be a fox and a wolf.” Stiles stated before Scott grabbed the nogitsune, biting it’s arm. He screamed loudly as Stiles ran to you, helping you up. You watched as Kira ran him through, he fell to the floor a bug coming out of his mouth that flew away, only to be trapped in the triskelion box by Isaac.
The body of the nogitsune twitched and cracked, falling and turning to ash. Stiles started to move in your arms and he fell to the floor, getting caught by you just in time.
I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
Thankfully, everything was over and you were safe. After a few days, you and Stiles started dating and so now, you watched, silently, as he slept beside you.
You had wondered for so long, what it would be like to love Stiles, and now you finally had your answer.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :) also I take requests if you have any - for any of the fandoms on my masterlist and some others! :)
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cxplqnce · 3 years
Klaus Mikaelson - Never Be The One
Word Count: 2,505
Based on the song Never Be The One by Bonnie Anderson
You were Y/N Salvatore, the infamous sister of Stefan and Damon.
After they had been turned into vampires by Katherine, they had left Mystic Falls and you believed them to be – like your father – dead. You cried for weeks after the loss of your family but continued on your life under the care of the Lockwood family.
However, a few years after your family’s downfall, you were greeted on your morning walk by a mysterious stranger who called himself Klaus.
Klaus was strange to you; he was different to any other man you had ever met, he was chivalrous, caring, kind and he was an Original Vampire. He had told you of his true self a few months after you had met him. He had revealed to you that your brothers were also vampires and were not, in fact, dead.
Immediately, he offered to turn you. You would live under his protection and care and you would get to see your brothers again. You quickly accepted and the deed was done. You spent a few years gaining control over your bloodlust, which wasn’t too difficult for you as you had copious amounts of self-control as a human. You fell in love with Klaus, even got engaged to him, while travelling with him – especially while living in New Orleans with his family.
Unfortunately, in 1919, fifty years after you had met Klaus, his father Mikael had come to town to kill his children. Klaus made the hardest decision he had ever made that day, he compelled you to forget him and to find your brothers – to keep you safe.
You did as Klaus had said; you left New Orleans and forgot everything about him and his siblings. You forgot all of the happy memories with him and all of the joys of his love. You had found Damon first and spent some time with him before leaving to find Stefan. You flitted between the two for the next ninety years before ending up back in Mystic Falls where you found both of your brothers entranced by a human girl with the face of Katherine Pierce.
Everything changed when Klaus appeared back in Mystic Falls. He resorted to stalking you, following you around but never talking to you because he was too nervous when he was around you.
You had met Elijah, who had recognised you but knew what Klaus had done so re-introduced himself to you. You thought he was a lovely and attractive person but you questioned whether you had met him before since he seemed oddly familiar. You got the same feeling at the mention of Klaus’ name later in the conversation.
You were at the Mystic Grill, alone, trying to figure out where you had heard the name Klaus Mikaelson before but you were interrupted by the man himself. As soon as he introduced himself you were terrified. You had been told of the horrible things he had done and what he was planning to do. However, what Klaus did in that moment was unexpected, he asked you to have a drink with him and get to know each other.
You were obviously extremely confused but went along with it since you thought the other option was death, however, what you didn’t know was that Klaus would never dream of hurting you, let alone killing you. It puzzled you, why he was suddenly so kind and caring but after a few drinks you thought you had the answer.
“Did we know each other? Elijah said that Originals can compel other vampires, was I compelled to forget that I knew you?” You asked your heart beating extremely fast.
Klaus chuckled at your nervousness. He laid a hand over yours, “You are entirely correct, love. I did compel you to forget me, for your own safety.” He admitted, “Now, I must be off, curse-undoing to be done.” And with that, the Original was gone.
Every time I try I only make it worse
Every single lesson that I never learn
Try to build a bridge to you to watch it burn
Try to put the blame on you that I deserve
Later that night, you followed Stefan to where Klaus was undoing his curse. You saw Elena standing by Klaus on a boulder with a witch. You saw a female werewolf and Jenna lying dead, and Stefan awake but too weak to move. Klaus gripped Elena’s neck and his fangs started to extend out of his teeth.
“Klaus!” You yelled, coming into their view. Klaus’ head snapped up and his eyes met yours. “Please, don’t do this… I don’t remember how I knew you or what we were to each other but you said you compelled me for my own safety… That means you care about me.” You started, a few tears brimming in your eyes as you walked closer to the Original. “If you do care, Klaus, please don’t do this… please, I beg you. If I ever meant anything to you then listen… please.” You pleaded, holding your hand out in front of you, more tears falling down your cheeks. “I don’t know why but when I look at you, I feel safe, protected… and happy. No one who makes me feel like that would ever hurt an innocent person, please Klaus… Please.”
