#hearing loss
bonefall · 4 months
Herb Guide: Deaf Warriors and Hearing Disabilities
UPDATE 1: Added more harshness to the lipreading section based on initial feedback; minor rewording of some lines!
A reference for Warrior Cats fans creating characters with hearing loss, blending human advice with cat biology, written for an in-universe perspective on living with and managing such disabilities.
AKA Bonefall casts Spell of Stop Being Weird About Snowkit on all amoebas in 500 mile radius
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[ID: A headshot of three cats, a brown tabby with a shredded ear (Strikestone), a solid white cat with blue eyes (Stonewing), and a gray cat with a mane (Dovewing).]
In the five Clans, hearing loss is both one of the most common sensory disabilities, and one of the most intense to adapt to. Through any mix of simple infections, birth abnormalities, or even just getting older, any given Clan can expect at least 1 in 4 of its cats to have some form of hearing loss.
Hearing loss is any impaired ability to hear, defined as not being able to hear noises under 20 decibels. Deafness is "profound" hearing loss, which means their hearing STARTS at a noise that is 81 decibels (ex: motorcycle, middle-distant clap of thunder) or louder. Most deaf people can still hear slightly, but sound is "muffled" and they can only hear VERY loud noises.
Hearing loss = Any impaired ability to hear. Normal hearing is 20 DB or lower.
Hard of Hearing (HOH) = Mild to severe hearing loss; starts between 21 DB and 95 DB.
Deaf = Profound hearing loss at 95 DB or higher; a clap of thunder is a quiet whisper.
MOST hearing loss will affect one ear more strongly than the other, and the cat will be HOH. The vast majority of cats with a hearing disability will still be able to understand their Clanmates, if they're just spoken to louder and more clearly. Cats who are born deaf (congenital deafness), however, tend to have profound hearing loss which affects their ability to understand speech.
Cats rely on their hearing and sense of smell much more strongly than they do on their eyesight. With hearing that's 4x more sensitive than a human's and can differentiate between 1/10th of a pitch, a Clan's healer would recognize hearing loss as a disability long before humans would even notice a problem.
Since hearing loss starts with the high-pitch noises that prey makes, like squeaks and chirps, hearing loss is a major reason for a senior warrior to begin to consider retirement. However, with proper support and accommodation, ANY warrior could adapt to this disability; Especially cats born deaf and younger HOH warriors with lots of time to re-learn.
This guide covers;
Common Causes
Traits and Challenges of Hearing Loss
Communication: Signs, lipreading, and more
Unique Challenges Clan-by-Clan
Sources are linked in a separate post, here, and linked again at the very bottom!
(note: this guide doesn't cover devices of any kind, but one of many reasons why cochlear implants are controversial is because an implant will destroy that remaining hearing. They aren't hearing aids; hearing aids amplify sound. Aids and implants are two different things)
Common Causes
There are DOZENS of ways to destroy the incredibly sensitive ears of a cat. ANY infection or injury can lead to permanent damage. That can include,
Injury gone sour, from battle, hunting, accidents, etc
Concussion, or a hard enough blow to the ear
Ear Mites, especially if the cat can't stop scratching it
Swimming in cold or dirty river water
Fungal or bacterial infections
Allergies, which can lead to sinus infections. Even an infection in the mouth or throat can spread to the ear!
There doesn't even need to be an infection. Around the ages of 7 - 11, a senior warrior may begin to gradually lose their hearing. Sometimes, through genetic factors or degenerative disease within the ear, an even younger warrior will lose it for "no reason."
It just happens, and it's incredibly common. They will usually begin to notice it when they stop being able to hear and hunt small rodents, because hearing loss will start with high-pitched noises.
Healers can do very little about this, besides attempting to clean any wax out of the ear canal with flax oil and a dab (such as moss, wool, or cloth). There are SO many ways for it to happen and so little in the way of treatments, that it's practically inevitable.
The majority of hearing loss is from infection or disease, but the most predictable way to see deafness in the Clans is in kits born white with blue eyes. In fact, ALL pure white cats are more prone to being born deaf!
Pure white without blue eyes: 17% to 22%
White with a single blue eye: 40% (and usually on the side of the blue eye)
White with two blue eyes: 65% to 85%
In an afflicted kit, the inner ear will rapidly degenerate. They typically lose most of their hearing by their 4th day, and will only be able to faintly hear extremely loud noises.
Of course, there's also various other birth defects that can result in deaf and HOH kits, even if they aren't white with blue eyes. The ear canal and hearing organs can just not form correctly! Any kit could be born with hearing loss, and they can have any type!
If the loss came from injury or severe infection, chronic pain in the inner ear is also common. Nothing can be done about this besides painkillers such as poppy seeds. This condition is rare in born-deaf cats.
Most cats with hearing loss will also permanently hear a repetitive, single-note sound. For most it's a faint, tinny "ring," but others can hear hissing, crackling, or humming in high or low pitch.
At first, this constant noise can be distracting or even debilitating, preventing them from focusing or sleeping, until... you just get used to it.
There is no way to turn the noise off. It can get worse or better, but it's forever. Sleeping and not being stressed out will help, but over time, they typically learn to tune it out. Being reminded of it is usually annoying, just like when someone reminds you about manual breathing.
(We call this condition tinnitus. It is up to you what you would like your cats to call it, the same way they refer to pneumonia as greencough. Tinnitus is a LOT broader than this little snippet, but this is not a guide about tinnitus, this is about hearing loss)
So to summarize that,
There's a billiondy-million ways to damage one's hearing.
Losing your hearing from age or disease usually results in being hard of hearing (HOH) as opposed to deaf, and is likely to affect one ear more than the other.
It starts with high-pitched noises like rodent squeaks.
Cats born white with blue eyes have a massive chance of being born deaf; their inner ear degenerates.
But, any kit could be born with any type of hearing loss, not just deafness.
Most cats with hearing loss will hear a distracting, repetitive noise. They just learn to tune it out.
Traits and Challenges of Hearing Loss
Hearing impaired cats are LOUD.
Even warriors who have mild hearing loss will often end up speaking much louder so they can hear themselves, or not notice the sounds they're making as they shift around in their nests, scuffle sand at the dirtplace, or trample through crunchy leaf litter.
If one of their ears is better than the other, they'll usually try to stand with their "good side" facing any speakers or other sources of noise. They might appear to be constantly standing at an angle, with their head turned towards the sound. It might be so second nature that they don't realize they're doing it.
Plus, a cat with hearing loss in only one ear will lose their hearing's "distance perception," the ability to pinpoint a sound's location. EXACTLY like how losing the sight in one eye causes the loss of "depth perception," they will have difficulty telling how far away a noise actually is.
Warriors who lose their hearing later in life typically have years of experience in knowing how prey behaves and what sorts of actions make noise; but cats born deaf have to be taught this.
