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Just realized I never actually posted pancake pics here. I must live up to my name.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 10 years
Little video I made about my FC's house when we bought it. Good times with this total gil sink.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 10 years
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Moments later, my friend Pumky finally accepted that Lalafels can't fly.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
There's a special circle in hell reserved for people who don't eat pizza crust.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
Polyamory is like getting the multi-ball in pinball. For a brief moment, you get more opportunities to boost your score, but you have a hard time concentrating on each ball. The next thing you know, you've lost all three.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cheesy
"For example, if a bully in school sprayed Cheese-Wiz [sic] on me, I might cut his/her tires as revenge, and then spray Cheese-Wiz [sic] on the hood of the car as my creative element to my choose [sic] of revenge. This way, the simultaneous Cheese-Wizing [sic] of the perpatrators [sic] car will let him/her know who did in fact do this to their car." - Excerpt from an essay by a student condoning vengeful acts.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
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Waterfalls at Gridania, soothing right? Except that mere inches away, people were killing all manner of wildlife. If you look carefully, you can see a hint of the shadow of the carnage.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
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I've seen this building so many times going into NYC, and it was only recently I found out it used to be the "Thousand Window Bakery". Producing for Sunshine Biscuits, it was the largest bakery in the world up until the 1950s. And, as it turns out, my grandfather (who died before I was born) worked as a night shift baker there for years.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
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SquareEnix can't let go of their love for the ridiculous Buster Sword, so much so that even Lancers pull it out of nowhere during Limit Breaks. Apparently Pugilists do too, which is even more absurd. Haukke Manor's my favorite of the dungeons available thus far, so I wanted a final run of it before Phase 3 came crashing down. Many thanks to the White Mage who joined us 30 minutes after our healer cut and ran because he didn't get some stupid ring that dropped.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
Modern "poetry".
I'm all for the celebration of language, but you're not a great poet just because you made friends with a thesaurus and used a lot of peppery words together. Sometimes less is more, people. William Carlos Williams can testify to that. In fact, let's take a WCW poem... "It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there." ...and then transcribe it as some modern day poets would write it. "Unyielding a task is it to annex the cognizance of daily accounts from the epigrammatic transcriptions of our quintessence still humanity morosely relinquishes its tenure in morality each cycle in exchange for the dearth allotments within." Allusions to Greek, Roman, Norse, Biblical, or Shakespearean figures could easily take up a line in there too, but let's not go *that* overboard in one example. Great poetry is about expression, not impressing people with what words you know or classic literature you've read. Don't lose sight of that, and you'll find that sometimes the way it comes out of your mind naturally can be quite beautiful.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
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1) For some reason, I'm using a knife to make salt.
2) My salt exploded.
3) Why doesn't the guild just sell this stuff?
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
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I've been wanting to make these pretzel rolls again, but it's usually one of those things that pops in my head at 1am. I like to keep my impulsive, late culinary adventures a little less time consuming. The recipe is free from dealing with any potential chemical burns from lye, so you don't get that nice pretzel sheen. But baking soda gets the texture right, so unless you're an absolutely unyielding nitpicker, you won't miss the gloss.
Really curious as to how glorious it'll be to make these on a silpat next time.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
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The picture quality of this may be crap, because the PS3 version of FFXIV: ARR, as far as I can tell, doesn't have an in-game option for taking screenshots. Obligatory "Giant Enemy Crab" pic during a FATE. The title of the battle made me chuckle. I like those little touches they've put in the game; such things weren't really present in FFXI, and when they were it came off as them trying too hard. Also, those Arbor Buzzards totally ruined the moment.
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ebelskivervonpancake · 11 years
A new challenger has entered!
Tumblr has never seemed all that appealing. Most of the time it looks like a disjointed mess of reposts to me, and I occasionally find it hard to figure out where (if anywhere) the person's actual thoughts are. But, much like most things caught up in the miasma of social networking, it's at least a way to better connect with people you know and perhaps befriend those you don't. Not that such a thing needed to be said, although I suppose reaffirmation of a common viewpoint provides some level of comfort to kindred spirits. I have no idea if I will update this thing regularly, or if it will fizzle into obscurity like my last blog. I suspect this isn't a common wonder for people on this thing, given the sporadic updates I've seen from others.  Aside from messaging people, I'll probably mostly be posting random gaming and baking shiz on here. If that kind of thing pleases your eyes for at least a second, sounds good.
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