emberemeto · 2 years
you ever write 3000+ words for a sickfic you never plan to share with anyone?
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emberemeto · 3 years
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*Ominous Gurgle*
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emberemeto · 3 years
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So the sub-areas of that new event got some real cute shit huh??? Also I tried using an analog brush for the first time, what do ya think?
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emberemeto · 4 years
OC Sickfic #1?
Fuck it, I’m posting the OC story I edited last night. If it’s terrible, it’s terrible (which I actually don’t think it is, but I can’t be sure lol). What’s the harm? It’s about my character Augustus, who is a tailor. He works out of the back room of his husband, Alistair’s tavern, completing commissions for various customers. If you’re curious about him or Alistair, feel free to ask questions. I hope you like it!
It started with a headache.
Augustus rarely got them, but when he did, they hit him hard. He could barely function when he felt them coming on, let alone work, but he had a customer coming in for adjustments and he couldn’t skip it. He had to push through, make it to the end of the appointment, and afterwards crash in his bed until he felt better. Alistair could tell he wasn’t feeling well when they woke up for the day, but even his concern wasn’t enough to get Augustus to cancel on his client.
Keep reading
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emberemeto · 4 years
OC Sickfic #1?
Fuck it, I’m posting the OC story I edited last night. If it’s terrible, it’s terrible (which I actually don’t think it is, but I can’t be sure lol). What’s the harm? It’s about my character Augustus, who is a tailor. He works out of the back room of his husband, Alistair’s tavern, completing commissions for various customers. If you’re curious about him or Alistair, feel free to ask questions. I hope you like it!
It started with a headache.
Augustus rarely got them, but when he did, they hit him hard. He could barely function when he felt them coming on, let alone work, but he had a customer coming in for adjustments and he couldn’t skip it. He had to push through, make it to the end of the appointment, and afterwards crash in his bed until he felt better. Alistair could tell he wasn’t feeling well when they woke up for the day, but even his concern wasn’t enough to get Augustus to cancel on his client.
“I cannot skip it, Ali,” August said as he prepared himself for the day. He was sitting in front of their mirror, brushing his hair. “She has a wedding coming up. I need to start sizing.”
“It can’t wait a day, Augustus? You know how you get when you have a migraine,” Alistair said, his voice soft. August had yet to hit the worst of it, so Alistair’s voice was more of an annoyance than anything. It didn’t hurt to hear it. But it would, soon enough, and Alistair knew this.
Augustus shook his head, turning toward his husband. “It will not take me more than a few hours.”
“You’ll be really hurting by then. Do you think you’ll make it?” Alistair asked.
“I have to.”
Augustus got up from his spot at their vanity, and made his way out their bedroom door, into their apartment hallway. Alistair followed him, obviously nervous about Augustus leaving. He’d already blown the candles out in their apartment, to help mitigate Augustus’ pain, but he knew it would do very little once August stepped into the tavern to get to his studio.
Augustus still had time before his client was to arrive, so he stopped by the kitchen for a small breakfast. The food Caroline and Giddeon was preparing made his stomach turn, so he opted for dry toast with a glass of milk. Giddeon had asked him if he was alright, because August was usually a good eater, but he’d explained he just wasn’t hungry. August was sure Alistair would tell them why later in the day, but for now, he focused on finishing his food, and planning out what he needed to prepare before his client arrived.
He ended up losing track of time between entering his studio and preparing his supplies. Alistair was the one to lead his customer, a young woman, into the back room where he was located. He plastered a wide smile on his face when he saw them, and tried to ignore the pain he felt every time he moved his eyes.
“I am so sorry,” Augustus said, getting up from the desk he had been sitting at to greet his client. He grasped her hands in both of his. “I lost track of time organizing. Shall we get to work?”
The girl smiled, pushing a lock of brown hair behind a pale ear. “Yes, yes. And it’s okay. Uh… Alistair was very helpful.”
“Good, good.” August said. He took the girl’s hand and pulled her over to his work area. “Let us get started.”
They went from there, making small talk and working through all the positions Augustus needed so he could make adjustments. The girl he was working with was shy, and had obviously never been to a tailor before. That was okay, since Augustus wasn’t an impatient person, and he had some experience working with people not familiar with the process.
About halfway through, however, Augustus realized he’d made a mistake. His headache had turned into a full blown migraine, which meant everything hurt. Moving, talking, having his eyes open. This appointment felt like it was taking forever. It had only been about an hour since they’d started, but Augustus felt like it had been several.