Instead, born-deaf cats tend to associate "sound" with "vibration." Echoes, rumbles, and the sensation of their own humming or laughter can feel very pleasurable. Their whiskers are so sensitive that they can even feel drafts of air from someone speaking in front of them! Because of that, cats with impaired hearing do better with low, rumbling "sounds" rather than high-pitched ones; even when they can't hear either. They can feel lower pitched noises.
(NOTE: Decibels are the measurement of volume, and Hertz are the measurement of pitch. These are different things, NOT interchangeable. HIGH pitch and LOW volume are lost first.)
This is why hunting is so difficult when cats begin to lose their hearing. Their sense of smell and sight can be perfectly intact, but a lot of how a cat hunts is in listening for delicate little sounds and balancing them in both ears to figure out prey's exact location. So, when a cat is learning to hunt without their hearing, they have to rely on their other senses and keep their whiskers low, dusting the ground with their chops and front paws, in hopes of their quarry making a vibration they can feel.
IMPORTANT: Don't forget that cats have carpal whiskers! They are short whiskers on the front paws of a cat, used primarily for "grappling" with other cats and struggling prey. They are less sensitive than facial whiskers, but still very useful for a hearing impaired warrior.
"Dusting," keeping the face low, is still more effective than relying entirely on "Sweeping" movements with the paws.
The younger the cat is, the more time they will have to practice and master this. Cats born deaf, who have never relied on hearing before, are usually better hunters than older warriors learning completely new techniques.
But. Clan cats aren't the only danger in the forest.
A warrior who is deaf or hard-of-hearing will not hear danger approaching, and is easy to sneak up on. Even if they keep themselves completely quiet, an intelligent fox or an enemy warrior can launch an unexpected attack on their unsuspecting target. The wilderness is dangerous, and it's not feasible to keep one's whiskers pressed to the ground at all times, even if vibrations did carry far enough to detect such danger before it's too late.
So, it would be recommended for warriors with hearing loss to not wander too far without a hearing Clanmate capable of alerting them to sounds.
They also will have a VERY difficult time acting as part of a "battalion," in large-scale battles.
In fights with dozens of entangled warriors, while they're focused on fighting the cat in front of them, they will have a hard time hearing commands. Even if well-trained in visual cues like tail signs, deaf and HOH warriors might fail to respond to yowled orders like, "RETREAT" or "SECURE THE ENTRANCE."
Even if the warrior isn't fully deaf, battles are loud and chaotic! It's very likely that such orders would get lost in the clamor of hissing and screeching cats, if the cat has any difficulties with hearing at all.
In summary,
Cats with hearing disabilities are loud.
Hearing loss in one ear will cause the loss of distance perception, and they will often stand at an angle with their good ear facing the noise.
If they were born deaf, they have to learn what makes noise.
Highly tactile, they tend to rely on whisker-sense to "replace" their hearing.
Keeping their facial whiskers low to feel for vibration, "dusting," is a very useful technique.
"Sweeping" with the carpal whiskers is also useful, but less so than "dusting."
They are in increased danger from things sneaking up on them, and shouldn't go anywhere unsafe without a buddy.
Following battle commands in large-scale battles will be difficult or nearly impossible, making them bad "team players."
Communication: Signing, lipreading, and more
(psst! @twiigbranch has a free-to-use version of pawspeak if you credit them!)
Since the majority of these cats lost their ability to hear later in life, most warriors with hearing loss will speak "normally." By "normally," that means they will talk the same way they did their whole lives, just louder so they can hear themselves better.
Over many years, they may begin to stop enunciating their words, 'slurring' their sentences, and their pitch may be a little off. Even then, it's rare that a Clanmate would be able to "tell" they have hearing loss just from their cadence.
But, meanwhile, cats who are born deaf will have a very complicated journey with speech.
It's PIVOTAL for the kit's development that the family and the Clan takes an interest in trying to communicate with them. Deaf children often become isolated from communities that don't seem to care about them, the same way any other alienated child would. This can result in trauma, lack of self-confidence, and behavioral issues.
Even if your project doesn't have Pawspeak (or doesn't have it yet!), kittens WILL find ways to communicate with their family and Clan. Sign language can evolve organically from home signs, unique gestures that will rise for a deaf child to speak with their family. BUT, the sooner they're introduced to a true sign language, the better they will be able to communicate.
Sign languages can also die naturally, simply fading away if the next few generations don't keep them alive. It's possible for the Clans to have gone through a few, over the years!
(Note: Sign languages are full languages, not just "physical versions" of a spoken one. American Sign Language and British Sign Language are from totally different families, even further from each other than English and Russian!)
It is also possible for cats born fully deaf, who have never heard words, to learn how to speak verbally... but, this takes a LOT more time and effort than using a sign language.
Teaching a deaf warrior how to say words is not quick, or easy, and is a very physical process. It involves a lot of dedicated practice time back-and-forth, with the apprentice placing their paw on their mentor's throat to feel their voice, and being coached on how to mimic the exact inflections of every word. It can be very repetitive, and very boring.
Even with lots of training, speakers born deaf have a noticeable "accent." They pronounce consonants better than they do vowels (aeiou), and often lack tone and inflection. Each warrior is an individual, and using a speaking voice is a skill some will be better at using than others.
Lipreading is very difficult. Most warriors born deaf will never learn how to do this, or even want to, as it takes an immense amount of time, effort, and tutoring. It will be more common for cats with more moderate hearing loss, especially if they lost their hearing later in life.
These are REQUIRED for a proper lip reading;
Clear view of the face. If the speaker is too far away, moving around, covers their mouth, stands in a dark place, or has their back turned, their lips can't be read. There are many ways that the view of the face could be obstructed.
Slow, clear speaking. If they're talking too quickly and mumbling their words, it will be extremely difficult to catch all of what they said. A better lip reader will be able to read faster.
Mental awareness. A cat who is tired to exhaustion, unable to focus, or not expecting to be spoken to will not be able to process what's being said. Lipreading is an action that takes brainpower.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: A single speaker, not overlapping with others. Lip reading is nearly useless during clanwide arguments. If there's tons of cats talking over each other, shouting out and interrupting, responding to unseen lips in the crowd, or even if an important speaker is just at a bad angle for the deaf warrior's line of sight to catch, they will not be able to catch everything.
Lipreading is also an action that takes focus. If the cat is tired, unable to concentrate, or isn't expecting to have to read lips, they won't be able to process what words the mouth was forming. It works best one-on-one, in clear lighting, looking straight ahead at the speaker... and even then, the BEST lipreader might only catch 40% to 50% of the words said.
So, it's truly reading. Interpretation. It isn't straightforward like language is. From, "I see a herd of deer, all of them are bucks" they might only catch, "...a... deer... of them... bucks." They will have to guess the meaning based on context!
(Look into a mirror. Quickly chant "Red right wrong" three times. Do you see how similar your lips look to form those words when you're not trying to clearly enunciate them? That's what lipreaders deal with.)
