dynasty889 · 2 days
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Hair is still a pain. Is it getting better? Hmmm idk.
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dynasty889 · 5 days
Lmao now that’s just mean, come on be nice
Patrochilles doodle? (Pls no tombstone like last time)
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What's that I couldn't hear that last part
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dynasty889 · 13 days
I like need a Madeline Miller-esque novel about them with as much gay tragic vibes that were in TSOA. And I need it to be just as poetic.
I’m so obsessed with the myth of Callisto and Artemis. Like y’all are telling me that it wasn’t at least a little fruity? Clearly Zeus knew about something if he decided to take the form of Artemis when he seduced (cough r-worded her). It’s so tragic and I feel so bad for Callisto (and kinda Artemis but not really cause she excluded Callisto from her group when she learned she was pregnant).
Anyway, there are definitely queer undertones in this. There are a lot of queer undertones in Greek mythology stories (Been digging around ze Google about Pallas and Athena but can’t find a lot so yeah).
But they’re literally my favorite. They’re such tragic babies and deserve so much more. I’d post my interpretation of the myth but I don’t have the energy to write it out.
P.S. though I haven’t played Hades yet (I need to) the way artemis just gushes to Zag about Callisto makes me feel like there’s at least some sort of feeling that goes behind friendship. Like she’s such a dork rambling about Callisto.
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dynasty889 · 13 days
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Trying to draw longer hair. Drawing is so exhausting
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dynasty889 · 17 days
This is terrifying and I am in love with it (the art not Charybdis lmao)
TW: Thalassophobia I think?
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commission for @dead-and-redblog
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dynasty889 · 19 days
Epic the musical has inspired me to learn how to draw. Yep. Tried sketching WolfyTheWitch’s Odysseus design. This was the result:
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(Image referenced from Wouldn’t you like animatic)
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It’s not great I know but for me this is actually a really good drawing. I struggle with basically everything (lmao) but especially hair. I think for the stage I’m at now at drawing this is good.
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dynasty889 · 23 days
I just now realized that in gigi’s monster animatic that Penelope rips off Odysseus headband thing…
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dynasty889 · 27 days
I’m so obsessed with the myth of Callisto and Artemis. Like y’all are telling me that it wasn’t at least a little fruity? Clearly Zeus knew about something if he decided to take the form of Artemis when he seduced (cough r-worded her). It’s so tragic and I feel so bad for Callisto (and kinda Artemis but not really cause she excluded Callisto from her group when she learned she was pregnant).
Anyway, there are definitely queer undertones in this. There are a lot of queer undertones in Greek mythology stories (Been digging around ze Google about Pallas and Athena but can’t find a lot so yeah).
But they’re literally my favorite. They’re such tragic babies and deserve so much more. I’d post my interpretation of the myth but I don’t have the energy to write it out.
P.S. though I haven’t played Hades yet (I need to) the way artemis just gushes to Zag about Callisto makes me feel like there’s at least some sort of feeling that goes behind friendship. Like she’s such a dork rambling about Callisto.
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dynasty889 · 1 month
Beautiful. I love this
I’d love to see a artemis doodle, give her a burger or something, i just desperately need a artemis doodle
weird request but sure!
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dynasty889 · 1 month
These are my theories about song 21 and 22 because I’m bored.
I think song 21 will be about their return to Aeaea after being in the underworld and Circe basically saying “avoid anything and everything because they can kill you.”
And then song 22 could be about their encounter with the Sirens and Odysseus being tied against the mast as he listens to their song (I’m pretty sure that comes before Scylla but I’ve never read the Odyssey)
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dynasty889 · 1 month
As he should
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dynasty889 · 1 month
I have been skimming through the tumblrs. It’s good to know I’m not the only one emotionally destroyed by Anticlea. I made the horrible mistake of playing the song in public and felt my heart rip out of me again.
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dynasty889 · 1 month
Alright. On here yet again. Listened to the saga on Spotify and here’s my thoughts. Here are my rankings:
1. Monster
2. The Underworld
3. No Longer You
Okay so I had to listen to Anticlea’s part (Ody’s mom) like several times over. Polites caught me off guard but Anticlea really caught me off guard even though she had been mentioned in the Monster snippet. Idk it’s so emotional and the way he got his actual mom to sing in the song is just beautiful. When he sang “I took too long” I literally just felt my heart break a bit. That’s like 90% of the reason The Underworld is my second favorite song.
No Longer You was really good and I think it would’ve taken the second spot had Anticlea not shown up and broke my heart. Mason’s voice is so phenomenal and powerful and still gentle, but also wise like Tiresias. I love how angry odysseus asks “who?!” And then he’s like “I see a song of past romance” like bro just got his question ignored.
Me feels like that first opening part of Monster before the electric guitar (I think??) plays reminds me of the intro to the Horse and the Infant. Fitting? Yes. I also think I might have heard a viola when Ody sings the line “Does a soldier use a wooden horse…” so yeah little references everywhere. I don’t think I specifically heard Penelope’s motif but I’m like 80% sure I heard a viola during that part of the song.
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dynasty889 · 1 month
Okay so Jay’s playing the live video one last time but I’m gonna say my thoughts before it comes out on Spotify haha. (Watched it twice)
Alright so one there were lots of technical difficulties lmao so I had to switch from my iPad to my phone, so the first listening time I missed both Polites and Odysseus’ mom verse. and it’s late where I am so I had to just hold my phone to my ear and listen.
But anyway all that said I could hear stuff better the second time and it was less glitchy. Just from the listening party I think my favorite song is Monster.
However, my favorite scene is definitely when Odysseus’ mom shows up (can’t be bothered to look up her real name). Not only the fact that Jay actually got his mom to voice that part but the fact that she sings the same melody for “waiting” as Penelope does in The Challenge 😭😭 I wasn’t ready. It almost sounded like his mom was speaking unaware that he was right there the whole time.
I also really liked when the soldiers sang in the first song. The ensemble vocals were amazing. I’m not even gonna dive into how amazing Mason’s voice is because it’ll take too much time but holy crap does he have a voice.
(I’ll do a full thoughts on the songs once they get released on Spotify and I can hear them more clearly)
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dynasty889 · 1 month
Nope it’s working! EVERYONE JOIN
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dynasty889 · 1 month
Crap I think we broke YouTube
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dynasty889 · 1 month
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Let’s go it’s almost time yall!!!
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