ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 22 days
hii!!! could i request the outsiders (seperate) with like a theater kid reader
The outsiders with a theater kid!
(as someone who's so into films and acting, I love this.)
I'm gonna try to make these gender neutral and both platonic and a romantic relationship (romantic= pink, platonic=blue)
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* I can already see him asking you to act out scenes from his books😭
* Absolutely admirers your confidence
* he's a good lair (as mentioned in the book), so I would assume he's a good actor and would gladly help you put with whatever.
* he's 100 percent gonna let you do stage makeup on him
* he gets so giddy when you get on and off stage
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* Okay, lowkey, he thinks what you do is KINDA cool
* I don't see him as a huge theater person, but he's supporting you
* he's at least tried to do some sort of improve exercise with you once (if yk the freeze one thats what I'm talking about if not I can explain in the comments)
* Now, if you two are dating, this is gonna change a bit. He's more into it, just because you like it.
* Like ponyboy, he's gonna go to like every performance you have
* If you need help with a script, he'll be happy to call out you're line but he just can't read and perform at the same time with a straight face.
Soda trying to help
Soda:"VERONICA **giggles** OPEN THE, OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE**starts laughing**
Y/n:"What's so funny?"
Soda:"I just can't read it with a straight face😭😭"
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* Like the other brothers he's gonna TRY and help
* He's gonna stare at you like "🫥" when you use theather terms.
Y/n"It says I have to be stage front and with a 3/4 turn"*showing the script*
* He'll call out lines you missed but do NOT expect him to have any emotion
* He's gonna make an effort to come to youre shows but let's be for real, he's so damn busy
* He's let you do stage makeup on him ONCE
* like ponyboy said in the books, hes to busy to draw or read, so with this i feel like its more a you thing, he cant oay attention to it much but he trys!!
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* He has most DEFINITELY snagged you're script to read for fun
* He thinks it's nerdy but what ever
* If you asked he's would help call out or act out lines with you
* he has gotten into your makeup more than once and ended up looking like Ronald mcdonald....
* He definitely zones out at shows, but he's gonna act like he saw everything... just let him get away with it😭
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* 100000 percent enjoys the theater kid vibe
* I so think he would be a theater kid, and you two would be in a performance class. That's how you two met
* Please just let him read the script for his entertainment 💀
* Let's be honest, he's gonna show up to show a little tipsy, and you two will probably end up drinking after the show
* he lives for this shit. It's so entertaining to him😭🫶🏼
* Like Steve, he's gotten into your makeup
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* Yeah no...he thinks it's nerdy
* if you ABSOLUTELY needed help, he'll sit down on his bed, you'll sit next to him, and go over lines
Y/n: "Heather duke...I forgot the line 🫥"
Dallas: *eye roll* "Heather Duke, no discernible personality, but her mom did pay for implants." He would call out call out from the paper script
* Like darry, he's gonna give you that. "🫥😦" Look, when you start yapping in theater, kid
* Okay, dating wise, he's a bit more open to the whole thing
* He's gonna go to your shows, but don't expect much. He's just not into it. He'll tell you that you did a good job, tho!
* He gets annoyed sometimes, but he doesn't day anything because he doesn't wanna hurt you😭🫶🏼
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* He likes that you're confident. He knows he'd be scared to be up on stage
* He wants you to read the scripts like ponyboy reads gone with the wind to him in the book and movie
* He really only thinks about it when you bring it up
* He LOVES going to see you perform. It's so entertaining for him
* He would so tell you how good you did and what not after
* Dating him, I feel, would be a bit different. He would help call out lines, but that's really it. On top of that, I feel like he'd be nervous??
THANK YOU FOR READING!! Have a good morning/after/night🫶🏼
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 24 days
NEED HELP WRITING? (a masterlist)
I have likely not added many that I've reblogged to this list. Please feel free to roam my blog and/or ask/message me to add something you'd like to see on this list!
Synonym Lists
Look by @writers-potion
Voices by @saraswritingtipps
Show, Don't Tell by @lyralit
Tips & Tricks
5 Tips for Creating Intimidating Antagonists by @writingwithfolklore
How To (Realistically) Make a Habit of Writing by @byoldervine
Let's Talk About Misdirection by @deception-united
Tips to Improve Character Voice by @tanaor
Stephen King's Top 20 Rules for Writers posted by @toocoolformedschool
Fun Things to Add to a Fight Scene (Hand to Hand Edition) by @illarian-rambling
Questions I Ask My Beta Readers by @burntoutdaydreamer
Skip Google for Research by @s-n-arly
Breaking Writing Rules Right: Don't Write Direct Dialogue by @septemberercfawkes
International Clothing
Too Ashamed of Writing To Write by @writingquestionsanswered
"Said" is Beautiful by @blue-eyed-author
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 24 days
What to use instead of 'said'
• added • replied • answered • stated • announced • questioned • asked • mentioned • remarked
• cheered • shouted • yelled • demanded • barked • blurted • growled • scolded •snorted
• muttered • murmured • mumbled • uttered • stuttered • hissed • moaned • mouthed
• begged • cried • confessed • complained • promised • pleaded
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 24 days
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Male reader x ponyboy Curtis
Yall, I'm gonna be so fr, I've never written for the male pov, but I'm gonna try for my pookie @jhutch-bf
(tw: cursing(the use of "damn" and "hell")
It was the start of a new school for you in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The current date was August 16th, 1965, girls were in their long wool skirts with sweaters, boys were either in nice pants and madras, or jeans and tuff leather jackets, to start off the day, right, your first class was math, exciting, right? Not a chance in hell.
