dukeofspiders · 7 months
Imagine knowing that a genocide is happening and people are dying and what you have to say about that is "zionism is sexy". noah has gone far beyond just being ignorant to being plain cruel.
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dukeofspiders · 7 months
I promise you don't have to look far for another openly gay or queer white boy in Hollywood for representation.
Noah Schnapp is another zionist you can easily drop. He is an actor. His is not Will. Will is fictional.
I know it's hard to separate an actor from their role when you love a character. But if you can't do it when the actor is supporting ethnic cleansing, you've got some really serious issues to deal with....
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dukeofspiders · 7 months
I am incredibly disappointed in Noah Schnapp's behavior. The audacity to be so uncaring and ignorant when talking about a genocide that has killed more than 11,000 people blows my mind. I understand that he is Jewish and that he is supporting the Jewish homeland, but to disregard and make a joke of the war crimes and tragedy that has struck Palestine? That is just supporting a genocide and the mass murder of innocent people who have lives that are now being taken away. Shame on him. He is old enough to realize that what he is joking about is mass murder. He has such a big audience of young, impressionable children. He is teaching them that genocide is a joke. At this point, I can't support him. I love Stranger Things, but it is tainted now and I don't think I can be as involved as I was a few months ago. If you notice I'm not posting as much, it’s because of Noah's terrible actions. I heavily encourage all of you to support and help Palestine as much as possible. Everything helps even if it is just reblogging information about Gaza.
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dukeofspiders · 7 months
We really don’t give Noah Schnapp enough props for his acting abilities. It must take a lot of work to play such a kind and compassionate character when you’re actually a massive piece of shit.
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dukeofspiders · 7 months
i feel like it actually is important to talk about noah’s stance on palestine especially within the byler tag considering he plays a character within the ship that we talk about A LOT.
noah posting a video with “zionism is sexy” stickers is disgusting. it’s dehumanizing. the way him and his friend are smiling in the pic?? i’m sorry that’s not being “uneducated” or “young and stupid”. he knows what is going on in palestine (also in case you weren’t aware— what’s happening in palestine isn’t new!! palestinians have been suffering for decades!!) and he chose his stance on it. anyone that can defend and support a genocide lacks good morals and definitely makes me view them in a negative light.
i won’t apologize for being disgusted and repulsed by noah’s posts. he’s literally saying a mass murder of people is okay… and that’s not being hyperbolic because the truth is that supporting israel = the murder of palestinians. like that’s literally what is happening. funding and support to israel is giving the government more power to kill the people in gaza. it’s not a complicated subject the way people want to make it seem. that’s literally what’s been fucking happening and it is important to not remain silent about it. there’s no good enough reason to stay silent on a genocide. there are petitions to sign, phone numbers to call your local politicians, protests to attend, blogs to follow and posts to share from people who are posting updates of what’s going on, donation links to donate to and share… don’t let yourself or anyone else make you believe you can’t do anything because there are things out there that you can do that does make a difference. it may not seem like much, but it does a lot more than staying silent.
very unfortunate that noah has decided to share zionist views and maybe one day he’ll acknowledge and question why he supported the death and displacement of palestinians, but the blood is already on his hands and the world won’t forget.
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
ngl I like it, but I'm constantly worried that I overdid it again and it doesn't fit w the others
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and in black
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First Card, Second Card, Fourth Card, Fifth Card, Sixth Card, Seventh Card, Eighth Card
the thing is that I'm a byler. I overdo will and mike. especially mike, bcs I think Finn is absolutely breathtaking and I'm trying to draw everything as close as possible and the simplicity and style kinda fall flat
anyway I'd like to hear your opinion which version do you like more C:
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
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they’re both gay disasters LMAO
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
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EL & DUSTIN + group hugs throughout the seasons
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
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Hope u like ittt
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
It just hit me
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
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"What about this guy here? Know who that is?" "
“That’s my friend, Mike.”
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“Looks like it’s gonna be up to us again.”
“It always is, isn’t it?”
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
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Stranger Things DTIYS compilation! (original credits in the alt text and on Instagram!)
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
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When he’s quite literally the light of your life
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
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“that’s the purple palm tree delight workin’ it’s magic, man.”
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
Mike is so hopeless, I love him. I watched this scene in detail, up-close, and realised Mike legitimately does not look at El once while she’s talking to him. Not a single time (til the end of the scene). Yet he sneaks exactly six glances at Will 😭. He’s clinging to El for dear life trying to do the whole boyfriend routine but it just feels so…off? And it’s because he’s not engaging with her at alllll, he’s smiling with this weird dead behind the eyes look and staring vaguely into space rather than at her. He’s so clearly distracted by Will, it’s insane how they manage to make it so subtle yet obvious.
This is 100% the type of stuff Finn was referring to when he said Mike’s trying to ‘be normal and keep on a normal path’ and when he made fun of Mike like ‘I’m super excited to see my girlfriend in California’. It’s clear as day: Mike is putting on an act, and that act includes playing the good boyfriend and ignoring Will. I wonder why those two things always happen simultaneously?
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
will shoveling four grains of sand + being the only one other than an injured el to not help flip the car until the very end + barely helping to set up cerebro + barely stirring the pizza dough freezer bath + wanting to commit fraud so that he never has to work ..... literally the character of all time everyone else go home
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dukeofspiders · 1 year
Mike in s4 felt like an episode character except he didn't have any gems to choose the good options so he had to pick all the shitty ones
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