exe-does-not-work · 2 years
Could you write something for Narmer and a s/o thats obsessed with ancient history? Just two history nerds bonding
Absolutely! I did some headcanons, if that's okay! I also really hope I did this guy justice <3
♡Narmer with a History Buff S/O
Bird man.exe has stopped working
So...he's not alone in being obsessed with history?? Oh what a glorious day! This whole time he thought no one else was as interested in it as he was!
But here you stand, asking him about his favorite time period and what he thinks about various mythological folklores. His heart skips a beat!
Recommends so many books to you. You return the favor of course.
He invites you to his private library to join him in his readings, which shocks you because it takes a lot out of him to invite anyone in his humble abode. But you weren't just anyone, you were his friend accompanying him along his studies.
He has collected a lot of scrolls and books full of ancient texts. He'd sit with you and you'd both decipher (or at least try to) hieroglyphics and other languages. He's cracked a few, but some are just impossible to interpret.
Don't even get him started on the arts. If only he could see the various pottery being created, the marble statues being carved for the first time, the first ever paintings...
You both gush over different kinds of architecture too. From columns to pyramids, you love it all.
Loves to learn about technologies from way back when, too.
Every time you both meet, there is a nonstop conversation over the love of your interests.
He feels a felicity he never knew. With you, he feels like his efforts are more appreciated.
And you reciprocate that feeling.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
This one is kinda weird but could you write some hcs of Freddy's s/o brushing his fur? Animals with two coats like wolves take FOREVER to brush Im sure he'd appreciate aome help
Of course! Don't worry, nothing is weird about this haha (: And ikr! It's gotta be so hot sometimes having all that fur, poor guy.
♡Brushing Freddy's Fur
Okay, so he gets his fur treatments every so often, but that is not enough to help this poor baby out
You can tell it feels heavy on him, hell, it makes you sweat just looking at him sometimes, so you get an idea.
You go out and purchase different types of combs, brushes, and clippers. It makes you giddy to think about giving him this sort of makeover. But he's a fashionista anyway, so you doubt he'd be upset at this.
Anyway, when you find him and tell him you've got a surprise for him, he perks up, expecting a gift, and that's when you whip out your new brush set. It's time for a fur haircut.
He acts mad at first, but when the bristles glide through his fur, he relaxes. The brush is clotted with fur just by the first swipe. This is gonna take a while.
But it is so worth it to see a weight lifted from him.
When the deed is done, he feels a lot better. He feels like he lost a bunch of weight and says you should work with Chloe at her salon!
But you decline, of course. This was to help him out. You also feel lighter just looking at him.
You kiss him and tell him what a handsome young man he looks like with his new haircut. He gets all bashful, then swoops you off the ground in a lung-crushing hug.
Now he knows who to go to when he's in need of a good 'cut
But there's still one problem...
Who's gonna sweep all this fur off the ground?
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write some Reader x bottom/submissive Freddy?
yes 😈 I did this in the form of headcanons, hope you don't mind (I really hope this "Keep Reading" thing is in the right area too.)
Warning: 18+ content ahead
♡Submissive Freddy♡
Listen, this man is down bad for you.
He drools at the mere sight of you.
Yes, he may be bigger than the average person, but when it comes to you, he does whatever you tell him to.
He's your dog, and he needs to be trained.
Definitely has a praise kink. Tell him how much of a good dog he is.
Absolutely melts each time you moan "Good boy" in his ear. Yes he is, and he'll do whatever it takes for him to be one.
He gets so heated each time you're dominant. The area between his thighs ache so much when you stop touching him.
He whimpers when your advances slow.
His breathing is heavy, but still. He only pants when he gets overly excited. His chest heaves with each breath.
Will be on his hands and knees if you command him to.
Oh you know his cock throbs for you. It's yours....Only yours, all yours.
Grips whatever he can get his hands on when you're sucking him off.
If you ride him, his massive hands are always supporting you on your hips.
His cum loads are large. No matter what hole you use, you will be full.
Please, please let him drag his claws loosely across your skin. He won't leave a mark unless you want him to.
Let his teeth softly nip at your skin.
And when you're both done, he licks every inch of you, tongue covered in hot saliva. Things won't be sticky for long, so just stay still.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
I want to ask a character from Dislyte but I don’t specifically know who because you might not know this character or their information, so is it ok if you can tell me what characters you know and read about?
