drummingbird · 2 months
I have a little brain worm I have from time to time about a Howard stark x Bucky Barnes fic idea where basically, they met before the war, the fall in love during the wall, Bucky falls, Howard becomes obsessed with finding Bucky and Steve and recreating the super soldier serum. He succeeds in recreating a serum but his experiment goes slightly wrong and he ends up becoming a super soldier. Then they find Bucky, he helps him through recovery, Tony is born yada yada yada you don’t care.
The main point of this post is that in that AU the Mamma Mia movies totally exist and Howard plays Skye bc there’s is no way in hell that you can convince me that the Agent Carter version of Howard stark who owns his own film studio wouldn’t JUMP at the chance to act in a movie filmed in Greece where the ENTIRE cast was drunk the whole time lmao.
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drummingbird · 4 months
This is dumb but I can’t edit or draw so I’m just gonna put this here.
So, this scene from modern family except it’s Angel and Husk:
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drummingbird · 11 months
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Sam and Bucky matching shirts
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drummingbird · 1 year
I need a fic of various nations going on live tv interviews / guest staring in shit like the late night show or whatever so fucking badly
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drummingbird · 1 year
It’s so sweet.
Their kids cannot understand why they make some of the older countries uneasy like you’re scared of Gilbert??? that fucking loser??? Why tf would I need to be “careful” about what I say to England?? Tf is he gonna do??
I just think that older nations, who have only ever known war and violence for entire centuries, changing themselves for the better for their adopted younger nations is so special.
Gilbert letting himself be unhinged in the worst way possible because he believes he is nothing more than a country made for war and that he has nothing to live for besides that. Until Ludwig comes along.
Arthur being consumed by centuries of power and letting it get to his head thtough violence and never ending wars that he inflicts upon himself because he thinks he's on the same level as god with no consequences. Until Alfred comes along.
Like imagining loving someone so much that you would change century long habits and morals simply because you want to be a better person for them.
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drummingbird · 1 year
Idk if this is a controversial opinion but I think that Matthew the closest with Arthur out of his kids.
They share a lot of personality traits, he’s a pessimist like his dad, he is not as cruel but when you rile him up he’ll go apeshit. He shares the same dry sense of humour and sarcasm and is very witty and sassy in his comebacks. He shares the same natural talent for looking down your nose at someone and making them feel scrutinised. Arthur could be hungover, vomit in his hair and he can still stare you down and make you feel like you’re the one being judged, I feel like Francis is good at this too but like when he’s in a disheveled state it doesn’t have the same effect.
I think they also share similar interests, reading, history etc and I love the idea that when he was a teen they would bond over books while baby Oz and Zee crawled around the living room, I think he helped out with them when they were little so it lead to a lot of conversations between Matt and Arthur, and this is where they began to understand each other more (the reason I note this is bc i think Alfred left before he was mature enough to actually understand Art as a person and not just a parent if that makes sense… like I feel as you get older you actually see more of your parents personality outside of parenting).
Because Matt was his oldest spawn (he definitely lovingly calls his kids spawn, brats etc) and the best behaved he was the one that he would bring to balls with him, or to high profile meetings with other countries and then be like “so what did you think of that?” And then they’d have a little slag off session lmao.
I think pre-revolutionary war he was cautious to approach Art for affection but post-war Arthur got quite clingy for a period of time and Matt found that he really enjoyed it so now he is very prone to random bear hugs or snuggling up to him on the sofa or in Arthur’s bed for cuddles.
All the kids are like Arthur in their own ways and this is not to say that he loves them less, I just think out of all of them Matthew is the one most likely to turn up at random to stay at his house for a bit (once they make up Alfred does this often too and is significantly more clingy than Matt bc he was touched starved for like 200 years and now he’s got his dad back and it feels like home)
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drummingbird · 1 year
While also being absolutely adorable, if Harry had been raised by Jegulus and Marylily there’s absolutely no way he would have been forced to compete in the triwizard tournament.
Crouch Sr would have been like “I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do, the contract is legally binding” and then the next day the Marauders and Slytherin Skittles burst into the great hall (Lead by Barty of course bc he’s nothing if not a petty bitch) like “I THINK THE FUCK NOT”
They would raise so much hell it wouldn’t even be worth it forcing Harry to stay in the tournament.
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drummingbird · 1 year
A kind of funny concept to me is the idea that literally none of the nations are intimidated by Germany.