You saw a tear fall from Klaus’ right eye before he croaked out, “I’m sorry, love.” He dived at Elena, sinking his fangs into her neck, draining her off all her blood before dropping her body to the floor. Stefan yelled out as your hands flew to your mouth and you dropped to the ground next to your brother.
Klaus looked up to the full moon as his bones started to crack but before anything happened, he was thrown across the clearing by Bonnie who heightened the flames gaining the witches attention, whose neck was promptly snapped by Damon – who picked up Elena’s body.
Bonnie continued to chant in Latin, Klaus’ body writhing in pain as Bonnie got closer and closer. Stefan ordered Damon to take Elena away as you helped him up, walking up behind Bonnie. Something about Klaus in pain hurt you so you had to look away as Elijah came into view and stood over his brother, shoving his hand into his chest. Klaus started negotiating with his brother who took Klaus away before any of you could stop him.
Remember all the times I went and fucked it up?
Telling you I'm sorry but it's not enough
All these nasty habits running through my lungs
Never thought I'd be the one that I'd become
Thankfully, after Klaus’ escape, Elena was resurrected. However, Damon revealed that he had been bitten by a werewolf. Stefan miraculously gained the cure from Klaus, his blood, but had to leave Mystic Falls with him which you weren’t too happy about.
During all of this, you had still been trying to figure out how you knew Klaus, how he could fit into your life somehow but you had come to no conclusion so you went to the Mystic grill to drown your sorrows only to be met by Klaus again.
“Hello, love.” He greeted, sitting next to you at the bar, ordering a drink.
You sighed, “What do you want, Klaus.” You asked, not daring to look him in the eyes as you necked another shot.
“That isn’t the way to talk to the person who just saved your brother’s life.” He replied, picking up his glass, but you stayed silent, “What? Can’t even look at me, love?”
You scoffed, turning to him, “I want to hate you for what you’ve done to my family and friends but every single time I look at you all of that hate disappears and I have these good feelings, this love of some sort, I don’t know. All I know is that I can’t hate you and I don’t even know why.” You growled in frustration hitting the table with your fists and sighing.
“I can give you your memories back if you so desire.”
Your head snapped back to him, “Why? What do want in return?” You asked, shaking your head, a few tears brimming in your eyes.
Klaus put his drink down and looked at you in the eyes, getting closer to you, “I don’t want anything from you, Y/N. Once I give you your memories back you will understand.”
“Understand what?”
“Exactly how much I care for you, love… Spoiler alert, it is a great deal… I only want you to be happy and safe.” He explained, placing his hand over yours, “Do you want them back?”
You took a shaky breath and whispered, “Yes.”
Klaus took a breath, moving your chin slightly so he could look directly in your eyes, “Remember.”
Suddenly, everything came back. Your first meeting in the woods, him turning you, your time travelling, your time in New Orleans, the first time he told you he loved you, your engagement and when he told you why he was leaving.
Once it had all come back, you were full on crying, “You compelled me because of your father. You wanted to keep me safe from him. You loved me.”
“Love you. Present tense.” Klaus corrected. You didn’t know what came over you but you leant forward and captured his lips in a long-awaited kiss. He gladly accepted the gesture of affection and held your waist and cheek in his hands. “Come with me, love.” He suggested as you pulled away.
“But Damon and-”
Klaus cut you off with another kiss, “I just got you back, love, I can’t lose you again… Letting you go was the hardest decision I’ve ever made. I love you, Y/N.”
No, I'm not perfect
Why you try to make me something that I'm not?
And you're not perfect
Let me make my own mistakes it's what I want
Three months later, you remained in Mystic Falls. You told Klaus that you couldn’t leave with him no matter how much you wanted to you just needed some time to process. He seemed to understand but you were unsure of how many dead bodies your actions would lead to.
You were currently at the high school, helping the seniors with their pranks for the day when you came face to face with him again. You were with Bonnie and Matt, planning one of the pranks when you entered the gym and saw him again.
“Bonnie! Get out of here!” Elena yelled but she was too late. Klaus questioned Bonnie before Rebekah, his sister, brought in Tyler the werewolf.
You moved to stand in front of Klaus, knowing you had sway over his decisions, “Klaus, whatever you are going to do, please, don’t hurt anyone.”
“I’m sorry, love. My plan does have a certain degree of acceptable losses.” He said, grabbing Tyler off his sister and introducing her to the group before giving Bonnie and ultimatum and feeding Tyler his blood.
“Klaus, no, please.” You begged.
Klaus sighed, “Stop that, love. One of these days my stupid heart is going to give into your demands but today is not that day.” He yelled before snapping Tyler’s neck. Klaus let Bonnie and Matt leave to find a way to save Tyler while Rebekah taunted Elena.
“Klaus, I want to speak to you in private.” You demanded, turning to look at the man you loved.