Sure! My friend had given me his Dislyte account and gave me a general rundown on it and said "have fun" lol
But for characters, I know the vast majority of them. My friend had collected a lot!
The ones I am most familiar with are:
Alexa, Bai Liuli, Bardon, Berenice, Brynn, Celine, Chalmers, Chloe, David, Dhalia, Djoser, Drew, Eira, Fabrice, Freddy, Hall, Helena, Heng Yu, Jeanne, Jiang Man, Jin Yuyao, Kara, Kaylee, Leon, Long Mian, Lynn, Melanie, Mona, Q, Sander, Tang Xuan, Tang Yu, Unky Chai, and Ye Suhua
But I do as much research on a character before I write to try and stay "in-character." You can always let me know if something seems wrong and I'll do my best to fix it (: Thank you for asking! <3
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
Can I have HCs of Freddy/Sander/Drew with an soft S/O who is touch-starved and loves touching their fur? It comforts them and whenever they’re sad, they would always hug them. When they’re not there, their s/o would just cuddle small plushies of them that they made.
Of course!
~Long post ahead!~
♡Freddy, Sander, & Drew with a Touch-Starved S/O!
When it comes to comfort, he understands. He'll sit with you, cuddle you, hold you. He wants you better dammit! He'd fight anything (or anyone) that made you feel this way.
And when he does hold you, you start to pet him. And he lets you.
It takes a moment to explain this to him, since he's a bit intimidating and all, but when you say that touching his fur helps you, he holds you even closer.
He absolutely adores when you stroke his fur, and you love it too because it's just,,, so soft. His favorite thing to do with you is lay his head in your lap while you massage his scalp. Sometimes you guys will have a nap, and he uses his tail to cover you up.
But then he has to go on missions. Those damn missions should wait! He hates to leave you, but he's gotta do it. Of course, he won't leave without saying goodbye to you. You'd scratch under his chin or behind his ears before kissing his nose. And then off he goes, tail wagging.
Well, this one mission took all day. The Union really had to drag this battle out, huh? Night falls, and he returns back to the Shadow Decree base, where you'll be waiting for him.
But the problem is, he can't find you. He looks everywhere, until it hits him. His room! He rushes, and opens the door to see...
You, sound asleep with a plushie? of him?? It takes a minute for him to register the sight in front of him. He really means that much to you? That really...warms his heart<3
He softly closes the door and climbs into bed with you, wrapping an arm around your frame. He asks you about the "mini-me" in the morning, and your face flushes.
You really love him and miss him when he's away, so you made a 'lil plush of him.
All he does is cuddle you harder. You mean a lot to him, too.
Now, he knows emotions better than everyone thinks he does. He was in the military, so he knows when something is up.
Enter you, the new light of his life.
He loves to dote on you. Your needs come before his own. Yet he also holds you in high regards.
He notices your love language is touch, so the best thing for him to do is wrap you in his coat and caress you.
Each time you're with him, you touch at and rub his fur. He wonders why you're so infatuated by it. So when the time comes and she asks you, you tell him.
And let me tell you, when you do, he is always trying to return the favor. He's always touching you. Letting you hold his hand, letting you snuggle up against his chest, the works!
But, there are often times where he's away. He doesn't like it, but it's his job. Though, he looks at it as if he's keeping you safe.
While he's away, you stay in your room, hugging a small plushie of him.
When he gets back, he'll have a small gift ready for you. Whether it be flowers, chocolates, etc.
You were participating in your hobby when he walks in on you and spots his plushie in your arms. He stills, but then he instantly feels warm.
It worries you when he doesn't say anything. He just marches right up to you and embraces you in a tight hug. He really didn't think he was capable of feeling what you made him felt.
This man acknowledges human emotions quite well. He had to look after Master Ollie, of course.
And when you two meet and start courting, he dedicates everything to you.
On his downtime, you both have tea and make small talk about how the day is going. And when you both are off-duty, he devotes his time to you. Most times though, you stay in bed with him, caressing each other.
You've told him about how you feel the most calm when you're around him, and that you love when you're feeling his fur.