Like they respect him for sure but they’re not scared if he threatens them. Most of them have centuries on him and despite being raised by Prussia he doesn’t have much actual experience in combat compared to them.
The reason why he doesn’t get mocked whenever he makes any threats are because of his two guard dogs Big Brother Prussia and Auntie Hungary.
The reason it’s funny is because Germany fully isn’t even aware of it, he sees a nation panic at his (empty) threat and is like “hell yeah, job well done” what he doesn’t see is Hungary or Prussia behind his back making cut throat gestures.
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drummingbird · 2 years
I absolutely love this post.
Imagine all of them do the SU2C bake off.
All 4 of them in the tent competing, that would be a highly entertaining shit show.
Ooo or maybe like celebrity gogglebox considering its cannon they live together.
I can also see like Scotland or Wales doing charity walks for Children in Need or Red Nose Day.
Strictly would be possible if any of them could dance. Maybe they’d to the Xmas special.
I def think Arthur would be involved in HH maybe as a background character but if not he definitely helped with historical details. Scotland as well he’d be one of the background band in the William Wallace song or smth lmao ( I literally can’t think of an occasion when Welsh or Irish history is discussed in HH? There might be?)
England definitely flexed his status to get an in at the BBC to cameo in Dr Who, it’s one of his fav shows.
Do you guys think the UK bros take part in red nose day, children in need, strictly come dancing, the great British bake off, and stuff,
Cause like, they're yearly traditions at this point, so yeah probably but I still wanna know, like, do they have their own red noses that look sorta like them or something,
And what about culture classics like horrible historys, doctor who, do they just popup in some episodes, I mean hh, as much as I love it, it is pretty england based yaknow
or is there like love island, stricly come dancing or the great British bake off seasons where one of them just competes for a bit to see how far they could get before getting kicked of or,,
Like on one hand it's for the better, and if givin the opetunety, I can't name anyone nation(s) wide that would say no the the opportunity but also you can't convince me Arthur doesn't have a stick with 'no fun in public allowed' carved into it shoved right up his ars---
So yeah what do you all think,
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drummingbird · 2 years
I adore Arthur and his family’s dynamic so I wanna talk about his relationship with Alfred bc I’m putting off uni work.
Their initial relationship is a (physically) 16-ish year old Arthur with his golden haired bouncing baby boy and who he absolutely adores and dotes on so much so he gives up being a pirate to be more present for him.
Alfred grows up idolising Arthur even in his absences he would await his return and daily would ask when father would return.
I do actually believe Alfred lived with Arthur in his house in Durham (its close to the Scottish border) accompanying Arthur on visits to the 13 colonies, until the unrest started when Alfred was physically like 16 and he began insisting that he go to his land with his people, Arthur begrudgingly obliged.
Then the revolution occurred and their relationship obviously became far more complicated. Alfred resented Arthur and basically didn’t speak to him for a good century. Arthur felt betrayed, he was not necessarily angry about the revolution more so was absolutely devastated feeling as if he had failed as a father, how could his own baby hate him so much?
As England though he had bigger problems then loosing a few colonies so on the surface it seemed as if he just brushed it off which in turn pissed Alfred off that he was seemingly unaffected.
Alfred harbours a lot of resentment which materialised as petty comments and actions toward Arthur who is at his core a petty bastard so he would return them.
Alfred also got to see how Arthur just “replaced” him almost immediately after the revolution with Australia, and saw how he was significantly more present in his siblings lives. How they continued to have a good relationship with him even after independence, how they were able to turn to Arthur if they needed anything even if it was just a cuddle and he resented it.
In all honesty he really just missed having a dad, the reality was he was all alone. Every Christmas, thanksgiving and birthdays were spent mostly alone
Fast forward to the world wars their relationship is civil however there is a looming professionalism that they both maintain, not a friendship or father son relationship, they are nothing more than colleagues.
Alfred has to watch as in the trenches one night it all gets too much for Matt and he just breaks down and hugs Arthur and who immediately hugs him back, begins stroking his hair and mutters “what’s the matter lad” and then after some time Matt falls asleep on him and Alfred is viciously jealous that he has no one to turn to like that.
I think durning WW2 their relationship gets slightly better, they had developed a kind of friendship but by the end of WW2, there was still some underlying tension but it’s the best it has been in a long time.
