eleventhdcctor · 5 years
links, in honour of the exodus
hello! if you’re still here i’m very impressed, considering it’s been…. what, two years since i was active here?
i am not dead, i just migrated to twt (@ zamothac). i mostly talk about bts now, because it’s 2018 and there is no escape, and also they’re the goodest boys to ever walk the face of this earth. (there’s also occasional mcelroy content! Good Boy Zone Only)
since everyone seems to be migrating off tumblr anyway in light of the nsfw ban, come hang out with me on twt if you’re going there? i remember there were some really lovely people here and i miss yall - please come hit me up!! especially if we were mutuals or ever talked.
alternatively, if you’re staying on tumblr, my new address is @wlwminyoonji. despite the name it’s only about 20% bts content, so maybe give it a look? it’s not very active but it’s a nice place to be, i think.
disclaimer: if i know you primarily irl and you interact with me on any of these platforms, i will block you immediately. i like my online life and my irl life to be separate, thanks!
anyway. this place was real formative for me and even though i haven’t been active in a long time i’m going to miss the way it was. thanks
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eleventhdcctor · 6 years
links, in honour of the exodus
hello! if you're still here i'm very impressed, considering it's been.... what, two years since i was active here?
i am not dead, i just migrated to twt (@ zamothac). i mostly talk about bts now, because it's 2018 and there is no escape, and also they're the goodest boys to ever walk the face of this earth. (there's also occasional mcelroy content! Good Boy Zone Only)
since everyone seems to be migrating off tumblr anyway in light of the nsfw ban, come hang out with me on twt if you're going there? i remember there were some really lovely people here and i miss yall - please come hit me up!! especially if we were mutuals or ever talked.
alternatively, if you're staying on tumblr, my new address is @wlwminyoonji. despite the name it's only about 20% bts content, so maybe give it a look? it's not very active but it's a nice place to be, i think.
disclaimer: if i know you primarily irl and you interact with me on any of these platforms, i will block you immediately. i like my online life and my irl life to be separate, thanks!
anyway. this place was real formative for me and even though i haven't been active in a long time i'm going to miss the way it was. thanks
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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dan and phil + the onion
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
tall people: if we are walking together please take into consideration my tiny legs. i cant keep up with you. please think of my tiny legs i dont want to be jogging to keep up with your leisurely stroll you TITANS
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
Since I know there’s probably a fair amount of you out there who haven’t seen the first three Mad Max movies, I’m here to tell you a li’l secret about them:
All the people complaining about how Max “isn’t the main character” in Fury Road are big ol’ Fake Fanboys cause Max’s primary character trait in literally every movie is “I hate this, why is it happening, please leave me alone to brood in the desert in peace”. 
He’s much more the central focus of the plot in the first movie but in Road Warrior and Thunder Dome he basically just gets kidnapped or beat up by wankers in weird bondage outfits and spends the rest of the movie trying to leave as soon as possible while other people are like “please solve our absurd post-apocalyptic problems”.  There is not one single point where Max actively seeks out being a hero until it is forced upon him.  He ACTIVELY TELLS PEOPLE WHO ASK HIM FOR HELP to take a hike.
Mad Max himself would like nothing better than to never, ever, ever be the main character.
He would also like for people to stop stealing his fucking car.
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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inspired by : X
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
nEnglish speakers got the amazing Shelby Rabara singing Peace and love, but for the french La Paix, L’Amour got… this…
What’s doubly astounding is that Peridot is voiced by Anouck Hautbois, the same lady who voices Marinette in Miraculous ladybug, but that voice she uses for peridot is just… wow
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
it won’t be like what you imagined. maybe you get the road trip to the beach with coffee in your hand and the radio playing, maybe you don’t. but happy shows up. it’s in a 2 AM game of jenga with your new college friends. it’s curling up for another marathon of netflix. it’s meeting the person who will be your best man at the wedding. it’s 4:45pm in the library when the girl in the study coral across from you quietly whispers “i’m going to set everything on fire” and then turns to you and asks if you wanna take a break for dinner (say yes, she’s very nice and you both need a moment away from the stress). it’s the mornings they have omelettes and in good books and in a puddle that looks cool. it’s sometimes picturesque, but more often it’s full-belly laughter at stupid things on the floor of your friend’s house while in the background someone is debating the best way to win settlers of catan. 
i know it gets dark early now and the tired is setting in and everything sort of feels blank and hazy and you want to spend ages staring at walls thinking of nothing
but happiness will find a way in. it will be small moments. look for them.
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
john cage - 4′33″ BASS BOOSTED
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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I want to feel fabulous and comfortable and sexy and strong and beautiful. And if it’s making you uncomfortable, don’t do it. It’s so sad if you need to go home just because you need to sit down! Moving forward, I’m prioritizing just feeling awesome.
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
Hey! Men!
Don’t worry about a lack of representation for dudes in the new Ghostbusters movie guys! You have Chris Hemsworth’s character! He’s a man!
He’s a Strong Male Character, he doesn’t need a woman to make him feel complete! I mean, yeah, he seems to be wearing a lot of unnecessarily tight clothes, but that’s just because he Feels Comfortable In His Own Skin! He’s pretty bright for a dumb blonde to? That makes him super relatable! He’s not a Dude in Distress! He doesn’t need a woman to save him! He is Fiesty! He can Hold His Own against the Ladies! He’s not loud and over bearing, he’s a cool, empowering male character! There may even be some ROMANCE! You guys like romance right? He’s practically one of the girls! He’s just as strong as the women! He’s TECH SUPPORT! THAT’S ALMOST AS GOOD AS BEING A REAL GHOSTBUSTER RIGHT???
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eleventhdcctor · 8 years
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Knock ‘em dead, Pool boy!
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