dbsthingss · 3 years
In case anyone is having a bad night:
Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found
Here are some fun sites
Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics
Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli
Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies
*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*
You’ll be okay, friend <3
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dbsthingss · 4 years
✧・゚playlists to help pass the time *:・✧
hi everyone! it’s been a while since i made a huge playlist masterpost, but i thought that right now when we’re all stuck inside wondering what to do with our time i would make a list of all my playlists. listening to music is so calming and definitely helps me pass the time…so enjoy! - cam
songs that remind me of a fashion show 
a mix of songs that remind me of driving down the coast 
a playlist dedicated to paris 
songs that inspire me 
a dreamy mix
songs to listen to when you feel carefree
a super fun workout/running playlist to keep you pumped up 
songs to listen to during golden hour 
a mix of songs to listen to on a sunny day 
a playlist full of songs that make me feel alive 
songs that remind me of my teenage years 
a study/coffee shop playlist to keep you calm 
songs to listen to on the weekend 
songs that make me feel like living in the moment 
a friday kinda mix !
songs that remind me of a warm spring evening 
a mix dedicated to nature 
my all-time favorite songs all in one playlist 
songs that remind me of flowers and sunshine 
a 12-hour long playlist of songs that make me feel nostalgic 
songs that remind me of going back to school 
my ultimate summertime playlist 
songs that make me feel like i’m in a movie 
upbeat songs to get ready to in the morning 
songs i’m currently loving & listening to right now
a playlist dedicated to italy and all its wonders 
songs that are soft and delicate 
a mix to listen to while watching the sunrise / sunset 
a playlist for a rainy and stormy day 
songs to listen to when you wake up ! 
another nature playlist because why not?! 
a monday playlist to make your monday more enjoyable 
my springtime playlist 
songs that are bittersweet 
my girl power anthems playlist 
for the daydreamers 
songs that remind me of the spirit of traveling & exploring 
a mix to listen to before bed 
songs to listen and dance to in your kitchen 
a super fun 70s playlist 
relaxing songs for a sunday 
songs that remind me of wintertime 
for people who love the east coast 
for people who love the west coast 
a mix of lo fi beats 
songs to listen to in your car at night 
fresh finds (new songs every monday!)
the ultimate sing along playlist 
an indie playlist 
the perfect road trip / daily commute mix 
a super studious playlist to keep you extra focused 
songs that remind me of the beach 
a mix of songs to listen to when you’re j chillin
songs that remind me of a trip to outer space !
listen to this when you’re in love 
songs for stargazing…
the perfect autumn playlist 
songs that make my heart flutter 
a mix of carefree & happy tunes 
the grooviest 80s playlist around 
a mix of golden oldies 
listen to this if you like rap / r&b 
another workout playlist !
a mix of fun, upbeat songs to dance to 
a playlist inspired by call me by your name
a coming of age playlist 
a mix of songs that deserve more hype 
songs for all the main characters out there 
a mix inspired by a party at gatsbys 
songs that make me feel angelic 
a dark academia playlist 
a spooky halloween mix !
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dbsthingss · 4 years
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Neon lights headers
If you save, like. If you use, reblog.
Creds on twitter: @/sestrascofield
Ask for anything.
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dbsthingss · 5 years
Stay strong baby
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dbsthingss · 5 years
× Chicken bites in sauce with buckwheat and carrot and apple salad
× Latte Macchiato with sugar (300 ml)
× Fish in breadcrumbs with potatoes and salad
× 50 squats
× 50 sit-ups
× 1 minute leg lifting while lying on back
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dbsthingss · 5 years
Hi, I am here again because I have decided that I want to join pro ana. I don't want to be ashamed of my body and feel bad about it so I am starting another fight, this time to be skinny.
Maybe I will write here all my progress and what I have eaten every day and my exercises.
Nobody will know what I am doing, I won't write it on twitter or tell anybody. I feel super positive about my decision!
I still know English not so good so I am sorry for all mistakes I have made while writing this.
I have a headache right now so I will end this note and take a rest.
Stay strong guys! xx
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dbsthingss · 6 years
Reasons Not to Cut
If you’re trying to quit self harming, or even if you just know that you need to quit – that’s a BIG accomplishment, and you’re already on your way to being rid of this addiction forever.  You’ve got a lot to be proud of already. 
Relapses may happen, they’re very often a part of the recovery process, but there are definitely things you can do when it gets tempting.  There are lots of physical coping mechanisms and distractions that are specifically helpful for avoiding cutting.  You can Google some mass lists of these – there’s things like holding an ice cube in your fist, ripping up paper or painting on yourself.  Figure out which ones, if any, work for you, and keep them around for whenever you’re struggling.  Maybe write them down and keep the paper in your room just in case. 
You can also call a youth/crisis hotline (you can also Google a list of those, there are tons of them, for every country, there are also some mass lists of them floating around tumblr) or you can call a friend or talk to me. 
Also, remember to think about all the reasons that you’ve decided you need to stop.  I’m sure you’ve got some specific ones of your own, but here are the ones I already know are true:
You’re a human being who’s done nothing to justify that punishment.
You deserve to get better and be rid of this addiction forever, and you will. 
 You are so strong and you are getting stronger. 
You are on your way to a much better life. 
You are never alone, you are not the first person to struggle with this, and you have so much support.  Including me. 
Because you deserve to find better ways to deal with this pain.
Because there ARE better ways to deal with this pain.
Because you would convince me not to if I was doing it. 
Because you’ve accomplished so much and have more ahead of you than you can imagine.   
Because this depression and pain is temporary.  
Because recovering is SO worth it.