They are forced to develop their relationship post war by their leaders (England is pushed into it more so than America) and the post war aid provided by the USA definitely helped but the “special relationship” was something that the British government were reliant on so they sort of forced Arthur into interactions with Alfred.
Arthur made a lot of mistakes with Alfred, he was 16 when he had him so he was a kid raising a kid, he unintentionally cased some unnecessary trauma for Alfred and he didn’t make the same mistakes with his other kids leading to much healthier relationships. Alfred was almost the “trial baby” it was very unfair on Alfred and it caused him to harbour a lot of resentment. Arthur didn’t mean to obviously but that doesn’t change the fact that it happened.
I think Alfred reaches a tipping point in the 1970s, the stress of the Cold War gets too much and he finds himself on Englands doorstep, England opens the door and he just ends up collapsing into his arms sobbing. Arthur takes Alfred into his arms and starts to soothe him, eventually they end up on the sofa with Alfred practically on his lap still sniffling and he asks Alfred if he wants to talk about it, Alfred shakes his head so they lull back into a silence.
Alfred ends up staying with Arthur for a little while and Arthur invites him to family Christmas (which he had never stopped hosting even when most of his kids had declared independence, they were always welcome) Alfred breaks down again, all he can manage is a “yes please” between sobs.
Alfred attends family Christmas and it’s the best Christmas he’s had in a long time, he is actually formally introduced to his other siblings as siblings and not just their nations (not Matt but the rest of them Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong) and he and he calls England “dad” for the first time in like two centuries.
Their relationship as father and son continues to develop after that and eventually (after some therapy on both parts) they have a mostly healthy functioning relationship again. In the modern day, Alfred will ambush Arthur with hugs, will appear at his house just to stay for a while and will occasionally crawl into bed with him like a massive child for cuddles.
I love these two sm.
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drummingbird · 2 years
Personally, the funniest thing about PRUK to me is that Alfred would absolutely refer to Germany as his step-brother and Germany would absolutely hate it.
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drummingbird · 2 years
Did the 6 idiots ever confirm whether Julian is based off of a real person?
Because there was actually an MP called Stephen Milligan in John Majors government that died in 1994 sparking a sex scandal.
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The media were already looking for more scandals to use to rip into Major, so they lapped it up.
Anyways if Julian’s character isn’t based off of him then I think it’s a funny coincidence.
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drummingbird · 3 years
I want a Julian Fawcett funeral scene and I want it to be like the scene in Bridget Jones’ Baby when it’s Daniel Cleavers (the guy played by Hugh Grant) funeral where there’s all the girls he’s hooked up with on one side of the church mourning one goes up and says some words and they all glance at each other bc they all heard the same thing, not a single unique experience in the church.
Anyways here’s a link to the funeral scene if you haven’t seen it
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drummingbird · 3 years
Mary’s dream
So basically I’m doing my history coursework on witches and it’s made me think a lot about Mary and her death… so I want to attempt to analyse her dream.
So, it starts with her farming. Probably just a reflection of something she would have done often in her life.
Then she sees a man pointing and floating towards her, I believe that this is representative to the person who accused her.
Then she says that the carrots turn into baby-like creatures. This is most likely representative of the accusation or accusations that caused her death. The carrots becoming babies means that we can assume that she was accused of two different “crimes” associated with witchcraft.
The first (and most likely due to how obvious it is) is that she was accused of causing harm to babies and held responsible for the death of infants within the village. This may be due to her being a midwife (however this is not really implied in the series) or due to both her age and the fact that she is widowed, she may have been thought to be bitter about her inability to produce babies (this period was very pro-natal) and therefore caused infertility and infant death within her village. The sacrifice of babies to Satan was also a common belief so it may have been thought that she intended to used the babies for rituals.
The second is that she was accused of weather magic. The idea of witches using weather magic was common among the peasantry, this may be why she is farming and her mouth fills with soil. Weather magic was also associated with infertility, so that may also be what the carrot babies represent. It is also possible she was accused of both.
The man catching fire is clearly in reference to her death. Mary’s death was uncommon in England, burning witches after trial was more of a mainland European practice. This is why I also believe that Mary may have been killed “illegally” in a sense. I don’t believe she was persecuted under law enforcement she was instead killed by her fellow villagers without “permission” and using any means possible to kill her (burning) rather more common methods.
Of course none of this could be correct because ghosts probably isn’t too fussed on historical accuracy but it keeps distracting me from my coursework.
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