dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
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so you're gonna look at me and tell me he's NOT a bratty bottom??
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Lmaooooo guess who just got some piping hot family tea
My mother has always been my angel and the most badass woman I have ever known. I really and truly don’t know what I’d do without her.
Also found out my biological dad sapped most all of the original college fund she had for me and he took most all of her retirement. All of that on top of the other horse shit he did.
My mother is my hero. She rebuilt our life when we were at rock bottom. And biodad, wherever you are... eat my entire fucking asshole you shitsmear on the face of humanity.
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Also... Genji smut with plot incoming 👀
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Behold me digging through my old messages! This one is fun 👀 also adjusting some of these to my fem pronouns
Mommy: 11/10 👀👀👀 always
Darling: not a big fan of this one in the bedroom unless it’s super emotional and sappy. It has its time.
Doll: being a Mccree simp did this one to me, 11/10
Slut/whore: hehe yis 10/10 for partners. Also okay with it myself as long as it’s discussed beforehand.
Baby: loooove calling my partners baby. 10/10 in public and in the bedroom 😛
Love: 10/10 when you gettin that good emotional schloppy toppy
Bae: I don’t really use this in a romantic or sexual way at all 😂😂😂 I call all my close friends bae at some point
Kitten: 7/10 for calling a partner this 🥰 and I’m indifferent to being called kitten but the way some people say it though... 👀👀👀👀👀 woof
Puppy: I could get behind it if a partner asked. Kitten rolls off the tongue easier for me
Cow: 0/10, hard no for me personally
Princess: very low but not sure about an exact measurement here. Someone called me this in bed once and I laughed
Brat: 10/10 for others and myself 😌✌️
Also I tag @idorkish and whoever else wants to get in on the fun!
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RATE THE NICKNAMES BASED ON SEXINESS — started my own post ‘cause it was gettin long in the og!
𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 / 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 ─♡─ 9/10, depending on the context. feels gross sometimes, depends on how into it i am. being the sub and them calling you mommy >>>
𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ─♡─ for- during fornication?! 0. definitely romantic, though. but not sexy.
𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 ─♡─ uhhh zero out of ten. it does not hit.
𝐬𝐥𝐮𝐭/𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞 ─♡─ 11/10, makes me cry (in the good way).
𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 ─♡─ 12/10. TRULY MAGNETIC. sends me to the astral realm. romantic in the absolute sexiest way.
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ─♡─ uhhhh 0 out of ten. absolutely not sexy.
𝐛𝐚𝐞 ─♡─ zero out of ten. induces -5 horny in me 😐.
𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 ─♡─ 1,000/10. yeah ❤️👄❤️
𝐩𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲 ─♡─ i would strangle a man if he called me a dog.
𝐜𝐨𝐰 ─♡─ -200 this gave me war flashbacks throw it in the trash can. ...but i do wanna be somebody’s cute cow girl </3
**𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬: 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 / 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 ─♡─ makes me blackout every time i see it, a billion/ten
**𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝟐: 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭 ─♡─ I FROTH AT THE MOUTH :( ∞/10
!! ty for tagging leah :3
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tagging: @melanimed ✾ @katsukis-lilbunnywhore ✾ @kuroosusagichan ✾ @colossalnova ✾ @loveatsutani ✾ @wak4tosh1 ✾ @katsukiflr ✾ @mi-yoko-san ✾ @honeykeigo ✾ @triggermattsun (i didn’t know which acc to tag m’sorry if this is the wrong one 🥺) ✾ @ihatebnha ✾ @kingdomofaeries ✾ @kingtamakimurder ✾ @sweetbakugou ✾ @hearts4niah ✾ @m00nchildthings + all my other mutuals!
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Ooooo I also love these
3 ships: oh god... I enjoy so many.
Last song: woke the fuck up by Jon Bellion ☺️ his whole music career is a treat
Last movie: OOF it was before finals but I think it was one of the naruto movies???
Currently watching: jujutsu kaisen cause that shit slaps HARD
Currently reading: a red bubble PDF guide 👀
Currently craving: a fat ass ice green tea the size of my fat ass noggin
I tag all you lovely people that want to! Also my internet is not working and the recommended blogs won’t show up 🥲
thanks for the tag @seagullmichael ❤
[rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to get to know better/catch up with!]
3 ships: MIDAM and uh…. what else is there? I’ve been meaning to reread one of my favourite lee/gaara fics so I guess that and then I just rewatched eftbk so  leiland/markus is cute?? My brain is just full of midam very little room for other ships lol
last song: This year by The Mountain Goats
last movie: Lord of The Rings: Two Towers 
currently watching: Schitt’s Creek, The Good Place
currently reading: on my 6th rereading of Emma by Jane Austen 
currently craving: company and ice cream 
@sntmichael  @almostwritingdragon @saint-raphael @bookish-bi-christian @thegrassfairy @stupid-angel-with-golden-wings @susanoosama01 @winchester-swan-song-67 and @kacievvbbbb 
I’d like to know how you guys are doing but no pressure 😊
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Yknow that noise you make when your food is too hot but you still try to eat it?