Because that skin is yours.  It’s the same skin that has accomplished everything that you’ve been proud of.  It’s the skin that’s loved people and taken risks and tripped and fallen and picked itself back up.  It’s the skin that creases and folds to create your smile, and the skin that absorbs your tears.  It’s the same skin that your parents kissed & washed in the bath when you were a baby.  It’s gonna be the skin that you still have when you recover and really start living.  It’s the skin someone is going to fall in love with no matter what kind of scars are on it.  It’s your skin, and it’s wonderful, and your body deserves to be treated kindly.  That skin is as wonderful and strong as you are.  It holds you together, providing a home for your organs, and for the galaxies that make you up as a person.  It protects you, it even heals itself back together once it’s been broken.  The reason scars form is because skin becomes stronger and thicker in a spot once it’s been hurt there.  The same thing happens with bones too, when you break a bone, that particular spot heals back together even stronger and thicker than it was before.  You’re gonna do that too.   You’re gonna make it through this and be that much stronger.  The other side of recovery is so much better, and it’s worth getting through all of this pain.  
Because I believe in you. 
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dbsthingss · 6 years
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dbsthingss · 6 years
When I was 16, I had a fake I.D. and decided to go to a gay bar by myself because some friends bailed on me. While there, an older gentleman bought me a drink. He wasn’t a creeper, and he definitely wasn’t unattractive. I accepted the drink and began talking to him. No big deal. As the hour progressed, I felt myself feeling strange. I mentioned that I felt like I had a headache, and this guy helped guide me out of the bar. As we were walking down the street, the thought of, ‘Oh god, he’s drugged me, I’m going to die’ came to my head. I tried to get away, but I was so drugged up that I could barely walk, let alone speak. It also didn’t help that I had really large ‘goth’ platform shoes because I was going through a phase. Anyway, this guy brought me to his suv and began undressing me. As a final act of defiance, I hit him over the head with my platform shoe. He then punched me, and I remember thinking, ‘Why don’t they ever give workshops to gay guys about being victims of rape too?’ While I was as careful as possible, I never saw the guy slip something in the drink. I even watched the bar tender make the drink. Anyway, I lied there completely paralyzed while this pervert was lubing up. I locked eyes with his for a moment, and that’s when it happened. A very large and angry drag queen opened the door of the vehicle and beat the shit out of my attempted rapist. She and her other drag friends helped dress and care for me while the police arrived. I was saved by a group of guardian drag queens. They were basically the modern day ‘angels from heaven.’
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dbsthingss · 6 years
I am continuing to write this blog because I am fighting with my issues.
I think that I have depression. Maybe it's not that type of depression when I have to take pills to feel okay or I am laying in bed all day, but still it is depression.
Many times I want to give up, to stay in bed, to hide from the world and sometimes to disappear. I have suicidal thoughts, but I wouldn't commit a suicide because I have people who care about me and I don't want to break their hearts.
I am just existing and trying to make my thoughts much happier and not to care about stupid things.
This month I cut myself last time. Self harm is a very big problem in my life. I am trying and trying to stop doing it but after few days or months I do it again. Urge to cut is sometimes stronger than anything. After counting the self harm free days, I decided to stop it and let the days go. I saw that when I think about cutting (even about how many days I am not cutting) my urge is bigger and it controls me.
Now I don't remember which day I did it last time and I don't regret this decision. I feel completely free and there are days when I forget about my addiction, what is great :D.
In addition I probably have Aspegers. I am afraid to go to the doctor and check if I am right, but I'm sure that i have Aspergers Syndrome. It makes my life harder, but since I know about it, I can act different and see what I was doing wrong and fix it. Now I know why I was doing many things and why people were laughing of me. It all makes sense and I learn everyday how I should act and what I should know to be normal.
Writing about my struggles made me feel better, I feel lighter :). Sorry for mistakes btw, I am still learning English.
I have to say goodbye because my battery is low and I have to go to sleep because it's 1 a.m. in my country.
Sooo... goodnight! Thank you for reading this, it means a lot to me!!
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dbsthingss · 6 years
I'm trying not to be sad because nobody reads what I am writing. I believe that it will change one day and I will help many people :).
I don't want to give up, I will post everything I want and I won't care about how many people sees this.
I don't know why I am writing this, just forget about it, xo
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dbsthingss · 6 years
You are beautiful
Yes, you.
Everyone in this world is beautiful and people who say that you aren't are lying.
Trust me, you are beautiful person, inside and outside.
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dbsthingss · 6 years
I feel so happy and motivated right now because I completely changed my tumblr and followed many recovery and positive blogs 😄
No more sad and depressing tumblr, yaaay 😇😇
Since now, I will fight with my struggles harder than ever, I promise. 💪
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dbsthingss · 6 years
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If you want to cut yourself now, please remember that you are better than this. You are strong, beautiful and you can get through this. Just stay calm and fight with me, we can win this war. :)
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dbsthingss · 6 years
please don’t skip this post
So I have a friend
Her name is Ellie
She’s sweet and kind
She’s caring and emotional
She’s beautiful
And she hates herself
She hates herself so much that she has tried to kill herself
She has lost her will to live and she is losing against her depression, her anxiety, her ed.
She doesn’t believe me when I tell her that she deserves love and affection
She doesn’t believe that people care
But people care
She doesn’t believe me
But perhaps she’ll believe you
Please reblog, it will only take a second.
Reblog nomatter what your blog is
Reblog so that her dashboard of people she follows is full of this post
Reblog so that wherever she goes on Tumblr she sees love
Reblog and add tags
Whatever you do, don’t skip this post
Reblog nomatter what
If you read this
We love you
I love you
Stay alive
You’re not alone
Elena Hangson
You are worth the world
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