So, while there are other options, a sign language is absolutely the best choice if possible in your setting. Especially for cats who were deaf from birth, sign language is the ideal solution.
Please avoid them speaking with broken grammar, in third person, or with overly simplistic vocabulary, as if they are a toddler or a caveman. If a deaf cat is taught to speak, they will also learn grammar. BAD: "Examplefur go hunt. Me catch mouse good." OK: "I'm going hunting. I'm good at catching mice."
They will not suddenly "forget" how to speak if they lose their hearing, unless they have another condition such as brain injury.
Lip reading is inferior to signing.
They cannot perfectly catch every single word spoken in all conversations via lipreading, especially when the speaker isn't making an effort to include them, or it's during a disorganized group argument.
In ideal conditions, 30% to 40% of the words spoken will be picked up, and the reader will "fill in" the missing vocab with guesswork.
Teaching a deaf cat to speak verbally is a dedicated process, not something they easily "pick up."
Cats born deaf will almost never pick up lipreading, it is more common in milder forms of hearing loss.
Showing hearing clanmates making an effort to include hearing-impaired warriors, like doing translations or just making sure they understood everything, is massively appreciated.
A good culture around hearing loss is the best thing in the entire world for these cats. Support, respect, and acceptance are sincerely the most important factor in how well a hearing impaired warrior adapts with their disability.
So with that in mind, let's also explore the unique challenges in the terrains and culture of each Clan.
Unique Challenges Clan-by-Clan
Because of the nature of this disability, certain Clans are going to be more difficult for a hearing impaired warrior to function independently in, both in terms of environmental hazards and of culture.
Deaf and HOH warriors will not hear the sounds they're making if they step on noisy terrain or accidentally rustle nearby plants. Some enemies also rely more on stealth to attack their targets than others, and some territories will provide more places for prey and predators to hide. Water-related hazards will naturally cause there to be MORE disabled cats in some Clans more than others, which could mean that there will be less stigma and better community.
Environment means a lot to a cat with hearing loss!
Because this Clan is notorious for swimming in the river, they would have a massively higher rate of hearing loss (and scent loss) than other Clans; ESPECIALLY in late autumn and winter. This also means their healers would be MUCH more experienced with treating ear problems in general; but that's a subject for another guide!
(to answer a stray question before I eventually make that guide: RiverClan can make primitive earplugs out of beeswax to protect their hearing, but may need to trade with ThunderClan to acquire that.)
The important thing to note is that compared to other Clans, RiverClan has the highest rate of having HOH warriors. This means that there would be better support systems for hearing loss than in other Clans, and a cultural "bank" of techniques and knowledge to be shared.
They still have the same proportion of kittens born deaf compared to other Clans, but apprentices without hearing in RiverClan would have a bigger pool (heh!) of mentors who have experience with accommodating their disability.
Plus, you don't need to hear fish to catch them. While they'd still have issues hunting water voles and other wetland-loving rodents, fishers aren't at a significant disadvantage when it comes to providing food to the Clan.
High concentration of cats with similar disabilities provides community, and influences the broader culture to be more accommodating
Healers would have lots of experience with the injuries and illnesses that lead to hearing loss, leading to better treatment
Hearing is not necessary for catching fish, and thus has almost no bearing on how skilled a hunter would be.
Mentors would have better techniques for teaching deaf apprentices
Will not hear drowning cats. If you drop into that water you're on your own, bucko
Winter will be even harder than usual, when the river freezes over and fishing becomes more difficult.
Overall, RiverClan is THE best Clan for a deaf cat to be part of.
With wide open spaces and lots of hills that offer a good vantage point, sight and vigilance is much more important for survival in a moorland than hearing. There's even an advantage to Pawspeak here; you can communicate from across the open moor without screaming out your location to all the prey!
On top of that, moorland has low-laying vegetation. It isn't a grassland, or filled with splashing water, or covered in crunchy leaf litter. There's not a lot of things TO accidentally make noise on, unless the warrior is trying to hide in a gorse or common heather bush, and WindClan is notorious for relying on speed over stealth anyway.
The one drawback to being a deaf moor-runner is that they will not hear baying hounds. Dogs are extremely common in moorland, either as sheep herders or as companions to human hunters shooting grouses. That said, the fact that hounds are the ONLY big predator they'll need to worry about immediately makes WindClan's moor safer than any woodland territory.
Badgers, boars, and foxes hate open spaces like moorland. It's just dogs that are a big concern, and hawks for smaller cats. There are very few "sneaky" predators in this area; most rely on speed.
So being a moor-runner is one of the best jobs that a warrior with hearing loss could have in the Clans... but the minute that they start to have problems listening to any orders, a tunneler should stop working underground immediately.
Deaf apprentices should be excused from their mandatory tunnel training, except to learn how to do evacuation drills.
There is no light underground. Even if they're capable of creating rushlights or are willing to sacrifice glowworms, that light will be dim at best, and could snuff out at any moment. Communication will become impossible with a deaf cat, and even moderate hearing loss will endanger any warrior who gets separated from their team.
If something as drastic as a cave-in or a flooding happens, they will be in extreme danger. They can't be properly warned unless they're pushed by a fellow digger, and they will not be able to notice anything that isn't rumbling. If they DO end up getting trapped under rubble, they will not hear a rescue party calling their name.
It's not just themselves they have to worry about, either. Not being able to warn or coordinate with their excavation team will put ALL of them in danger.
Moorland requires sharper eyes than ears to begin with.
Lack of ambush predators makes this territory particularly safe without hearing.
Quiet terrain makes sneaking less neccesary in the first place
Pawspeak is especially useful across wide distances
Hounds are still a massive danger; they could get very close before they're noticed, if they're upwind.
Will not receive a warning cry in case of any hawks or approaching predators.
Tunneling would be profoundly dangerous with a hearing disability; should be heavily discouraged.
Overall rating is that this is the second best Clan for a cat with hearing loss. RiverClan's sense of community still gives them the top seat imo, but if the attitudes of their Clanmates are good, WindClan's moor is an easy territory to adapt to.
This one is going to depend on what version of ShadowClan the Erins feel like writing that day, or which one you've chosen for your own project. Do they live in a dry pine forest? Or a wetland?
If you're using the idea that ShadowClan lives in a dry pine forest, especially if your project exists in Britain where spruces, firs, and larches are non-native and thus the territory is a timber plantation, refer to the new growth section in ThunderClan below.
I do not abide by that idea, because Aengus the Prize Winning Hog did not emerge from a cranberry bog for me to disrespect him in this way <3 love ur local wetland <3
(quick note: a swamp is a wooded wetland, a marsh is an open wetland, a bog is acidic, and a fen is neutral/alkaline. Wetland is the general term here.)
