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Is it a New Year? REALLY?
I got a wild hair up my butt to look at the name and meaning of the months of the year for some reason... and I discovered quite a lot, actually...
So, the Roman Catholic "New Year" that we are entering into is actually the 2 DEAD MONTHS that most Romans ignore calendar-wise, even though it still takes place time-wise. It starts with the Janus Month (January), and then The Februalia/Februus month (February -The Februus 'god' was a later "personality/embodiment" created out of the Februalia holiday… like the Easter Bunny with Easter/Ishtar's holiday). The real new year begins with SPRING, just like all other plant life, that sprouts and starts growing anew; are we not walking trees, animated funguses? Most of our bodily systems, like the Nervous and Circulatory systems are very fine, delicate tree networks layered upon and woven within one another; all fit within a soft spongey body that holds a LOT of water, like a fungus… so the natural thing for us, would be to follow the natural cycles - and NOT begin our "New Year" with DEATH, and the worship of currency. And then follow that with the (month of the) technology of scapegoat-ism, to purge and cleanse ourselves of everything bad we did earlier in the year, to 'make up for it'. Just to go to war as soon as MARCH arrives; the month were the "season of warfare" begins, for the Romans - and lasts throughout Fall - for those who live as a "living death", the seasons of planting and harvest is ALL THE SEASON OF WARFARE - violently attacking life & plundering the living. So you see how we have been casually corralled into this toxic modality of living, whether or not we actually believe it? It still guides you, and you still 'believe & see it' that way, by casually going along with 'society's observed holly-daze' - a social inebriation to keep you jolly and dumb, and just keep playing along. Interesting, too, is how there is an orb/apple of light in New York city - TIME's SQUARE - that FALLS into darkness & a lower stature as part of this ritual. It shows how we are entering into the Dead realms symbolically… and everyone has been trained to celebrate it. Good doggy... now sit, & beg for a treat to prove you're a good boi (Februalia). Because soon you'll need to attack on command. SMH. My notes below, for those interested. This reminds me of a LOTR quote...
JANU-ary = JANUS >> DEAD MONTH #1 Related or belonging to Janus: the God of portals, gateways, doors & all beginnings/endings; also rules time (NY Apple falling in Time's Square), transitions, & duality (polar opposites). The Roman Catholic church established this as the first month of the year, for their agendas and false timeline calendar. Traditionally, Janus presides over THE MONTH OF JUNE, not January; and the beginning & ending of war/peace, journeys and ALL Exchanges (monetary connections there). Highlights the 2 sides of a singular coin, and BICAMERAL mind. Side note/thought: Typically taught, unstudied/uncross-referenced Christianity (as in: not compared with other religions/belief structures) teaches the ignorantly initiated (church goers who don't know they are being taught magickal practices) to exchange worship, time, energy & attention (CURRENCY) for FAVORS, protection and blessings. Zoroastrian scholars have noted that this is "the technology of beggary". Interesting to note the differences between that, and what the 'Jesus-embodiment' teacher of that time exemplified/taught. They are not the same processes at all, & they each require completely different internal POV's and innerstanding/self knowingness. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janus
FEBRU-ary = FEBRUUS & FEBRUALIA >> DEAD MONTH #2 Februus is the God of purification and the underworld (Pluto/Hades), and this was a month long observation of self purifying, and making ritual sacrifices & atonement for anything done throughout the earlier 10 months of the year. Showing that this is the true END OF THE YEAR, which begins anew in MARCH (on the spring Equinox?, most likely).
Understanding the Roman Calendar The festival known as Februalia was held near the end of the Roman calendar year–and to understand how the holiday changed over time, it helps a bit to know the calendar's history. Originally, the Roman year had only ten months–they counted out ten months between March and December, and basically disregarded the "dead months" of January and February. Later, the Etruscans came along and added these two months back into the equation. In fact, they planned to make January the first month, but the expulsion of the Etruscan dynasty prevented this from happening, and so March 1st was considered the first day of the year. February was dedicated to Februus, a god not unlike Dis or Pluto, because it was the month in which Rome was purified by making offerings and sacrifices to the gods of the dead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Februus https://azenofmyown.blogspot.com/2015/02/februalia.html
MARCH = MARTIUS = MARS, Roman god of war Also the first month of the year, typically, when the ground is dry enough to go marching about on (for any reason, really). Typically its the beginning of the planting AND warfare season, which lasts thru October. Associated with the Zodiac sign PISCES until March 20th, and the BODY/HEAD/YEAR starts anew in Aries on March 21st. Pisces is the FEET of the body, and Aries is THE HEAD - so this also reflects that March and the spring equinox is the true beginning of the year, since every month & astrological sign that's cycled through is associated with a different area of the body, starting at the head & ending with the feet.
