daddyliamcage · 11 years
lol im actually in love with you and your writing and wow i just
oh my gosh i don't even use this blog anymore, but thank you! :D 
i love you too anon
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
two pieces - ziall one-shot
Summary: In a way, he found Zayn's sudden obsession with photography cute. Sometimes, he goes through these phases, and he can't stick to one thing for long. A few months ago, his main interest was drawing. So Niall had to continually sit in one spot for an amount of time, not moving whatsoever, and he had to let Zayn draw him. 
Author's note: I haven't posted on my tumblr is twenty years, so here. I wrote 80% of this on my phone, oh my goodness. 
Niall sat with his back against a tree, mindlessly flipping through an English book. He had so much homework that had to be done, but he had zero motivation to do it. It also didn't help that his best friend was standing around, snapping pictures of everything in sight. Every time he felt the camera pointed at him, he held his book in front of his face, blocking his friends view. The first few times he laughed, but he was slowly growing irritated. Sitting there silently, the next time he was faced and heard a small click, he was up on his feet and snatching the camera away quickly. "That is enough!" He said sternly, giving the other boy a small nudge.
"Aw, come on, give me back my camera." Zayn chuckled, reaching both hands out. 
"No! I'm tired of you taking pictures of me!" Niall whined. 
"But, you're beautiful." Zayn grinned, stepping closer and Niall allowed his cheeks to be cupped, face immediately turning red. 
"You're not funny." He muttered, deciding to just hand over the camera. And of course, as soon as Zayn got it back, it was once again pointed in Niall's face, going off every few seconds. Without fighting back this time, Niall made a goofy face with every chance he got. 
In a way, he found Zayn's sudden obsession with photography cute. Sometimes, he goes through these phases, and he can't stick to one thing for long. A few months ago, his main interest was drawing. So Niall had to continually sit in one spot for an amount of time, not moving whatsoever, and he had to let Zayn draw him. Niall would sometimes tease Zayn and point out small details, saying; "my eyes do not look like that," "you got my hair all wrong," and he would laugh at the fake offended reaction he would get. 
As soon as Zayn turned around, Niall grinned widely and ran over to him, jumping on his back and nearly throwing him off balance. Niall took the camera right from him once again and held it out of his view, though with him clung to his back, Zayn had no choice but to take a hold of his thighs and keep him held up. "You're so the one whose not funny." Zayn tilted his head to look at Niall, giving him a small pout. Niall just poked his tongue out and pushed his nose against Zayn's. 
He took a few pictures of the both of them, then he hopped off Zayn's back, handing him back the device for good now, and he went over to the tree again where all of his homework was sprawled out. "Why don't you do that later?" Zayn practically whined. "It is Friday, after all." 
"I'm not a complete slacker like you." Niall laughed, rolling his eyes. 
"I am not a slacker, I just simply know how to have fun." Zayn defended, holding a hand up as if to silence the other. 
Again, Niall rolled his eyes and as soon as he opened back up his text book, it was snatched away from him. Okay, maybe he deserved that, considering most of the day he had been pulling things away from Zayn. Huffing a deep sigh, Niall stood up and he crossed his arms. He tried to look big and tough, but all he could do was let out a drawn out whine in frustration. "Why?" He complained loudly, making grabby hands towards his friend. 
"We can both study later, yeah?" Zayn grinned, putting down the book so he can grab both of Niall's hands, lacing their fingers together and he tugged him over to the playground. 
Niall just nodded his head, and when they made it over to the swings, he allowed himself to be pushed down onto one of the seats. Zayn got behind him and waited until Niall got a good hold on the bars before he began pushing him slowly at first. 
Soon, he was swinging up high, feet kicked up in the air and he couldn't help but laugh. It makes him feel a little dull for trying not to act like he wasn't having fun, but he really was. "I'm gonna jump!" He yelled, practically giggling. 
"Do it!" 
"No, I'm too scared!" 
He heard Zayn laugh loudly, and he swore he could hear his eye roll. Niall waited until he was swinging slightly slowly, and then he jumped, holding his arms out and he safely landed on the ground. Although, as soon as he landed, his friend was tackling him to the ground. Niall rolled around and tried to squirm, nudging at the other boy. "Get off me!" 
"Nope, make me." Zayn grinned, pushing Niall on his back, and he got his wrists pinned down. 
This made Niall squirm and try to fight back even more. "You're being a total dick right now." Niall whined, attempting to push his knees up and kick at Zayn. 
"I think I'm very nice to you." Zayn gave a fake hurt expression, then he chuckled again, leaning down to where his and Niall's noses were touching. He gave him a small Eskimo kiss, rubbing their noses against each other, and when he saw how much Niall's face turned red, he tilted his head slightly to fully press their lips together. At first, Niall didn't react. He stayed still, completely shocked as Zayn slowly moved his lips against his own. When his wrists were let go, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck, pulling him closer and fluttering his eyes shut, softly kissing him back. 
Zayn let out a quiet, muffling laugh against Niall's mouth, and he tugged him up slightly in a sitting position, hugging his arms around him. The two of them pulled back after a moment, and Niall almost wanted to slap that smug look Zayn had on his face. "What was that for?" Niall muttered, gently bringing his fingers up to his own lips. 
He shrugged, giving Niall another quick kiss. "Don't know, guess I just felt like doing it?" He grinned, then he stood back to his feet, holding his hands out to Niall. Pouting for a second, Niall stared at Zayn, and he finally grabbed onto his hands, allowing himself to be pulled up. He still had this slight flush across his cheeks as he shifted from foot to foot, chewing the inside of his cheek a bit nervously. "Wanna go home and study now?" Zayn asked, ruffling Niall's hair with a smile. 