He’d stopped talking at some point, except to direct her in what she needed to do. He could feel tension building in the room, nervous and wary, but he couldn’t bring himself to open his mouth to alleviate it. His stomach was sloshing in time with the pangs of pain coming from his neck and head, and talking felt dangerous. He was really starting to regret his breakfast. The toast he ate felt like a rock tumbling in the bottom of his stomach, and the milk he’d drank kept trying to rise into his throat. It burned. Augustus wanted to clear his throat, but he also didn’t want to do it while working with a client.
So he worked silently, pushing down the pain he was in in order to get through the appointment. He thought, for a while, that he could make it. That he could push through the pain, through the nausea he was feeling, but the longer he worked, the worse he felt. He realized, halfway through the last hour, that this had been a mistake. His stomach was cramping too much. He was too hot. It was too bright.
He broke away from his client to stumble over to a bucket he kept for scraps of fabric, and crouched down to burp over it. His client froze in her spot as she watched him. She wanted to help, to do something or go get someone, but she also didn’t want to mess up the work he’d been putting into her dress. So she waited, and watched as he heaved up a thin wave of vomit into the bucket.
Nothing came up after that, but Augustus kept gagging. He could feel… something building in the bottom of his stomach, but it was refusing to come up. He took in a deep breath to try and calm himself down, and when the lurching finally stopped, he stood.
He was shaky on his feet, but stable enough to blush and look embarrassed. “I am sorry,” he said. “I do not know what came over me.”
That was a lie, a huge one, but he didn’t need his client to know that.
“N-no. That’s okay. Are you alright?”
Augustus wanted to nod, to push through the rest of the appointment, but he decided against it. His stomach was still upset, and he was sure continuing would only result in a mess.
He sighed. “Probably not. Would you mind if we continued this another day? I can comp your price, of course. For lost time.”
The girl shook her head. “No! It’s not your fault. We can continue another day. I don’t mind.”
Augustus smiled at her. It was weaker than it had been the first time, but more genuine. “Thank you. I will still comp your price, since this is an inconvenience to you, but I appreciate the understanding.”
“You don’t have to do that, really!”
“I insist. Now, let’s get you out of that dress.”
By the time Augustus finished helping his client out of her dress, and got it onto a mannequin for next time, he was feeling sicker than ever. He was starting to think this was more than just a migraine, as vomiting usually helped make him feel better. But this time, all he felt was nauseous.
He slowly made his way out of his studio, into the kitchen. Giddeon and Caroline were still cooking, and the smell of food was nearly enough to make him lose his control. He paused outside of his studio to take a few deep breaths. Giddeon said something to him, but it went ignored as Augustus pushed his way out of the kitchen.
He ran into Alistair as he turned through the door toward the staircase that led to their apartment. Alistair knew something was wrong as soon as he spotted him. He practically ran out from behind his desk, the concern on his face palpable enough to feel.
“What’s the matter?” Alistair asked as soon as he got to Augustus. “I thought you were working for another half hour or so.”
Augustus shook his head slowly. He swallowed as his stomach tried to rise in his throat. His tongue felt like cotton. “I got sick while working. I cut it short.”
Alistiar’s eyebrows shot up toward his hairline. “What? What happened? How are you feeling?”
Augustus’ stomach cramped, and he grimaced. “Not… great.”
Alistair instinctively placed a hand against Augustus’ forehead. “You’re running a fever. Oh, I knew I should have made you stay in bed this morning.”
“It is fine, Ali—” Augustus’ stomach gave a lurch as he spoke, and he slapped a hand over his mouth to keep anything from coming out. Alistair jumped into action instantly, and began pulling him up the stairs to get him to a bathroom. They made it halfway up before Augustus heaved again, and a wave of vomit spilled through his fingers, splattering onto the floor below them.
Alistair didn’t stop, and continued pulling August up the stairs to the bathroom they shared with the rest of their family. It was the only bathroom in the building with indoor plumbing; an investment he’d decided on after a situation very similar to this one had happened. Augustus’ stomach gave another lurch as soon as he saw the toilet, and he rushed as fast as he could to get to it before anything else could come up.
His instincts took over after that. His stomach barely gave him a moment to breathe, wave after wave falling loudly into the water. The intensity of it scared him. He felt like he’d never be allowed to breathe again.
“Al-Alistair,” he called desperately, reaching his non-soiled hand back to find his husband. Alistair was at his side in seconds, holding back his hair and rubbing his shoulders gently.
