darkwyng · 6 years
I'd be using the shit out of that for a quick scanning of my pathology specimens in the event of not having a microscope available to me...
And that's how you realize the residency has taken over your life.
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Why is that so much to ask for
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darkwyng · 6 years
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A collection of my processes for learning purposes!
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darkwyng · 6 years
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To the surprise of nobody.
(Or, the perks of those who choose pathology).
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darkwyng · 6 years
Yeah, not a fan of the concept.
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darkwyng · 6 years
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darkwyng · 6 years
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“E” is for existentialism. (via bretjturner)
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darkwyng · 6 years
Mejor planeación urbana que muchas ciudades modernas...
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Plan, Teotihuacan, Mexico
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darkwyng · 7 years
Story of my life.
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darkwyng · 7 years
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Zanate Mexicano. Quiscalus mexicanus. Great-tailed Gracke. 
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darkwyng · 7 years
The most precious of feet.
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darkwyng · 7 years
Didn’t really get into the whole “emo fad” myself (controlling parents can do that), and personally, I’m taking the “laugh and joke around at all the bs” route due to an utter refusal to regress to my teenage years (also, apparently it’s what mexicans do). 
But I think I’m getting why downtown has been much more colorful as of late...
The thing about emo (as a musical genre and a cultural phenomenon) is, I think, that it was a response to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks and the Bush administration’s painful mishandling thereof.
No, I’m serious. My Chemical Romance was formed as a direct result of Gerard Way witnessing the towers fall. Green Day’s ‘American Idiot’ (an album that, at least as far as I can tell from having been a teenager in Canada at the time, was seminal in influencing the look and sound of emo) is all about the Bush administration - all the lyrics are about life under a democratic dystopia and many reference current events from the time - and it came out in 2004, halfway through the Bush presidency. A bunch of Linkin Park’s stuff makes reference to it also, especially their album ‘Minutes to Midnight’, where they first started moving out of the nu-metal/rap sound they’d been working with before and into a more mainstream emo-rock sound. That album came out in 2007. All of the really big bands with that kind of sound - and most of the smaller ones with more of a punk/hardcore sound but similar themes - were active in the mainstream from around 2001-2010. Many of them didn’t survive past 2009, and those that did either totally reinvented themselves (Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, MCR for the five minutes it took to produce Danger Days, Linkin Park) or became near-totally irrelevant (Paramore dropped an album sometime in the last two years; did any of you know that? And Green Day haven’t mattered since 21st Century Breakdown, which was released in 2009).
Why? Well, many of you are probably too young to remember this, but the 2001 terror attacks were what really made ‘Islamic terrorism’ a real threat in the minds of most Westerners. We’d never experienced an attack of that scale on American soil, and it was just as the internet was really becoming a mainstay in every house and my generation was getting online. As a result, it was not only a major political event, but it was hugely personal - the coverage was everywhere, in everybody’s home, all the time, and there were a lot of kids being exposed to the coverage in such a way that they often had no good way to process it. I’m not exaggerating when I say it changed the way we live. I’m Canadian and I felt this shit. Before, we could fly to America domestic, without a passport. Now? Half the draconian, ridiculous rules that hold you up at the TSA today were initiated in September and October of 2001. It was the only thing anyone could think of to do - lock down, protect your own. People were scared, on a continental scale.
And to make matters worse, George W. Bush’s government, which had to somehow respond to and take point in the response to this unprecedented event, didn’t seem to have the first foggiest clue what they were doing. This was a government that not only didn’t seem to listen to its people, not only lied blatantly to its people, but did it badly. They made hugely unpopular decisions, including starting a war in the Middle East that dragged in multiple countries and completely failed to achieve its stated goal of catching Osama bin Laden or proving that he had in his control weapons of mass destruction (the whole war was predicated on the fact that these so-called weapons of mass destruction existed, that the Bush administration had good reason to believe that they existed, were under the control of the Taliban, and were going to be used against Western targets, none of which was ever proven to be true).