"Yeah.. Yeah, we can go do that." Niall smiled back and he followed Zayn over to where they had their things sat down, and he gathered up his books, adjusting the straps of his backpack over his shoulders. Once Zayn had his own things as well, he pushed his skateboard over to the walkway, holding onto the rope that was attached to it. 
"Come here, I'm going to push you to your house." Zayn laughed, gesturing for Niall to sit on the skateboard, and he did. Niall nearly had a heart attack at every crack in the cement, but he still lived, and him and Zayn made it home safely. 
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
i see a happy ending if i stand up tall - nouis
Summary: Again, Niall wasn't sure of the point in camping out here, but he didn't say anything, because everyone was so ecstatic over the thought. And for some reason he liked the fact that Louis kept roasting marshmallows over the fire and held over the stick he had them stuck on, allowing him to eat from it.
 Part one: xxx
Author's note: I'm just going to throw this second part at everyone and pretend that it didn't take me years to post it, aha. 
It's been a week and Niall has surprisingly felt just a bit better about being there.
He wasn't being as much of a stubborn prick as he was when he first arrived and they've been doing more activities. The weather has been getting hotter, which was one thing he wasn't too excited about. Another thing he wasn't excited about was camping outside. Going to a summer camp was one thing, but actually sleeping outside was another. Being crowded around other people, at night time, sitting on a log with a fire going and bugs constantly flying at you and biting you was just horrible to him. Louis thought it was a great idea camping outside. He was the one sitting closest to Niall, and he was sitting so close that their shoulders were touching.
It was quite late, and some people were actually complaining about how tired they were, they started to get their sleeping bags set up in one of the tents Louis brought along with them on their small journey through the woods. Again, Niall wasn't sure of the point in camping out here, but he didn't say anything, because everyone was so ecstatic over the thought. And for some reason he liked the fact that Louis kept roasting marshmallows over the fire and held over the stick he had them stuck on, allowing him to eat from it. He had this blanket wrapped around him and he was bundled up, warm sitting on that stupid, uncomfortable log.
He doesn't know why, but Niall thought that his new friend was just going to be nice to him for one day, say that they were going to be best friends, and then just forget about him. But that didn't happen, and he doesn't understand why. Because for this entire week – since their first encounter, - Louis has oddly been attached to his side. Yes, he is the counsellor, but that is partly, no mainly, the reason why he thought that them as friends wouldn't work. For the fact that Niall is just a camper.
Maybe this is why he's in such a good mood. No, he hasn't talked to his friend from home since his phone had gotten taken away, but Louis is a really nice person and Niall has grown to enjoy his presence. He's goofy and overly joyful and insanely great to be around.
He watched as Louis helped a few of the people into their tents and he was tossing his stick into the fire before he took a seat right back next to Niall. “I'm tired.” He muttered, letting out a yawn as he rested his head on the blond's shoulder.
“Well, why don't you sleep?” Niall replied, shifting just the slightest bit to where he could properly face the counsellor.
All Louis did was shrug, then he was releasing another yawn, stretching his arms out in front of him. Niall just laughed. “If I go to bed, why don't you sleep in my tent with me?” Louis was then asking.
The younger boy doesn't know how, but the question was suddenly bringing a light shade of red to his cheeks, and it was his turn to reply with a shrug. Grinning, Louis was getting up from the log, and he was grabbing Niall's wrist through the blanket that was wrapped around him, tugging him along over to the empty tent. Normally, he would be sleeping with the other boys, where as it's a larger tent and it was supposed to be for them and the other campers. But, no, Niall would be sleeping with Louis.
The fire got put out and it was irritatingly dark as Niall felt around the tent while crawling inside. Louis was zipping it up as he was the last one to climb in, and the other one had to feel around and struggle as he attempted to get into his own sleeping bag. But then he felt this weight on him as Louis decided to be funny and fling himself at Niall. “Argh, get off me!” He shouted in a whisper, shoving at Louis.
Louis let out this uncontrollable laughter, falling over and he had to catch his breath. “I was just playing with you!” He said, a little loudly, receiving another shove.
“Whatever.” Niall grunt, finally getting comfortable and warm and bundled up, then he sighed, content. “Am I even allowed to sleep in here with you?”
“Um, yes.” Louis responded quietly, once he realised Niall probably couldn't see him nodding his head in the dark.
“Oh, okay.”
It was silent for a moment, all that could be heard was this shifting around in the tent. Niall could feel an arm snake around his waist, tugging him closer. “H-Hey, get out of my sleeping bag.” He frowned, hiding his face in a pillow.
“I'm trying to get warm!” He heard a giggle, and Louis was just about completely pressed against him. The boy decided not to respond, but upon not giving objection, the sleeping bag was unzipped, and their legs were tangled together as Louis held onto him tight and close. Niall shuddered as he felt Louis' face pressed to his neck, the hot breath on his skin.
“This isn't funny..” He muttered, tilting his head back, attempting to scoot a bit away from the counsellor.
“I'm not trying to be funny.”
“Oh.” He said quietly, still trying to shift, but he was only pulled even closer.
“You're awfully comfortable.” The older boy commented after a minute, reaching a hand up to stroke through Niall's hair.
Niall couldn't help but lean into the touch, nuzzling his hand. “R-Really?” He managed out. He doesn't know why he felt so nervous, maybe it's because he's not used to this kind of affection from the other. Sure, Louis is always clinging to him, and giving him attention. The thing that feels so different is how close he is, their bodies are completely touching, and if it doesn't make things even more.. Odd, they're alone. It's just the two of them.