Wetlands are rich with soggy ground, muck, and microbe-ridden stillwater. Though ShadowClan cats don't swim for fun, they would end up with more ear infections than most Clans through accidentally falling into the swamp. It's likely that they have the second-highest rate of hearing loss in the 5 Clans, but still significantly below RiverClan.
The lush, thick ferns and reeds provide lots of cover to the notoriously stealthy Clan, but to a warrior who can't hear, this terrain is loud and frustrating. The squish of mud under your paws and the rustle of undergrowth is very hard to adapt to if you can't hear it. ShadowClan's prey of birds, frogs, and water-rodents will respond to any accidental noises by fleeing, quickly, making hunting difficult.
Plus, ShadowClan doesn't rely on one, large, deep, stony body of water like RiverClan does, which seems to be sedimentary rock and open marsh all around. Predators are lurking everywhere in wooded swamps, and could sneak up on a warrior who can't hear them. Foxes, badgers, and boars are a danger in this territory.
All that said; ShadowClan still doesn't seem to rely on just rodents. They eat a lot of amphibians and reptiles, which are not hunted by sound. Most of the techniques they use to catch them can just be taught verbatim to a deaf apprentice, or continue to be used the same way by a warrior who has lost their hearing.
Concentration of warriors with hearing loss from falling into dirty water may provide community and support.
Has a good selection of prey that doesn't rely on listening to be hunted effectively.
Swamps, wooded wetlands, are dangerous and attract predators.
Lush foliage and soupy ground make moving quietly difficult for a deaf warrior; but not as difficult as leaf litter.
So, this Clan would be firmly middle-of-the-line in terms of its accessibility to a cat with hearing loss. It would depend a lot on how you plan to approach ShadowClan in your own project; such as if you plan to build out more campbound activities, see them as being social or antisocial with their Clanmates, and what kind of territory you choose for them to have.
As of the time of writing this guide in 2023, when the only decent description of SkyClan's new territory is from a single chapter of Squirrelflight's Hope, it's very difficult to figure out what sorts of terrain challenges a warrior with hearing loss would face at the lake.
Hopefully I can come back and update this later!
But it's most likely is that they have a diverse, varied territory, involving the climbing of steep hills and gorges. Even at the "gorge" territory, a lot of hunting would need to take place outside of the rocky parts of the ravine, in the sparse woodlands and countrysides nearby.
For hunting on sparse woodland, see the advice for ThunderClan. Most hunting in British countrysides is going to look very similar to WindClan's open fields, so refer up there for that.
Because of how close they are to humans, both in the Gorge and at the Lake, it's HIGHLY recommended that warriors with hearing loss avoid twolegplaces. ESPECIALLY towns. Between cars, crowds, and grabbing hands, these places are already dangerous (and sensory hell) for warriors with great hearing, but outright lethal for a hearing impaired cat who won't hear these things coming.
So while the majority of the Clan is jack-of-all-trades and regularly mixes up the particular terrain they hunt in, this is going to be harder for hearing impaired warriors. They have to invent brand new, unique techniques for ALL of these different environments, some of them more difficult than others. Because of that, it will naturally be easiest for a deaf warrior to "specialize" in a particular type of terrain.
This could result in some pretty intense feelings of alienation, as their hearing Clanmates regularly mix what sorts of places they tackle. Without even intending to, they could end up making the warrior feel very left out!
In terms of the culture though, SkyClan seems notoriously accommodating. Between the part-time-kittypet daylight warriors and the way they invented an entirely new mediator role for a cat who didn't enjoy hunting and fighting, it would likely be one of the BEST Clans in terms of supporting a hearing impaired warrior, even in spite of having a "standard" rate of hearing loss since their territory is not particularly wet.
So, it's very likely that they would WANT to fix the fact they've accidentally made their Clanmate excluded, and seek solutions that work for everyone. If any Clan besides RiverClan had a Pawspeak interpreter translating Leafstar's words, it would probably be these guys lmao
Varied terrain means there will be at least a few places that aren't too hard for them to adapt to
Sparse woods, open fields, and even gorges, the three most common terrain types, are at worst decent for a deaf cat to hunt in.
VERY accommodating culture, the absolute best outside of the Clans with a high hearing loss percentage.
Generalist training, where every warrior handles vastly different terrain types, will exponentially increase how much training a hearing-impaired warrior must learn.
Being unable to join with their Clanmates in hunting across the entire territory could feel isolating
Rating: Close to top tier, but variable. It's going to depend somewhat on the personality of the warrior. While SkyClan will likely make a big effort to include them, the reality of needing to learn several sets of parallel skills and the way they might feel like an "outsider" for specializing could cause extra distress. Especially for a warrior losing their hearing later in life.
Because of their collaborative culture and hunting style, described as snobbish and bossy by other Clans, it's very likely that ThunderClan would struggle the most with a specific type of ableism. Since they value group cohesion, it follows they may force Assimilation onto a disabled warrior rather than Accommodation.
As mentioned earlier, Pawspeak is the best thing for the comfort of a deaf warrior... but it might not occur to this Clan to encourage the majority of the Clan to adapt to a minority of warriors.
But it gets worse. Forests are AWFUL terrain to hunt in if you can't hear. Imagine walking in a field with a bunch of invisible landmines, and if you step on one, it broadcasts your EXACT location.
It's difficult to tell if your mouse is running away because you crunched a leaf and made a sound... or because a bird in a tree SAW you and is now raising up an alarm cry. If you can't actually hear what the noise was that scared your lunch away, you might blame yourself for being clumsy as a fox barrels towards you!
When it comes to forests, there are significant differences between an old growth forest and a new growth forest. BOTH of them are going to be extremely difficult for a disabled warrior to adapt to, but old growth is harder.
In both, ground litter is a challenge, but especially so in an old growth British forest. Natural forests there are primarily mixed oak, which drop twigs, leaves, and acorns all over the ground.
These areas are bountiful, productive, and brimming with life. Both in terms of prey and predators. The varied canopy of natural, mixed-age trees allows sunlight to filter through and create an "understorey," providing lots of food and cover to lots of different animals. Unfortunately, foliage is not a deaf warrior's friend.
As previously mentioned, a mix of areas for animals to hide in and a surrounding of rattling plant life is the worst possible combination for a cat who can't hear. Worse, hunting rodents depends massively on hearing them through the leaf litter, thanks to those high-pitched chirps and squeaks which are the first thing to vanish when a cat loses their hearing.
This would be so bad that it's likely ThunderClan "works" its youngest members much harder than its seniors, assigning apprentices and young warriors to significantly more hunting patrols. Since hearing loss is so common that it's practically inevitable, and the security of a Clan allows these wild cats to live to such old ages, it would be "common sense" to ThunderClan to structure things this way.
Old growth patches are practically food pantries for Clan cats, but hearing impaired warriors will have a HELLISH time trying to hunt in them.
When a forest is new and all of the trees in a stand are about the same age, they create a uniform canopy. Like a continuous tent. This means they're so effective at blocking out sunlight that there's virtually no understorey.