He wasn't perplexed at all. In fact, he shares the same feeling. It is so refreshing for him to receive each touch from you.
But sadly, he's an Ops Chief. The Union is also one of his top priorities. Missions, missions, missions. It never ends.
So when he's away and you're left to yourself, you try to occupy yourself by either talking and mingling with other Union members throughout the day.
And when his mission ends, he comes back to your shared room to find a small plush of him resting against your pillow. He picks it up and looks it over. Every single detail was stitched to perfection.
You also happen to come back to your room, not expecting him standing right there holding your little secret. You suck in a breath and he turns to you upon hearing your shock. Your hands fly up to your mouth.
He asks if you made it, and you nod with a full blush across your face. He smiles. He knew how much you loved each other, but he didn't think he'd leave this much of an impact on you.
Drew invites you over to sit on the bed with him. You do, and rest your head on his shoulder. He kisses your forehead and holds your hand, thumb brushing over your knuckles.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
Could you write something for Sander's s/o discovering his cat? I just think its funny that big bad boss Sander has a kitten hidden in his office
Extra points if the cat kitten likes them
Ngl, I wish they actually drew the cat in his bounty story 😭
♡Sander's S/O Discovering his Kitty!
Being Sander's significant other was a bit of a roller coaster.
He's one of the operating commanders in the Decree! Not only is his job infuriating sometimes, but he masks his emotions sometimes, which causes you to think he never gets to truly relax.
So you decide to give him a 'lil surprise: a small cake with a letter with all the reasons you love him. Surely that'll make his shoulders drop a little, right?
You approach his office and enter the code. He was in the middle of another report meeting. The other members probably needed to be scolded once more...
You lay the gifts on his desk that was covered in various paperwork. Gosh, maybe a cleanup would help, too.
While straightening up, you begin to hear shuffling.
You were not alone.
You whip around to look to see if anyone else was with you. But there was no one. And then you hear it again, this time under his desk.
Hesitantly walking around to see what it was and looking under, you find...
A kitten??? What is a kitten doing- Y'know what, you'll just talk to Sander about it later..
But it lifts its little head to look at you, eyes big and full of wonder. How cute!!
You hold a hand out to let it sniff you. Once it does, it gets up and stretches, then starts to rub against your leg.
A few more minutes in his office wouldn't hurt....
You pet its soft fur and scratch its ears. It just could not stop purring. The thing just had a grip on you!
Well, more than just a few minutes pass and Sander goes straight back to his office. You didn't even notice he walked in until the kitten perks up and struts up to him, brushing against his legs next.
Sander picks it up and starts scritching its head. He then starts explaining to it that the meeting was another bust, as Freddy kept complaining that progress reports aren't "worth his time." If only he knew what time really was worth.
He was so lost in thought that he didn't see you rise from behind his desk.
"Where'd you get that little fella?"
He freezes.
Oh no. Oh no.
"It's complicated," he says. That rough exterior won't fool you now.(;<
Don't worry though, you won't tell anyone. You explain what you were trying to do for him until you found his little companion. You walk up to him, him still holding his kitten, and peck him on the cheek.
When you leave, he shuts the door and has a talk with his cat...
After consuming your gifts, of course. And they were lovely.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
Angst - Sander fighting an ex-friend Esper Union s/o who has it out bad for him and fights him the most out of every other member and one night he encounters them when he visit his mom’s grave.
He tried to get information out of them and it led to an argument about his decision to switch sides and the reason why. This ended when S/O confessed that no matter who he’s friends with, no matter who he talked to and who he trusted, they don’t matter because it’s only about power to him and they confessed that meant their love for him never mattered. That shocked him.
S/O confessed that when Sander told them about his mom back when they’re close friends / coworkers, they come here everyday just to tell her about him and how great he’s becoming, how he’s doing good by making sure people don’t ended up like him when he’s young and how prideful he is.. They talked about how much they admired him to his mom
And this is their final visit to apologize for everything they said before leaving the area.
Sorry if this is specific but it’s a specific angst
Don't worry! This is amazing! Love the way you think (:< Word count: 1,537 Warnings: none This one is short, sorry!