I went hafsahafsahahsaha when I saw this
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Kakashi w/ tattoos
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
lmaoooooooo remember when I was gonna do a masterlist after I finally got decent internet...?
...well I finally did it now that I’m back from exams! It’s in my blog description so I feel a little more legit now having my stuff organized. I may go back later and try to group all of my simping stuff under a thirst tag, but we’ll see when that happens because it’s already closing in on 2AM where I’m at. Oops.
Anyways-- right now it’s just the Naruto masterlist, but I have some Overwatch goods I wanna post after I send one to Gab to beta-read. So that’ll get a separate list, and then there will be a fandom directory the more I expand my horizons-- but Naruto is like my first love when it comes to writing fanfiction, so I can’t imagine I’ll ever go too long without writing for it.
So sending love everyone’s way! I’ll be more active here now that I have a month break before summer session. Now that some of my shit is together it feels easier to just sit down and write, thank Christ.
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Naruto Masterlist
It is worth noting here that I am primarily a smut author on this blog, so proceed at your own caution! All of my works will have their appropriate warnings under the title and before the body text after you click the title link for a fic.
***As I write for more fandoms, the way the masterlist is organized will be updated accordingly. As a general rule: I am going to present the list with characters in alphabetical order, with their fics also listed alphabetically.
Kakashi Hatake
What You Do to Me
Maito Gai
Black Lace
Caught Your Fancy
Rock Lee
Steamy Kisses
Tsunade Senju
Old Flames
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
I can always tell when the Kakashi and Gai stans are online cause I’ll have a thirst post for either of them blow up with like 20 reblogs at 2am.
I see y’all being thirsty 👀👀👀 send me some thirst asks y’all know I’m awake too 😂
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
I see you 👀
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“Mean competitive streak”
Uhhh against myself for sure 👀👀👀
@gaideservedbetter you know you wanna 👀
Tagged by the lovely @day-at-the-races ages ago to take “are you the main character or a side character?” THANK YOU BOO 🥰😘
the wise mentor
you’re the yoda and the dumbledore of the literary world. you radiate goodness. you’re very perceptive and insightful (an intellectual, if you will). you’re an encouraging and calming presence. you seek truth and knowledge, and do an ALARMING amount of self reflection. get out of your head!! all that thinking can sometimes trap you in inaction. you also probably are more introverted; you keep to yourself.
tagging: @valuedabovehoardedgold @gifsbysimplysonia @savemefromanepicoftimewasted @fvckingavengers @borkingbarnes @marvelgirlonmain @bisoubarnes @petlaufeyson & anyone else who wants to do it 🥰
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Take the time to read this whole post, all of it 👆
here’s a thought: the reason why adult/minor friendships are looked upon with suspicion, and the reason why adults with minor friends are accused of being predatory or having bad intentions, is because we think that minors don’t have anything of value to offer adults that isn’t sex/a relationship. it’s a continuation of the way adults devalue minors and their perspectives and contributions to the world.
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
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I like them too
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Every writer on Tumblr: “I would combust out of love if someone ever drew fanart of my fic!!” Me: “oh man I wanna draw this scene BUT THEY WOULD PROBABLY HATE IT AND HATE ME FOR THE NERVE”
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
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Lemme be your beta reader forever bestie, I love me a man
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A/N: Contrary to popular belief... i am alive!
Warnings: NSFW! (grinding, oral, vocal iida, dom!reader, corruption kink, praise) Male Reader, Prohero!Iida, no plot, kinda nasty but we vibin
WC: 1k
The famous Pro Hero Ingenium was, for all people, a symbol of responsibility and rightfulness, with a seemingly unwavering moral compass and a desire to make the world a better place.
For you, Pro Hero Ingenium was actually Iida Tenya, the man you studied with at UA that was extremely fun to tease. It was actually surprising how… dense… he could be when talking about romantic affairs. Multiple times, interviewers, fans and even other pro-heroes flirted with the man, but every single time he brushed them off with an unwavering professionalism.
To be fair, it was kinda funny.
Nevertheless, you knew the man. You knew subtle double-meaning words would fly over his head. He was surprisingly pure for someone who tried to commit revenge murder at age 15.
Imagine your surprise when the aforementioned dense man showed up all red in the face to your door, mumbling something about a date with him.
A few dates later, some time passed, and he found himself in this predicament.
Your slender fingers ran all over his body, tracing patterns against the curves of his muscles while your mouth did wonders against his. He could only grip your hips tighter, shivering under your fleeting touch, the warmth of your palms that groped his body everywhere, from his hips to his ass and even his pecs - making him jump slightly.