He was thinking so hard, he could have sworn Louis said something, but he couldn't catch it. He heard this small hum, then the hand was trailing down to his chin, making Niall face him more directly, and his breath hitched in his throat. A pair of lips were against his own and his immediate reaction was to kiss back, hands going to fist into Louis' shirt. As soon as he did that, he was pushed onto his back, and the other was moving to straddle his waist. Niall let out this very unmanly squeak, overwhelmed by how quickly this was moving.
Still, he was breathing hard and a little nervous, and with it being dark, unable to see anything whatsoever, that didn't help. He didn't know what to do when he felt Louis pull away for just a second, coming back down to swipe his tongue along Niall's bottom lip, moving a hand underneath his shirt. The younger boy let out a gasp as he felt the cold hand touch his skin. He released a small moan as he felt the others tongue brushing against the roof of his mouth. As the two of them kissed, Niall reached up, gripping his fingers through Louis' hair, tugging slightly as he panted, already breathless.
Louis' hands made their way down, resting just at the waistband of the blond's shorts, and they slowly dipped inside, hooking at the band. That was when Niall decided to pull away, getting his breathing back to normal before he spoke, still feeling his shorts be tug at. “O-Okay, wait.. What are we doing?”
“Whatever you want to do.”
Niall kissed him again, and again, then one more time before resting back, head against the pillow. Before he could even have the chance to form another sentence, he shuddered as his neck was being kissed. Moving his head to the side, he allowed more access to the skin, whining in the back of his throat. “Louis, how good of an idea is this..?” He finally got out, chewing onto his own bottom lip.
“Really good.”
“You don't think we'll be caught?” He felt teeth scrape against the skin, then Louis was sucking hard, making him squirm and gasp. “Fuck, stop that! People are going to see-”
“There are like, tons of people here who could have done that.”
Letting out a groan of irritation, Niall shoved Louis hard, causing the older boy to laugh and pull back, leaning in to quickly press their lips together a final time before rolling over onto his side, laying next to Niall. “I'm sorry.” Louis muttered, reaching out to touch the other's cheek.
“It's fine.” Feeling his own neck that was hot and wet, he groaned a second time, wiping at it almost vigorously. “I can't believe you..” He mumbled.
Louis let out a short, nervous chuckle, apologising again. “I'm sorry..”
“No, don't be.” Even though it probably couldn't be seen, Niall smiled, leaning in to peck the older one on the cheek. “It really is fine.”
“Good.” Nudging closer, they were tangled up in each other, much like earlier, and they both cuddled against the other. “By the way, Liam's mad at you.”
“You said you weren't going to look at my phone!”
“He's mad that you haven't replied to any of his texts – you know, when he's worried, he tends to spam?”
“I told him to kindly stop.” There was a slap to his chest. “Hey! I just told him to stop, and he did. You'll get your phone back soon.”
Niall gave a loud sigh, then rested his face into the crook of Louis' neck. “I know.”
An amount of time later, and Niall relaxed, contently falling asleep in the hold of Louis' arms, and the silence was broken as the counsellor spoke up again. “That guy really can't spell, I just thought I'd let you know that.”
Really, Niall felt this annoyance building inside of him, but all he did was force a smile and hug onto Louis tighter, giving a quiet response. “Louis, please, go to sleep.”
“Aw, okay.” There was a kiss to the top of the blond's head and some shifting around before the two of them were able to fall into rest.
Niall was actually really happy right now.  
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
Ahahahaah, I'm going through my blog and I'm going to delete old fics of mine that I don't like, hahahaha. 
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
finding something to do - nouis
Summary: His mother told him something like, “This will teach you great responsibility!” or, “Being out more will make you feel so much better!” He sort of understood all of that, but really, he couldn't find it in him to care. There's classes there that he could take, some dealing with all sorts of art, such as drawing, and music, which were some good things. The thought is, it should be impossible to get bored being at this camp, but he's by himself and he literally knows no one there, so he kind of wants to curl up in a ball and not leave his cabin.
Author's note: Hehe, I'm going to write a second part to this. \(^▽^*)
Niall huffed a sigh as soon as he stepped off the bus.
For the next few weeks he would be spending his time at a summer camp, – alone, mostly, for the fact that his best friend wasn't going. At first, he was so very excited over the thought of going to a camp. As cheesy as it sounded, the entire fun of it was going with his best friend. But the boy got all caught up in something, and last minute, he was being dragged along on a family vacation, hours and hours away, and he wouldn't be back for a while. So, yes, Niall is a alone, and he's socially awkward and he doesn't know how to make friends. It's almost as if he's a different person with his friend, but isn't that almost everyone?
He got his bag slung over his shoulder and he stood there. He had no idea where to go, and there was a ton of people stepping around him, bumping into him, getting their bags and seeming like they knew what the hell they were doing. Being here gave him something to do and made sure he wouldn't be at home the entire summer, laying in bed all day sobbing over the fact that his dear friend was gone.
But, soon, someone was showing him where to go and went over with him all the activities and such, and brought him over to the cabins where he would be putting his things away and making himself comfortable. There were a few other guys supposedly sharing the cabin as well, they just weren't there with him, probably running around outside or something.
Already exhausted from being there, Niall plopped on the bed he would be sleeping on for the next few weeks, rolling on his side and shoving his face in his pillow, feet dangling off the bed. His mother told him something like, “This will teach you great responsibility!” or, “Being out more will make you feel so much better!” He sort of understood all of that, but really, he couldn't find it in him to care. There's classes there that he could take, some dealing with all sorts of art, such as drawing, and music, which were some good things. The thought is, it should be impossible to get bored being at this camp, but he's by himself and he literally knows no one there, so he kind of wants to curl up in a ball and not leave his cabin.