No understorey means no food. Or very little food. But it also means no cover. And, usually, significantly less leaf litter. This is because in Britain, most of these types of forests are non-native conifers. Sitka spruce and douglas fir are the two biggest offenders-- and that's significant because nothing here has evolved to EAT the products of those trees.
In ThunderClan, Tallpines is an example of this, but this type of terrain could pop up anywhere that's seen massive destruction.
No understorey to feed prey, no products of the trees which native animals can eat, a silent floor covered in pine needles which offer no hiding places, almost chilling uniformity of the strange trees in evenly-spaced rows...
All of this to say that there's an irony here, that the hearing impaired warrior will be best at hunting in the most barren parts of the forest.
There's much less things to trip up on, or rustle. Prey can be plainly seen out in the open. Gray squirrels are the most significant prey that can utilize these areas, and they DO make a hearty meal for a Clan cat. Additionally, these areas are particularly silent because they're so barren, which might make them seem "creepy" to hearing warriors, but that wouldn't bother a deaf warrior one bit!
Cultural sentiment of "all for one; one for all" may lead to more dedication from the Clan as a whole in connecting to the hearing impaired cat
Which could be a blessing or a curse, depending on the individual warrior's feelings.
Ability to work efficiently in the most barren parts of the forest
Cultural emphasis on collaboration in group hunting likely leads to deaf cats being encouraged to adapt to the patrol rather than their own strengths.
May result in more emphasis on teaching lip reading and 'speech therapy,' rather than the adoption or implementation of Pawspeak.
Very difficult to stay quiet in a forest if you can't hear the crunch of leaf litter and twigs.
Lots of cover means random bullshit can spring out from any corner; abundance of ambush predators.
Cover also means there's a lot of places for prey to hide, and hearing can't be used to pinpoint the location.
Lots of rodent prey, which relies on hearing high-pitched noise to catch.
Rating: F MINUS, SEE ME AFTER CLASS. By FAR the worst Clan for a warrior with hearing loss to be part of, for both practical reasons, AND cultural reasons. Awful awful awful, absolutely abysmal, failing grade. Dark Souls for deaf cats
Though remember! This part of the guide is a suggestion. You do not need to include ableism in your own projects if you do not want to, and I hope with the information that you now have, you know how to better avoid it!
Right this way~
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stevieschrodinger · 4 months
Eddie notices things.
He might be loud and brash, might be over the top and his mouth might run away before his brain can kick in, but he still notices things.
He likes the details. Loves a fantasy world that’s so detailed it’s believable. Loves a tiny detail in a story that becomes relevant two hundred pages later. Loves a detail in a puzzle in a DnD game. He loves the minutia of everything.
So he notices these details about people. Mostly because Eddie likes to create people. He likes to write his own stories, likes to make his DnD characters real...foibles and all. Any time Eddie is alone, or bored, or waiting, sometimes he looks around and thinks, ‘if I were writing this, how would I describe it?’ And then he does...he writes in his head about the tree he can see, what the weather is doing right now, how he would describe the quality of the sunlight or the way the rain rattles against the window. He watches complete strangers and writes out their whole life in his head. Eddie likes the details, and he likes to create characters, and he also thinks, a lot of the time, you write what you know.
So yeah, Eddie pays attention to the people around him. How they dress, how they behave, if they bite their nails or chew pen lids. If they stand straight or lounge against the nearest wall or counter. How they cradle their smoke in their hand when it’s breezy out.
All the little details he can build into characters he makes in his mind.
Steve’s calendar interests him. It probably shouldn’t, that stuff would be private if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s hanging in Steve’s kitchen where anyone can see it. Plus the fact that it is just a calendar and there for by it’s nature isn’t very interesting. Eddie thinks he finds it interesting just by the virtue that it’s to do with Steve Harrington, and therefore it immediately becomes very interesting to Eddie.
It’s got big pages, a decent amount of space to write in every day. And Steve has. Every single day.
There’s a pattern to it that Eddie deciphers pretty fast; his shift at work is on the top line; it’s in red. Next is anything to do with the kids, and it’s in green; picking the kids up or meeting them or going to a game for Lucas or basically anything like that. Then blue, and that seems to be stuff to do with Eddie himself, Robin, Nancy, if he needs to meet them, give them a ride somewhere, or just times to hang out.
The bottom line is in black, and it’s stuff like, ‘hoover’, ‘do laundry’, ‘bathroom,’ ‘kitchen’, ‘groceries,’ followed by a little note that seems to be about whatever Steve plans to have for dinner that night.
Below it is a note pad, also hanging up, with an in process grocery list on it. Eddie knows why all this is here; Steve’s forgetful.
If Steve makes plans, he immediately writes it down; Eddie’s seen it for himself.
Eddie sees it too, when Steve’s struggling to hear. If too many people speak at once, or if there’s too much background noise, Steve doesn’t stand a chance.
If he’s not looking at you when you’re speaking to him, chances are, he might not be hearing you. Which, okay, Eddie’s just kind of rolling with it.
Until they get together. No one was more surprised by this turn of events than Eddie, who was convinced that he was just going to pine after Steve forever and that would just be how things were for the rest of his life. That was right up until Steve Harrington held his hand and just sort of...seemed to forget to let go.
Eddie hasn’t pointed it out to him yet, he’s still kind of worried that if he points out the fact that they’re kind of, sort of, dating, Steve might realize and stop again. So yeah, Eddie rides the wave, not at all freaking out when Steve invites him over for dinner and a movie like that’s just a normal thing they do now. Because it is. Because they’re kind of dating.
There’s no answer, but that’s pretty normal, the front door is unlocked a lot of the time, Steve doesn’t want to hinder anyone's entry if there’s any kind of emergency going on, and it’s totally normal now for any of them to just wander into Steve’s house.
Steve is cooking; Eddie can smell it. He stands in the kitchen doorway and says Steve’s name. And predictably, Steve doesn’t react.
Eddie takes this as an opportunity to gauge this. He says Steve’s name a little louder; still nothing.
Eddie tries four times, a step closer and a little louder each time, until the last time, when Steve spins around so fast the spoon he’s holding splatters sauce on the counter top and his other hand flies to his chest, “holy shit.”
“Sorry,” Eddie rubs at Steve’s arm and shoulder as he gets his breathing under control, “you couldn’t hear me.”
Steve shrugs, “it’s fine.”
“Stevie…you could at least, you know, go get them checked, or whatever.”
Steve hums, "maybe, if you go with me," and Eddie's quick to agree, because he gets a kiss out of it.
