Reblog if you're not human
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this is what i look like scrolling through tumblr
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public service announcement
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garf :3 💜💙
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As a cisAutistic creature, I approve this message
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this one goes out to the transautistics g-dbless i hope these assholes get out of y'all's tags
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I'm getting my MRI results in 20 days, let's goooooooo
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you can trust the signals your body is sending you. whatever physical symptom you're experiencing is real. your pain, fatigue, weakness, numbness, unsteadiness, malaise, dizziness, nausea - all of it is real. i believe you. even if you, doctors, friends, or family dont. i believe you.
you should have never had the idea that you cannot be the authority on your own body put in your head. you are the only person on this planet who can convey what you are going through. no one has the right to take that from you. please believe in and advocate for yourself. and know you deserve to have someone advocating for you, too.
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To be honest I'm more exited for disability pride month than queer pride month
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collection of useful things tumblr has taught me:
even if you can't fall asleep, laying down with your eyes closed will still rest your body
you don't have to brush your teeth standing up
you don't have to do any chore standing up, from dishes to showering
you don't have to shower with the lights on
if you can't brush your teeth, flossing and a tongue scraper gets rid of plaque and bad breath
if you can't do that, mouthwash kills a lot of bacteria
eating "unhealthy" food is better than eating no food
you can make the same meal everyday for however long you still want it
some pills come in syrups or chewables if you can't swallow them
kids nutritional shakes can be a quick way to get fuel if you can't eat/don't have time
if walking hurts/exhausts you on a regular basis, canes and rollers are for you, no matter how young you are
we have free will—if doing something "out of the ordinary" makes life easier for you, do it
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Happy Pride Month to everyone!!!!
Yes, EVERYONE. Except cishetallo people.
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/j in advance am parodying anti-transid sorry if someone already has A rant, which I typically don’t do.
You are NOT “a woman”. You are not “transgender” or whatever. YOU ARE AN ATTENTION SEEKER.
There are REAL femaled with REAL womanhood that struggle daily with misogyny because of their REAL femaleness, not the fake “UwU I’m so cute and silly! I am a woman!”
I get it-you want to feel like part of a group. You want attention, you want friends. But minimizing the struggles of real women, or saying you have whatever when you DON'T is not the way to do it. Essentially, you’re just being misogynistic.
Tldr: Get off the internet, you’re not a woman.
Also, I AM female, and I, a “cisgender” person, find it absolutely horrific that people WANT to be women. Sure, it may give me “superpowers”, but often, it just makes life harder. Womanhood MAKES LIFE HARDER. Be thankful that you have a body that works in the way it should, and a brain that makes life easier, not harder.
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word of the day: “woowoo”
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