demonmirrortezca · 8 years
Send me a ♮ for my muse's reaction to yours coming up from behind and wrapping their arms around mine's waist.
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
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lmao I haven’t worn Patty in 3 years and this wig sucks 💀💀💀 I think I’ll wear her to the next CenVal Cosplay Gathering though so if anyone is going and cosplaying from Soul Eater, hmu so we can talk and get some photos!!
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
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I drew Maka and Soul in his weapon form. This version of them is the after events of defeating the Kishin that’s in the manga. I love Maka outfit in the after events and also how soul looks when he got all the souls! I don’t see enough of this version of them drawn so here u go!
Hope u enjoy!
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
My muse suddenly starts to throw up blood in front of yours. What does your muse do?
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
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Guess who rewatched Soul Eater
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
On a murderous rampage my character has cornered yours. What does your character say in 10 words or less to try and save their skin?
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
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Some casual Crona pictures!
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
Tezca, who do you admire?
“Who I admire? Man, you guys ask some weird questions. But let’s see…”
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“I guess I should say something like ‘every person that is willing to put their time and effort into helping others’. It sounds about right. But if you were looking for a more specific answer, there are a few people…
I really respect, and therefore admire Lord Death. Not because I feel that everything he does is just or absolute. But… He is really strong. There is only one Shinigami after all, and time wears down everyone, with no exception. It takes a great deal of endurance and patience. And a very sound mind, to not let all those things get to you. Being more or less responsible for thousands of deaths every day must be really exhausting.
I also admire Justin. Being soloistic like this is… Not easy. I’m not here to judge anyone or their reasons though. I guess I just feel a little second-hand pride from watching him, haha! It’s not really ‘looking up’ to him though, since I’m taller than him!
All that emotional stuff aside, if we talk about raw power… I guess I am pretty impressed with that chainsaw guy Arachne had around her. I only heard about him from others, but his wavelength must’ve been really impressing. Of course, there are ways to gain such strength that I don’t really wanna encourage, but… It would surely be a thrill to fight that guy myself!”
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
||You know, I only have like one ask in my inbox to reply to and I otherwise don’t think I owe anyone - which is why this blog seems to be so abandoned I should probably get back into the habit of queuing meta-posts and fanart tho
I’m actually online most of the time but I just don’t have anyone to reply to so I might reblog some fresh askbox memes~! ʕᴥ• ʔ
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
Tezca made an amused voice, feeling as though he might’ve gone overboard with his explanation. But the student had asked, and answering questions as best as he could (or to the extend he wanted to) was a part of his job. And he had vocalized this offer clearly already. “Any other questions~?”
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This might prove to be a good opportunity to make himself familiar with the weapon that looked so promising in the eyes of Spirit, Stein and Lord Death himself. No matter what the kids believed, Maka and Soul were definitely the topic of interested in the teachers lounge more often than they’d believe themselves. The mirrors interested with Soul centered especially around the teens ability to perfectly control partial transformation from what he gathered - a trait many weapons, especially those that did not attend the DWMA, failed to master even in their adult years.
“’course.. it would buy some time, at least, if soul perception wasn’t part of the deal.” Somebody mimicking a mirror, that which reflected one’s appearance – it was kind of ironic, wasn’t it? 
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It was definitely an unfamiliar weapon form to take, a cool one at that, so Soul admittedly enjoyed this questionnaire. “Ah.. yeah, dope is one way to describe it.“ 
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
Overthinking matters proved to yet again be the worst choice, his mind chanting ‘this will be alright’ over and over, that there was no danger or anything to be wary of. Soon enough, a high-pitched voice startled him and it took a tensing of what felt like all his muscles for a second to stop himself from jumping. Just when had he become so easy to throw off?
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Tezca turned around to check for the source of the voice, finding only thin air for a moment as his gaze searched too high for someone standing there behind him. The soul response however, let him lower his eyes as a small black cat entered his field of view. “...” He would have bend down to pat it, as it didn’t gave of the impression of being scared by him, but something was very wrong with this scene.
“What business does a witch have with my students?” The mirror asked suspiciously, not wishing to jump to conclusions right away, but making his point clear. How she was able to walk around so freely with no soul protect was beyond him.
starter @ pumpkinkittenn
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
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ok but maka is so fabulous
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
His hands were buried in the black fabric of his pockets, shoulders low and relaxed. Constant wariness was included in the Deathscythe-starterpack, as a tense stance would help in case of a surprise attack, but here at the not-beating heart of Death himself and with so many other strong meisters and weapons present, Tezca felt as if it was alright to let his guard down even a little bit. It wasn’t as if he wasn’t enjoying his job, but it was exhausting to be so overly careful. The last time a Deathscythe ended up enjoying himself a bit too much the Kishin was unleashed, even if nobody did blame Spirit directly.
The thought was uncomfortable, so he pushed it aside. Instead, his focus went onto what kind of caffeinated drink to get in a bit. Perhaps a mocca or some large espresso.
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Ah, it was more tiring than he would’ve figured to ignore his surroundings that much, it must’ve been because he actively put his mind to doing just that, instead of dozing off by accident. With that, he kept his pace up as well, only getting worked up about trying to relax. This was ridiculous!
starter @ pumpkinkittenn
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
||hey, just dropping by to let you all know that I’m weeding out my skype contacts a bit. The main reason will probably be that I sometimes don’t even know anymore who you are due to heavy e-mail / nickname change and if we haven’t talked in like, two years, xD”
if you wanna be readded or something lemme know! This is not related to anyone making me upset or smth I just have a too extensive contacts list by now.
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
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“What makes you think that? Perhaps I have, like, an entire fanclub! I’m a Deathscythe at the end of the day and kinda famous, no matter whatcha’ say!” In all actuality, Tezca did never actually come to this conclusion before. He didn’t even really think he got much spotlight at all, given how outside of Death City they were all known more by name than face... Or mask.
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     “Can it. You know what I meant.” The demon weapon crossed his arms. “You don’t have room to be picky.”
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demonmirrortezca · 8 years
tagged by @arachnophxbia​
What is your favorite word?
” Victory. ”
What is your least favorite word?
“ Leave. ”
What turns you on?
“ Coffee. Quite literally. ”
What turns you off?
” Ignorance. ”
What sound do you love?
“ I actually like guitars! ”
What sound do you hate?
” Scratching on blackboards. Who doesn’t hate that? ”
What is your favorite most used curse word?
“ Y’know I’m really tryin’ to set a good example here. ”
What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
” I guess I could see myself with something that has to do with animals! Perhaps a vet? ”
What profession would you NOT like to do?
“ Anything that requires staying at a working desk for too long. ”
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God(s) say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
” Awww damn, not you again! ”
Something most people don’t know about you?
“ I’m probably the most bitter person on this planet. Not that I try to be that way on purpose. ”
Sexual Preference?
” None! It’s go big or go home, right? ”
What position do you sleep in?
“ Does ‘all over the place’ count? ”
What if someone told you HAD to lose, just this one time?
” Nah. Okay. It depends on the reasons they have. ”
Greatest fear?
” Being the last one left.  ”
If you could leave one thing to be remembered by, what would it be?
“ Me being amazing! Because that’s what I am. I guess anything is fine, really, as long as I can feel as though I live on through  it forever. ”
What’s your middle name?
“ Don’t have one, sorry! ”
TAGGING @minatothefool, @mediumborn​, @soulsavant, @transcending-god
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