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crybaby-writings · 4 months
if you want to learn sign language of any kind your one and only reason for it should be proper person to person communication. not because it's "so beautiful", not so you can talk shit and nothing else, not so you can say swear words without other people knowing.
if you're learning sign language your one and only reason should be to communicate with people who use sign language. learning sign language means learning about an entire complicated, extremely important culture and the people who are a part of that culture.
you can not learn sign language without learning about d/Deaf culture in depth. it also means learning to stay in your lane on d/Deaf issues. learning sign language and learning about d/Deaf culture does not mean you get to speak on d/Deaf issues, and a lot of hearing people don't realize that.
this has been a notice from a d/Deaf person
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anonymousangstmonster · 2 months
Prompt #83 “Deaf and Blind”
The Fentons captured Phantom.
When they brought it to the lab, they waisted no time starting their experiments. The first of which had the result of injuring the ghost on such a deep level.
It was put in a ghost proof glass box, there were speakers and lights imbedded in the floor.
The test involved seeing how it would respond to a specific kind of light and a specific sound frequency that were both known to deter ghosts.
Once they turned it on, all Danny could hear was a loud droning screech and all he could see was white. He clutched his ears with his hands and closed his eyes as tight as he could.
It did nothing to stop the pain assaulting his senses.
It felt like whatever was hurting him had stopped, his vision was dark and all he could hear was a quiet ringing.
His throat felt sore, so he had probably been screaming; his legs were shaking, so he let them collapse and he fell to the floor in a heap; he felt that his core was strained, so he let himself revert to human form.
The Fenton parents were horrified when the ghost revealed itself to be their son, devastated by what they had just done to him.
He slowly realized that he couldn’t hear or see anything, that he was bleeding from his ears.
His parents had deafened and blinded him.
Maddie rushed over to him to try and comfort him. At first he thought she was Jazz come to rescue him, but she guided his hand to feel her short hair and goggles around her neck.
He cowered back into the corner of the box, frantically begging for them to stop, even though he couldn’t hear his own voice.
She tries to tell him that they won’t hurt him anymore by hugging him and and rubbing his back and kissing his forehead.
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luaiii · 8 months
Y'all remember when YouTube had community made captions? Yeah me too
Why the fuck did they get rid of it. One of the reasons was apparently that it wasn't used much. What the fuck. That's the shittiest reason I've ever heard in my goddamn life
The automated captions have gotten okay, but they have issues with the same shit I have issues with
I have severe hearing loss. It's difficult to hear anything with my hearing aids off. Why the FUCK would you get rid of my accessibility because it wasn't used much. That's not accessibility works, morons
That being said, huge shoutout to creators who DO add captions to their videos. I love y'all.
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gabbagepatch · 2 months
Illness is a fucked up ouroboros of:
feel sick -> can't take care of self -> sicker from lack of self-care -> can't take care of self -> sicker from lack of self-care -> can't take care of self -> sicker from lack o-
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izpira-se-zlato · 3 months
GIG PSA: Get Earplugs
With the start of the Spring Tour officially two weeks out, here's your reminder to please, please get earplugs!
I'm not a spoilsport or a nagging busybody, but your hearing is important and tinnitus and hearing loss can seriously impact your life down the road -- and once it's gone, you can't get it back.
If you're worried about the experience at the gigs: I am a very big fan of the Loop Experience Earplugs (no, this is not sponsored). I started out with my sleep earplugs (custom fit, fully silicone), and those do muffle the sound. The Loops? They make the sound crisper, to me, actually improving the concert experience. And they're cheaper than most JO tickets, this tour!
But even cheap dollar store earplugs will go a long way to protect your hearing, so remember to pack them for the gigs and pop them in before we're all screaming as loud as we can 🫶
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princemonday · 6 months
more on chris having hearing loss. ok so in death island mans warns jill he's about to set off a rocket launcher right next to her so she plugs her ear.... (just one ear which...okay maybe she has hearing loss too.) and then he just....blasts. no covering his own ears, no using any sort of protection for his poor ear drums. and weve seen him launch these things like a million times over the years. (leon, ada, and jill are also prime candidates for a hearing loss headcannon for the same reason) normal people can experience hearing loss after shooting a gun without ear protection and this man...has years of that plus straight rocket launchers and explosions and rubble falling all around him. plus hes an old man so yeah...chris has hearing loss. and i love him.
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kaidacresto · 3 months
No fucking way RainbowDash doesnt have at least a LITTLE hearing loss from doing sonic rainbooms all the damn time
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Also ill make the mane six’s designs soon! But my god theyre gonna look fucked up uh. Will have to make before and afters for them 💀
Do not re-upload, sell, or trace my art without my permission. You can use it as reference but you gotta credit me
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bonefall · 4 months
Sensitivity Readers
Heyheyo, I have been working on this WC hearing loss guide for like 2 weeks now and it's nearly done!!
I want to make sure the info in it is all good before I publish it, and I didn't accidentally say something harmful or leave out something very important. If you or someone you know has hearing loss, is deaf, or has some experience in sensitivity reading, feel free to reach out
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jack-crow-lantern · 24 days
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I lost my hearing aide so in an effort to not explain myself every waking moment, I made a patch to put on my clothes.
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chokememaximoff · 7 months
Whenever you need help
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Abstract:In this heartwarming story, Y/N, dealing with hearing loss and annoying tinnitus, discovers solace and love in Wanda's constant care and sweet bedtime serenades. They tackle life's hurdles as a team, and their relationship grows even stronger through it all.
TW:Hearing loss
This is for my soul since I struggle with hearing loss and sadly can't get hearing aids so basically it's comfort for me but I thought someone else might relate too.
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In the bustling corridors of New York's prestigious Eastside University, Wanda Maximoff, known not only for her striking beauty but also her sharp intellect, had always stood out. However, her eye was caught by someone entirely unexpected - a girl named Y/N Y/L/N. Wanda was captivated by Y/N's natural beauty, which seemed to radiate a certain mystique. Yet, despite her allure, Wanda found herself unable to muster the courage to approach her.
As the days turned into weeks, Wanda's fascination with Y/N grew. She couldn't help but steal glances whenever Y/N passed by. There was something about her that was simply enchanting, something that made Wanda's heart race every time she saw her. But for all her beauty, Y/N appeared to be an enigma. She rarely mingled with others, always seemed lost in thought, and seldom smiled.
It was during their shared lectures that Wanda's intrigue deepened. She couldn't help but notice that Y/N was one of the most attentive students in the class. Her eyes were always fixed on the professor, her posture was impeccable, and she seemed to hang on every word. Yet, there was an anomaly - Y/N's notes were a mess. Her handwriting was hurried and chaotic, as if she were trying to capture fleeting thoughts. It puzzled Wanda - how could someone so attentive be struggling to keep up?
The opportunity for an explanation came one fateful evening at a college party. Wanda watched from across the room as someone approached Y/N. The dimly lit room buzzed with music and chatter, making conversation a challenge for anyone, but especially for Y/N. She leaned in, her expression a mix of confusion and concentration, trying to understand what the girl was saying over the din.