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Happy Ishtar day, and all that....
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Flipside Adventures: Night of 04/14/22
I do not recall how this ‘dream’ started... but I recognized something of the place as I walked down the street - the ‘quality of the air’, the energy I picked up from the land under my feet. I was somewhere in the mirror astral correlating to someplace on the other side of the pond... something about it reminds me strongly of the countryside that was whizzing by from the train in the beginning of that movie “Before Sunrise”; Wikipedia says that movie was set in Austria, so I’ll just go with that for now. I realized, suddenly (and this happens a LOT when I’m in the the flipside - more memory returns) that I had been here before, but in a much better “part of the neighborhood” as it were - this area here was a little more urban, and a little more ghetto... I also recognized that a prior adventure I’d had a while back (involving a zombie outbreak) was ALSO set in a much darker part of this same city. But that was over where the industrial warehouses were... and that was about 2 years ago now, sometime within the first few months of the covid lockdown drama; and that’s a different episode, which I won’t get into here... I’m walking down a street and going to see someone... I actually don’t recall who it was now, as I was so distracted by the attention I kept getting from men as I went along. They’d take one look at me, and then be almost compelled to keep looking... some tried to look away and ‘act normal’, but they would always look back at me and then just STARE. At first I was self conscious, then I was unsettled... but it wasn’t a harassing sort of attention. And it wasn’t even really their fault; but I really had no explanation for how I knew that. Some of them I could tell were dangerous, or could be, anyways - If I’d met them at night, or passed by them alone in an alleyway, that would NOT be good... but here, in the daylight, they were... OK. Safe, somehow. One tall man, relatively well built with shaggy chestnut hair came up to me to ask if he could help me find my way; and I declined him several times, because he kept following me and asking. He kept smiling this goofy sort of smile, and a strange thing happened: I saw him, and then a flash-overlay showed a MUCH LARGER, stronger figure in his place - a WEREWOLF. It happened for a good 10-20 seconds: one second I was seeing the man, the next second the beast, then back to the man, and then back to the beast - like flipping pages in a book very fast, between the 2 images. The beast was a good 2 feet taller and about 1 foot broader in the shoulders then the man, (and the guy was around 6 feet tall) with VERY sharp claws and teeth.. but when he smiled, his tongue lolled out in that happy-goofy golden retriever sort of way that is just adorable. A werewolf man acting like a happy puppy dog, begging for pets and attention. If his actual presence wasn’t so intimidating, I might have laughed. He eventually accepted my avoidance of him and then hung back, but I could feel his disappointment... the poor puppy, LOL!  I also realized that some of these men watching me were vampires... and once that awareness dawned on me, the next one I made eye contact with smiled knowingly at me, and nodded. And when I didn’t react in any big or scared way, he smiled even bigger, being VERY pleased with this response for some reason. They all seemed to know that I didn’t want to interact, though, so they did not attempt to do anything; instead just watching me intently as I went along. The conscious part of me from this reality-realm (in our waking world) was a little bit freaked out, TBH; but the version of me over there took all of this in stride - it was to be expected in this particular area, and I knew that already (somehow). I finally reached the steps to a large building that was retrofitted to be an apartment complex, and went inside, up some stairs to see my friend... I still cannot recall WHO now, though, or even if it was a male/female. But I go to their door and knock, and get no answer. I listen for a few moments and knock again; but still nothing - when a man behind me, coming out of another nearby apartment announces suddenly that they aren’t here - they went to visit some family for a few weeks, and won’t be back till the beginning of next month. I hadn’t heard him coming out of his front door until he spoke, so this startled me... but I thanked him for telling me all the same. He stood there for a moment then, and looked me over (not in a sexual way), and said “You know you can’t be running around here like that; you’ll stir up way too much trouble”. I stared at him kinda stupidly then, not understanding - the only response I could think of saying was “What?!!” As he just smiled this slow, lazy sort of smile, he looked me over again, nodded his head, raised his eyebrows while looking at me pointedly in a “You KNOW” sort of way. And I didn’t realize this until later on when I woke up and was thinking about it; but he telepathically said these next words to me, while he was giving me “that look” (because his mouth never moved) - he said/thought: “You’re WAY too damn bright, you probably smell fucking fantastic, and you’ve clearly got no proper shielding up”.  