Klaus nodded his head, “Of course, love.” He replied, taking your hand and leading you to a classroom. “What is it you wanted, love? Information or something else.” He inquired with a cheeky grin on his face.
“I’m sorry.” You said. Klaus’ face contorted in confusion. “I’m sorry that I didn’t go with you three months ago and I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you that Elena was alive but they are family, Klaus, I need to protect them.”
“I thought I was your family too.”
“You are because even after everything you’ve done and against my better judgement, I love you with all my heart…” You continued, a single tear falling down your cheek, “And one of these days I’m going to have to choose between them and you and no matter which I pick, I’ll end up heartbroken… If I choose them, you’ll have to hurt me or kill me but If I choose you I’ll have to betray my brothers and my friends and they’ll hate me forever. Either way, I lose.” You shouted, tears running down your face. “Because I’ll either have to live without my brothers or the man that I am so deeply in love with that it hurts.”
“I am truly sorry, love, I did not mean to hurt you but I cannot give up, I will not.” Klaus defended, grabbing your hands and pulling you closer to him.
You pulled your hands away, “Then I guess you just made my decision for me.” You whispered, leaving the room.
Klaus did something he hadn’t done in a long time. He cried. Tears fell in waves down his cheeks as he screamed, kicking over tables and chairs in anger. He had lost you for a second time. He didn’t know that you were just down the hall, listening to his meltdown and crying into your hands.
Cause I'll never be the one
That'll get it right, every single time
I'll never be the one
That'll hold my words even though they hurt
You had decided, with a lot of convincing from Caroline, that you would go to the 20s decade dance. She had promised that Klaus wouldn’t be there but she was wrong. You were stood to the side downing some form of alcohol when you spotted him.
“Hello, love.” Klaus greeted with a half-smile, “Dance with me?” He asked, holding out his hand. Reluctantly, you took his hand and let him lead you onto the dance floor. He pulled you into him and you started to sway to the music. “Do you remember how we used to dance?”
“I remember.” You whispered, the memories resurfacing prompting a small smile to appear on your face. “You used to hold me like this and tell me how much you loved me.” You retold.
Klaus chuckled, “Yes, I used to say ‘I am so in love with you, my darling.’ And you would reply,”
“I love you too, you hopeless romantic.” You finished as Klaus spun you out and back in. “It is nice to relive old memories but we can never go back to that, Klaus. I’ll never be the one for you.”
“Then take this.” He said, pulling away from you and reaching into his pocket.
Your eyes widened once you saw it, “My engagement ring. You’ve had it all these years.”
“I couldn’t bear to part with it, my love. It was reminder of the love of my life.”
I'll never be the one
I'll never be the one
But even if I'm wrong will you miss me when I'm gone?
I'll never be the one
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce :)
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cxplqnce · 4 years
Dick Grayson - Like Strangers Do
Word Count: 1,544
Based on Like Strangers Do by AJ Mitchell
I miss the taste of your lips on Sunday
And the sound of your laugh when I say something funny
But nobody heard it, except for you
And my mom still ask about you
I lie and say we friendly
'Cause I don't have it in me, to tell the truth
It had been a while since you and Dick had broken up but you were still a mess. Even though it was for good reason, you still regret leaving when he got angry at you. He had argued with you after you had been kidnapped by Deathstroke and almost killed. He had told you how unsafe his job was and how badly he wanted to keep you safe so he ended it. Instead of arguing back, you just left.
You had moved so far away from San Francisco, back to your hometown in Michigan. You moved back in with your parents after lying to them saying that you got a job offer that you couldn’t refuse. You told your mother that you and Dick were still friends that it was a mutual decision but that was also a lie.
I miss the way that you looked in your sundress
The way that you looked when you undressed
The sound of your first steps across the room
Now my friends don't ask about you
'Cause they think I'm fine without you
I say it's all good but it's never true
Dick missed you too. He had been in a slump, making irrational and stupid decisions. So much so that Deathstroke won. Donna had told Dick to try and move on. To deal with his personal issues before going back to the superhero life but Dick had refused. He had told Donna he was fine but it was obviously a lie.
Soon after, the Titans were disbanded and Dick moved to Detroit. However, it wasn’t long before his past came back to bite him in the form of Rachel Roth.
A few new team members, some returning ones and a demon later, and Dick was back in San Francisco and Deathstroke was back. Unfortunately for you, Deathstroke hadn’t forgotten about you and had come bearing gifts.
Before you knew it, you were locked in a damp, dark room with ropes around your hands and feet and blood dripping from your head. You looked around and saw a man that you didn’t recognise. He had on a metal helmet and suit, with a large light on his chest.
“Oh, the little princess awakes from her slumber.” The man joked, walking towards you. You panicked and struggled in your chair – a few tears falling from your eyes. “What shall we do with you, eh?”
