elissesullivan · 10 months
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Apparently I'm not playing Skyrim I'm just dressing up Taliesin like a doll
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elissesullivan · 10 months
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elissesullivan · 6 years
chapter 145
My biggest fear... What R!Ciel wants with Alexis. Will he murder him? Alexis is smart so he can figure out the truth. 
I am not mentally prepared for chapter 145 :( 
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elissesullivan · 6 years
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elissesullivan · 6 years
You don't sympathize with Elizabeth betraying Ciel. Okay but I bet you would sympathize with Snake when he finds out the truth.
Yes, you should by honest with yourselves hate for Lizzy can be explained:
->main character's fiancé
->stands between Yaoi ship
Elizabeth killed no one(at least none confirmed murders)
Flip side: Mey Rin killed circus children
She is not only one who did something bad all characters did something wrong in the manga.
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elissesullivan · 6 years
Reblog to be part of it
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elissesullivan · 6 years
I still believe Undertaker and R!Ciel did not completely let O!Ciel down
I still think Undertaker wants to save O!Ciel somehow. Maybe they want to get O!Ciel arrested so they can separate Sebastian from him. Remember Undertaker has human feelings unlike Sebastian.
Everyone who pity O!Ciel. Well, actually he is not innocent. He killed many people including children. He plays queen Victoria dark game which Undertaker despises.
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elissesullivan · 6 years
I have been waiting whole month for 16 pages?
I am starting to feel confused with Black Butler. I feel like this series become something different than it used to be and In this chapter characters act differently than they used to. Moreover, their behavior certainly contradicts original storyline.
• Sebastian doesn't defend O!Ciel instead he called R!Ciel's plan brilliant
• R!Ciel said he will be by his side and well he lied
• Undertaker showed that he cares for our Ciel well now it was thrown out of window by Yana
• Edward defended O!Ciel
* We got 16 pages after month of waiting
•It is last arc of Kuroshitsuji
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elissesullivan · 6 years
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For my Prompt 5 :Favorite Pairing
One of my favorite pairing ,OCiel and Lizzy .
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elissesullivan · 6 years
Today’s Terrible Name Suggestion is...
Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Ramírez Phantomhive
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elissesullivan · 6 years
Sebastian’s new face
At the beginning...
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Sebastian in chapter 142 makes me cringe a little... 
He looks nothing like before. 
Maybe he feels sorry for O!Ciel.
He can’t stand that humans and shinigami outsmarted him.
He sees his previous dinner standing in front of him and bossing him around.
I really can’t say if he has human-like feelings or it is just demon feelings I have just mentioned.
I can say he has sweet spot on Elizabeth because he has always treated her differently. So he might be sad for Lizzy and O!Ciel. We will see in the next chapter. I am suprissed Sebastian isn’t even able to defend O!Ciel.
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elissesullivan · 6 years
Elizabeth and foreshadowing
I really hoped story wouldn’t go this way for her... She puts herself in danger. We know that in this story there  is lot of foreshadowing. Some people say Lizzy won’t die but I am not sure anymore. 
Back then she was laying along with other corpses. Madam red is already dead. As time goes by story gets darker and darker.
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elissesullivan · 6 years
I agree. I hope she will be ok. I don’t care what people say. She is in danger because of R!Ciel and O!Ciel. She has already been used as a tool.
Okay, I caved.
I unblocked the spoiler tag because I heard Lizzy was back and I couldn’t stand not knowing.
Anyway, I just want to put it out there that no matter what happens for the entire rest of the manga, I am standing with Lizzy. I don’t care if she murders someone or steals the Big Ben or becomes a cannibal. #I’mWithHer.
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elissesullivan · 6 years
Undertaker stabs Sebastian...
In recent chapters we see how Real!Ciel was brought back to life. I was reading some posts about him and I am quite surprised  that some people hate Undertaker now. I have always liked Undertaker and I still believe he isn’t bad guy. I still hope he will reveal more of his backstory and there will be plot twist again.
In Campania arc we know that Sebastian was stabbed and R!Ciel was there too. 
I think this moment had happened before UT stabbed Sebastian.
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We see R!Ciel acts like other bizzare dolls. He is no different and he craves for soul. We see how Undertaker acts. He acts like Ciel is pet or not living thing. We see undertaker is still disguised and he has his hat on.
Now, in this picture we see he stabbed Sebastian and I think he took his soul. 
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Which might be debatable but he basically lured him because he intended to stab him for some time.
If he had soul he could give it to R!Ciel.
This is after Campania. He treats real!Ciel differently. Maybe because he has soul now and his body tries to accept it. Moreover, Undertaker is more affectionate toward R!Ciel and vice versa. 
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Why he wouldn’t tell O!Ciel then? We see he is quite reluctant to say it out loud because it would be very inconvenient to tell him whole story in front of Sebastian. Eventually, he will tell our!Ciel whole story about his relationship with Claudia and how he is related to Phantomhive family(Maybe he is twin’s grandfather).
I hope all of recent chapters have deeper meaning because I don’t want this story to become something distant from original atmosphere of manga. I am not saying this is only possibility but there are many things that aren’t revealed yet and it makes UT very mysterious.
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elissesullivan · 7 years
This is sooo cute <3 Well...only thing that bugs me is Ciel’s head is bigger than Sebastian’s :D  
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枢やな公式 (@toboso_official) on Twitter
Ciel is too cute here :D
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elissesullivan · 7 years
Sebastian might be anti-hero of the series
As I read new chapters there are many theories about main villain. Some people say it is R!Ciel or Rachel who killed his parents or Tanaka. They assume Ciel and Sebastian will eventually face them in the end and Sebastian eats Ciel soul. 
On the other hand, I think there is slight posiblily that Sebastian won’t play fair play. He abandoned Ciel and is amused when he suffers. He acts around people as protector and role model of Ciel but actually he can be very malicious(I started doubting about him since he punched Lizzie.). 
In this picture it is shown that Sebastian might eat his soul anytime.Especially when he is abandoning Sebastian. He might eat him even before contract is fullfiled.
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In chapter 111 Blavat found out Sebastian is demon and kicked him out. Also, he warned Ciel that he brings no good for him. 
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Also, there is possible hint about Sebastian eating his soul sooner and unexpectedly. 
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I don’t want to sound like I hate Sebastian or anything. This is just theory which came to my mind.
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elissesullivan · 8 years
Well...I love Ace. I like his character.
Not so ace
I know that his over the top characterisation was supposed to be funny but I really could not stand Ace. In a way he ruined WoW for me. I found it hard to watch when he was being a massive douchebag. I get what they were trying to do, I just didn’t like it.
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