Not expecting this response AT ALL, I just stared at him in a shocked manner, while he went on, saying out loud “You’re just too obvious, and that makes you very tempting - you should go to the library that’s nearby, and pick up a few books to sharpen your skills. I know the guy who runs it, I’ll call ahead and let him know you’re coming.” He then gave me the directions (we exchanged names then & shook hands too, but I forget his name now) - turns out it was only a few streets away, so I thanked him and left, as this was pretty sound advice. I could tell he was being honest in his assessment, and I didn’t actually know what else to do otherwise since my plans to visit my friend fell through... and this was as good a next step as any, all things considered. Thankfully I didn’t get any more stares on the way there, as no one seemed to be out on the street then. It was a really nice sunny day - very cheerful, lots of song birds chirping in the trees and bushes... so I really enjoyed the walk, almost wishing that it took longer to get there. When I found the right building, it was unmarked, just the building number on the outside with no signs - it looked just like another retrofitted apartment complex. Except each of the “apartments” inside turned out to be some kind of specialty shop with a sign next to the door - as I went up the stairs to the 2nd floor inside, I found the one with “Library” written next to the open door and walked in. I paused and looked around - it had a bunch of freestanding bookshelves in the largest area (the living/dining room, it would have been if it was an actual apartment) with a long oak countertop-desk near the ‘front’ of the room nearest the door; a man behind the counter there didn’t notice me at first as he was reading something very intently, so I walked over to the closest shelf to look at the books. This shelf was apparently all about witchcraft, black magick and books of summoning... I walked around, looking for something that felt “right”, and the man noticed me then, gave me a grin and walked over to welcome me. He said to find “whatever you like”, but what you are most likely looking for would be in that other section over there - pointing to the opposite side of the room - but that I could take my time looking around, no rush. I thanked him and he gave me another smile, and then went back to his book behind the counter.  The whole place seemed so... informal, that I could tell that the shops here were all known simply by word of mouth, and direct recommendation. As I scanned titles, some people trickled out, having found what they needed... they seemed to come out of nowhere, TBH. A man in a dark grey trench coat walked in the door just then, not making eye contact with anyone, and sort of grumbling... or growling to himself. He was rather large and stocky, and had a strained expression & protruding eyeballs... his aura was also rather dark and heavy feeling, so I moved away from his general area and pretended not to notice.  As I went around some more shelves, there was a table with some books on display, and in front of that there was a big open bin - full of random clothes of all sorts. I started looking thru them, confused - and another new customer that wandered in saw me looking at it; and since he was walking towards me & looking at me, I sort of wondered aloud at him “what is all this for” - because to me it seemed to be a VERY large “lost and found” collection of clothing. He sort of cocked his head at me, and said “it’s for a human disguise, of course - you never know when you’ll need one” - and then moved on to look for whatever he came for. I was like “Huh”, and turned away; looking up, I realized the man at the counter was watching me then, smiling and chuckling to himself. For some reason this embarrassed me, so I went back to finding the books I needed. I could hear the creepy, disturbed man behind me making random grumbling or choking sounds, then calming down with long, deep breaths; he seemed to be hiding out of (my?) sight and staying near and behind the bookshelf closest to the doorway, with all the black magick books on it. The manager behind the counter looked over at him several times with a very serious expression, but he didn’t attempt to speak to him at all, even though he seemed to want to. I finally worked my way over to the other side of the room, and discovered some books that felt “right” - one was about moderate to advanced energy manipulation, shielding, cloaking and healing. Another was about tapping into energy lines both naturally and artificially created, and utilizing that for boosting effects (building on the other book’s skillsets), and also for offensive uses, energy weaponry training, essentially. I was very excited about these, and I felt like the books were wiggling and giggling in my arms as I hugged them to my chest, and walked over to the front counter. The manager asked if I found what I was looking for, and I said yes and put them down - he looked them over and smiled appreciatively, saying “Nice choices”; when suddenly the creeptastic man by the dark magick bookshelf erupted. LITERALLY. It was like a gurgling WAIL just forced itself out of him from deep within his belly - he arched his back and threw back his head, trembling as if he was being electrocuted; and his open mouth started pealing back like the wedges in an orange splitting apart, while dark slithery squid-like or Cthulhu bits started crawling out of the “opening”. The manager goes “Aw, SHIT” and sprints over to tackle the man, and the other men in the store suddenly come running over to assist him. I have NO idea what they are trying to do with him though - and I am standing there frozen. But then he looks back at me while holding the monster-dude down and bellows “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Can’t you see that he can’t take your presence anymore?” I startle out of my shock, and step forward as if to run away, but stop, because I needed to get the books; I turn to the books, and freeze again (because I don’t have money, and I don’t know the price for them), then turn back to the manager - who was still watching me, & struggling to keep the ‘man’ pinned down. He yells “take them and GO”, so I snatch up the books and run like HELL. 