“Oh, Dr Light!” You heard to your right. You looked up to see a young boy in the Robin suit laughing. Once you saw the suit you thought it was Dick but as you looked closer you knew it wasn’t. “Did you come up with that shit by yourself or did your parents saddle you with that bullshit? I mean come on, what a lame fucking name.” The boy sneered.
“Shut it!” Dr Light yelled in his direction, but then came back to you, creating sparks from his fingers and pointing them right at your face. You whimpered as you felt the heat from the sparks start to irritate your skin.
The boy chuckled again, “What? Is my talking annoying you, dickweed? Cause that’s the thing…” By this point, Dr Light had most definitely had enough of the boy’s constant yapping so moved away from you and towards the boy who continued on his monologue, “I can do it all day, all night. And if you’re nice… twice on a Sunday.”
Dr Light stood directly in front of the boy and glared at him, “I said, shut the fuck up.”
But just as he finished his sentence the boy viciously kicked him in the down-there area, then in the head and strangled him with his legs before saying, “Night, night asshole,” and escaping his ropes.
Once you’d heard the sound of bones clicking back into place, you saw him look in your direction and run over, “Are you okay?” He asked, untying the ropes around your hands. You nodded; your breathing still heavy and fast. “Okay, let’s go.” You ran to the staircase before a sword was held pointing towards you and you were forced back into your chair.
You and me, what are we if we not together?
It could be nothing 'cause nothing last forever
You sat in your chair, tears running down your face as Deathstroke picked up a phone and dialled a number. The phone connected and he started to speak in the voice that gave you chills, “I see you found my gift.”
You heard mumbling on the other side of the line before Deathstroke spoke again, “Oh, you mean your little sidekick?”
“Who the fuck you calling a sidekick, asshole?” The boy, you had learnt was called Jason, yelled before Deathstroke started beating the shit out of him… again.
“As I was saying if you want him back, hand over Rose. Also, I have another gift for you.” He said, menacingly before looking over at you, “Say hello to Dick.”
“Dick?” You asked, your voice trembling, “Please, help me.”
If you saw me on the train would you look the other way?
Like strangers do
Later that evening, or morning, you and Jason were tied to a window cleaning carriage about forty floors up – with an explosive tied to one side – while Deathstroke waited inside for Dick and the Titans to show up.
“You doing okay?” Jason asked, trying to get out of the binds that held him to the carriage.
You nodded, “Yeah. I’m good. Funnily enough, not the first time I’ve been kidnapped by Deathstroke.”
Before Jason could reply, the blind on the inside of the windows rose upwards, uncovering Dick and Deathstroke. Dick’s face went pale as he saw the explosive on the side of the carriage. Deathstroke pulled out the detonator but before he could click it, he was encased by flames – coming from a woman with purple hair, a fellow Titan you presumed.
After the fire lady appeared, a fight broke out. Every time Deathstroke got closer to Dick, your heart sped up slightly as you and Jason desperately tried to undo the binds on your wrists. The fire lady pushed Deathstroke through a wall so Dick got up from his position on the floor and came over to the window, hitting it with his fist but to no avail. However, the fire lady was knocked out with an explosion so Dick ran over to stop Deathstroke from killing her.
Thankfully you remembered something that Dick told you and you screamed as you pushed your knuckle, dislocating it and freeing one of your hands. You freed your other hand before freeing Jason from his binds but as you did, you saw that the fight had ended with Dick and the fire lady on the ground and Deathstroke with the detonator. He pulled it as you both launched forwards grabbing onto the side of the building.
Dick ran to you both, getting down on his knees, “Get her first!” Jason shouted as Dick pulled you up onto the ledge. He then reached back down and grabbed Jason’s hand but it slipped and Jason fell.
It happened in slow motion as your hands clasped over your mouth but before Jason could hit the ground, some superhero grabbed him – saving his life. Dick grabbed your hand, pulling you to run down to the ground with him and the fire lady.
You heard two shots and saw the man who saved Jason fall down. You stood in front of all of them unsure of what to do as Dick tried to figure out if they were both okay.
“What happened?”
“This guy just saved my life.”
And if you passed me on the street
Would you look down at your feet
And move on through?
Like strangers do
“You doing okay?” Dick asked as he entered his bedroom, where you sat in his bed failing to get any sleep whatsoever.
You grimaced, “Not really. Is that Jason boy okay? And the guy who saved his life?”
“Of course that’s what you’d ask. Always worrying about everyone but yourself.” Dick smiled, “And yeah, Jason’s fine. The other guy is in a coma down the hall but Dawn said he’ll be fine.”
“Good.” You replied. You paused for a moment reviewing what you wanted to say before speaking again, “So, is getting kidnapped by your nemesis’ going to be a monthly occurrence. Should I schedule it in my calendar?” You joked.
Dick chuckled, “That’s not funny.”