You found your way to class, and not surprisingly, everyone already knew everyone. People were sitting with whoever they were dating or their buddy's. You, however, found an open seat by the grace of whatever it was leading you through today. The person you sat next to was a boy. His hair was long and tuff, he had Hazel eyes and more an upturned button nose. And just like you, he seemed to be a greaser, he wore jeans, a black tee-shirt, a pair of best up sneakers, and a dark blue jacket.
"Okay, maybe just maybe I'll find a friend" you thought to yourself upon seeing him. You sat down and tried to start a conversation. "Hey man, I'm y/n, I'm not from around here" you're voice reeking of nervousness the boy picked up on.
"I'm ponyboy Curtis. Nice to meet ya." His voice sounding like he was trying his best to have some sort of reassurance. "Ponyboy? Like on your birth certificate, it says that?" Curiosity got the best of you here, you couldn't help but ask.
"Yeah, it says so on my birth certificate, my father was original person. I gotta brother named sodapop too" he said with a smile it seemed like he was holding in a laugh.
Maybe this school year wasn't gonna be so bad. Maybe, in fact, it was gonna be good. And that kind reader is how you met the one and only ponyboy Curtis
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 24 days
This kinda delulu ain't my solulu. She cheated on him, and she tried flirting with Johnny, yall they are NOT meant for each other😭😭
why tf are people in the outsiders fandom shipping sylvia and dallas and making hc? 💀 like.. she cheated on him. why tf would they make a good couple? they are literally the worst matchup possible. y'all are delulu 😍
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 24 days
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-He 100% draws you, you can't convince me otherwise
-gets so nervous around you😭😭
-adores you so much. He wants to brag, but he knows bragging isn't a good thing to do☠️
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Darry the milf curtis:
-Dont tell me this man's favorite thing isn't tight dresses on you
-you have 100 percent tried to get him a photo shoot
-he flexs dating you in a little sneaky way like "Hey, you should try (INSERT CLOTHING ITEM) on, since you know that's you're thing🫡"
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Pepsi cola:
-he wants to go EVERYWHERE you go
-one thousand percent talks about you like he talked about sandy in the movie
-constantly showering you with complements
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Dallas Texas:
-oh boy, is he jealous when other guys look at you
-If he can't go, babe, we know it's you're job but chances are he doesn't want you to go
-one thousand percent calls you hot stuff😭
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Johnny cake:
- he doesn't think he's good enough for you, PLEASE REASURE HIM
- hes so sweet, but stutters when he tries to complement you
- you know how male dogs look at their female owners? Like that pure admiration and love, yeah that's how he looks at you
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- he giggles when he thinks about you❤️😭
- his little sister and mom LOVE you
- "GYATTT" everytime you stand up istgg
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- Oh honey, he's showing you off to anyone he can
- doing little fashion shows for him for fun(literally putting on the most god awful outfits and walking down the hall with sas)
- he loves it when you have to travel just because he wants to drive
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 24 days
I need requests 😔😔
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 25 days
Take you're time, cramps are a pain in the ass (lmfao literally), but I love you're account, hope you feel better soon!!
Update on ship asks: I have 33 asks currently and a lot is going on in my household, so I’ll probably only be able to do a few today but I plan on getting a lot more done tomorrow. If you submit a ship, then you’ll probably have to wait 3 to 4 days for your results!
If you made your request on May 9, then you will be prioritized because I go in order of who asks the oldest!
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 25 days
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Eycte alex x super model user
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Gender natural bot , based off of heavy metal lover by Lady Gaga. Takes place in 2016. Enjoy!
Bot link here
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ey3s-with0ut-afac3 · 25 days
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Hello I'm leilani! I write and make c.ai bots!
Fandoms and celebrities I'll write for:
Over the edge
Rumble fish
The outsiders (movie and book version)
Heathers (movie version)
Karate kid (movies 1-3)
Top gun (no.1)
The breakfast club
Stranger things
St.elmos fire
Joe kerry
Alex turner
David gahan
Ralph machio
Matt dillon
Rob lowe
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