I don’t actually recall where I went immediately after this... pretty sure I found an open area, like a park to calm down in. That happens sometimes when I get really stressed out, extremely angry or scared on the flipside - that part of the memory hazes over and seems to fade out before any other part of the recall does. I do remember shivering a little while afterwards, likely from the excess adrenaline, as I got up to go after resting somewhere. Then I eventually found a bus line and jumped on it to go to the “nicer part of town” - the buildings here are all very old world, but they are also essentially energetic technology that function to boost the human aspect of all beings here. So the more “monster-inclined” beings either don’t come here at all, or that aspect is suppressed in a sleep-stasis sort of way so that it isn’t even a concern. I go to a very nice “condominium” that I had stayed in with some friends in a past adventure, and the last thing I recall is looking out the window, down at the street several floors down from this safe space. What I find most interesting about all this: 
If this IS an astral-mirror realm, I’ve clearly been there in different areas at least 3-4 times in the past that I can recall. I think this is actually a 4th Dimensional realm, however - and it was full of MANY monsters, living and acting CIVILIZED - or at the very least, TRYING TO BE. It was as if the “law of the land” had changed drastically, and they were all in a giant living “rehab”, long overdue... trying to live in a self controlled and disciplined manner, instead of out of control and guided by their baser instincts. And they were even policing their own, helping to keep the ones in trouble OUT of trouble... which I find impressive, and a noble effort, as this cannot be an easy task. Especially if you are a Cthulhu-type monster wearing a human skin suit in public. 
I suppose I should take this as a warning to train harder then, and be more disciplined myself. Very interesting, these developments are.... I think this bodes very well for our reality-realm, as well.
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HARK!!! I bring ye tidings of GREAT joy - and fiery good tunes/vibes.
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Birds or Cows - Weighing on the Scales
MOOoo-ve on over Twitter and please, just don't be bitter. Elon's wanting to clear out the air and it seems, to lay things bare. If we give the 'W' the Yeet think of this; please don't freak. The lovely and annoying sounds of the birds will no longer resound; For what was once a gaggle of Twitter transforms to become one large Titter. And all of the melodious tweets will become uncountable teats. Is Mr. Musk-Ox, then, feeling randy? For the ladies with this brand?! EEeek!!! Or perhaps he worships, like the Taurians long before the age of Victorians? This all, honestly, smacks of ARTEMIS... Image included, that's not to be missed. A poem by Felicida Portillo created 04/14/2022 
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Oracle of the White Rabbit
I was recently quite excited to learn about the newest Matrix movie, which was kind of weird for me, as I haven't been much into tv & movies for quite a while now. To my surprise, it was the soundtrack to the preview that immediately captured my attention - almost more then the preview itself... and then it got stuck in my head - for DAYS, on repeat. 
**Cue the Morpheus voiceover: "What you know you can't explain, but you feel it.... You don't know WHAT it is, but it's there - like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."** Yeah, that song was dead set on getting my attention.
When I finally got rid of it, I started realizing a few days later that I understood it beyond the surface meaning; and basically, I decoded the story that it was telling - it turns out to be all about right NOW. Is it prophetic? Subconscious social engineering? Quantum entanglement between the life and the art, so that they mirror and reflect each other? Who knows...  
It appears to me to be a sort of trigger, or a reminder of what to do when the time comes, of what you NEED to do - and yes, I realize that this sounds very MK ultra secret agent-y; but it is what it is. I assumed it was probably just a message for me, but then I had 2 separate YouTuber's basically confirm the message in their own unique way, and then supplied additional info that is... quite compelling and pertinent to keep in mind, and utilize. So I'll link those two vids below the song decoding portion, but please watch them as they have some VERY helpful info in them - especially the 2nd half of Naughty Beav's vid, the Alba Weinman part. Anyways, here's the song with lyrics, and the decode I got for it:
Preface: The story overall is describing the multidimensional aspects of the human being, and how certain "controllers" have manipulated the general population into thinking that we are only ONE SINGLE aspect (i.e. this linear 3D realm template of a human) of our various extended selves - and have waged war (and still are) to maintain that control over us to keep their positions power.
