embodiedlistening · 1 month
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Sometimes things just crack and fall apart...
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embodiedlistening · 3 months
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Sitting on a gym ball, bouncing in my studio. The door pulses in relation to my movement.
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embodiedlistening · 4 months
"Antoni believes that our alienated relationship to our own bodies has contributed to our destruction of the environment. Our culture treats the body as a mere vehicle to carry around our thinking mind. If we are willing to exploit our bodies for the sake of our goals and desires, it is no great leap to exploit the natural world for the same reason. here-ing offers an opportunity to return to the body through intimately relating to the land. In feeling as though we belong to the land, we are propelled to care for the land that we belong to."
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embodiedlistening · 4 months
The complete disbelief of a departure.
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embodiedlistening · 6 months
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Honestly, I just keep coming back to this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp1wo1irkQA
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embodiedlistening · 7 months
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Two group mappings and reflection with some of my students from ESA Tourcoing in February 2023 on Viv Corringham's Soniferous Spaces soundwalk.
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embodiedlistening · 8 months
that whisk sound just builds so much tension!!!
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embodiedlistening · 8 months
A listening experience. August 17, 2023.
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embodiedlistening · 8 months
A listening experience. Brussels canal, August 23, 2023.
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embodiedlistening · 10 months
Bernie Krause discussing the animal orchestra and how our ears/recordings can pick up things from the missing from the biophony better than our eyes can. A healthy habitat must should have animals voicing in all frequencies...
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embodiedlistening · 10 months
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Thinking about the relationship to clay sculpture and listening practices and remembered the Breath works by Penone and how it highlights the skin in relation to an ephemeral moment that surrounds it.
'On the one hand, these pieces grant a monumental mass to what is momentary, but on the other they make visible a projection of the body into space that is a fundamental condition of being alive' (Thomas Marks, ‘Force of Nature’, Apollo, vol.182, no.634, September 2015, p.62).
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embodiedlistening · 11 months
Listening experience, 8th-10th June 2023. Engelandstraat 44 garden.
Short high pitch calls bellowed from the far corner of the garden by the fledgling blackbird.
Little sneezes and soft mutterings.
Flicking leaves.
Fluttering wings and frequent warning calls.
Storming downstairs to hiss and clap away the neighbours cat.
Dunnocks silently sneaking for insects. Little mouse. Delicate insects.
American neighbours bbq and the dog.
Background music, background sirens.
Feet in the grass, feet in the soil.
Thirsty soil.
And that one bee that smacked mightily into my shoulder. Held on for a minute to get it's bearings then buzzed off.
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embodiedlistening · 11 months
A series of movements - sonic & of the body - that played with repetition, sound textures. With vibrating rods, big drums and a bullroarer.
Thinking about the difference between theatre and the visual arts and how 'devices' are used. In visual arts things seem to be isolated and focused on deeply. And in theatre, layered, built up and disappearing over time. In art, the spectator moves, in theatre, the performer...
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embodiedlistening · 11 months
A song about the something that Pythagoras wrote, about the harmony of blacksmiths working but the deafness that the craftsmen must have by being masters of their craft...
In the song pays tribute with the lyrics "for that which we cannot hear..."
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embodiedlistening · 11 months
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Thinking about how space is organised around the body, the body moving through organised spaces, architecture and especially stairs. Came across a text on stairs that states:
"Blondel's formula is the only case in architecture where construction dimensions are directly and intrinsically related to human dimensions.
In the face of all artistic movements and independent of all technical progress, the proportions have remained a constant within the limits of measurement of the human body."
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embodiedlistening · 1 year
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Listening experience of 'The Visitors' by Ragnar Kjartansson, consisting of 9 channel video projections and sound. Each channel has its own room tone, with the exception of one outdoor shot that is rich with insect ambient sounds. Most visitors sit fairly centred in the space, watching the musicians on the screens. But, by moving through the space, playing with proximity and distance, live movements and small details unique to each sonic space is revealed, eg.; splash of the bathtub (which is also intentionally used in the composition eventually), taps of instruments being arranged, mumbles, low sung words, breath...
Movement through the exhibition space results in a more dynamic listening experience. Yet the way the projections are setup does not invite this play of proximity and distance for the viewer as when I moved through the space, my shadow was projected onto each screen. It was difficult not to obstruct other people's view as the speaker(s) were placed in the centre of each image. In this case there was conflict between my ability to follow ears and eyes while interacting with the work.
Do these distinct room tones and outside ambiences matter less to the artist? Is there a listening hierarchy here in the way that the vocals and music are aligned and foregrounded to draw our focus? Is it disregard for ambiences? I mean, it's ok if it is. Instead of a clean studio like recording, I found all of these small ambient sounds gave life to the work; we hear a lived-in space, we hear old mansion architecture, a space that is alive, and with one performer per room we have an allusion to the synchronization of the performers through space and time.
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embodiedlistening · 1 year
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