“But you laughed… It’s nice to see you smile.” You said, without thinking. “Sorry, that was awkward.”
“It’s okay. It’s nice to see you smile too.” He replied. He looked into your eyes for a moment, thinking about something, “Would it be completely wrong to ask to kiss you? I know we broke up months ago but…”
“It wouldn’t be wrong at all.” You replied before leaning into kiss Dick’s soft lips. “I’ve missed you Dick Grayson.”
“I’ve missed you too, Y/N.”
 A/N: Sorry I’ve been super inactive lately but I’ve been really busy with college :) Anyways, hope you enjoy, follow my instagram @ cxplqnce and I take requests!
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cxplqnce · 4 years
Steve Harrington - Is It Just Me?
Word Count: 1,073
Based on Is It Just Me by Emily Burns
It's been way too long for me to find it this hard
Sitting alone, my fingers picking the sofa apart
An attempt to distract from the fact that I miss you
I wonder if your friends have had to carry you home
And stay for the night because they don't want to leave you alone
Way before it was fun, it's becoming an issue
After the events after Halloween, you and Steve had been rocky. Your relationship just wasn’t the same as it used to be so you broke it off. It was difficult decision and one that you definitely regretted for a long time.
Now you were better… ish.
You still regretted your decision, even after a year and half of trying to move on but it never worked. You still thought about Steve, what he had been doing. You had gone off to college last year and now you were back for the summer and you were terrified of seeing Steve again but you just so happened to run into him.
“Ahoy! What would you- Y/N?” Steve exclaimed once he saw you in line at Scoops Ahoy with a few friends. “Hey, how are you?”
“Good, thanks. Just a vanilla cone, please.” You ordered quickly, trying to get away from the awkwardness.
“Of course.” He replied, scooping out your cone. Once you had payed you quickly ran out of the shop and back to your friends who bombarded you with questions about seeing him again.
Your feelings for Steve had been buried when you were hundreds of miles away but now that you were back, they had come back – hitting you like a ton of bricks. It had become a very big issue.
I heard a rumour you've been spending some time
With that blonde girl that you work with and I know she's exactly your type
And my miserable mind's running wild with the picture
Or are you there by yourself, dialling, redialling my number?
And I'm calling your mother, spilling tears on my jumper again
The way I am
A few days later, you were back at the mall with your friends again and when you walked past Scoops Ahoy, you saw Steve laughing with the girl he worked with, Robin. Your friends told you that she was a band kid; smart, pretty, nice. Steve was definitely attracted to her.
However, you were the only girl he had even considered in that way since you met almost three years ago.
Your friends had told you that he would never go for Robin but your mind told you different. You were torturing yourself at night thinking about them, even though you had no right to be jealous – you were the one who ended it.
I know it's cruel
But I kind of hope you're tortured too
It was a regular Tuesday when you got a call from Max telling you that something was wrong. You immediately left to meet her and El at Mike’s. Will had told you all that the Mind Flayer was back and El thought it might be in Billy so you went to the pool.
After figuring out that Billy was definitely the host in the sauna, you thought about Steve. You called him that night but there was no answer. In the next few days, you had followed Max, El and the boys and met up with Nancy and Jonathan and almost died like three times. Although none of the pain you got from almost dying was nowhere near what you felt for Steve.
You had started worrying about him after everything had gone down. What if he was in trouble? Inside, part of you was hoping he was having a hard time too so he knew how it felt but you shut it down – it was wrong and stupid. You hoped he was okay.
'Cause this would be one whole lot easier
God, I know that's selfish but it's true
If underneath some calm exterior
You're all fucked up too
It all happened so fast. You were attacked at Hopper’s cabin by the spider monster thing that almost killed El and gave you a nice scar across your stomach. You thought back to a few weeks ago when all you had to worry about was seeing Steve again.
During your time at college last year, you hung onto the fact that Steve was probably hurting just as much as you were. It helped you through all the pain of losing him but you knew it selfish and horrible. All you wanted was for Steve to be all fucked up like you but now all you wanted was him next to you.
Tell me, does your heart stop at the party when my name drops?
Like you're stood at the platform when the trains cross
Are you hurting, yeah you must be
Or is it just me?
Tongue-tied, screaming on the inside
When I say that we broke up and they ask why
Are you crying in the shower like a freak?
With only cigarettes for company?
Are you crying in the shower like a freak?
Or is it just me?
Your group finally got some word from Dustin although it was hard to make out, El figured out that he was at the Mall so you headed there which is where you saw him.
Everything that you had felt in the past three years had hit you like a ton of bricks when you saw Steve at the Mall. You forgot the awkwardness. You forgot the break-up. You forgot all the bad wishes you had wished for Steve and your instincts took over.
Your heart dropped as you ran over to him and flung your arms around his neck. Steve subconsciously wrapped his arms around your waist and hugged you tight to his chest.
