dainty-and-smalll · 3 years
Its always about him isnt it? Even when hes the one misgendering me, when im the one who cant move, when im the one sick, its always about him. Im so sick of relationships and friendships and qpp and all of it i want to live alone and be alone and just lay down and cry
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dainty-and-smalll · 3 years
Tumblr media
I made a thing, I think it looks good im sure ill get better the more I make them too
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dainty-and-smalll · 3 years
Okay so today I ate 560 calories and im trying to finish a 294 cal burn exercise routine rn but holy shit I forgot how much more disabled I am since my last ED relapse fuck
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dainty-and-smalll · 3 years
I just,, need to Vent
CW for alcohol, addiction, weed, ED, SH, seziures, mania
Im stuck. Im fucking stuck in a neverending cycle of being awful. Ive been high or drunk or b o t h at a Conant of late. Ive gained so much weight i am in so much pain. I hate myself. I wanna hurt so bad. Ive been so in and out of Mania i cant save anything my job is making me die. I have so much routine it h u r t s. I wanna fucking pack up my shit, leave, and die alone like I deserve. Im awful. I just ruin things for everyone. I have no one to vent too. Im just tirrd of being fuckinv s i c k. And now im having absence seziures! Im a mess. I dont deserve this life. I cant beleive people put up with me.
Fuck this world. Fuck my bpd. Fuck school. Fuck dating. Fuck friends. Fuck being sober. Fuck this.
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dainty-and-smalll · 3 years
Mmmmm new aesthetic makes brain go brrrr
Wanna be skinnie alt Enby who everyone looks at in awe
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dainty-and-smalll · 3 years
Covid has fucked me up so badly. I thought living on my own would mean id eat less, but i guess fucking not. And the bf is starting online school soon which means I cant even do home workouts!! Imma fucking perish i hate him living here somedays i fucking stg
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dainty-and-smalll · 3 years
I wanna start a diet
Anyone wanna do one with me? We can add each other on insta or discord or something and do a diet together! Ive been stuck binging forever
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dainty-and-smalll · 4 years
I really gotta stop binging. Im so tierd of this. Im probably back in the 160s. Ugh.
Imma start working out 3× a day, my boyfriends gonna ask why but imma say its cause im getting back in shape so I can join jazz again next year! Imma slowly start eating less so its not super noticeable but the exercise will help get the cals off plus imma try to convince my bf to go on a walk with me per day.
I refu s e to start my first year of uni over 130. I will be under 130 by September. Around 30lbs to lose in 6 months, that should be a piece of cake
Plus if I lose 5lbs a month it shouldnt be noticable enough for my therapist to notice anything either!
I have to do this.
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dainty-and-smalll · 4 years
Guess who fuckin messed up again and keeps binging!
Its me!
I hate myself!
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dainty-and-smalll · 4 years
Sat, Dec 7th
Fasted all day
Worked out twice
Super hungry but am babysitting and too afraid to eat anything here
So far at a 26 hour fast (20h00)
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dainty-and-smalll · 5 years
Fri, Dec 6th
Ive been sick since the 3rd!
Havent eaten too too much but enough im dissapointed in myself.
Im feeling better now and gonna start setting stuff up with my trainer and im also gonna start exercising at the least 2 a day.
I will be 145 by christmas. I will.
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dainty-and-smalll · 5 years
Tue, Dec 3rd
I have worked out 3 times today and im sick anyways what I did is below:
150 jumping jacks
1 min plank ×2
50 crunches
25 sit ups
55 side leg lifts (per side)
25 leg lifts up (per side)
50 lunges
30 up downs
70 hip thrusts
20 pushups
Im exhausted time to nap
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dainty-and-smalll · 5 years
Sun, Dec 1st
Starting off Decemeber at 159.8lbs the first time ive ever been below 160
Im absolutely ahhhh and excited about it
I am also starting ut off slightly hungover and by taking grad photos in an outfit i felt good in (Might share a pic with face covered)
But uwu yall anyways imma go work out and then sleep
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dainty-and-smalll · 5 years
Was planning on fasting but i had food instead.
Ive been feeling super weak and sickly lately so I ate before opening but I will not be eating from now until Saturday at my cast party for my show festival.
Imma start planning my weeks in a journal probably. I wanna start a bullet journal for my ed of sorts. Not super fancy i suck at fancy things.
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dainty-and-smalll · 5 years
Tech day is today and show week starts soon.
Im super weak and I had breakfast too. I feel super faint and kinda cold. My whole body feels tense.
In other news got my septum and my tongue pierced yesterday and thr tongue one makes it hard to eat a lot so ha yay me!
Anyways time for a 7 hour day and then mr going home and promptly passing out
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dainty-and-smalll · 5 years
(I put the date as dd/mm/yy btw)
Anyways weighed myself today! Lost 2.4lbs from last Sunday!
Im a little dehydrated rn so im gonna try to drink more water a day
Also my Boyfriend is slightly catching onto my eating habits going bad again so im pretty much whenever I do eat gonna send him pictures or skmething to make it look like im eating a lot and then trash it.
What this week looked like
M - Fasting
T - Fasting
T - Fasting, Broke fast at 13h30 because I felt like shit lmao had some lettuce and beef. Then went out for dinner and binged a little bit but wasnt over 1800 cals im assuming
F - Fasted until I got home, Hit 23 hours and 57 minutes till I had two small pieces of pizza and still ended up netting with only like just over 200 cals eaten
S (Today) - Currently at a 14 hour fast, planning on a 55 cal piece of bread with an egg white for lunch before I leave and then 23 cals worth of my home made soup for dinner
Sun - Eat 55 cal of toast with egg white for breakfast, Fast through rehursal 9h00-14h40 plus my bus ride so until around 16h30ish so a total of 9ish hours, not a lot but this is my normal eating day. Then ill eat something a bit bigger for dinner if its still in my cal amount for the ABC diet that day
Sorry for the long write out I just need to get my ideas out somewhere
Anyways have a wonderful day!
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dainty-and-smalll · 5 years
Nov 19th, 2019
Not only am I 7 months on T today (woo go me!) I am currently attempting to last till Friday after my rehearsal so 1830 is when it ends and I wont get home till 2000 so, pretty much i wont eat till Friday, Nov 22nd at 2000 is the dream.
I hit 48 hours at 1930 and almost broke and ate food but i didnt! I thought it through and had 7 cals worth of carrot and 7 cals worth of frozen grapes (so 2 grapes)
Proud of myself and heading to bed now because it is 2200 here
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