Final Goodbye
Joining the Esper Union was one of the best days of your life, because you met Sander. Always stand-offish, always aloof. It seemed like nothing could penetrate the man. But then you came along and befriended him, leaving an impression that he'll never forget. You knew him more than anyone else. At least you thought you did. You did until he left the Union. He didn't say goodbye. He didn't tell you anything. You never saw him again for the next couple of years. There was never a day that passed where you didn't think about him. He was constantly on your mind, wondering, hoping he was okay. Until that faithful day you saw him again, but not as the Sander you knew. He was part of a new organization now: the Shadow Decree. A new enemy against the Union. You were out fighting against different miramon when you encountered him for the first time in a while. You both just lock eyes for a split second before he springs an attack on you. It wasn't the attack that hurt you, but the intention behind it. This was the same Sander that poured his heart out to you, the same Sander that you would go to for advice and answers. You fought back, screaming and yelling until you got tired. The first battle ended in a bout of tears and a vow. A vow to keep pursuing. You needed to know what happened to him. Why did he leave? Were you nothing to him now? What about all those memories you both shared? Each encounter with the Decree made you look for him specifically. And each encounter he was there for ended the same way. You dodging around his assaults, pleading for the answers he had yet to give you. He was resilient as always, never giving in to your cries. So when he stopped showing up, you also gave up. He left cuts in you deeper than you could imagine. He really was becoming evil. You knew better though. While you didn't know what exactly he was after, you knew he'd go through anyone and anything to get it. Sander couldn't pinpoint it. Back when he was on the field hunting miramon and other specimen, he'd encounter you. And you were vigilant as always. Never giving up. But when he was promoted and stopped going out to fight as often, he'd get reports on various rivals, ones that didn't match your description. He guessed you lost hope in him. Good. He didn't want to hear from you anymore. Not unless it was to interrogate you for intel, which would take forever and a day to do. He had better things to do. He has a whole brigade to command and take reports from. The Decree was made to use their powers to achieve the goal of finding the secret to the Miracle. But he had to pause on those duties tonight. His mother.
Visiting his mother's grave brought peace and clarity to his mind, though he wasn't able to see her for a couple of years due to his recent activity.
He stops at the bar for the first time in ages. The bartender, quite surprised of his sudden return offers him a drink and they talk for a bit. They reminisce about the past and catch up on each other's business. The bar then closes, leaving Sander to do what he needed to. But he wasn't expecting you to be there, in the dark with the shining sky as the only light source. What were you doing here? What is the purpose? You kneeling in front of his mother's resting place fueled him with pure rage. But you weren't aware of him. Not until you were finished speaking to her and got up to turn and leave. And when you did, you should've known he'd be there. Fists were clenched, both his and your feet were firmly planted. The tension was thick. The silence stayed still.
"You," he was seething. Had you not been important to him, you'd be dead by now. "..Are you going to pry intel from me? Like you always have back then?" You cross your arms. His looks of vexation never scared you. Things go at a standstill. "I'll deal with that later, but for now, what are you doing here? You have no business here." The way he mentions you fills you with dread. Had he really thought less of you? You guess he did, otherwise it wouldn't have come down to this.
"Do you really resent me that much now?" You had to ask. You need to know. His posture stays the same, unwavering. "Does it really matter what I think of you?" This hurts you worse than any of his attacks. "Think about it. We are on opposing sides now." That's right, you both were. Did it have to be this way? "I'm only going to ask once more, why are you-" "Why did you leave, Sander?" You were starting to get on his nerves. You must be taunting him at this point. First you trespass onto this property, then you start bombarding him with stupid questions. Questions you already knew the answers to. "You know why." "But I need to hear it. I need confirmation."
Things grew quiet again. "Fine. I switched because the Decree is a better fitting for me. We desire the power of the Miracle, and to use it to serve our purposes." Each word stings you bitterly. This was what he was really after, wasn't it? "But you could have stayed with us. We want the same thing." "No, you don't. Don't act so foolish." He starts to approach you slowly. "You want to save humanity, to do everything for the sake of selflessness," he stops inches before you. "The Union, is wasting their efforts." "You're wrong!" You spit back at him. "Am I?!" He growls. "Humans will wipe out eventually, what will your precious powers be put to use then?" You scoff and say nothing. Of course this is what it was all about.