His skin was flushed, hot and red as he whimpered against your unrelenting grip. You hadn’t even touched him where he really wanted to, but he already felt overwhelmed.
“You look so pretty like this, Tenya,” you murmured, fingertips tracing the outline of his muscles underneath his shirt. He whined in response, head tilting back as he breathed heavily. “My pretty boy. So good.”
“(Y/N)-” He gasped as your nimble fingers found their way into his inner thigh. You stopped, looking up at his red face.
“Want me to stop?” you asked, and he shook his head almost violently.
“Use your words, pretty boy.”
He whined. “Don’t- Don’t stop. Please.”
The cheshire grin that grew on your face told Tenya this was going to be a long night.
As soon as Tenya had given you the green light to continue, you slowed down exponentially. First, you took off his shirt, then yours; then, his pants followed by yours.
The black boxers he was wearing didn’t conceal at all his huge hard-on, and with a simple tug his surprisingly large dick whipped out, precum already leaking from the angry red tip. You could feel yourself salivating (and somehow getting harder).
“(Y/N), you- you’re staring at it…” He mumbled, embarrassed and turned on at the same time. You chuckled.
“Sorry, love, I just…” you lowered your head, your mouth dangerously close to his cock. “can I suck you off?”
His dick twitched, and even more precum leaked out. You licked your lips.
He nodded his head.
Tenya, as you discovered, was highly sensitive. Every flicker of your tongue made him moan under his hand, and every time you suckled at his tip he felt like he was going to die. After some time, he shivered even harder, babbling something about coming. You kept your merciless pace, and soon enough he came into your mouth with a loud whine, his hips bucking underneath your hands.
You observed his state in mild amusement as you swallowed his load. He looked downright sinful, with his usually neat hair all messy and disheveled, his glasses discarded mindlessly on the bedside table. You took a few moments to observe your work, smirking at how you managed to break him down so easily.
“Tenya,” you muttered, running your fingers through his messy locks. He hummed, blinking at you slowly. The both of you stayed like this for a couple of minutes, until he sat up out of nowhere. You followed suit, observing him.
“You…” He mumbled, rubbing his hand on his face.
“You… haven’t finished.”
“I don’t want to overwhelm you,” you ran your fingers down his arm. “I can take care of it later.”
He shook his head, and immediately pulled you into another kiss. “I want to make you feel good,” he muttered, kissing your neck, “show me how I can make you feel good.”
You could feel your boxers tightening at his words. Tenya wasn’t experienced at all, but he was determined. And a fast learner.
You hummed as he found your sweet spot, and you grinded against his dick, earning a strangled gasp from him.
“How about…” you readjusted yourself, pulling your boxers off and sitting on his lap, his dick resting against yours. Tenya seemed almost entranced by the view, and you saw and felt his flaccid dick getting harder again.
“Think you can go for another round, baby?” You shuffled, lightly grinding your painfully erect cock to his. He groaned, swallowing hard.
“Yes,” he finally breathed out, and you smiled.
“Spit on it.”
His head shot up to look at you, surprise clearly written all over his face.
“Spit,” you repeated, nodding at both of your members.
Hesitantly, he let a glob of saliva drip down into your crotch, looking at you expectantly.
“Good boy,” you muttered, and he whined again. He really did love to be praised.
You used your hand to spread the spit on your cocks, and slowly started pumping them both. You kept your pace steady as your mouth started spewing more and more praise towards your boyfriend, who had shoved his face against the crook of your neck after a while. His hot breath in your skin, the lewd wet noises echoing as you sped up the pace, the room felt so hot and muffled and you could feel the pressure building on your insides-
Tenya bit your shoulder, muffling his groan as he came again, and you sped up enough to make him squirm and for you to finally get on the edge.
Your muscles tensed up as you crashed down, spilling hot cum all over yourself and your boyfriend. At this point, both your fluids had mixed together, and after allowing yourself a couple of seconds to get back to earth, you got up, leaving Tenya with a kiss on the forehead, and headed to the bathroom on the search for some towels.
This was your first step into corrupting your boyfriend, and you couldn’t wait to see him fall apart.
@reject-human-return-to-elefante @dxmmymxmmywrites
Join my taglist!