“Just let it happen, August. You’ll be okay in a few minutes.”
Augustus heaved up air, and groaned. He knew he wasn’t empty, but like what had happened in his studio, his heaving had turned dry. Alistair gently coached him through it, and patted his back to help him bring up anything that may have been stuck.
He burped, long and hard, and brought up a small wave of bile that trickled down his chin into the water. His throat groaned as he retched again and nothing came up. His shoulders rolled with it, the tension in his back enough to send a wave of pain through his head. He repeated this several times, until his stomach finally began to settle.
He panted over the soiled water, closing his eyes as he leaned down to rest his head on his arm. Alistair was still beside him, rubbing his back. He gave August a few moments to collect himself, before he suggested they move to their bedroom. August agreed, but wasn’t sure he could walk without falling.
Alistair seemed to notice how badly he was shaking, so he wrapped his arm around August’s shoulders, and pulled him up until they were both standing. The change in movement seemed to set his stomach turning again, but he didn’t gag, so he allowed himself to be pulled out of the bathroom after a quick flush of the toilet.
Their bedroom was a welcome change to their surroundings. It was dark, and cool, and far from the noise of the inn and tavern. Alistair led him to their bed, grabbed a rag they used for washing their faces out of their water basin, and helped clean up Augustus’ chin and hand. He also wiped the sweat from his face, leaving behind a cool feeling that helped Augustus relax.
“Do you want to change?” Alistair asked softly. Augustus nodded, and worked to keep himself from falling back onto their bed. Alistair turned toward their wardrobe, and pulled out a pair of Augustus’ favorite pajamas. He handed them to Augustus, and began unbuttoning the blouse he was wearing.
Once he was changed and ready for bed, Augustus positioned himself back on his pillows. He was too tired to pull up the blankets, so Alistair did it for him. He could already feel himself falling asleep. Alistair mumbled something about gathering supplies, and he heard their bedroom door open and click shut.
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emberemeto · 4 years
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He’s probably a great caretaker but not when it comes to himself.
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emberemeto · 4 years
Hey if you’re taking requests, could you write something where Madix has a stomach flu and gets sick on Riley’s feet in front of their friends, and they all expect Riley to freak out or run away but instead he proceeds to take care of his boyfriend, albeit shakily? Cuz I noticed how his emetophobia always seems to take a back seat when it comes to madix suffering and I think it’s really cute!
Hello Lovely Anon! Here’s what I shall do. I don’t think Riley can fully handle someone vomiting on him just yet even if it’s Madix, so he does have a more intense reaction in this fic. I filled the request as best as I could while still staying true to Riley’s character. Don’t get me wrong, I love this prompt! But Riley doesn’t love it as much lol. 
Trigger Warning: Graphic description of vomiting, panic attack induced by emetophobia!
Riley always thought the idea of a double date was lame. He didn’t want to share his Madix time with anybody but Madix. As it turns, the idea was a surprisingly good one considering that his date was less than talkative. Riley just assumed that Madix was in one of those moods when he loses himself in his thoughts. That was alright. He was used to his boyfriend retreating into himself every now and then, and when Madix emerged, he always seemed more relaxed. Unfortunately, this was not one of those times.
When Micah and Alexi suggested they all go late night strolling in the city, Riley was hesitant. However, as the night grew colder, Riley warmed up to the idea. The darkness of the night sky was a nice contrast to the bright lights of Toronto. Madix’s hand in his was weak and clammy, but Riley didn’t notice. It felt more like he was on a date with Micah and Alexi.
The other couple walked in front and held hands as well. Micah and Alexi were much more talkative. They swung their hands between their bodies and sang terribly. Various shopping bags hung from their clasped hands and swayed as they walked down the sidewalk.
Alexi raised his nose and sniffed the cold city air. It smelt of gasoline, fast food, and cologne. “You guys do this often, Riley?”
“Come to the city, you mean?” Riley smiled even though Alexi was in front of him and couldn’t see his face. “Not really. Our dates are usually calmer than this, to be honest.”
“Ha!” Micah laughed. “Calmer than how Madix is right now? I find that hard to be believe.”
The three boys laughed. Micah was right. Madix hadn’t said much of anything in a while. Riley chuckled but took a moment to really look at his boyfriend. He was looking for some sign that Madix was even listening to the conversation, but all he saw on the boy’s face was a distant look and sweat beading on his nose.
Riley gave Madix’s hand a squeeze. “Micah has a point, you know. You haven’t said much all night.”