Then, within twenty minutes, he's being dragged out by a counsellor and thrown into a group with a bunch of other people. They end up doing painting, and as much as Niall likes being artsy, he felt like a child sitting there splatting different colours on a big, poster-sized paper. It started out with him trying to be as steady as possible with the paint brush, but then, at some point he thought fuck this and began using his hands, making a complete mess and making his 'masterpiece' look like crap. The nice counsellor lady smiled and told him what a good job he did, so there's that.
As they went on doing activities, Niall could feel himself starting to relax more, and take to this entire thing. He had his cell phone hidden away at his cabin, stuffed into the bag he had filled with clothes, and he would've been texting his friend the entire time, but he thought maybe he might survive at this camp.
By the time they were going swimming, the blond was feeling tired and cold and really tired of being splashed at with water every ten seconds, so he ran over to pick up a towel, and wrap himself in it, then he was making some excuse about how he was feeling poorly and he ran back to his cabin, – almost getting lost, that might be added. But after a few minutes or so he found his way and he was drying his hair and changing back into a comfortable pair of clothes. Once he was dressed again, he sat on his bed, fiddling around with his phone for a few minutes. There was a small knock on the door but he didn't look up, he just kept typing out responses to his friend, telling him that he was actually having a good time.
Niall heard footsteps, the creaking of the cabin floor, then his head snapped up and he gave a nervous laugh as one of the counsellors approached his bed. “You know, I kind of have the right to take that phone of yours away?” The counsellor told him with a grin, crossing his arms. He looked too amused, and in all honesty, attractive. Niall wasn't sure if he should give him some smart answer, or straight up hand the phone over. But, quickly, he was deciding to hold it tight in his hand, and sit up more straight in his spot, shooting the man a look.
“And for what reason would that be?”
“If you didn't notice, you received a list of things to bring, and a list of things not bring. Electronics like that are on the list of what not to bring.”
“That's stupid.”
“You're here to have fun and to have a great learning experience, not to text your friends from home.”
“That's also stupid.”
The guy laughed, rolling his eyes, he uncrossed his arms and gave a shrug. “Yeah, okay, well, it's going to be time for dinner, then you'll be heading off to bed soon after that.”
Niall pressed his lips together in a thin line, nodding his head. The counsellor turned to leave, and as soon as he turned around, the blond was pulling his phone back out and texting again. He was getting a full message out, and finished, and he almost didn't notice or react quick enough before the device was being snatched right out of his hands. “Hey!” His face fell, disappointed.
“You're not getting this back. Unless you're sick and dying, we won't allow you to have a call, okay?” He smirked, holding the phone away from Niall. The phone vibrated in his hand, and he held it up, getting a good look at whatever it was Niall received, and he chuckled, “Looks like Liam won't be hearing from you for a while.” He shrugged, proceeding to make his way out.
Come dinner time, the only thing Niall could do was be on the look out for this very annoying, and smart-ass counsellor. He got his tray of food, - that kind of looked like crap to him, that shouldn't have looked like crap, but he just wasn't very interested and he would have tossed the tray in a trash can if he wasn't so hungry right now. A few people, surprisingly, came up and asked him to sit down but as soon as he saw the certain man he was looking for, sitting at the far back with another leader, he had to decline and hurry away. And, seriously, Niall was lucky because as soon as he reached the counsellor, the other man he was talking to got up and walked away. “There you are.” Niall said, sliding next to him on the bench.
“Here I am?” The other replied, seeming slightly confused.
“Yes, I was looking for you..” Niall leaned forward a bit, squinting, catching what was written on his name tag, “Louis, you have my damn phone.” He said the name so easily, and it sounded so perfect leaving his mouth.
“Yes, your phone that you won't be getting back for a few weeks. Don't worry, it's safe with me.” 'Louis' gave him a wink before he turned back to his food, proceeding to eat it. Niall gave a deep, exaggerated sigh, shifting on the bench so that he could go on with eating his own food. “It won't be that bad, I promise. Would you like me to tell Liam that you're ok?” Niall swore, he could hear the smirk in his voice.
“No, no, do not even touch my phone.” By now, the blond's eyes were wide, and he wasn't sure if he looked concerned, or flat out irritated.
Niall was irritated.
He was beyond irritated.
He cleared his throat, turning his head to look at his counsellor, smiling. “I can tell you're, uh.. Really cool and stuff, and I mean, I think we could be friends-”
“Kissing up to me like that isn't going to get your phone back, I hope you know.” Louis grinned at him, picking up his empty tray to walk over to dump it in the trash.
Immediately, Niall's cheeks became a tinted red and he groaned to himself, shoving a bit of his dinner in his mouth hurriedly before he got up and began dumping his own tray, carelessly. He frowned as Louis began walking away, and he grabbed onto his arm, blushing even worse when he spun around to give him an odd look. “Okay, look, I'm sorry. But I'm serious about being your friend.” He took a step back, smiling uneasily.
“Is that so?”
“I swear it.”
“Hmm..” Louis tilted his head, pressing a finger to his chin. “Well, I suppose it makes sense. Who doesn't want to be graced with my presence?”
“Wow, fine, forget it.” Niall rolled his eyes and began to walk away.
“Okay!” Louis laughed loudly, this time catching Niall by the arm. “We'll be friends. You're totally making this into some kind of fifth grade shit, but alright. Yeah, friends.”
Niall was awoken by a violent jerking, and he jumped up in his bed, eyes wide and alarmed. He heard this silent, high-pitched laughing beside him, and he couldn't see much in the dark, but he wasn't nearly as startled as he was a second ago, “Uh, what-”
“Don't worry, Niall! It's just me!” Louis wasn't exactly shouting. It was more of a whisper-shout.
