Sending nothing but the upmost love and support to everyone recovering from an eating disorder these holidays. It can be a really hard time of year and I’m proud of you for all the progress you’ve made. People have the unfortunate tendency to say the most unhealthy, unhelpful and uninformed shit around food this time of year. Know that you never have to compensate for what you eat, and that you’re allowed to eat what you enjoy until you are full. However you need to get through these holidays is enough. I love you. Look after yourself the best you are able.
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As someone with a high weight, people have fatshamed me a lot and I really hate it as a concept but somehow I still do it to others who are bigger than me to feel better about myself, e.g watching tiktok comps of wieiad of fat people not trying to lose weight.
It just makes me feel more disgusted with myself because I know how it feels to be judged and it's so hypocritical but I can't stop myself from being so judgemental.
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Here is your reminder that you do not have to be perfect in the new year.
You are human and you are allowed to struggle and make mistakes just as much as every other time.
Make goals if you would like!!
But also remember that there is no pressure to.
You cannot become a new person overnight and it's not fair to expect that of yourself.
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This isn’t so much a confession but just wishing well for all the fellow ed folks out there,
I hope you all have the opportunity to heal your relationship with food, your relationship with yourself, and your relationship with yourself. You deserve to heal and love yourself. You deserve to be happy.
I also wanna say that no matter what ED you may be experiencing, you are valid even when your disorder tries to say you’re not, that’s just part of the disorder. You are valid, and you deserve help.
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Say it with me:
Clothes are supposed to fit me.
I am not supposed to fit clothes.
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92198) I don’t even have the desire for sex because I’m so disgusted by myself and hate the fact my fiancé gets to see me like this naked.
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If you ever reached out for help and it went badly, I want you to know that was ENTIRELY a reflection on the people you reached out to and not on you. You deserved help. You deserved support. You deserved to heal. It may still hurt if you were not treated with that level of love and compassion and you are entirely allowed to feel that way, but do not let it reflect on how you feel about yourself and the support you deserve.
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92197) I miss the feeling of satisfaction after eating and not second guessing it…I’m so sad…it’s ruining everything for me.
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92196) Why did I have to get through this at all in the first place? Why me? Why us?
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92195) I want this to stop. I just want to eat again.
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Recovery isn't linear and it's okay to have backslides, be proud of yourself for the work you've done, even if it's work you've done before, and even if you have more work to do in the future. You are doing a good job, no matter what.
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I have arfid. My whole life I’ve been very “picky” about my food. My sensory issues due to my autism has been the biggest reason for this.
I have a fairly well balanced list of safefoods, and I know I am lucky in that regard. My safefoods are very different from the typical safefoods observed in scientific studies.
So I don’t think it’s a huge problem because I am getting my needed nutrients. But I do recognise how it can be a problem or can become one.
I already am having to supplement where I’m missing nutrients. Protein is the biggest one so I drink q. If I could, I’d just eat w a lot but I can’t afford it so much.
This sucks because while the q are still relatively safe as far as my list of safefoods go, I just don’t think it’ll stay safe. Like I get a specific brand and I enjoy them but I can feel it drifting into no man’s land.
So now I’m stuck wondering how I’m going to get enough protein which is so vital to my bodily functions. I can get more q for less than it would cost to buy a bunch of w. Plus the q are more shelf stable and therefore will last longer without spoiling.
I am just at a loss, I guess. I don’t eat any other meat than w and x (x only when it’s involved in y, any other setting is a definite no). I mean I occasionally eat z but I don’t like it enough to have it be part of my daily diet and it gets kinda pricey too.
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Everyone knows it's that time of year when many people feel compelled to set goals to alter their body and restrict their food. The pressure to be thin is everywhere---it's the water we swim in. If you want to take care of your body, I hope this is the year you learn more about weight-neutral approaches to health! The Health At Every Size movement and books by fat activist Aubrey Gordon are great places to start!
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This is for anyone who posts/reblogs pro-ana and pro-mia things: You are hurting people. Your blog isn’t “coping,” it’s encouraging people to harm themselves. It’s the same as encouraging people to self harm or kill themselves. Eating disorders kill. I know people who have died from their eating disorders. One person died in the hospital, the other one suddenly dropped dead getting out of the shower. Are you comfortable contributing to people’s deaths? Because you are.
I get that you’re hurting, I felt that pain for years, but write those things in your journal or keep your blog private. And at the very least, use the actual letters in your tags so people can filter your posts out. If you’re worried your post will get taken down, don’t post it in the first place. I have 25 pro-ed tags blocked and your posts still get suggested to me because you won’t use letters (I subsequently report your account and several of your posts). Putting a tw in your bio or pinned post isn’t enough. I won’t tell you not to harm yourself (although I hope you won’t), but please stop harming others.
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I want black girls and women to be safe.
I want black girls and women to be happy.
I want black girls and women to be protected.
I want black girls and women to be loved.
I want all the best things for black girls and women.
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