“What?” Madix looked up as if only just realizing that he was being spoken to. He squinted as they passed a particularly bright billboard. His brain took a second to register what had been said. “I guess I’m just tired.”
It was only eight, but Riley nodded cautiously. That certainly didn’t mean that he was going to drop the issue though. Something else was going on. “You hot?”
“Huh?” Again, Madix looked liked he was surprised that Riley was trying to talk to him. He actually appeared to be annoyed that someone was bothering him. Some nerve. How dare his boyfriend try to engage him in conversation while on a date.
Riley sighed and shook his head. “You’re sweating. Are you hot?” He was afraid of what the answer was going to be because the night was rather chilly. Sure, Madix had on a coat, but it still worried him.
Madix shrugged and let go of Riley’s hand. He wrapped his arms around his torso and swallowed thickly. As he started to answer, Riley stopped in his tracks, bringing them both to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Hey guys, stop for a second,” Riley called to the other couple.
“What’s the matter?” Micah asked as he and Alexi backed up. They must have seen something they didn’t like on Madix’s face because they both put on serious expressions. “Whoa Madix, you okay, dude? You look really pale.”
Riley didn’t say anything as he continued to stare at his boyfriend. He agreed that Madix looked awfully pale. With both of his hands, he put his palm flat against Madix’s cheeks, who quickly tried to take away his cold hands. “Are you feeling okay, babe?”
“I’m fine,” Madix insisted, even though he knew that was a lie. If only he knew how bad he really felt. He tried breaking free from Riley’s embrace. There were too many pairs of eyes on him and they all asked the same question. Was he okay?
Well, here’s the truth: Madix wasn’t sure if he was okay. He didn’t feel okay. Something was wrong, and every system in his body was telling him that the problem lay with them. His stomach, his muscles, his head. Every sense in his body was going berserk and he felt…he felt…he…
Without warning, Madix pitched forward, still in Riley’s arms, and vomited up his dinner. Riley jumped back but not in time to avoid the splatter of sick that landed at his feet. With a gush of yellow and brown, Madix’s stomach emptied itself in the space between the two of them.
From his vantage point, everything moved really slowly around Riley. In his peripheral vision he could see Micah and Alexi jump back in surprise, but it was in slow motion. He wasn’t really processing what was happening while he grabbed Madix shoulders in an attempt to brace him. Madix’s frame was shaking with the force of each heave, but it didn’t feel real to Riley.
“Oh my God, –” and here’s where things got confusing. Micah and Alexi both began their sentence by evoking the name of God, but Micah finished with Riley’s name, and Alexi said Madix. Despite the difference, they both did the same thing. They just stared wide-eyed as Madix doubled over with a harsh retch.
Micah was the first to react. He approached Riley, ready to get him far away from the situation. It surprised him more than anything when Riley held out a finger, as if to say wait. So, Micah waited.
“Oh Mads,” Riley said as he rubbed his boyfriend’s back. It was much better from this angle. Though Madix heaved up another wave of sick, Riley felt much safer from behind. This was fine. He was fine. He was going to be fine, he tried to tell himself. The person who wasn’t fine was Madix. Remembering this, Riley breathed through his mouth and focused on rubbing his boyfriend’s back.
“Ah Ry…I’m–,” Madix tried to say in between bouts. He was bent over with his hands on knees, trying to speak as vomit filled his mouth. This was very bad. Not only was his stomach roiling, but he could feel Riley’s quivering hand on his back. It made him want to cry.
“It’s okay, baby,” Riley cooed. His voice came out sounding like he was also about to cry. “Don’t speak. Just take your time.”
It was silly of Riley to think that Madix was going to take his time. No, as soon as his stomach stopped spasming, he straightened up and wiped his mouth. His belly still felt like it was going to revolt any second, but he forced himself to stop. This was the first time he had ever thrown up on Riley; he wasn’t going to prolong the process.
Madix turned to face his boyfriend slowly. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, babe. Are you okay?”
Riley’s heart was beating a hundred miles per hour. He tried to nod but his head was too stiff. Again, he tried to say that he was okay, but a darkness spread across his vision. He must have swayed on his feet because suddenly three pairs of hands reached out to grab him.
“Whoa, Riley. Take it easy,” Micah said as he held onto Riley’s shoulder. When Madix gagged into his hand, that’s when Micah knew he needed to give Riley a second to himself. “Alright, come with me.”
“But Madix…” Riley heard himself say.