Song: White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
ONE PILL MAKES YOU LARGER AND ONE PILL MAKES YOU SMALL These “pills” are alternate dimensional perspectives - the actual embodiment of them from a larger and smaller POV - Annunaki are generally around 10-16 feet tall, and the Fae are considered to be tiny little elemental beings; BOTH sizes make you visit WONDERLAND though! You can SEE & FEEL that there is MORE beyond just this vessel and life viewpoint, more to YOU that goes on to other places where this particular body-ego cannot. AND THE ONES (pills) THAT MOTHER GIVES YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING AT ALL The world perspectives and programs installed in our parents are for a different agenda, time and place - they've since expired and are therefore useless to us... those POV's just don't do anything, except stagnate you. GO ASK ALICE (<your inner child, direct connection to Source Creator) WHEN SHE'S 10 FEET TALL (<in her Annunaki 5th dimensional or above form) Oh yeah, I'd LOVE to see you try and argue those belief systems with THAT version of her/YOU, that'll be fun! Good luck with that, BwahahaaHaahaaa!!!
AND IF YOU GO CHASING RABBITS This "You" ISN'T YOU - it's a hypothetical scenario. As in: If YOU were part of a group of dark, nefarious beings, who CAN'T timeline jump to higher realms on their own, but wanted to... wouldn't YOU chase those 'rabbits', to sneak in after them, (or somehow piggyback on them) to go thru the (portals) tunnels that they naturally create? Well... wouldn't you?!!! AND YOU KNOW YOU'RE GOING TO FALL These beings know their time is limited; as the energetic  frequencies of the earth raises - LITERALLY - we have to ELEVATE with Earth (or die, as it’s not compatible); but they can only FALL since they cannot follow us - their heavier energies & choices aligned with that vibe basically anchor them down. When the Earth sheds those lower energies, they appear to “fall’ - Earth rides a sine wave up and down in a continuous cycle; right now the rollercoaster is ascending. TELL 'EM A HOOKAH SMOKING CATERPILLER HAS GIVEN YOU THE CALL Say it with me: COVER STORY!!! So just tell them that you've contacted extraterrestrials, or "Ashtar Command" in a higher dimension, who relays "guidance" to you while you're in a channeling state of mind... exchange your religious/guru worship programming (it’s SO last year) for an unvetted channeled source to worship and obey blindly instead. Pick your poison, ‘cuz dying is fun (whether that be literal, spiritual or otherwise).FYI: I am anti-establishment regarding religions; your connection to Source Creator is meant to be direct & personal, always growing - those outside things are GUIDEPOSTS for consideration and participation when you deem it useful. Not necessary, though, and CERTAINLY not mandatory... they can be helpful though, nevertheless. CALL ALICE WHEN SHE WAS JUST SMALL No doubt they WOULD try to contact you while you were young and vulnerable (and they might have already) - train a child up in the way they should go, and all that. It applies whether it be physically done or in the astral/dream state - it's also prime alien abduction time, in both cases, too: it happens most often around the 3-10 years old timeframe, generally. **Alternatively, this could mean that YOU need to recall your inner child/younger self, when you were more pure - and RECONNECT to (the true you, prior to life’s enforced programming) yourself from there, as a means of counteracting and recognizing any false “messages of light”.**
WHEN THE MEN ON THE CHESSBOARD This is the Masonic, Illuminati and other controller group factions (alphabet agencies included) - The chessboard is primarily associated with the Masonic lodges, though, like the ladder - it's their way of bypassing the middle path (opening the 3rd eye, spiritually evolving through kundalini awakening and such), but still attempting to climb up to 'higher planes'... through magickal rituals and workings of one sort or another, I think. The Sun and Moon pillars are on either side, the battle of fire and Ice. THEY are the ones that "play the game" with humanity, as it were, and “set the stage” on the gameboard in many ways.
It’s like this in their art and iconography...
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But it’s like THIS in the physical body structure, see:
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Side Note: I learned this and wrote it down/drew it up by watching and following Lavette's channel on YouTube - her channel is under this (her real) name, so if you want to understand & decode the esoteric symbology and all that, check her out, she has a wealth of knowledge to share...  it's great stuff!!!
Anyways, moving on with the decode...