“You okay?” Steve whispered into your hair and you sniffed, nodding your head. You pulled away slightly and looked over his bloodied face. “You sure?” He asked again, wiping away a tear from your cheek that you didn’t even realised had fallen.
You couldn’t speak. Your mouth couldn’t form the words so you just leant forward and kissed him. Steve quickly kissed you back – making sure to hold you close to him.
“I’m never letting you go again.” You whispered after pulling away.
“I agree. I missed you so much, Y/N.” He admitted. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @ cxplqnce also I take requests! :)
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cxplqnce · 4 years
Nate Heywood - Nowhere To Go
Word Count: 2,052
Your daily walk had started off completely normal. You had left the grounds of the palace and were walking through the surrounding wooded area with some palace guards on your tail. However, when you were on your way back, you encountered an unexpected hitch.
“Hello, there!” You called to the mysterious man, who was dressed in foreign garments and had a look of utter confusion on his face. “Are you alright?” You asked once you’d gained his attention.
“Yeah, I think so.” He replied, in an unfamiliar accent. The man was handsome and seemed polite. He had dark brown hair and eyes and was wearing some kind of long sleeved shirt and trousers. “Where are we?”
“London.” You replied, “In the woods behind the Palace of Westminster. I’m almost certain you must know of it.”
“Yeah, thanks.” The man responded, looking around – past your head to get a look at the back of the palace that you had called your home for your whole life. “What year is it?” He asked, but before you could respond, one of your guards rudely interrupted.
“You will think before addressing your Royal Highness in such an impolite manner.” He warned, pointing his sword at the man’s throat.
You lowered the sword and gave the guard a deathly glare, “That will not be necessary.” You condemned, sending the guards to stand away from you and the mysterious man, “The year is 1283. I am Y/N, Princess of England.” You introduced, extending your hand to the man.
“My name’s Nate. Nate Heywood – short for Nathaniel.” He stuttered, taking your hand and kissing it. “Wow, I never thought I’d meet you, Princess.” He smiled, seeming shocked.
“Well, Nathaniel, would you care to accompany me on my walk back to the palace?” You asked.
Nate nodded, standing up straight and offering you his arm, “Of course, your Royal Highness.”
On your walk back to the palace, you had learnt that Nate had no place to go so you offered for him to stay at the palace as your guest. Although you had already grown quite fond of the man, you had an ulterior motive – you didn’t want to be alone in the palace with Phillip, Prince of France and the man you were marrying in a few weeks.
You didn’t want to marry the Prince and future King, because it meant moving to France and becoming a Queen but also because you didn’t want to marry a man you didn’t love. However, you knew you had to so you were going to carry out your duty but having Nate in the palace with you was a comfort that you definitely needed.
“So, you’re marrying the future King of France?” Nate asked as you personally showed him to his chambers that were coincidently right next to yours.
“Yes. It’s not that Phillip isn’t handsome or kind, I just don’t love him as I should and I don’t want to leave England.” You replied, sitting down on his bed, “I always thought I’d marry one of my father’s lords or earls and spend the rest of my days living in a manor house somewhere in the countryside. Or I’d meet some handsome knight and fall in love like in the stories.” You continued, before you noticed that you had been talking at him for hours and you knew nothing about the man, “My apologies, I have been babbling on about myself – you must think I’m so self-centred. Where are you from, Nathaniel? What is your family like?”
“Oh, I’m from Washington – which doesn’t exist yet.” Nate replied.
You subconsciously tilted your head, “Doesn’t exist yet?” You asked. Nate’s eyes widened as he started to come up with a reason why he had said what he did. “Where are you really from, Nathaniel?”
“The future?”
“How are you, this morning?” Nate asked while lying on the couch in your room as your ladies-maids fiddled with the hems of your dress.
You sighed, shooing your ladies-maids out of the room, “Honestly, I’m terrified.” You admitted, sitting down on your bed and placing your head in your hands, letting out a groan.
Nate came to sit next to you, putting his hand on your back and rubbing gently, “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. And if you really don’t want to, don’t marry him.” Your head snapped up at those words, “You don’t have to marry him. You’re a princess, anyone would want to marry you.”
“But, it’s my duty. My duty to my country, to my family.” You defended.
“Screw duty!” Nate smiled, “You don’t have to always do what you’re told.”
You smiled, looking at Nate intensely. You’d never noticed just how beautiful his eyes were until that moment. You also noticed that he was looking at you the exact way you were looking at him and suddenly, you were leaning towards each other. His eyes flitted to your lips but just before they connected to his, Nate moved away, his hand connecting with his ear as he stood up and looked out of the window.
You followed his sight line and saw what you could only describe as a giant carriage, floating in the sky. Your jaw dropped to the floor as Nate started talking at the carriage, before he turned to you. “I have to go. My friends – the ones I mentioned – they found me.”