Micah led the boy further away from the scene and toward the nearest restaurant that lined the street. “Alexi will stay with Madix.”
“But I have to help him,” Riley muttered as he was dragged into a building.
“Alexi is looking after Madix, I promise.” Micah brought Riley into the bathroom. “Right now, you need to cool down.”
The fluorescent lights in the bathroom were piercingly bright. They buzzed and filled Riley’s head with noise. He staggered over to the mirror and braced himself on the sink. The face that stared back in the mirror wore a panicked look. Riley felt tears in the corner of his eyes as he slammed his hand on the counter. “Why am I like this? Why can’t I do this?”
“Shh, shh,” Micah said. He reached out to touch the boy but thought better of it. Riley seemed much too agitated at the moment. “You did really well.”
“I’m a terrible boyfriend.”
“You’re not!” Micah said forcefully. “You got him through the worst if it. You stayed. You were there for him. That’s all that Madix could ask for.”
Riley exhaled shakily. He turned on the tap and started washing his hands to give him something to do. Soap and water splashed on the mirror from his quivering hands. “Madix said I was getting better with it.” His voice was steadier, but his heart was still racing.
“He’s right. I wanted to get you out of there, but you stayed,” Micah said softly. “You made the decision to stay and comfort him.”
“Because he would have done the same for me.” As the soap swirled between Riley’s fingers, his breathing slowly returned to normal. He watched for a while longer as the water spiraled down the drain.
With legs of jelly, Riley lowered himself to the floor while drying his hands on his pants. He found a wall to lean against and let his head fall back. The bright lights and the noises disappeared as he closed his eyes.
Micah crawled to the floor as well and slowly started unlacing Riley’s vomit-covered shoes. He gave Riley a moment of peace while he took the shoes off his feet and brought them over to the sink to be cleaned. For a few minutes, the only thing to be heard was running water and the deliberate patterns of breathing that Riley adopted.
After drying the shoes, Micah handed them back to Riley spot-free. He extended his hand out and pulled Riley up from the ground. “We’ll go check on Madix as soon as you’re ready.”
“I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?”
Instead of replying, Riley walked out the door.
Once outside, Riley and Micah found their dates a couple shops away from where they had stopped. The puddle of vomit was not in sight.
Madix and Alexi were sitting on the cold pavement, their backs against a building. Madix looked pale but better. He sighed when he saw Riley. Resisting the urge to immediately hug his boyfriend, Madix stood up slowly. To his surprise Riley threw his arms around him.
Madix was hesitant at first, but he quickly succumbed and buried his face in Riley’s neck. He breathed in the scent of his boyfriend and dropped the tension in his shoulders. When he looked up from the hug, Madix cleared his throat and wore the proudest of expressions. That’s right – proudest. He didn’t ramble on about being sorry, he didn’t ask if Riley was okay, he simply smiled. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
Riley looked down, only to have his chin gently lifted up again.
“I mean it,” Madix said. His breath smelt like gum. “I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.”
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emberemeto · 4 years
Geralt is worried about bringing Jaskier to Kaer Morhen, cause Geralt acts like an entirely different person when he's around his brothers.
Geralt thinks that Jaskier sees him a serious man, with a secret soft side. But when Geralt's around his brothers... All hell break loose. Here's what Jaskier sees when he stays at the Witchers' keep for the winter:
- Geralt and his brothers get drunk. A lot. It usually results with one of them running around the keep, naked.
- They have ridiculous games like telling about the most brutal contract you've ever had, but replace the words "my sword" with "my dick".
- Playing strip gwent. Outside. In the middle of the coldest night of the winter.
- Planking while the others pile things up on you. Whoever manages to hold the least of things, does the others' laundry for a week.
- "Put as much stuff as you can on Vesemir, without him noticing".
- "Who can make the bard blush first without being rude" (this game is new and Geralt HATES it).
- Randomly yelling "BRUXA" in the middle of the day and all of them need to do a handstand as fast as they can. Whoever loses, does the dishes. Jaskier is still surprised how Geralt never loses at this.
- "Reply to Vesemir only in questions".
- Tell Vesemir that you fell in love with someone. And then describe your horse, without making him realize that you're talking about a horse. When Geralt attempts this, Vesemir gives him a small smile and looks at Jaskier. "Geralt sure thinks fondly of you". Eskel and Lambert spit out their soup, bursting in laughter.
- Wear one of Vesemir's shirts for as long as you can, without him noticing. Lambert always wins this one.