So, from 2001-2009, the two (TWO) full terms of the Bush presidency, there were a whole lot of people who couldn’t vote (be they under the age of majority, like most of the emo kids I knew, or Canadians unhappily dragged along with the US’ boneheaded foreign policy decisions because we’re allies, also like most of the emo kids I knew) and therefore felt, not only scared of basically the impending end of their world in a way that they hadn’t previously had to feel, and not only angry about being clearly lied to and clumsily manipulated when the truth was obvious to anyone with eyes, but also powerless to do anything to change anything about that. And meanwhile, people kept dying in this pointless war and the president kept trying to hold together the illusion that everything was hunky-dory.
And what was popular with teenagers from about 2001-2009? Yep. Emo.
Emo as a genre was very personal, very focused on the individual (with the exception of the albums I noted above), but lyrically and musically, it fit right with the cultural atmosphere of the time. People were scared of the impending end of their world/their lives? Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge and The Black Parade. People were angry about things they felt powerless to change? From Under The Cork Tree and Decemberunderground. Emo captured what kids were feeling about trying to fit into a world that was so clearly fucked up and broken and pretending to be okay, putting on a strong face to Show The Terrorists They Didn’t Win. Emo was about stripping away the mask, exposing the messy, angry, frightened, sad, true underbelly of American society at the time, and exposing hypocrisy - in individuals as much as in politicians. The hatred of ‘preps’ and ‘posers’? Totally not just a My Immortal thing. Emo was about wearing your heart on your sleeve, about it being okay to mourn, to rage, to be afraid for your life beyond this - and to keep moving forward regardless, step by slow step.
So what changed in 2009 that made the phenomenon fade without so much as a whimper? Simple. Hope. The Audacity of Hope, to be exact.
Barack Obama won his presidency largely because young people supported him. Those were the young people who suffered through feeling helpless and powerless under Bush, who wanted things to change but felt they had no chance of making it so. Barack Obama was a chance. One of his first campaign promises was to end the Iraq war, a promise he followed through on. And even if his presidency hasn’t been perfect, it has never been the Bush administration, with the feeling that the will of the people was being entirely and quietly ignored by those in power to further their own agendas.
What I am saying, then, I guess, is that it’s time to buy stocks in Hot Topic, because whatever happens in the upcoming US presidential election, there are a lot of young people who may soon be needing black, white, and red graphic band tees and Manic Panic hair dye.
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darkwyng · 7 years
Angeloisaura hispanicaiensis. (That species part was hard, languages are beautiful period ;_; )
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I don’t know why I made this 
(For example, mine would be Chicagoraptor Pillarsoftheeaerthiensis 
I did not think this through but I’m going down with the ship)
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darkwyng · 7 years
Medical life is...
walking the fine line between staying levelheaded while silently grieving and looking like a heartless bastard to the patient’s family.
0 notes
darkwyng · 7 years
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The post-Valentine’s Day/ 457th Anniversary of the Foundation of Guadalajara (Mexico) post: 1st edition
(Or, the one where the Dorkie decides to pour her thoughts on love into a post, instead of just bitching about it.)
Ah, relationships. Some love them, some hate them. Some are totally indifferent to the notion of being in one, while others are still waiting for the day February 14th stops being a day of sorrow/anger/general negative emotions, and starts being a day where they can shove it to the rest of the bachelors worldwide.
And then there’s this asshole yours truly.
Currently in a 4-year-long relationship with that cute man in the photos posted, and still harboring a certain disdain for the holiday that’s supposed to celebrate that fact (and apparently, so does he).
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Now, don’t get me wrong. I may not be a romantic person by nature (except maybe for pet names), but I relish every chance I get to shower this guy with the Dorkie-patented brand of affection (it involves food. Lots and lots of food). In theory, Valentine’s Day should be a hell of an opportunity to indulge him, what with the nice restaurant deals, the neverending fountains of chocolate and the rivers of candy, right? And after that, being in Guadalajara has an extra perk: downtown right now is celebrating the city’s birthday with lights. Lots and lots of lights, and events, and general downtown stuff.
There’s just a little problem with that: every other couple expects the same things. Thus, the incredible saturation of the good food venues, and nevermind trying to approach the Degollado. There’s gonna be too many people around, everywhere. Fuck privacy, fuck your personal space they seem to be saying. Damn.
Which is not to say we had a bad time yesterday, despite the fact the bae had work to do. There’s always yogurt ice cream in the afternoon, for when the chocolate runs out. And Korean barbecue is always fucking delicious. We even got a rose, on the house, when we paid the bill. That, in my book, marks a successful day out, Valentine’s or not.