“What are you doing in here?” The blond asked as he rubbed at his eyes. He was actually quite surprised as to how the older man got in the cabin. There were a few other boys in there with them, sound asleep. Maybe it's just Niall, but if he were the other boys and there was just some quiet conversation and footsteps going on, he would've been awake. Well, he is awake. That's beside the point.
It was dark, quite dark, but with what little light was shining in through the window, Niall could see that Louis was holding a finger up to his lips. He began to silently make his way out of the cabin, and within a moment, Niall followed, struggling to slip some shoes on. It was so cold outside as soon as he stepped out. It was already cold to begin with. “Wait, so, what are we doing?” He questioned Louis again, as they started to walk away from the cabin, giving themselves more privacy to speak a bit louder.
“You want to be my friend?” Louis asked, turning to give him a big grin.
“I thought it would be good if the both of us spent some quality time together, away from everyone else.” The older man chuckled, and he paused, slipping off his coat to hand to Niall, seeing as he was shivering. “How does that sound, Niall?”
“Great..” Niall hugged the coat to himself, enjoying the warmth as soon as he pulled it on. “Thank you.”
Louis smiled and wrapped an arm around the younger boy, bringing him close as they walked out of view from the cabins. Niall didn't really speak a word as they made their way down a path, all he did was look around, taking in sight and gazing at the surroundings as they passed by. Everything was just trees and little lights hung around so that it wasn't entirely darkness. After a few moments, however, he did speak, and all he managed out was; “I feel bad. Are you cold?” He asked quietly, looking up at Louis.
“I'm fine, really. No need to worry.”
“Oh. Well, okay.” Niall gave a shrug, causing Louis' hand to fall from his shoulder, and the counsellor grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him over to lake's dock, sitting at the edge of it and carefully tugging him down next to him. “Louis, what is this? I don't know if it's just me, but this seems awfully romantic.”
Laughing, Louis scooted closer and bumped their knees together. “Do you not like this?”
“I didn't say that! I mean.. God, never mind, this is great.” He looked at Louis, forcing a small smile.
“I'm glad you think so.” Another silence fell over them as they let their legs dangle from over the dock, and they just basked in the cold, comforting air before Louis was turning to Niall, speaking up. “By the way, I just want you to know that even though I'm being nice to you, it doesn't mean I'm giving you your phone back.”
Niall nodded slowly, exhaling a sigh as he looked down at the water, chewing his bottom lip. “Okay.”
“Sorry, kid. If this wasn't such a strict rule, you know, I'd happily give it back.”
“No you wouldn't.”
“You're right, I wouldn't.”
Niall huffed, grumbling something under his breath before scooting even closer to Louis until their sides were pressed together, and he leaned his head against the man's shoulder. “It's really cold.” He muttered, looking up at him.
“Do you want to go back?”
“Then, I don't know what to tell you. Be cold.”
“Fuck you.”
Louis raised an eyebrow and reached a hand over to cup Niall's jaw, then he grinned at him. “I don't know if I want to move into things as fast as you.”
Niall's face heated up quickly and almost immediately he was pushing Louis away. “Okay, okay, no, I'm going back to bed, goodnight.” He started getting up before the older man grabbed onto him again, pulling him back into his lap. The blond started squirming, but then he clung to Louis as soon as he realised that was probably a bad idea, and that he was going to fall right into the freezing water.
“Can't you take a joke?” The other asked, chuckling as he hugged Niall close.
“I'm sorry we don't share the same sense of humour.”
“I'm sure we do, you're just being a stubborn brat.”
Niall was about to complain, but he noticed how comfortable it was on Louis' lap, so all he did was lean against him and hug him tight, burying his face in his neck. Louis had his arms tight around the others waist, and they stayed just like that until Niall thought he was about to doze off, so he pushed up from leaning on him, and he released a sigh, looking at him. “Can we go back now?”
Louis nodded and the both of them got up, then they were walking back to the cabins. They may not have spent an entirely long time together, but regardless, they hung around for some time. And when they got back, Louis walked Niall up to his cabin, where the blond took off Louis' coat and gave it back, unsure what to do so he waved a little before sneaking back inside, curling right back up in bed, falling asleep almost immediately.
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
So, I cleared some stuff up on my blog and I might try to have a fic posted this week, even though I'm going to be extremely busy. 
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
Can you write another jiall? Please? I would love you so much more then i already do. :(
Ah! I literally thought of writing Jiall a few days ago. I'll try to come up with something soon!
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
bring me in and fall into me
Summary: It had to have been only four in the morning and she was up doing all of this.
Pairing: Ziall.
Words: 1,116.
Author's note: This had to have been the fastest thing I've ever written, and I did not check it over. 
    Niall tried being as quiet as she could be. She had two boxes of cake mix out, a bowl filled with eggs, and a carton of milk spread out on the kitchen table. There was a ton of noise going on in the kitchen, a lot of clanking, and a few times, she almost dropped the eggs she was cracking. It had to have been only four in the morning and she was up doing all of this. For some reason, she was taking a true liking to baking. It was fun, but most of all, she got something delicious out of it. Of course, if she doesn't screw up the recipe. Which she was trying so hard not to do right now.
She's made cupcakes a few times, as well as brownies, so this time she wanted to bake something a little different.
Considering the time it was, she didn't want to be loud. She knows how much her roommate likes to sleep, especially on days when they don't have class. Niall's roommate could go to bed at seven at night, and end up awake around noon. She doesn't quite understand it, but she's not about to question the girl.
Getting the oven set to preheat, she stepped away to finish putting the ingredients in the bowl she had the mix in. She dropped the right amount of butter in there, poured in the milk, and cracked all the eggs she needed. Then, she was walking over to the fridge, bringing everything back to put away. Holding the door open, she carefully balanced everything in her arms. Which was probably the biggest mistake she's ever made in her life, because as she was trying to put things where they went, everything was falling out of her arms, resulting in a loud bang.