After a moment, Y/N politely asked the girl to repeat herself. The girl, growing impatient and annoyed, raised her voice, but Y/N's struggle persisted. In frustration, the girl threw her hands up and walked away, leaving Y/N standing there with a slight frown, feeling awkward and isolated.
It was at this point that Wanda, perhaps fueled by a few more drinks than she should have had, made her way over to Y/N. Without thinking, she blurted out, "So, are you that bad at paying attention to everything, or do you just have something wrong with you?"
Y/N was taken aback by the harshness of the question, her eyebrows furrowing in disbelief. "You're an asshole," she retorted, her tone sharp and her eyes filled with annoyance. She pushed past Wanda, leaving the party in a hurry.
Wanda cursed under her breath, immediately realizing that her question had been entirely out of line. She tried to chase after Y/N, but the sea of people at the party made it impossible to find her. She was left with a gnawing sense of guilt and regret.
Determined to make amends, Wanda hatched a plan to subtly apologize. She decided to attend lectures with unwavering focus, meticulously taking notes. Each night, she would painstakingly copy these notes into another notebook, ensuring they were neat and organized.
After a week of this effort, she composed a message on a sticky note that read, "I noticed you struggle to catch the notes in class for some reason, so I made the notes for you. I'm sorry about what I said at the party; I didn't mean it in a rude way. Here's my number, and my name is Wanda Maximoff." She placed the sticky note on the first page of the notebook and left it in front of Y/N's dorm room.
Later that evening, Wanda's phone rang, displaying a message from an unknown number. It was Y/N, and she thanked Wanda genuinely for her kind gesture. Wanda smiled as she saved Y/N's number in her contacts, then mustered the courage to ask if Y/N would be willing to meet her at the benches in front of the dorms.
Y/N agreed to the meeting, and they found themselves sitting under the soft glow of the streetlights. Wanda sighed, apologizing once more, explaining how her curiosity had gotten the best of her at the party.
Y/N, her expression softer now, smiled politely and reassured Wanda, saying, "It's okay, I understand. I'm used to that type of stuff; it happens all the time." She seemed surprisingly forgiving, considering the rude encounter at the party.
Then, Y/N revealed her secret, the very reason behind her struggles. "I'm hard of hearing," she confessed. "I've been gradually losing my hearing for about a year now, so I struggle a lot with classes and conversations in loud places."
Wanda's heart ached at this revelation. She felt a pang of guilt for her previous behavior. She apologized once more, this time more earnestly. "I'm really sorry," she said, her voice filled with regret. "I had no idea. I didn't mean to be so rude."
Y/N placed her hand on Wanda's shoulder, and in that simple touch, a spark ignited between them. She reassured Wanda, saying, "You did the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me to apologize. Your apology is accepted, so don't worry."
Wanda's smile returned, gratitude shining in her eyes. She couldn't help but ask, "But if you struggle so much, why don't you have hearing aids? Wouldn't they help?"
Y/N chuckled bitterly, her expression somber. "Well, I believe I should have them," she began, "but the doctor explained my hearing loss as something related to my nervous system. He said there's no need for hearing aids, so I'm left to struggle."
Wanda groaned in frustration, feeling a surge of anger on Y/N's behalf. "He can't just do that," she exclaimed, her empathy for Y/N growing stronger by the minute.
Y/N shrugged, her gaze drifting into the distance. "I guess he can," she said, her voice tinged with resignation. The weight of her condition, and the helplessness she felt in the face of it, hung heavily in the air.
Wanda couldn't bear to see Y/N carry this burden alone. As they sat together under the night sky, she resolved to be there for her, to help her navigate the challenges of college life with a newfound friendship and understanding. And in that moment, amidst the swirling uncertainties of their young adult lives, a bond began to form, one that neither of them could have predicted when they first crossed paths in the crowded hallways of Eastside University.
Wanda and Y/N quickly fell into a pattern of texting each other regularly. They talked about their classes, shared funny anecdotes from campus life, and sometimes just exchanged random thoughts. Through these messages, their connection deepened, and Wanda continued to diligently take notes during lectures, just as she had promised.
As the weeks passed, Wanda realized she had accumulated another notebook full of meticulously transcribed lecture notes for Y/N. She decided it was time to meet up with her and hand over the notes. Wanda texted Y/N, "Hey, would you like to meet for coffee this weekend? I have something for you."
Y/N responded with an enthusiastic "Sure!" and they agreed to meet at a cozy cafe near the dorms on a sunny Saturday morning.
When they met at the cafe, Wanda greeted Y/N with a warm smile. She placed the notebook filled with neatly written notes on the table. "Here you go," she said. "I thought you might find these helpful. If you have any questions or need clarification on anything, don't hesitate to ask me anytime."
Y/N looked at Wanda with gratitude in her eyes. She reached across the table and gently held Wanda's hand. "I really, really want to thank you a lot for this," Y/N said earnestly. "But I also feel bad that you're spending so much of your time on my notes. You should be focusing on yourself."
Wanda shook her head, her own hand comfortably resting in Y/N's. "I want to help you out," she replied. "And you know what? I've noticed that because I pay a lot more attention and write everything down twice, I'm actually learning better as well. So, I'm doing the both of us a favor."
Y/N smiled softly at Wanda's generosity. "Only if it's not a struggle for you," she insisted. "If you ever feel like it's too much, you don't have to continue doing it."
Before Wanda could respond, Y/N insisted on paying for their coffees as a token of gratitude for the notes. Wanda initially resisted, but Y/N's determination won her over. She sighed in defeat and said, "Alright, you win this time."
As they waited for their orders, the waitress came by to take their preferences. She asked, "What type of milk would you like in your coffee?"
Y/N leaned in, trying to hear the question better, but her face showed confusion. She asked the waitress to repeat herself. The waitress repeated the question, but it was clear that Y/N was struggling to process the words.
Wanda noticed Y/N's discomfort and gently tapped her hand, making her look up. Wanda repeated the waitress's question, this time speaking louder and using hand gestures to illustrate the choices. Y/N nodded, her face blushing slightly as she responded to the waitress.
When the waitress walked away, Y/N smiled at Wanda, her eyes filled with appreciation. "Thank you for that," she said. "Sometimes, it's the little things that make a big difference."
Wanda grinned, feeling a warmth in her heart. "Whenever you need help," she assured Y/N, "I'm there for you."
As they sipped their coffee and chatted about their plans for the upcoming week, it was clear that their bond was growing stronger, and their connection was becoming something truly special. Wanda had found a purpose in helping Y/N, and Y/N had found a friend who not only understood her struggles but was willing to go the extra mile to make her life a little easier.
It was a special day for Y/N - her birthday. Wanda had been dropping hints about a surprise for weeks, building excitement and curiosity. As the day arrived, Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and anticipation.
Wanda arrived at Y/N's dorm room with a cheerful smile. "Happy birthday, Y/N!" she exclaimed, holding a blindfold in her hand. "I have a surprise for you, but you'll need to put this on."