Your blood was boiling. And despite this, your words remained calm. Your shoulders deflated, and your demeanor was washed with solemn disdain. Sander instantly notices the shift in your image. Had you finally given up? "Sander, I know you. At least I thought I did, but.." You began. "Now, you've made it clear to me about one thing," you look him dead in the eyes. "No matter who you talk to or trust, they don't matter. None of it matters to you," you rub your arm. "You only care about one thing, and that's power." You sigh and brace yourself for what you're about to say next. "I thought I loved you, Sander. But it means nothing to me now. Your starvation has proven it quite direct." He is taken aback. You loved him? Is this why you'd antagonize him every time you saw him? He, himself, was the sole reason for you begging him to come back, not his capabilities. Why didn't you tell him? Were you trying to tell him? "And that makes me ignorant to think you'd feel the same." This pulls him out of his thoughts. He doesn't speak, he can't speak. You pause, looking away from him. Eyes dulled of the light that once shone within them.
"…And as for why I'm here. I had to speak to your mother for a final time," you say with a heavy heart. You turn on your heel, facing the grave. "Back when we were friends, and you told me about her, I made an effort to visit every day to talk about you," you take a deep breath. Tears began to prick at the corners of your eyes. "I would tell her how well you were carrying yourself, and how much of an astounding hero you were becoming. You'd never let anyone bring you down." You take a minute to view her grave for the last time. Sometimes you felt like she would communicate back by sending a breeze or making the leaves fall. You liked to think she was agreeing with you, telling you how proud she was of him. Your heart swells with sorrow and regret. "I came here to apologize to her. I.. I guess I was wrong." Sander just sways. You turn back around and walk up to him. "I told her how much I admired you," you shake your head. "But now, I don't even know who you are anymore." You begin to walk away but stop as you meet his side.
"I really do wish you the best in your endeavors. And I hope that one day, you'll understand what you're getting yourself into." And with that, you walk away, tears threatening to spill. "Goodbye, Sander." You whisper before exiting. Sander is left there standing, alone without solace. He falls to his knees in front of his mother's grave.
There is nothing he can do now.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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Alright, I think I've got everything set up properly.
So, Let's see them requests, baby! (:< You can send them through my ask inbox.
Rules for writing are in my pinned post!
Thank you for your support, lovelies! ♡
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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General Sander Headcanons
A gentleman, but a confident gentleman.
He's also extremely hard to read sometimes.
Okay, I think it's safe to say he has toe/paw beans. So does Drew and Freddy. He covers them because he thinks it'll ruin his tough exterior. Give 'em a squish!
His tail is snugly tucked in his pants at all times. He can't show emotions in battle or working in the office, bless it. One wag and he'd never hear the end of it!
Files his claws when he's in his office. Yeah, they could be useful, but they just get in the way sometimes.
His favorite flavor of cigars are the ones that have bourbon taste notes. His second favorite are just the plain tobacco ones. Anything else gives him a headache.
The smell of cigars always linger on his clothes, so he's got a very pleasant aroma.
Likes a good drink from time to time. He'll sometimes experiment with different cocktails and such.
His favorite food is barbeque, specifically smoked ribs. No, I will not elaborate.
Often scolds the Decree guards for not filling out proper reports. No, he doesn't need to know about your collection, nor does he need to know about the Miramon contest. PLEASE just tell him the important points that happened in your mission.
He can't ever relax his muscles are so TENSE. ALL THE TIME. He is in desperate need of a deep-tissue massage.
His kitten is his new right hand man. Everyone knows about the cat but they don't know about its instant promotion. They tease him about it in secret. But oh boy if they only knew the kitten would fire them all in a heartbeat, and Sander would let it.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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General Freddy Headcanons
Big, Meaty, CLAWS
Speaking of claws, they can rip through anything. He can damn near rip a car to pieces.
His fur is exceptionally soft. Those fur treatments been doing him well (;
Y'know what, every animal based character secretly loves head scratches/pats. It's the rule.
Has a keen sense of smell, like wolves normally have. He has a scent profile on who smells like what so it's easy to track them if someone gets lost.
He can also smell emotions. Happiness, sadness, fear, etc.
Howls at full moons
Sheds a lot. Especially during the spring. He's supposed to clean after himself, but orders someone else to do it.
Definitely has no issue lifting things. What can't he pick up?