- Replace the lyrics to one of Jaskier's songs with the most ridiculous ones you can. Jaskier hates this game at first, but eventually he starts suggesting lines himself. One time Jaskier sings a wrong line from their game during a performance a Geralt almost chokes on his ale.
- "How many times a day Geralt smiles at Jaskier while the bard's looking away?" (Eskel and Lambert LOVE this one).
- "Who can embarrass Geralt more with a ridiculous childhood story".
- Answer "Lambert" to every one of Vesemir's questions.
- Ask Vesemir with a serious face why didn't he tell you that you were adopted.
- Teach your brother's horse to respond to a different name. Lambert is furious when Geralt teaches his horse to respond to "Aiden". "Now you can surely say that you're riding Aide-" Geralt doesn't get to finish as Lambert tackles him to the ground.
- And of course, succeed in tackling you brother randomly to the ground. They keep score.
Not only does Jaskier love these games and this new, goofy side of Geralt. He also participates in a lot of them.
And to Geralt's horror and his brothers sheer amusement, the bard's winning.
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emberemeto · 4 years
one thing that i have more recently started thinking about is coughing before/while throwing up and ik it is not the most popular but here me out:
person has been involuntarily letting out nauseously coughs intermittently all day, and their friend thinks they just have a cold or something, but surprise! they are about to puke everywhere
the way a cough turns guttural and choked and then cuts off as vomit comes up
person with pneumonia/a chest illness has been having frequent and long coughing jags, and also has a lot of mucus and crap in their stomach from their illness. the repeated coughing and already unstable stomach is not a good combination
a cough morphing into a belch morphing into a wave of sick
when a person chokes on the force of their vomiting and triggers a coughing fit, but is still also vomiting and is struggling to catch their breath
coughs getting deeper and longer and more painful the closer someone gets to throwing up
a person who is both coughing and belching while vomiting, and the contrast of dryer and wetter sounds as they get sick
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emberemeto · 4 years
What’s your typical OC. Mine is a bisexual with dark hair n eyes
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emberemeto · 4 years
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don’t forget on pride month
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emberemeto · 4 years
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Chinese emperor Ai of Han, fell in love with a minor official, a man named Dong Xian, and bestowed upon him great political power and a magnificent palace. Legend has it that one day while the two men were sleeping in the same bed, the emperor was roused from his sleep by pressing business. Dong Xian had fallen asleep across the emperor’s robe, but rather than awaken his peaceful lover, the Emperor cut his robe free at the sleeve. Thus “the passion of the cut sleeve” became a euphemism for same-sex love in China. — R.G.L.
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emberemeto · 4 years
I feel like the characters in my novel are just different shades of me and I don’t know what to do about it...
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emberemeto · 4 years
one thing that i have more recently started thinking about is coughing before/while throwing up and ik it is not the most popular but here me out:
person has been involuntarily letting out nauseously coughs intermittently all day, and their friend thinks they just have a cold or something, but surprise! they are about to puke everywhere
the way a cough turns guttural and choked and then cuts off as vomit comes up
person with pneumonia/a chest illness has been having frequent and long coughing jags, and also has a lot of mucus and crap in their stomach from their illness. the repeated coughing and already unstable stomach is not a good combination
a cough morphing into a belch morphing into a wave of sick
when a person chokes on the force of their vomiting and triggers a coughing fit, but is still also vomiting and is struggling to catch their breath
coughs getting deeper and longer and more painful the closer someone gets to throwing up
a person who is both coughing and belching while vomiting, and the contrast of dryer and wetter sounds as they get sick
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emberemeto · 4 years
I just finished one of the BIG scenes in my novel (which is now at 38,011 words!) and I am SHAKING! I’ve never gotten this far writing a novel before. And while I’m pretty sure it’s naive, needs a lot of work, and is probably not publishable, it’s mine and that’s what matters! I’ve been thinking about the scene I wrote tonight for MONTHS. It feel so good, but also so terrifying, to get it down on paper. To write my character's reactions. To write the dialogue I’ve been dreaming about since I started this project. I almost never make it to the first important scene in my stories. I’m really proud and happy that I finally did!
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emberemeto · 4 years
You know that feeling when you‘re nauseous and thinking „If I say one more word or even just open my mouth, I‘m gonna puke“?
Yeah. Imagine A calling B because they are sick and need help, but in the middle of the call, this feeling overwhelmes them and they just shut up. And B is on the line freaking out and calling A‘s name hysterically because they think A is passed out or something.
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emberemeto · 4 years
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