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(And then, after that... Well, the sloth has a pretty good idea up there).
But then again, we do that pretty much every chance we get, all year round, with way less people around us, and not-so-harried waiters serving us. So in the end? My opinion of february the 14th hasn’t changed much. It’s, ultimately, a marketing move, designed to strip couples, or bachelors waiting for their crush to reciprocate, of time and money.
“But Dorkie”, you might be saying. “That only goes for the single losers out there, or people in dysfunctional or overall shitty relationships!”
Well, I don’t know. I’m quite happy with the bae, disagreements and all. And it’s not like he’s a very romantic dude either. We just function like that. Food is pretty much our flower language, bantering our sweet nothings, rock/metal music our romantic playlist (and K-pop, but we don’t understand the language, and have no real desire to look up the translations). Plushies, while much appreciated, are kind of expensive, and we have little space to place them on anyway. The bae’s extremely hard to buy for (he’s an heterosexual man; much to my chagrin, I can’t buy him flowers, and he absolutely refuses to accept gifts of gaming gear or technology). And marriage proposals, right now, are a big no-no. Leave that for when the MD in the house gets in and finishes her specialty and finds a stable job, or at the very least, when we have our own home; before that, it simply won’t happen.
“What about before, when you were first dating?” you ask, “wasn’t that Valentine’s different?”
Well, yes and no. We didn’t go out that day, just hung out at his house. Yeah, we were in the lovey-dovey phase, so to speak, and we still didn’t do grand gestures of affection. Maybe more cuddling and pet names than we do now.
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And you know what? That’s okay. The surge of endorphins and serotonine doesn’t have to come from buying a huge teddy bear, or filling the car with heart post-its. It doesn’t have to come from taking 200 look-alike selfies at a time and posting them on social media with sappy quotes, or send each other hallmark-like valentine cards. It doesn’t have to come from sharing a small restaurant with 15 other couples and giving each other eskimo kisses in betwen ordering and eating some osam bulgogi (though damn, it helps).
It can come from mock-fighting about who gets to refill the hummingbird feeder that day, or what movie to watch during a boring day. It can come from talking about anything that comes to mind and then arguing about it, from asian culture to how to pronounce a certain foreign word. It can come from making an experimental pasta dish for dinner and then gobbling it up without speaking to each other until it is done. It can come from watching the bae complain that Riot hasn’t uploaded the streams on Twitch or Youtube yet, or bitch about the fucking bureacracy involved in our IRS-equivalent (SAT, or SATan if you prefer). It can come from simply sitting next to each other in silence, just sharing the same space.
For me, love is less the rush you get when getting to know a crush, the adrenaline surges when sharing the first kisses, or the googly-eyes everytime you look at the person, and more the day-to-day of keeping the relationship stable; arguing and fighting, bonding over our mutual interests (and the not-so-mutual ones), laughing at each other, sharing our hopes and fears, caring for our pets, frantically looking for a wildlife rehab center for an injured hummingbird, keeping in touch when my graveyard shifts come, and all.
And above all, knowing that we can display our full range of emotions (even hating each other for a while) in front of the other, and not feel as if we love each other any less.
It’s a good life.
(Photos all taken by me, at different points in time. The bae, of course, owns himself.)
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darkwyng · 8 years
Mein Gott, the pitfalls of having no credit yet! D:
(But still, reblogging because I wanna)
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Art tag // Art blog
Hello everybody! I’m opening commisions for the first time ever (I’m really nervous!), if anyone is interested send me an IM/ask. Also be sure to check my art tag/art blog for examples and styles!
Elaborate backgrounds will come at an additional cost depending on the complexity.
Price is per character so any extra character will have an additional cost.
Do: Fanart, OCs (with reference)
Don’t: Mecha, NS/FW, F/etish, G/ore, Harmful subjects 
Prices are up to change and discussion depending on the complexity of the commission.
Chibis get half price
Payment will be via Paypal only
If you have any questions feel free to ask and thank you for your time!
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darkwyng · 8 years
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Before and after presidency. (via floppypickles)
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darkwyng · 8 years
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have a chicken in these troubling times.
these are my two rooster brothers. the one on the left is named Quail, the right one is Bumble. they sleep. enjoy.
Name a bir p after the another type the birm
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