“I’m glad.” You smiled, but it fell very quickly.
Nate’s face went from a smile of glee to a glum expression, “I don’t want to leave you.” He said, taking your hands in his.
“I’ll be perfectly fine, Nathaniel. You must leave. You belong with your friends on your floating carriage and I belong here.”
Nate regretted leaving. He sat in his bedroom for days just thinking about you. He almost went back to tell you how he felt and stop your wedding but he stopped himself. However, the uncertainty of how your wedding went got to him.
“Gideon, could you tell me exactly what happened to Princess Y/N of England circa 1283?” He asked the talking A.I.
“Of course, Dr. Heywood.” She replied.
 You stood outside of the church you were supposed to be getting married in, away from the views of the crowds that came to see you. Your hands raked through your hair as you struggled to breathe and paced from side to side.
“Princess?” You heard from behind you. You turned to see one of your father’s lords, Lord Gilbert Almeric. “It’s nice to see you after this many years.”
You were once engaged to Lord Almeric but it was broken off when he left to go to Navarre. You were glad though, he was almost 12 years your senior and you found him extremely unsettling. “Of course, Lord Almeric.”
“You know, I’ve always regretted leaving you all those years ago. Hearing that you were to marry the future King of France – well, we can’t have that.” He said, unsheathing his sword.
“What are you doing?” You asked, backing away from him with your hands in front of you.
“If I can’t have you, Princess. Then no one can.” He grunted, grabbing your arm and shoving his sword through your side. You gasped as he held you close to him, pulling the sword out and sitting down, holding you in his arms, “I’m sorry, Princess. It was the only way.”
“Y/N!” You heard, but your eyes closed before you could see the face of the person the voice had come from.
All you could hear was white noise when you eventually woke up from your long coma.
Your head was pounding and you felt a sharp pain in your side when you tried to sit up. Looking around the room you were in, it seemed to be made out of some sort of metal and you didn’t recognise a thing. That was until a certain brunette came through the sliding doors.
“Y/N! You’re awake!” Nate smiled, standing over you and looking over to your right. “Gideon?” He asked.
“Where am I? Who is Gideon?” You asked, trying to move but failing.
“I am Gideon, an advanced A.I from the year 2166.” A voice spoke. You could hear the voice from all around you and your eyes widened at the sound.
Nate put his hand over yours, “It’s okay. Gideon powers the ship. The time-ship.” He started to explain. “She’s one of the friends I told you about. Although she’s not exactly alive like us.”
“Take me back to court. I am supposed to be getting married.” You demanded, looking up at Nate who held a solemn expression.
He sighed, “I can’t. You were supposed to have died when you were stabbed, so when I brought you back here to save you, I changed history. Your death is a crucial point in that history.”
“So, what you are saying is… Everyone thinks I am dead and history relies on my death… So, I can never return home.” You sniffled, tears falling from your eyes as you realised that you had nowhere to go.
“We can give you a new life, somewhere in history and you can fall in love like you said you wanted to. You can meet a handsome knight.” Nate suggested, trying his best to console you.
You shook your head, more tears falling down your cheeks as it dawned on you that you’d never see your parents or siblings again, “No. I want to go home… Why couldn’t you have just let me die?”
A few weeks later, you were still on the ship. You had finished recovering and were spending time with Behrad trying to figure out when in history you’d like to go but nowhere seemed as fitting for you as home. You had also been spending time with Sara and Ava, training.
After helping Zari QB a mission, you had become extremely interested in fighting so Sara and Ava had been training you and you’d gotten pretty good at defending yourself. Also, almost everyone on the ship had been teaching you modern slang and showing you movies – just generally teaching you about the future.
Apart from Nate – you’d been avoiding him since he saved you. You were grateful that he did but you hated the fact that he tore you away from your home. However, you’d been feeling a lot better about being on the ship and you’d finally accepted that you could never go home so you had been thinking that it was finally time to forgive him.
Your hands shook as you entered the library to find Nate asleep on top of an open book. “Nathaniel. Nathaniel!” You called, shaking his shoulder.
Nate awoke suddenly, with a piece of paper stuck to his cheek. You chuckled slightly and pulled it off, a pleasant smile on your face. “Y/N. Hey, I thought you were avoiding me?” He asked, standing up and coming to stand and talk to you.
“I was. I was trying to figure everything out, deal with everything that’s happened and what it means for me… I’m still upset but I understand you were trying to help and obviously I’m grateful that I’m not dead.” You started to explain, a hopeful look gracing Nate’s face while he hung onto every single word you said. “So, what I’m trying to say is, I forgive you and I’m not mad anymore.”
Nate smiled, “Good. Great. Awesome. So, have you found a place to go, live out the rest of your life?”
