diagoose · 3 hours
Sylanth Yi'kiir 🌟🌌
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Godddd she's so pretty, our dm bestowed this lovely drow aasimar lady upon us, and lovely surprise she is the sister of my lovely drow lady Saerdis. Sylanth belongs to @mockiery
I love her, I love her design, beautiful galaxy lady, very fun to draw, everyone should also go and draw a galaxy lady for mental health rn.
commissions are open! check out this post for more info.
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diagoose · 4 hours
This is perfection 😂
Credit: Stardead456 on TikTok
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diagoose · 5 hours
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Pinterest put rose gold boxbraids on my dash and I HAD to give them to Fildrea. gorgeous girl already had a rose gold aesthetic, we so love it when character design stars align.
Portrait Commissions are Open btw, if you like my art and want to support me, a commission would mean a lot!
Link to post here with more info on how to commission me!
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diagoose · 6 hours
Arthur's haircut exists to weed out the weak from the strong
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diagoose · 7 hours
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I had to give them a school photo day. I’m losing it.
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diagoose · 11 hours
Ex: I love the color green. My room is green, my hair is green, my phone background is green, etc.. If I can get an item in green, I will. I don’t wear a lot of green, but it’s like “my color” yk?
Black is separated specifically because I have a feeling a lot of tumblr users will align with that
Just curious :)
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diagoose · 11 hours
Fighting AI and learning how to speak with your wallet
So, if you're a creative of any kind, chances are that you've been directly affected by the development of AI. If you aren't a creative but engage with art in any way, you may also be plenty aware of the harm caused by AI. And right now, it's more important than ever that you learn how to fight against it.
The situation is this: After a few years of stagnation on relevant stuff to invest to, AI came out. Techbros, people with far too much money trying to find the big next thing to invest in, cryptobros, all these people, flocked to it immediately. A lot of people are putting money in what they think to be the next breakthrough- And AI is, at its core, all about the money. You will get ads shoved in your fave about "invest in AI now!" in every place. You will get ads telling you to try subscription services for AI related stuff. Companies are trying to gauge how much they can depend on AI in order to fire their creatives. AI is opening the gates towards the biggest data laundering scheme there's been in ages. It is also used in order to justify taking all your personal information- Bypassing existing laws.
Many of them are currently bleeding investors' money though. Let it be through servers, through trying to buy the rights to scrape content from social media (incredibly illegal, btw), amidst many other things. A lot of the tech giants have also been investing in AI-related infrastructures (Microsoft, for example), and are desperate to justify these expenses. They're going over their budgets, they're ignoring their emissions plans (because it's very toxic to the environment), and they're trying to make ends meet to justify why they're using it. Surely, it will be worth it.
Now, here's where you can act: Speak with your wallet. They're going through a delicate moment (despite how much they try to pretend they aren't), and it's now your moment to act. A company used AI in any manner? Don't buy their products. Speak against them in social media. Make noise. It doesn't matter how small or how big. A videogame used AI voices? Don't buy the game. Try to get a refund if you did. Social media is scraping content for AI? Don't buy ads, don't buy their stupid blue checks, put adblock on, don't give them a cent. A film generated their poster with AI? Don't watch it. Don't engage with it. Your favourite creator has made AI music for their YT channel? Unsub, bring it up in social media, tell them directly WHY you aren't supporting. Your favourite browser is now integrating AI in your searches? Change browsers.
Let them know that the costs they cut through the use of AI don't justify how many customers they'd lose. Wizards of the Coast has been repeatedly trying to see how away they can get with the use of AI- It's only through consumer boycotting and massive social media noise that they've been forced to go back and hire actual artists to do that work.
The thing with AI- It doesn't benefit the consumer in any way. It's capitalism at its prime: Cut costs, no matter how much it impacts quality, no matter how inhumane it is, no matter how much it pollutes. AI searches are directly feeding you misinformation. ChatGPT is using your input to feed itself. Find a Discord server to talk with others about writing. Try starting art yourself, find other artists, join a community. If you can't, use the money you may be saving from boycotting AI shills to support a fellow creative- They need your help more than ever.
We're in a bit of a nebulous moment. Laws against AI are probably around the corner: A lot of AI companies are completely aware that they're going to crash if they're legally obliged to disclose the content they used to train their machines, because THEY KNOW it is stolen. Copyright is inherent to human created art: You don't need to even register it anywhere for it to be copyrighted. The moment YOU created it, YOU have the copyright to it. They can't just scrape social media because Meta or Twitter or whatever made a deal with OpenAI and others, because these companies DON'T own your work, they DON'T get to bypass your copyright.
And to make sure these laws get passed, it's important to keep the fight against AI. AI isn't offering you anything of use. It's just for the benefit of companies. Let it be known it isn't useful, and that people's work and livelihoods are far more important than letting tech giants save a few cents. Instead, they're trying to gauge how MUCH they can get away with. They know it goes against European GDPR laws, but they're going to try to strech what these mean and steal as much data up until clear ruling comes out.
The wonder about boycotts is that they don't even need you to do anything. In fact, it's about not doing some stuff. You don't need money to boycott- Just to be aware about where you put it. Changing habits is hard- People can't stop eating at Chick-fil-a no matter how much they use the money against the LGBTQ collective, but people NEED to learn how to do it. Now it's the perfect time to cancel a subscription, find an alternate plan to watching that one film and maybe joining a creative community yourself.
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diagoose · 1 day
Lunaria sketch I did while I was bedridden:
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behold the judgment in her eyes!
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diagoose · 1 day
The True plot of Spy Family is a high masking man gets low masking wife and daughter (he loves them both very much)
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diagoose · 1 day
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Bit the bullet and colored these!
I've never used alcohol markers, but I have a whole set so it was time to bring them out. Is the ink a bit streaky cause they're old or is it a skill issue? Unclear. But it was fun to experiment a little bit with these!
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diagoose · 1 day
reddit, how do I make my firstborn stop playing with the fans, the ornaments, and the makeup when he is supposed to be a warlord. I fear I shall raise a poet.
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diagoose · 1 day
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oh, for me ? 🌻
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diagoose · 2 days
Huge pet peeve in video games is when you can’t hold your breath underwater for very long or it takes a good while to regain your breath above water. Unrealistic. Like my condolences to the devs for your lack of breath support but that just could not be me…
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diagoose · 2 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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diagoose · 2 days
guards! read me my bedtime yaoi
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diagoose · 2 days
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diagoose · 3 days
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some thumbnails Leigh and Griffin's original vs dnd designs, been super fun to revisit old concepts for these characters. Left are their newer dnd counterparts, and right are their old designs from my original story.
Rip Leigh's freckles and Griffin's pony-tail, I do miss themnnn.
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