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
One day I’m gonna have food before cold brew. Today ain’t the day
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dxmmymxmmywrites · 3 years
Sex stuff you probably won’t learn from fanfiction and/or porn:
Erotic fic and porn can be a lot of fun! But if you aren’t being provided with adequate sex ed through other channels (comprehensive sexual education, frank and open discussions with trusted adults, etc.), turning to fanfic and porn for your understanding of sex is gonna leave some major blindspots and may leave you with some unrealistic expectations. While there’s nothing wrong with these kinds of erotica, they are fictional and tend to leave out a lot of the more realistic, human parts of sex - they serve a great purpose, but that purpose isn’t primarily educational. The following is an incomplete list of some things you should probably know about sex that a lot of fic and porn tends to leave out:
It isn’t always super hot or super sweet. Sometimes it’s super silly. Or sometimes it’s sort of mundane and you’re both simply scratching an itch. That’s fine too. (Hell, sometimes you’re talking about comic books while boning and your partner is laughing that you’re getting REALLY ANGRY about spider-man while they’re going to town on you.)
You will probably not climax at the same moment. It’s a sweet idea, but extremely hard to coordinate, and if all your concentration is going into coming at the exact same moment, you’re probably not enjoying yourselves as much as you might. 
Sometimes bodies make weird, goofy noises. Squelching, slapping, air-escaping, un-sexy noises. It’s okay to laugh at this. 
Hell, it’s okay to laugh during sex in general.
Sometimes you fart. Sometimes you fart while someone is going down on you and it is embarrassing as hell. This isn’t the end of the world. Embarrassing body things happen. Heck, sometimes, with anal, there’s a little poo. You get over it.
Sometimes sex is… kinda bad? This doesn’t mean it’s assault, or something traumatic – sometimes it’s consensual but just kinda bleh and not what you hoped for. The best thing to do (if you’re talking about sex with a partner and not just a hook up who you can not call back) is talk to them about it. Figure out what went wrong, what you enjoy and what you don’t, and communicate what techniques you do and don’t like. Also don’t be afraid to stop someone in the middle of the sex act you’re not enjoying and offer guidance on how to help make it good for you too. (Side tip: masturbation makes great research into what you personally do and don’t enjoy sexually)
You won’t enjoy every sex act. Not every body is wired to find every thing pleasurable. You might find anal does nothing for you. You may find g-spot stimulation just makes you really anxious that you’re about to pee. You may not enjoy giving or receiving oral. You’re not broken if you don’t like something that every pornstar or smutty fanfic protagonist seems to have earth-shattering orgasms from. Everyone’s got nerve endings in a range of places – it’s quite literally, different strokes for different folks.
On that note, not all orgasms are earth-shattering. Sometimes it just feels warm and nice. That’s fine too. 
Sometimes, if you’re neutral on a sex act and your partner loves it, you can suck it up for them, and they’ll suck up something they’re not crazy about for your pleasure in return. But communicate preferences with each other! Know that when a partner does that thing you love that they don’t get much from, that it’s an act of care, and vice versa. 
Falling asleep in each other’s arms right after wild passionate sex seems really romantic, but dried and crusty fluids are gonna be a bitch in the morning. Also, after sex, you should both (regardless of your equipment) go pee to clear out the urethra of any gunk or bacteria to reduce risk of a UTI. 
Putting a towel down on the bed before sex means you don’t have to sleep on wet funky sheets. (it’s also verrrrrry useful for period sex if you or your partner menstruate.)
A lot of people don’t like dirty talk, or rough sex. Always ask first. (Fanfic on the whole does a better job than porn at showing communication, but a lot of it is still highly fictive on this point)
PROTECTION PROTECTION PROTECTION. Use condoms, dental dams, etc. not just to prevent pregnancy, but to reduce risk of STIs. (Yes, even couples with the same genitals who don’t need to worry about pregnancy).
Lube is great and very important, but random goopy things around you are not good lube. Random oils especially, since oil doesn’t flush out well and can trap bacteria inside the body – oil-based lubricant also degrades condoms. Use lube specifically designed for intimate purposes. Water-based and silicone-based lubes help sex feel really good!
Bigger isn’t necessarily better. A lot of people with vaginas don’t enjoy the feeling of being repeatedly punched in the cervix by a monster cock. Some people enjoy a larger size when being penetrated by an appendage or toy and some don’t.
Bodies are hairy. Genitals are hairy. You may get a pube stuck in your teeth at some point. If your partner is WAY fuzzier than porn ever led you to believe they’d be, well, that’s normal. 
Not everyone loves the taste of ejaculate. Sometimes it’s nasty (flavor tends to vary from person to person depending on their diet, but sometimes you just really don’t like it no matter what. Some of us hate the taste of peanut butter. People don’t always like things). It’s okay not to swallow, or to request a penis-having partner warn you so they don’t ejaculate in your mouth (in fact, it’s polite for them to do the latter). 
If you’re gonna have shower sex, get one of those rubbery mats for the shower floor that gives you traction, because otherwise it’s super embarrassing to call for an ambulance while dripping wet and naked because you slipped and accidentally broke something and your partner got a concussion while you were trying to bang in the shower. 
Moaning and screaming wildly during sex is fun but it will make the neighbors in the apartments adjacent to you hate you. Make choices accordingly. 
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