She jumped back and threw her hands over her face, letting out a long sigh. “What happened out here?” Niall heard her roommate tiredly ask, looking over to see the dark haired girl standing there, rubbing at her eyes.
“I..” Sighing again, she just shut up, and began cleaning up the mess on the floor.
“Do you need any help?” Then she heard a yawn, and footsteps approaching.
“No, it's fine.” Niall muttered in response, getting on her feet to reach for a towel. All she could think as she washed the mess was; never again. Without a word, Zayn was getting on her knees, too. Helping out.
Once that was all done, Niall got the cake in the oven, - a little off time, - and she could finally relax. She sat down on the table, resting her head in her arms, and she groaned loudly. “Am I allowed to ask why you're awake so damn early?” Zayn decided to ask.
“Because.. I was hungry. And bored.”
“Yeah. There's not really much to say to that. I was bored and hungry.”
Zayn nodded her head and didn't say any more. The blond smiled a little and took it upon herself to look her roommate over. Even though the other girl just woke up, she looked exhausted, and sleep deprived. She most likely went to bed late, probably because of work, or some other thing. Niall doesn't spend her time getting into the other's life. She took note on how she had a little smeared eyeliner still under her eyes, that didn't quite get washed off all the way, and how her hair looked so rushed and messily tied up in a bun.
On the stove, there was still about twenty minutes left before the cake was done, so she stood up, stretching a bit before she walked to the living room. She plopped onto the couch, and Zayn plopped on top of her. Niall had to laugh at that, and it was kind of weird, because she doesn't think this girl has ever been this affectionate towards her. “Why are you laying on top of me?” She asked her, as she reached over for the television remote.
“I'm so tired,” Zayn responded, muffled as her face was stuck in Niall's neck.
Nodding softly, Niall snacked an arm around the other girl's waist, going through several channels on the television to pass down the time. Patiently waiting for the cake to be done and baked. When the oven did go off, she struggled getting off the couch, as Zayn was clinging to her. She's pretty sure at some point as they were laying there, Zayn was asleep, but when she tried to get up, the girl just clung to her harder, giving a whine in protest. “Look, I really need to get up, so..” She laughed a bit, nudging her off before she walked to the kitchen.
“Can we eat yet?” Zayn yelled from the living room.
“It has to cool off, so, no.” Niall called back, being careful not to burn herself as she got the cake out. She left it on the kitchen counter, allowing it to cool down, then she went back into the living room to relax.
But, that didn't last long, because within ten minutes of nagging, she decided quality didn't matter, and she began frosting the cake. It turned out looking terrible, and half-assed, but she didn't care, because it tasted amazing and Zayn was pleased.
They sat, on the couch in the living room, cross-legged, facing each other as they ate. Everything about the cake was perfect, even if it looked like a pile of shit. In all honesty, Niall could live off this for the next few days, and she probably will. And while she ate, she probably looked like an idiot, hearing a small chuckle from the other girl. She paused, allowing herself to swallow before she spoke up, “What's so funny?”
Zayn smiled, licking her own thumb before she reached over to wipe the corner of Niall's mouth. “You had something right there..” Almost immediately, the blond's cheeks turned red and she let out a nervous laugh.
“Oh? Well, thanks..” She smiled back and was about to pick up her fork again before Zayn grabbed her face and pulled her forward for a kiss. She gave a little muffled response, nothing very understandable, and allowed her eyes to close as she leaned more into it. The kiss didn't last long, but when both girls parted, Zayn just grinned as she grabbed her plate and brought it to the kitchen. Niall frowned and stuffed her face as quick as she could, finishing up her own food before she went to follow her roommate, going back to bed. 
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
don't leave till you're finished
Summary: It's kind of awkward, if Zayn is honest. He was sitting in the back of a book store with some boy because he's so terribly lonely and he doesn't know how to work relationships anymore, so he was suggested to find someone online to meet up with.
Warning: Mature. 
Part 1: xxxx 
Author's note: jfc this is terrible and i don't even want to post it bUT HEY HAVE FUN GO CRAZY. 
  The boy picked a day that was convenient for Zayn, which was a Saturday. But, what Zayn didn't really understand, was why they were meeting up when it was almost dark. Sure, for the situation, it wouldn't exactly be comfortable meeting at some time in the morning. However, it seemed odd and risky, even though he's the older one. The most appropriate thing to do was meet somewhere that was filled with people, to make the meet-up more safe. The boy suggested a book-store, and when the older man arrived there, the place wasn't entirely packed. There was a café at the back of the store, and in that area was more people. Really, there isn't a point to be shopping for books at almost seven thirty at night. Well, maybe for those not on a schedule.
Zayn can't remember the last time he, on his own time, went to a book store. He likes to read, but whenever he goes to pick things up, it's for his job. Being the youngest person at his job, of course he has to do all of those annoying runs. What he finds the most irritating is leaving to pick up coffee and lunch for everyone. To be straight to the point, his life is exhausting.
Pretty much, he can go on for hours and hours about how much he hates his life.
But, anyway, he goes over to the café at the back of the store and he takes a seat, bringing out his phone. From what he learned, his name was Niall. And, well, he should be there right now. Zayn leaned over and tried to get a good look at the entrance. He can kind of see it. He slumped over in his chair and contemplated at least texting Niall.