Y/N's heart raced as she considered the blindfold. She was nervous about the idea of losing yet another one of her senses, but Wanda's reassuring presence put her at ease. As they settled into Wanda's car and started driving, Y/N's anxiety began to fade.
Wanda's hand landed comfortably on top of Y/N's knee, and Y/N immediately relaxed. She placed her hand on top of Wanda's, their fingers interlocking. Wanda couldn't contain her happiness, her cheeks turning red as she drove.
After a short ride, Wanda helped Y/N out of the car and carefully removed the blindfold. Y/N blinked, taking in her surroundings. They were standing in front of a private doctor's office specializing in hearing loss.
Y/N's eyes widened as she looked at Wanda. "Wanda, this is... How did you even get an appointment? And it's way too expensive; you shouldn't have done this."
Wanda smiled warmly, holding both of Y/N's hands. "My dad knows the doctor. He's a household friend, so everything is sorted out. Let's go in and get you the help you need."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, and she hugged Wanda tightly. Wanda hugged back, her own eyes filled with affection and happiness.
The appointment at the doctor's office was lengthy, but it was worth every moment. Measurements were taken for Y/N's hearing aids, and a few days later, they returned to pick them up. Y/N was overwhelmed with emotion as she heard again, almost like she did before her hearing loss.
As they got into the car after the appointment, Wanda asked, "Do the hearing aids feel weird?"
Y/N cupped Wanda's cheeks, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. Wanda was momentarily stunned before she eagerly kissed Y/N back, melting into the moment.
When they finally pulled away, Y/N said with a smile, "I've been wanting to do that for so long."
Wanda raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in her eye. "You like me?"
Y/N laughed softly. "Of course, idiot," she said, pulling Wanda in for another sweet kiss. They smiled against each other's lips, their connection deepening with every tender moment shared. Y/N's birthday had turned into a day of unforgettable surprises, and her heart was filled with gratitude and love for Wanda.
One quiet night, Y/N found herself restless, tossing and turning in Wanda's cozy dorm room. The room, usually filled with the warmth of their love, was eerily silent. Yet, it wasn't the silence that disturbed Y/N; it was the persistent ringing in her ears, a relentless tinnitus that had become a constant companion ever since her hearing had started to deteriorate.
The deafening silence of the room only intensified the sound, making it impossible for her to find peace. Y/N felt the pressure build in her ears, like a vice slowly tightening. It was maddening, and she had grown accustomed to sleepless nights and the frustration that accompanied them.
As Y/N stirred for what seemed like the hundredth time, Wanda, who had been asleep beside her, woke up. She had always been a light sleeper, especially when it came to Y/N's well-being. Wanda reached out and gently caressed Y/N's cheek, concern etched on her face. Her voice was soft and filled with love as she whispered, "What's wrong, love?"
Y/N sighed, her voice carrying the weariness of countless sleepless nights. "Well, a symptom of hearing loss is my tinnitus," she explained softly. "So, I haven't slept normally in a year since I started losing my hearing. My ears keep ringing, and sometimes, I feel intense pressure in them."
Wanda frowned, her heart aching for the person she loved. "You should have told me, baby," she said, her voice laced with concern. "I want to help."
Y/N sighed again, resignation in her tone. "There's no cure for tinnitus anyway," she mumbled. "So, what's the point of burdening you with it?"
Wanda, not willing to accept defeat, gently pulled Y/N's head onto her chest. She started running her fingers through Y/N's hair, a soothing gesture she had perfected over time. "Well," she began, her voice tender, "now I'm going to sing for you until you fall asleep. And then, I will sleep too, after you do."
Y/N protested softly, "But, Wanda, baby, you need rest too. I'm used to this. I don't want to keep you awake."
Wanda shushed her gently before she could finish her sentence. "I said, when you need help, I'm there. So now, let me help you."
And with that, Wanda began to softly sing. Her melodic voice filled the room, drowning out the incessant ringing in Y/N's ears. It was a sweet lullaby, a soothing melody that seemed to reach into Y/N's soul and calm her troubled mind.
Wanda sang the songs that held special meaning for them, their lyrics weaving a comforting cocoon around Y/N's restless thoughts. As Y/N listened, the tension in her ears began to loosen, and the relentless ringing slowly faded into the background.
Sure enough, in just a few minutes, the sound of Wanda's singing had worked its magic. Y/N had found solace in the familiar voice, and her eyelids grew heavy. She drifted into a peaceful sleep, cradled in Wanda's loving arms.
Wanda smiled down at her girlfriend, brushing a strand of hair away from Y/N's face. She leaned in and kissed the top of Y/N's head, whispering, "Sweet dreams, baby."
With Y/N finally at rest, Wanda closed her eyes, grateful that she could provide comfort and relief to the person she loved most in the world. She knew that there would be more nights like this, nights where Y/N's tinnitus would wage a battle against her sleep, but as long as they faced them together, Wanda was willing to sing every night if it meant bringing peace to Y/N's troubled dreams. The love between them was stronger than any challenge, and in the embrace of sleep, they found solace in each other's arms.
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TW vent abt some ableist shit i got hit with today (maybe?) i need advice
This is a genuine question to every disabled person on this app cause idk if i'm the one going insane, but basically i was sitting at lunch with some friends today, and this other girl i didn't know (jessica for the sake of online privacy) started talking to me.
Then she pointed out my hearing aids (signa, they're pretty discrete but are visible) and asked about them.
So i explained my disease and my nervous damage and whatnot... (i'm hard of hearing, as in 80% loss in my left ear, 70% in the other)
She then told me she related to me, and for a second i genuinely thought she was either deaf or hoh... BITCH I WAS SO WRONG
She told me that during this summer she went scuba diving and water got stuck behind her eardrum. (she has no issues now, she recovered 100%)
So she knew how i felt, she then went on a tangent about how hard it is to lose your hearing.
Is it wrong that this pisses me off??? Like you can't relate to me?? You barely understand what it's like to lose you hearing.
So uh yeah, this feels so weird to say to someone who's disabled, like idk, to me it feels like telling someone who's lost a leg that you relate to them bc you broke your leg.
Yeah anyways, am i being dramatic? Cause i feel like i'm justified but it could be coming from a nice place?
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mad-pride · 2 months
I made an Auditory Processing Disorder flag based on the awareness color (lime green) and how it personally feels for me :)
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gabbagepatch · 2 months
I need to meet more people with vestibular disorders!! I feel like nobody gets what I'm talking about when I vent lol like I sound ridiculous.
"Someone said something but I couldn't hear because of the Screeching™"
"I bent over and immediately threw up, yeah my ear decided I was actually upside down lol"
"Flashing lights make my ears hurt."
Where are my people?!
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crybaby-writings · 9 months
now that i have my hearing aids it's like im taking a class in sounds™ and i am so interested in the curriculum
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