>> when the men on the chessboard << GET UP AND TELL YOU WHERE TO GO Or where you CAN'T go, or things you can’t go DO - lockdowns, anyone? AND YOU'VE JUST EATEN SOME KIND OF MUSHROOM Or taken some kind of drug, to check out (with alcohol, pharmaceuticals) as a means of coping; or perhaps just a medically coerced and/or forced untested injectable... that shall remain unnamed. (a la Voldemorte)  AND YOUR MIND IS MOVING LOW Because your consciousness and/or interdimensional capacities are capped, having been anchored down into lower frequencies due to your choices. ASK ALICE I THINK SHE'LL KNOW Ask your inner child/spiritual connection WHAT TO DO
WHEN LOGIC AND PROPORTION HAVE FALLEN SLOPPY DEAD That's RIGHT NOW, with the media, the actions of the government, corporations & the alphabet agencies - everything from them is WAY out of proportion, (they're self contradicting) and illogical...  it's “fallen sloppy dead” is about as literal of a description as you can get. AND THE WHITE KNIGHT IS TALKING BACKWARDS Is this Biden? Maybe Trump? Could be whomever you deem to be our hero, or fixate on as a knight "in shining armor" charging to our rescue, I suppose. AND THE RED QUEEN'S "OFF WITH HER (THEIR) HEAD!!!" The red queen is the sentient A.I. computer located under the airport in Colorado from what I understand... so this could be indicating the weather warfare or DEW, the internet consciousness battlefront, or a whole host of other things that could be directed by that (besides the jabs), which seeks to kill off a great swath of humanity. The Red Queen could also be a means to direct the jib-jabbed peoples like zombies when they're "turned on" like antennas, once the graphene in the injectables does its work. It would certainly explain all the “zombie apocalypse” protocols and policies that have been made by certain corporations and agencies - all of which was done in a serious manner... so here’s that.
So, now THIS is where it gets interesting (for me, anyways).
Every. Single. Time. That I hear this next verse, I hear it spoken a DIFFERENT way, like a glitch that simultaneously layers a different version on top of the other one, so that they are both communicated at once. This is the 'secret key', the ANSWER - remember, this part of the song says: When this & that happens, and when this person and that ‘person’ are acting THIS WAY - THEN:
REMEMBER WHAT THE DORMOUSE SAYS Dormouse - a tiny squirrel-like mouse, that is rather famous for being able to HIBERNATE for EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME - sometimes 6 months of the year, or more, if the temperatures stay cold enough. The lower the frequency, the cooler the temperature, usually. (The Sleeper MUST Awaken! ~ Dune) << This word - Dormouse - transforms into DHARMA. So the verse: "Remember what the Dormouse said" turns into "Remember what the DHARMA SAYS". For more on dharma, see here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma
The dormouse speaks of the head - waking up and remembering mentally; but when it morphs into dharma, it speaks of the heart waking up; and returning to it’s inherent wisdom, returning to the spirit-soul self. So that is the key message that keeps coming thru on this:
Remember what the dormouse/dharma Says: FEED YOUR HEAD-HEART CONNECTION (and stack your dharma)!!! Spiritual GAINS, baby!
The final verse is repeated twice; I believe this indicates that the areas to apply it to are your outward actions here in the outer world, and your inner realm locals: your thoughts and feelings. FEED the CONNECTION on each level, to be and do good, and to stand up in integrity and defend that sacred space on EACH LEVEL whenever it's needed. The mind-heart connection and coherence part is actually mentioned specifically in The Naughty Beaver video linked below, too... but there will undoubtedly be internal emotional and mental attacks that only you can recognize and shield against, or fight back against to maintain your inner calm and wholeness of spirit. The stronger the mind-heart coherence is, though, the higher you vibe naturally; so it grants you a certain level of protection automatically - I feel that's why they push the jab-berwocky so hard through social/economic pressure, and emotional guilt and gaslighting; to block that potential before you ever reach it, so you can still be "hacked", or locked down, energetically. 
Feed your head = higher mind = higher perspective. Maintain THAT, then ACT FROM THERE. (Faith without works is dead, yo) See the other two vids below, and thank you for reading thus far. You/We’ve got this - Be Excellent to (yourself and) Each Other... and Party On!
The “Naughty Beaver” confirmation, perspective & guidance on this: 
The “YellowRoseforTexas” standpoint and confirmation:
As a final thought... look how unbelievably FREAKING CUTE dormice are IRL! ! ! ! KAWAII ! ! !
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Moldavite Flow #3: Where has the Poison seeped into YOUR Life?
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