They've exchanged a few emails. It made him feel pathetic because he was constantly refreshing the page of his inbox for the passed few days, up until tonight, where they're meeting. No one even uses their email these days but it was the safest way of contact for them. Then, Niall thought it would be nice to exchange phone numbers, and really, Zayn is trying hard to not text him at every hour of the day. He found he actually likes talking to this boy and if it turns out to be an old guy, well, he'll probably hang himself. He can see it now, some forty year old is using a photo of one of his dead victims to pose as a sixteen year old. It could be possible, they've never spoken on the phone. Who knows how high the chance is of Niall being legitimate.
He glanced around the café, taking note on how there wasn't a line at the front counter, and maybe some coffee sounded nice at the moment. He was about to get up when a hand gripped onto his shoulder. At first, he jumped, a little startled, but he let out this embarrassing laugh when he saw it was just Niall. “Ah, hey!” He smiled and stepped back, reaching his hand out for him to shake.
“Hey! You looked scared for a second.” He chuckled, seeming a bit hesitant and confused before he took his hand. Zayn just realised he wasn't a thousand percent sure on how this night was going to go. He was probably being too.. Casual, and formal about this whole thing. He really needed to relax and loosen up.
“..Not really.” Zayn laughed again and rubbed the back of his head. “Well, it's nice to finally meet you.”
Niall grinned, “It's nice meeting you, too.” The two sort of stood there for a moment, taking in each other's appearances, and Niall spoke up again. “Why don't we go walk around?”
Niall practically dragged him to the other side of the store, actually. They were sitting by themselves, over where the graphic novels were located, and Zayn actually appreciated the silence they had. It's not the fact that he has anything to hide, because he doesn't. Just the idea of having any kind of conversation with Niall around other people at the café made him a little nervous.
He was still nervous, actually. Because the entire time they've been sitting there, they've barely spoken. A little small talk has been thrown around, sort of, but the casual things such as; 'How are you?' 'How was your day?' 'Did you enjoy the drive over here?' It's kind of awkward, if Zayn is honest. He was sitting in the back of a book store with some boy because he's so terribly lonely and he doesn't know how to work relationships anymore, so he was suggested to find someone online to meet up with. He doesn't know what to do at the moment. He lets out a sigh, then he hears Niall start to break the silence.
He's looking down at some comic book, and he's flipping through the pages, not lifting his head, but he talks, “So, you told me you're a teacher?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“Have you ever had any thoughts of hooking up with students? I mean, did you ever punish one of them for being naughty?” Zayn's eyebrows furrow, quickly catching onto what the other boy is implying. And he can see that Niall is grinning down at his book.
“They're fifth graders!”
Niall chuckles, tossing his book to the side, “My bad. That would be kinda weird if you were into that stuff, y'know?”
Zayn looks away, sighing, and muttering to himself, “I'm not some kind of pervert.”
The blond shifts where he's sitting on the floor, to where he's more facing Zayn. “You're saying that, yet you basically contacted me to hook up. Of course, you're not a pervert!” Zayn kind of winced when he laughed at him, feeling bad. Like he was a horrible person or something.
“I did not say that I wanted to 'hook up.'”
“Then why are we here?” He looked back at him, shrugging. He didn't know what to say.
Zayn really wanted to know the right way to respond.
Right now, he feels like such a waste of time.
“Do you want to leave? I understand if you do.”
“Leave, without you?” Zayn nodded, shifting uncomfortably. Niall smiled and moved closer to him, taking his hands to pull his body forward to where they could face each other. “You're clearly missing the point of us being here.” He grabbed onto his face, smashing their lips together. At first, Zayn was surprised, and he made a muffled noise. He wasn't sure how high the possibility was of someone seeing them. They had this shelf behind them, that blocked the view of them kissing, and there wasn't a whole lot of people wondering around, he knew that.
Niall gripped onto his hips, pulling him closer, and he got in his lap, straddling his thighs. He had his tongue in Zayn's mouth, and he was tugging on his hair. All Zayn could really do was let out a moan, wrapping his arms around the blond's waist and hold onto him when he started to move against him. “F-Fuck, here?” The only response he got from the little shit was a content hum, while Niall was pressing sloppy kisses along his neck, threading his fingers more into his messy, dark hair. He bit his lip and took a deep breath when he felt his teeth start scraping the skin. “Goddammit, Niall..”
He could finally breathe when Niall pulled back, wiping his mouth as he looked at him. It was unbelievable how much his looks didn't match his behaviour. “We could.. Go to my flat? I just live with my mum, but she's not going to be home tonight.” Just the fact that he mentioned his mother made Zayn remember how old he is, and how wrong this is. He couldn't even believe he was working to get to his feet quickly, grabbing a hold of Niall's wrist, and guiding him out of the store. They got pretty close to where Zayn had his car parked when the boy cleared his throat. “I just walked here. I don't live far, just around the corner. I'll just tell you where it is.”
Almost as soon as they entered the flat, Zayn had Niall pressed against the wall, his lips rough and tongue making it's way into his mouth. Niall made a whine in the back of his throat, unable to really move his arms, as they were held tight above his head. Zayn was practically squeezing Niall's wrists, his fingers digging into the skin. It hurt, but for some reason, the blond liked it.
When they pulled back for air, panting, Niall bit his lip and rested his head back against the wall. Zayn's hands were already making quick work of the boy's trousers, getting them undone. Hands free, Niall gripped onto the tanned man's shoulders, bringing him close, he kissed him again, taking a deep breath. “I want you to punish me like I'm one of your students.” Then, he was throwing his arms around Zayn's neck, looking at him with a pleading expression. “Please, Mr. Malik?”
He almost moaned at the idea Niall was trying to drag on. He kissed him hard, fingers curling into the belt-loops of the loose trousers that were still hanging at his hips. Zayn pulled him along down the hall, and into what he automatically assumed was his bedroom. It had to have been. It was a complete and utter mess. Although, he was pretty sure this guy was messy and lazy, not really caring how his bedroom looked.