“I’m thinking here.” You replied, “I asked Sara what she’d think of me sticking around for a while and she’s not opposed, so…”
“That’s great! I’m glad you’re sticking around.”
You nodded along to Nate’s words, “Yeah, me too. I just have one question. Why didn’t you let me die? Why did you care so much?”
Nate leant back against the desk, perching on the edge and crossing his arms, “Because, you’re one of the most awesome people I’ve ever met. You’re smart and funny and cool. You helped me out when I had nowhere to go, so I wanted to do the same… I wasn’t ready to lose you.”
“Well,” You started moving closer to Nate, “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going anywhere.”
A/N: Hope you enjoy! I take requests! Also, follow my instagram @cxplqnce
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cxplqnce · 4 years
John Constantine - Four Months II
Word Count: 883
You hadn’t left your room in days. Sara had asked you to help with several mission but you were too messed up to even leave your bed. You just lay there watching crappy rom-coms and crying to yourself.
John wasn’t much better, yes, he did leave his room to help on missions but he had lost his natural snark and had become dull. Apart from missions, John was doing exactly the same as you, wallowing in his room.
Both of you knew you were in the wrong. John knew he should’ve called or told you that he was safe every few days or so and you knew that you shouldn’t have said most of the stuff you did. However, you were both too proud to admit these feelings to the other person, even with your teammates pushing you to do so.
“Okay, I’ve had enough.” Charlie proclaimed, storming into your bedroom and immediately putting her hands to her nose, “Jesus, Y/N. How long has it been since you had a shower?”
You grunted in response, throwing a pillow at Charlie, “Go away!”
“No. You need to get out of bed and stop being so stubborn! You and John are just as bad as each other, pining for each other and doing nothing… Now, come on! Out of bed!” She ordered, pulling your arm. You tried to resist but Charlie was way too strong, she pulled you completely out of bed. You landed with a thud on your bedroom floor, letting out a pained groan.
“Fine! Fine, I’ll go shower.” You complained, standing up and grabbing your shower stuff.
After your shower, you felt slightly better until you bumped into the one person on the ship you didn’t want to. As soon as your eyes met you could tell John had been crying. His hair was all messed up and his eyes were red and puffy like yours. He was fidgeting with his fingernails and you noticed some dried blood around them.
“Hey, John.” You greeted, in a small voice. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m ‘right love. You?” He replied, trying not to make eye contact with you.
You nodded, “I’m good.”
After this short exchange you walked past him and back to your room where Charlie was waiting with a sandwich and a large bottle of water. You put your stuff away and accepted the food from her, sitting down and munching on it.
“I heard your conversation with Johnno outside. You guys gonna talk out your problems anytime soon? ‘Cause it’s getting really annoying and awkward to be around you both.” Charlie rambled, sitting down heavily in your armchair and taking a swig of beer.
You sighed, “I know I should apologise… It’s just; I don’t think he understands how much it hurt.”
“Listen, Y/N. I’ve been around for a while and I know how to tell when someone’s in love. I can tell that Johnno loves you so much and he’d never hurt you intentionally. My guess is – he didn’t want to worry you.” Charlie explained, leaning forwards to pat your knee before leaving your room.
You had thought about what Charlie said for the next few hours and decided to swallow your pride. You stood in front of John’s room, shaking and fidgeting for a few long moments before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door. It opened pretty quickly and John looked up. He did a double take when he saw that you were standing in front of him.
“Hi.” You croaked out, moving inside the room and shutting the door behind you.
John stood up from his seat on the bed, “Hi, love.”
“I, uh… what I said – it wasn’t fair an-” You started before John cut you off.
“It was completely fair. I was a dick; I didn’t even think that not calling would even affect you. I thought you would’ve just forgotten about me and gone on with your life – not giving a rat’s arse what happened to me.” John spoke, quickly, while you hung onto every word.
“But I do care, John. That’s why it hurt so much – I was scared that something bad had happened to you and I… I was worried that I’d lose you.” You replied, a tear falling down your cheek that you quickly wiped away, sniffling into your sleeve, “And what I said, about being stupid, it’s not true… I am damn lucky to have you and out of billions of people, I don’t want anyone else. I don’t, I want you, John. I want the ‘nasty piece of work’ side of you and the badass warlock side of you and the sweet, caring, vulnerable side of you that no one else gets to see. I don’t care about what happened – it’s done. I just care about you. I love you.”
“I’m bloody sorry for how I acted. All I know is that I love you, Y/N, and I will spend the rest of my damned life showing you how much.” He replied.
After realising what John had said you reached forward, pulling him towards you in a long-awaited hug. John took this opportunity to grip the side of your face and place a rough, passionate kiss on your lips, confirming just how much he loved you.
A/N: Hope you enjoy! Follow my instagram @cxplqnce! Also, I take requests! :)
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