Does that fast panting thing when he gets excited or worked up
Man has a temper on him, and when he's mad, he lashes out at whatever object is near him. He'd never lay a hand on one of his teammates (unless they really piss him off).
Wags his tail when he's subjected to things he likes. When people point it out, he yells at them saying stuff like "It's not manly" or "I can't control it" (he can)
Sometimes chews on things. Yes, grew out of the chewing stage, but it brings a sense of comfort for him. His favorite thing to chew on are sticks. Please play fetch with him <3
Being the meathead he is, he'd put his life on the line for his teammates. He just trusts them that much. The others think it's stupid to be their personal meat shield, but deep down, they can always count on him to get the job done.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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werewolf boyfriend
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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Long Mian General Headcanons
You guessed it, his body doesn't radiate as much warmth as others. His hands are the ones that are extremely freezing. please hold them
Sometimes, he'll talk to his collection. There are some things he either can't or won't tell anyone. It's a perfect solution since they can't talk back. And they make the perfect listeners, too.
The collection room always has incense burning.
He secretly enjoys the company of others, especially if they appreciate silence as much as he does. Don't get me wrong, he can hold a conversation really well (and he's a great listener), but he likes his peace and quiet.
When he's working on his craft, he hums tunes from his childhood. His favorite is the one his mother would sing to him before bed.
His parents lavished him with many gifts because he was the only child they could have. Perhaps he was a rainbow baby?
The scales on his uniform actually come from his tail. They lose color when they come off, turning into silver hues. They're also quite tough, making easy and reliable blocking material for combat.
His horns are sensitive. Touching them at the base sends shivers down his dragon-spine.
Has really soft hair, like silk. Same goes for the tufts of hair on his draconic tail.
Gets agitated easily, but is a caring person. He'll do small favors and tiny acts of kindness. Like with Bonnie and her shaved ice project, Jacob and his napping situation, and Freddy with the Miramon situation. He'll dismiss the idea if you mention this to him, though.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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haha what if Long sheds his horns sometimes like that one scene from Beastars
[art by me]
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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Let's start off with something small (: Drew General Headcanons:
He smells like soft sandalwood and herbal tea, a pleasant smell for a pleasant butler
The man knows his teas. He knows which blends are best for each situation. Got a headache? Here, drink some peppermint tea. Tired or haven't got much sleep? It's chamomile for you!
He looks out for everyone. The fall of House Ramses made him realize that not everything lasts forever. He's always looked after Ollie, and now he can't shake that aspect off of him.
A lot of people look up to him, and while he doesn't think much of it, he's honored to be a role model for many.
Those bandages he wears cover a lot of battle scars. He wear about two layers of them so no one accidentally sees them.
He's partially blind in one eye, hence the monocle, but it's not bad enough to the point where it affects his combat skills
Before he found Ollie, he liked to think the butterfly that followed him was him in spirit
Sometimes, he joins other Union members in their downtime. He'll watch Mona and Tang Xuan game away, he'll stop and smell the flowers that Chang Pu grew, he'll sit and listen to Brynn playing away on her guitar. He just wants to spend time with everyone so they know their hobbies are welcomed and appreciated.
Speaking of hobbies, he's got a couple that no one knows of. At night when he's alone, he'll walk out to Chang's garden and stare at the stars. He just reflects on all that has happened in his life. In a way, he can resonate with them.
Oh and his other hobby? He likes to polish things. Mainly his sword/cane. He likes when things are shiny. It brings a certain elegance to it.
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exe-does-not-work · 2 years
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Hello, Hello! I'm Exe! And this is my new writing blog! I mainly write character x reader fanfics. Please bear with me as this is my first time writing (: I try to stay as canon to each character as possible, forgive me if some seem "out of character" since I may not have enough knowledge on the lore (but I try to do as much research as I can!). I can write for almost any character, from slashers to cartoons and the like. You can read my blog info and rules here. They are somewhat vague, but I will add on/change them when I see fit. ⚠️Also, minors beware, I write spicy stuff sometimes. They will be tagged as such. Some info about me: I'm 20 years old and I go by They/Them. I like art, music, and a multitude of other things. I sometimes dabble in drawing, even though I'm not that good at it haha.
Thanks, lovelies <3
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