Niall seemed like he was getting impatient. He was pulling Zayn onto the bed with him, on top of him. He made sure to kick his trousers off before the two of them were tangled up in each other, himself laying on the bottom. Zayn was hovered over him, slipping Niall's shirt over his head, and the boy held his arms up, making the shirt easier to get off. He tugged at the older man's clothing until he finally undressed himself, getting out of his own clothes and he tossed them onto the floor, in a careless pile with Niall's.
Only his boxers were left on, and he could tell Niall was unsatisfied, because as he was trailing kisses down the blond's neck and chest, he was squirming, gasping and sticking his fingers in the waistband of Zayn's boxers, trying to pull them down. He was eager, and he really wanted it. “Z-Zayn, now, please..” He bit his lip, shifting under him. His erection was straining against the fabric of his boxer, and he was lifting his hips slightly, in a needy manner.
Seeing him desperate like that, Zayn didn't think twice. He moved, and dragged Niall up, flipping him around until he was on his stomach. “On your knees.” he ordered. Niall obeyed, getting on his hands and knees. He turned his head, looking over his shoulder, watching as Zayn stood from the bed. He wasn't even sure what he was doing. Niall turned his head back around, hiding his face in his arms, and he took a deep breath. He heard something, like a cap snapping open, then he understood. He felt the bed sink and he knew Zayn was crawling back over to him. He felt as his hips were pushed higher into the air, and something cold circling his entrance. Almost immediately, he let out a gasp. “S-Shit, Zayn-”
“Shhh,” He was shushed, and a finger was pressed through the tight ring of muscle. He covered his mouth, trying to hold in any kind of sound, and he was moving his hips against the digit. At first, it felt odd. By the second, and third finger, Niall was whining and moaning, pushing his hips back, wanting more.
“Touch me, Mr. Malik.” His arms were starting to shake, feeling weak, like he could barely hold himself up. And he didn't feel any better, with his own cock being neglected.
Zayn leaned down, condom already pulled over his cock and himself lubed up, he pressed his lips against Niall's shoulder, guiding himself towards the blond's entrance. “I want you to get off just from me filling you up.” Niall just let out a groan in response, pushing his hips back, more eager than he already was. He gripped at the bed sheets tightly, squeezing his eyes shut as he felt the older man enter. He barely had time to adjust before the other one was moving in and out, gasping, and Niall's knees started to shake, as a sloppy pace was being set.
“A-Ah, fuck..” He clenched his fists so tight, his knuckles started to lose their colour. He could feel a pair of lips pressing against, and teeth nipping at his shoulders as he was being thrust into. Niall was trying to hold back his voice, but he was finding it very hard. Within a number of thrusts, he was losing himself, and moving his hips to match the movements. “Will you just.. Touch me?” He bites his lip, struggling to keep himself held up. Niall wanted too badly to touch himself. If he had the ability to, and he didn't have to hold himself up, he would have.
“Too bad.” He heard the other respond, his voice rough, and he felt a pair of fingers digging into his sides. Letting out a pant, Niall began rocking his hips more eagerly, figuring he wasn't going to last any longer. His arms wanted to give out and he couldn’t' help but let his head drop, a sound leaving his mouth every time he was pound into.
And just like he thought earlier, he was right. He wasn't able to last any longer. Giving a shaky moan, he was coming, knees more jittery than they already were. Zayn following soon after. Right after the older man pulled out, tying off the condom and tossing it to the trash can near the night stand, the blond was collapsing, getting his breathing under control. He rolled over to rest on his back, allowing his eyes to close. A moment later, the bed began to sink, and he watched as the other man was getting his clothes pulled back on. “Are you leaving?” Niall muttered quietly.
“I- Uh, I think so.”
“Oh..” Niall frowned, “You don't want to stay for a bit?”
Chuckling, Zayn got back on the bed after getting his trousers buttoned up. “I thought this was just a 'hook up.'” The younger man had his arms held out, and Zayn allowed himself to be pulled down, pressed against his chest.
“Well, I don't know, yeah, but..”
Again, Zayn laughed, and he moved up to kiss Niall on the lips. “Do you do this a lot? You know, meet up with old guys, and awkwardly beg them to stay with you after you two fuck?”
“You're not even that old.” At that, he received a funny look. But on he continued, “Um, yeah, you're gonna have to be out of here pretty early in the morning. Like, six in the morning.”
“I think I'll be able to handle that.”  
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
hurry up! tell them honeys to wait a sec and finish them stories.
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
Hurry up with I'll run!!!! >_
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
Are you still writing Ill Run?
I took a break from writing it! I got stuck. :c Eventually, I'll continue on. 
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
------ So, I may have lost the second part to that Ziall fic I was writing where they met on craigslist annnnddd yeah. 
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
[clutching chest in pain] LOUIS
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
oh my god, that description of how you guys live is amazing. and, yeah, i hate the heat. D: i don't know, i just find it really uncomfortable. during the summer i try to avoid leaving the house because it gets so bad. ;-; and, plus, in the winter, you could wear cute sweaters and be all cozy and stuff! but, if you love the sun so much, come over here and we can get ice cream. :D 
somebody feed me now omg ;-;
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
of course i've heard of it haha! aw, you have no idea how jealous i am, though! i can't stand the heat here. D: i would be totally happy with it being cold all year long. but, hey, as long as we can have ice cream then all is good. 
somebody feed me now omg ;-;
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daddyliamcage · 11 years
i dont mind the mush ok
BUT WHOOOOA MAN NEWFOUNDLAND OMG I'M IN CALIFORNIA but ok i'm working on it i'll be right there alright
somebody feed me now omg ;-; 
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